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Although the faunal elements of Far East Asian Mesozoic terrestrial biota have attracted much attention in recent years, their palaeoecology remains poorly known. In particular, features of the palaeoclimate are highly controversial. To address this point we used the Mesozoic fossil wood Xenoxylon , a genus recognized as an indicator of wet temperate biotopes and which is common in the area during the Carnian–Maastrichtian interval. We re-appraised bibliographic data and gathered new data for Xenoxylon in the Mesozoic of Far East Asia. This demonstrated that previous taxonomic approaches to the genus have been so far idiosyncratic. We examined the anatomical diversity of morphogenus Xenoxylon in Far East Asia and compared it to that of samples from Europe. This indicates that in an area centred on north-eastern China, Xenoxylon reached a level of anatomical diversity unmatched elsewhere in the world. We hypothesize that this diversity witnesses the persistence of palaeoecological conditions particularly suitable for Xenoxylon and that a wet temperate climate prevailed over most of the area throughout the Carnian–Maastrichtian interval. It is in this setting that the famous Jehol Biota probably evolved.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common joint disease, mainly effecting the elderly population. The cause of OA seems to be an imbalance in catabolic and anabolic factors that develops with age. IL-1 is a catabolic factor known to induce cartilage damage, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta is an anabolic factor that can counteract many IL-1-induced effects. In old mice, we observed reduced responsiveness to TGF-beta-induced IL-1 counteraction. We investigated whether expression of TGF-beta and its signaling molecules altered with age. To mimic the TGF-beta deprived conditions in aged mice, we assessed the functional consequence of TGF-beta blocking. We isolated knee joints of mice aged 5 months or 2 years, half of which were exposed to IL-1 by intra-articular injection 24 h prior to knee joint isolation. Immunohistochemistry was performed, staining for TGF-beta1, -2 or -3, TGF-betaRI or -RII, Smad2, -3, -4, -6 and -7 and Smad-2P. The percentage of cells staining positive was determined in tibial cartilage. To mimic the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice, young mice were injected with IL-1 and after 2 days Ad-LAP (TGF-beta inhibitor) or a control virus were injected. Proteoglycan (PG) synthesis (35S-sulfate incorporation) and PG content of the cartilage were determined. Our experiments revealed that TGF-beta2 and -3 expression decreased with age, as did the TGF-beta receptors. Although the number of cells positive for the Smad proteins was not altered, the number of cells expressing Smad2P strongly dropped in old mice. IL-1 did not alter the expression patterns. We mimicked the lack of TGF-beta signaling in old mice by TGF-beta inhibition with LAP. This resulted in a reduced level of PG synthesis and aggravation of PG depletion. The limited response of old mice to TGF-beta induced-IL-1 counteraction is not due to a diminished level of intracellular signaling molecules or an upregulation of intracellular inhibitors, but is likely due to an intrinsic absence of sufficient TGF-beta receptor expression. Blocking TGF-beta distorted the natural repair response after IL-1 injection. In conclusion, TGF-beta appears to play an important role in repair of cartilage and a lack of TGF-beta responsiveness in old mice might be at the root of OA development.  相似文献   
1. At a local scale, the species composition, diversity and spatial variation of wetland plant communities are determined primarily by spatial and temporal heterogeneity in their environments. Less is known about variation at a landscape‐level. The floodplain of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River in China includes hydrologically connected, subtropical wetlands with different hydrological characteristics. 2. We examined seed‐bank species composition and richness in marshes of two contrasting hydrological types: permanent marshes, fed by local runoff, and lakeshore marshes more closely connected to the regulated river. Lakeshore marshes are flooded annually to depth of approximately 1 m and during flooding they support an alternate, aquatic vegetation type. The soil seed bank in March was a comparative estimator of species diversity. At the beginning of the growing season it included seeds from both phases of alternating vegetation types associated with the annual hydrological cycle. 3. A regional pool of 101 species was detected in the seed banks of six wetlands associated with the river and its tributaries: 56 occurred in permanent marshes and 59 in lakeshore marshes, with only 15 common to both. Species rarefaction curves indicated that more species occurred in permanent than lakeshore marshes at equal numbers of individuals sampled. However, the more heterogeneous lakeshore seed banks were estimated (Chao 2) to have greater total species richness (81) than permanent marsh (60). 4. Analysis using Sørensen's coefficient of similarity and DCA ordination revealed complex variation, with much greater differences between hydrological types than within them, irrespective of geographical distance. The types also differed significantly in the composition of four functional groups of species. 5. Despite the potential for dispersal of propagules via the annually pulsing river system (hydrochory), at a regional and landscape scale, diversity is maintained largely by large‐scale temporal hydrological heterogeneity and smaller scale spatial and topographic heterogeneity.  相似文献   


