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The range of scores elicited by a structured, an unstructured and a 'labels-only'version of the 9-point hedonic scale were compared using consumers from USA, Japan and Korea. It was found that the unstructured scale elicited a wider range of scores for American and Japanese consumers. After correction for hedonic ranges, it was found that Japanese had smaller ranges of scores on all three scales, although the effect was less pronounced for the unstructured scale. The Korean consumers were the exception. Their ranges were less than Americans but their ranges on the unstructured scale did not increase. The results were discussed in terms of the effects of inhibition of use of categories by the scale labels, effects of translation from the English, psychophysical style and order effects.  相似文献   
Adult parasitoids Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) lose locomotory function and enter chill coma at significantly lower temperatures (?0.1 and ?8.0 °C, respectively) than their second‐instar hosts, the black bean aphid Aphis fabae Scop. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) (5.6 and 2.3 °C, respectively). Parasitoids are also more heat tolerant, stop walking at 41.4 °C, with heat coma at 44.1 °C, than the aphid (39.1 and 43.0 °C, respectively). Furthermore, across a range of temperatures (0–20 °C), L. testaceipes has considerably faster walking speeds than A. fabae. These data are discussed in relation to the climatic conditions under which L. testaceipes would be an effective control agent, and the likelihood of establishment and spread in northern European climates.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We quantified breeding bird abundance, diversity, and indicator species in riparian and upland dry forests along 6 third- to fourth-order streams on the east slope of the Cascade Range, Washington, USA. Upland dry forest on southerly aspects was dominated by open ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and dry Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) plant associations. Upland mesic forest on northerly aspects was dominated by closed-canopy Douglas-fir or dry grand fir (Abies grandis) plant associations. Riparian overstory vegetation was dominated by black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) plant associations with a prominent hardwood tree and shrub component. We quantified bird assemblages, diversity, and abundance from parallel point transects on riparian and adjacent dry and mesic upslope forests. We detected 80 bird species from >12,000 point-transect observations during 1998–1999. Eighteen species accounted for 75% of all detections. Species richness and evenness were similar in all 3 forest types, with approximately 35 species and high evenness (0.85) in each forest type. Bird species assemblages differed among dry, mesic, and riparian forest types, with the greatest differences between riparian and both dry and mesic upland forests. Riparian forest had the greatest number (9) of strong characteristic, or indictor, species among the 3 forest types. Upland mesic forest was characterized by 7 indicator species. Upland dry forest had 4 indicator species. Our results indicate that current standards and guidelines for riparian buffers zones would allow for avian refuge and corridor functions along these streams. Forest managers could use our indicator species to predict and monitor shifts in upland forest species composition from thinning and prescribed burning practices that are used to reduce fuels in uplands and to reduce continuity of fire effects between riparian and upland zones.  相似文献   
Ocean acidification is an important consequence of rising levels of atmospheric CO2. The chemistry of acidification is, however, general and may disturb pH in terrestrial systems. The present study examines the effects of rising CO2 on insect eggs, which may be vulnerable to acidification because they are small, have (at least initially) poorly developed physiological systems, and support important developmental events. Newly‐laid eggs of the moth Manduca sexta are exposed to levels of CO2 between 0 and 2200 p.p.m., in air, and effects on yolk pH, total developmental time, and survival are measured. Altered CO2 has no effect, over several hours, on the pH of egg yolk, suggesting that yolk fluids are well buffered. By contrast, there is a large developmental change in yolk pH. Eggs exposed to eight different levels of CO2 for the duration of development show a small but significant parabolic response in development time. Eggs develop fastest at intermediate levels of CO2, between 400 and 1200 p.p.m., and slower at 0, 1600 and 2000 p.p.m. These results suggest that future rises in CO2 may not have strong direct effects on insect development.  相似文献   
High rates of mutation and homoplasy mean that microsatellites generally are not considered to be useful molecular markers for inferring systematic relationships between species. However, an earlier pilot study suggested that conserved flanking microsatellite sequences, also known as repetitive flanking sequences (ReFS), may form a basis for a dominant marker that can differentiate between species of Lepidoptera. We present data that demonstrate that ReFS are quick and easy to use, and generate highly repeatable banding patterns from a range of Lepidoptera species. Sequence data from a subset of ReFS‐amplified bands revealed microsatellite families with flanking sequences that are more conserved within than among species: this is probably attributable to recombination‐mediated events, transposition of mobile elements or a combination of the two. Our data support the use of ReFS as dominant interspecific molecular markers, and add to the growing literature on the evolution of microsatellites in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   
