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Genes at the M locus in flax ( Linum usitatissimum ) that confer resistance to flax rust ( Melampsora lini ) occur in complex haplotypes containing up to 15 related genes or gene fragments. We have cloned two additional functional resistance genes at this locus, M1 and M3 , by transposon tagging and candidate gene approaches, and investigated the genetic relationships between four genes ( M , M1 , M3 and M4 ) by recombination analysis. M1 and M3 , like M , are members of the nucleotide binding site, leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) family. Comparisons of the predicted M1 and M3 amino acid sequences with M and L6 reveal that: (i) M1 contains four additional LRRs, probably as a result of an unequal crossover event between duplicated regions; (ii) M1 shares large segments of exact identity with M and M3, indicative of intragenic recombination events; and (iii) a large number of amino acid differences are scattered throughout the M, M1 and M3 proteins. Recombination analysis (here and in previous studies) has revealed that M readily recombines with M1 , M3 and M4 , whereas these three genes fail to recombine despite large family sizes (>5800) in two test-cross families, suggesting that they may occupy allelic positions in the gene cluster. Several restriction fragment length polymorphism markers within or near the M locus were mapped with respect to seven crossover events between M and M1 . The results of this and previous studies provide evidence of structural differences between: (i) homoeologous loci in the different genomes of flax; (ii) different haplotypes at the M locus; (iii) different resistance genes in the M group; and (iv) the flanking regions downstream of M locus resistance genes.  相似文献   
The germination of cassava seed in response to various constantand alternating temperature regimes within the range 19–40°C was investigated using a two-dimensional temperaturegradient plate. It was found that almost all seeds were incapableof germination unless the temperature for part of the day exceeded30 °C and the mean temperature was at least 24 °C. However,dormant seeds required environments where the temperature forpart of the day exceeded 36 °C, the mean temperature wasat least 33 °C, and the amplitude of the diurnal temperaturealteration was within the range 3–18 °C. Providingthese conditions were met, the times spent at the upper andlower temperatures within a diurnal cycle were not critical.Hermetic storage of the seed for 77 days at 40 °C with 7.9per cent moisture content did not influence the pattern of germinationin response to constant and alternating temperatures. It issuggested that an alternating temperature regime of 30 °Cfor 8 h/38 °C for 16 h applied for a minimum of 21 daysis appropriate for cassava seed viability tests. Manihot esculenta Crantz, cassava, germination, dormancy, temperature  相似文献   
First generation progenies selected from four radish cultivars on the basis of their attractiveness to ovipositing cabbage root fly in the laboratory were compared in the same environment. There were significant differences between and within cultivars in their attractiveness for egg-laying, indicating that genetic variation existed and that selection had effected a heritable change. However, inconsistencies between experiments indicated that other, as yet unquantified, factors were compounded with the heritable component of non-preference resistance. There was no evidence to suggest that seed weight, leaf area, or hypocotyl size affected the attractiveness of the plants. The effects of eliminating any choice between selections was investigated in the laboratory by exposing 4-wk-old ‘high’ and ‘low’ preference selections of cv. Asmer Tip Top to the pest for 6 days. Three times as many eggs were laid on ‘high’ than on ‘low’ preference selections, indicating that the heritable non-preference resistance to cabbage root fly in Asmer Tip Top was maintained when no choice was offered to the flies, an essential requirement for ‘resistant’ cultivars in the field.  相似文献   
Conidia ofMetarhizium flavoviridewere hermetically stored at50 °C and 14 moisture contents between 2.5 and 31.8% (freshweight basis) for up to 146 d, and tested for germination onSabouraud Dextrose Agar at 25 °C for 24 h. Survival of conidiaconformed to cumulative negative normal distributions and all14 survival curves could be constrained to a common origin.There was a negative logarithmic relation between longevityand conidia moisture content, but limits to the relation weredetected: the lower-moisture-content limit was 4.6% [in equilibriumwith 10.7% relative humidity (RH) at 20 °C], below whichvalue further reduction in moisture content did not increaseconidia longevity; and an upper-moisture-content limit betweenabout 21.2 and 31.8% moisture content (between 77 and 90.0%equilibrium RH at 20 °C) above which conidia longevity nolonger decreased. The observations could also be described bya negative semi-logarithmic relation between conidia longevityand equilibrium relative humidity. In this model, each reductionin equilibrium relative humidity by 11.2% within the range 10.7to 80% RH doubled conidia longevity. The similarities in theserelations, and the limits to these relations, between the conidiaof this entomopathogenic fungus and the orthodox seeds of higherplants are discussed.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Conidia longevity, equilibrium relative humidity,Metarhizium flavoviride, moisture content, hermetic storage, viability equation  相似文献   
A model was developed to quantify the effect of temperatureand moisture content on the longevity of conidia of the entomopathogenicfungusMetarhizium flavoviride . This model incorporated a negativesemi-logarithmic relation between longevity and temperatureand a negative logarithmic relation between longevity and moisturecontent. Replacing the latter with a negative semi-logarithmicrelation between longevity and the equilibrium relative humidityof the conidia was also effective. The latter model was appliedsuccessfully to observations on the survival of conidia of afurther four entomopathogenic fungi (Metarhizium anisopliae,Beauveria bassiana ,Beauveria brongniartii, andPaecilomycesfarinosus ) and ascospores, conidia or uredospores of four phytopathogenicfungi (Alternaria porri ,Helminthosporium oryzae ,Uromyces appendiculatus, andSclerotinia sclerotiorum ) across a wide range of differenttemperatures and relative humidities. The sensitivity of sporelongevity to both temperature and equilibrium relative humidity,and the upper and lower relative humidity limits to the applicationof the model, varied considerably between entomopathogenic andphytopathogenic fungi, among species within each group, andamong different strains within certain species. Metarhizium flavoviride W. Gams & J. Roszypal; entomopathogenic fungi; phytopathogenic fungi; spore survival; storage environment; conidia; uredospore; ascospore  相似文献   