Helminth infections are proposed to have immunomodulatory activities affecting health outcomes either detrimentally or beneficially. We evaluated the effects of albendazole treatment, every three months for 21 months, on STH, malarial parasitemia and allergy.

Methods and Findings

A household-based cluster-randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in an area in Indonesia endemic for STH. Using computer-aided block randomization, 481 households (2022 subjects) and 473 households (1982 subjects) were assigned to receive placebo and albendazole, respectively, every three months. The treatment code was concealed from trial investigators and participants. Malarial parasitemia and malaria-like symptoms were assessed in participants older than four years of age while skin prick test (SPT) to allergens as well as reported symptoms of allergy in children aged 5–15 years. The general impact of treatment on STH prevalence and body mass index (BMI) was evaluated. Primary outcomes were prevalence of malarial parasitemia and SPT to any allergen. Analysis was by intention to treat. At 9 and 21 months post-treatment 80.8% and 80.1% of the study subjects were retained, respectively. The intensive treatment regiment resulted in a reduction in the prevalence of STH by 48% in albendazole and 9% in placebo group. Albendazole treatment led to a transient increase in malarial parasitemia at 6 months post treatment (OR 4.16(1.35–12.80)) and no statistically significant increase in SPT reactivity (OR 1.18(0.74–1.86) at 9 months or 1.37 (0.93–2.01) 21 months). No effect of anthelminthic treatment was found on BMI, reported malaria-like- and allergy symptoms. No adverse effects were reported.


The study indicates that intensive community treatment of 3 monthly albendazole administration for 21 months over two years leads to a reduction in STH. This degree of reduction appears safe without any increased risk of malaria or allergies.

Trial Registration

Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN83830814  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade components of the extracellular matrix of the disc, but the presence of MMP-19 has not been explored. In other tissues, MMP-19 is known to act in proteolysis of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein-3, thereby exposing this protein to make it available to influence cell behavior. MMP-19 also has been shown to inhibit capillary-like formation and thus play a role in the avascular nature of the disc. Using immunohistochemistry, normal discs from six subjects aged newborn through 10 years and 20 disc specimens from control donors or surgical patients aged 15-76 (mean age 40.2 years) were examined for immunolocalization of MMP-19; six Thompson grade I discs, five Thompson grade II, eight Thompson grade III, five Thompson grade IV, and one Thompson grade V discs were analyzed. The results indicate that in discs from young subjects, MMP-19 was uniformly localized in the outer annulus. In discs from adult donors and surgical patients, outer and inner annulus cells only occasionally showed MMP-19 localization. The greatest expression of MMP-19 was observed in young discs, and little expression was seen in older or degenerating discs. Because MMP-19 has been shown to regulate IGF-mediated proliferation in other tissues, its decline in the aging/degenerating disc may contribute to the age-related decrease in disc cell numbers.  相似文献   
Drosophila melanogaster belongs to a closely related group of eight species collectively known as the melanogaster subgroup; all are native to sub-Saharan Africa and islands off the east coast of Africa. The phylogenetic relationships of most species in this subgroup have been well documented; however, the three most closely related species, D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana, have remained problematic from a phylogenetic standpoint as no data set has unambiguously resolved them. We present new DNA sequence data on the nullo and Serendipity-alpha genes and combine them with all available nuclear DNA sequence data; the total data encompass 12 genes and the ITS of rDNA. A methodological problem arose because nine of the genes had information on intraspecific polymorphisms in at least one species. We explored the effect of inclusion/exclusion of polymorphic sites and found that it had very little effect on phylogenetic inferences, due largely to the fact that 82% of polymorphisms are autapomorphies (unique to one species). We have also reanalyzed our previous DNA-DNA hybridization data with a bootstrap procedure. The combined sequence data set and the DNA-DNA hybridization data strongly support the sister status of the two island species, D. sechellia and D. mauritiana. This at least partially resolves what had been a paradox of parallel evolution in these two species.   相似文献   
Genotyping Plasmodium vivax relapses can provide insights into hypnozoite biology. We performed targeted amplicon sequencing of 127 relapses occurring in Indonesian soldiers returning to malaria-free Java after yearlong deployment in malarious Eastern Indonesia. Hepatic carriage of multiple hypnozoite clones was evident in three-quarters of soldiers with two successive relapses, yet the majority of relapse episodes only displayed one clonal population. The number of clones detected in relapse episodes decreased over time and through successive relapses, especially in individuals who received hypnozoiticidal therapy. Interrogating the multiplicity of infection in this P. vivax relapse cohort reveals evidence of independent activation and slow depletion of hypnozoites over many months by multiple possible mechanisms, including parasite senescence and host immunity.  相似文献   