It is widely held that individuals who are unable to provide informed consent should be enrolled in clinical research only when the risks are low, or the research offers them the prospect of direct benefit. There is now a rich literature on when the risks of clinical research are low enough to enroll individuals who cannot consent. Much less attention has focused on which benefits of research participation count as ‘direct’, and the few existing accounts disagree over how this crucial concept should be defined. This disagreement raises concern over whether those who cannot consent, including children and adults with severe dementia, are being adequately protected. The present paper attempts to address this concern by considering first what additional protections are needed for these vulnerable individuals. This analysis suggests that the extant definitions of direct benefits either provide insufficient protection for research subjects or pose excessive obstacles to appropriate research. This analysis also points to a modified definition of direct benefits with the potential to avoid these two extremes, protecting individuals who cannot consent without blocking appropriate research.  相似文献   
Quantifying population genetic structure is fundamental to testing hypotheses regarding gene flow, population divergence and dynamics across large spatial scales. In species with highly mobile life‐history stages, where it is unclear whether such movements translate into effective dispersal among discrete philopatric breeding populations, this approach can be particularly effective. We used seven nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (ND2) markers to quantify population genetic structure and variation across 20 populations (447 individuals) of one such species, the European Shag, spanning a large geographical range. Despite high breeding philopatry, rare cross‐sea movements and recognized subspecies, population genetic structure was weak across both microsatellites and mitochondrial markers. Furthermore, although isolation‐by‐distance was detected, microsatellite variation provided no evidence that open sea formed a complete barrier to effective dispersal. These data suggest that occasional long‐distance, cross‐sea movements translate into gene flow across a large spatial scale. Historical factors may also have shaped contemporary genetic structure: cluster analyses of microsatellite data identified three groups, comprising colonies at southern, mid‐ and northern latitudes, and similar structure was observed at mitochondrial loci. Only one private mitochondrial haplotype was found among subspecies, suggesting that this current taxonomic subdivision may not be mirrored by genetic isolation.  相似文献   
Paleoecological studies requiring taxonomic information beyond presence/absence data (i.e. relative abundance) must demonstrate that the sampling regime employed to collect such data adequately fits the faunas under investigation. A study of dense shell beds of the Middle Eocene Gosport Sand of Alabama indicates that, for localities with high abundance and diversity and little internal structure, diversity-abundance data derived from standard-sized samples vary significantly and cannot be used to develop consistent species-level distributional patterns. Based on this result and the additional observation that different species show different patterns of occurrence, we propose an operational approach for determining what sample size will yield reliable distributional data for different proportions of the fauna. In the Gospon, samples of 3–5***1 yield reliable data on the approximately 25% of the species that are most common and abundant; samples of 35–40 I would be necessary to yield similarly reliable data on the next 15-10% the remainder of species are too rare ever to be realistically examined quantitatively in bulk samples. □ Sampling, paleoecology, taphonomy, Mollusks, Gosport Sand, Eocene.  相似文献   
The 41 films at the 2004 Margaret Mead Film and Video Festival showcased a multiplicity of styles and approaches, thus widening the perspective of "what counts" as ethnographic film. The two main events—A Tribute to Jean Rouch and Native Voices—epitomized the festival's commitment to diversity and creative talent. Despite the festival's awkward location in the American Museum of Natural History, the films tackled challenging political subjects and directly addressed questions of representation. Postscreening musical performances, informational panels, and audience–director discussion sessions shaped the festival itself as an ethnographic experience, as well as being a venue for the year's best documentary films. Festival highlights were Raven Tales: How Raven Stole the Sun (2004), Mr. Patterns (2004), and Beauty Academy of Kabul (2004).  相似文献   
For years, fishermen have noted that cod (Gadus morhua) within the Georges Bank Atlantic fishery spawn multiple times annually with peaks in the spring and in the fall. To evaluate the hypothesis that these differences in reproductive behaviour reflect genetically different spawning populations, we identified eight polymorphic simple sequence repeats within expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Previously, only a few genetic markers have been informative for distinguishing between cod populations of the Northwest Atlantic. The development of additional markers from ESTs will be a valuable tool to improve our understanding of population structure in this commercially important species.  相似文献   
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