Elevated CO2 (691 cf. 371 /miol CO2 mol-1 air) and warmer temperatures (over the range 1.0UC below to 1.6oC above ambient) increased light interception by crops of two contrasting cultivars (Hereward and Soissons) of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during winter growth in the field. The fractional interception of light by the canopy increased more rapidly initially in Soissons than in Hereward, but Hereward showed a much greater response to CO2 (35% increase in Hereward but only 7% in Soissons) at 500oCd after sowing. By terminal spikelet formation, in contrast, fractional interception was greater in Hereward than in Soissons, while the effect of CO2 was the same in both cultivars (9%). Thus, although differences in the relative response of canopy development to CO2 were detected between cultivars initially, differences were negligible during later development. The greater interception of light by the canopy in elevated CO2, at any one temperature, resulted from increased tillering. The number of tillers plant“‘ at terminal spikelet was a linear function of main stem dry mass at this developmental stage but with a greater response in elevated CO2, viz 2.3 and 3.8 tillers g-1 main stem dry mass at 371 and 691 /μmol CO2 mol-1 air, respectively; these relations were unaffected by cultivar.  相似文献   
‘Physiological maturity’, i.e. the time when seedsreach their maximum dry weight during development, occurredwhen maturation drying on the parent plant in the field hadreduced seed moisture content to approximately 60 per cent infaba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.), chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), soya bean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) The onsetof desiccation-tolerance, i.e. the ability of seeds to germinatefollowing harvest and rapid artificial drying, coincided withphysiological maturity, except in pea where it occurred a littleearlier at about 70 per cent moisture content. Maximum seedquality as determined by maximum viability, minimum seedlingabnormalities and maximum seedling size occurred in pea, chickpeaand lupin when seeds were harvested for rapid drying at physiologicalmaturity; but for maximum seed quality in the other speciesmaturation drying had to proceed further - to about 45 per centmoisture content in soya bean and to about 30 per cent moisturecontent in lentil and faba bean seed crops. Much of this variationamongst the six species, however, was due to differences inthe variation in maturity within each seed crop. Results forindividual pods showed that peak maturity, i.e. maximum seedquality following harvest and rapid artificial drying, was achievedin all six species once maturation drying had reduced the moisturecontent of the seeds to 45–50 per cent. In pea, faba beanand soya bean there was a substantial decline in viability andan increase in seedling abnormalities when harvest was delayedbeyond the optimal moisture content for harvest.  相似文献   
Seeds of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and mung bean (Vigna radiata(L.) Wilczek), with orthodox seed storage behaviour, were imbibedfor between 8 h and 96 h at 15 °C and 25 °C, respectively,while barley seeds were also maintained in moist aerated storageat 15 °C for 14 d. These seeds and seedlings, together withcontrols, were then dried to various moisture contents between3% and 16% (wet basis) and hermetically stored for six monthsat —20°C, 0°C or 15°C. In both species, neitherdesiccation nor subsequent hermetic storage of the control lotsresulted in loss in viability. The results for barley seedsimbibed for 24 h were similar to the control, but desiccationsensitivity increased progressively with duration of imbibitionbeyond 24 h in barley or 8 h in mung bean; these treatmentsalso reduced the longevity of the surviving seeds in air-drystorage. Loss in viability in barley imbibed for 48 h was mostrapid at the two extreme seed storage moisture contents of 3·6%and 14·3%, and in both these cases was more rapid at15 °C than at cooler temperatures. Similarly, for mung beanimbibed for 8 h, loss in viability was most rapid at the lowest(4·3%) moisture content, but in this case it was morerapid at –20 °C than at warmer temperatures. Thus,these results for the storage of previously imbibed orthodoxseeds conform with the main features of intermediate seed storagebehaviour Key words: Barley, Hordeum vulgare L., mung bean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, desiccation sensitivity, seed longevity, seed storage behaviour  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Vairimorpha invictae n. sp. infects the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in Brazil. The parasite is dimorphic, producing two morphologically distinct types of spores, which develop sequentially in the same fat cells or oenocytes in the fat body. The binucleate free spores develop from disporous sporonts; the uninucleate octospores develop from multinucleate sporonts within a sporophorous vesicle. Infected cells are transformed into large sacs which contain both types of spores in mature adult hosts. Mature free spores are often present by the time the larvae pupate, but mature octospores are found only in adult hosts. Masses of spores may be seen through the intact cuticle by low power phase-contrast microscopy; there are no other physical signs and no behavioral signs of infection. Attempts to transmit the infection in the laboratory failed.  相似文献   
The acceptability of various plant species to ovipositing carrot flies was weakly, but significantly correlated with the host's suitability for larval development. Both adult host-plant preferences and larval performance as determined in laboratory experiments explained a part of the variation in susceptibility among the various test plants observed in the field. Across the whole set of plant species examined, antixenosis contributed more substantially to resistance than antibiosis, while the reverse seemed to be true for carrot cultivars.  相似文献   
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