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Infections of the respiratory tract are a hallmark in CF. The host immune responses in CF are not adequate to eradicate pathogens, such as P. aeruginosa. Dendritic cells (DC) are crucial in initiation and regulation of immune responses. Changes in DC function could contribute to abnormal immune responses on multiple levels. The role of DC in CF lung disease remains unknown.


This study investigated the expression of CFTR gene in bone marrow-derived DC. We compared the differentiation and maturation profile of DC from CF and wild type (WT) mice. We analyzed the gene expression levels in DC from naive CF and WT mice or following P. aeruginosa infection.


CFTR is expressed in DC with lower level compared to lung tissue. DC from CF mice showed a delayed in the early phase of differentiation. Gene expression analysis in DC generated from naive CF and WT mice revealed decreased expression of Caveolin-1 (Cav1), a membrane lipid raft protein, in the CF DC compared to WT DC. Consistently, protein and activity levels of the sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP), a negative regulator of Cav1 expression, were increased in CF DC. Following exposure to P. aeruginosa, expression of 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ7 reductase (Dhcr7) and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2 (Scd2), two enzymes involved in the lipid metabolism that are also regulated by SREBP, was less decreased in the CF DC compared to WT DC.


These results suggest that CFTR dysfunction in DC affects factors involved in membrane structure and lipid-metabolism, which may contribute to the abnormal inflammatory and immune response characteristic of CF.  相似文献   
Integrated self-transmissible elements called conjugative transposons have been found in many different bacteria, but little is known about how they excise from the chromosome to form the circular intermediate, which is then transferred by conjugation. We have now identified a gene, exc, which is required for the excision of the Bacteroides conjugative transposon, CTnDOT. The int gene of CTnDOT is a member of the lambda integrase family of recombinases, a family that also contains the integrase of the Gram-positive conjugative transposon Tn916. The exc gene was located 15 kbp from the int gene, which is located at one end of the 65 kbp element. The exc gene, together with the regulatory genes, rteA, rteB and rteC, were necessary to excise a miniature form of CTnDOT that contained only the ends of the element and the int gene. Another open reading frame (ORF) in the same operon and upstream of exc, orf3, was not essential for excision and had no significant amino acid sequence similarity to any proteins in the databases. The deduced amino acid sequence of the CTnDOT Exc protein has significant similarity to topoisomerases. A small ORF (orf2) that could encode a small, basic protein comparable with lambda and Tn916 excision proteins (Xis) was located immediately downstream of the CTnDOT int gene. Although Xis proteins are required for excision of lambda and Tn916, orf2 had no effect on excision of the element. Excision of the CTnDOT mini-element was not affected by the site in which it was integrated, another difference from Tn916. Our results demonstrate that the Bacteroides CTnDOT excision system is tightly regulated and appears to be different from that of any other known integrated transmissible element, including those of some Bacteroides mobilizable transposons that are mobilized by CTnDOT.  相似文献   
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