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Epidemic development of Septoria nodorum was examined in pure stands and mixtures of two spring wheat cultivars, Kolibri and Maris Butler. In mixtures, disease development was reduced almost to that of the more resistant pure stand (Maris Butler). Disease levels, however, were low and no significant differences in grain yield per head were demonstrated. Disease development was further investigated for the host-pathogen combinations winter wheat/S. nodorum and winter barley/Rhynchosporium secalis. With both combinations the mixed stands again reduced disease levels to almost that of the more resistant pure stands. In general, mixed stands were more effective against R. secalis, although, with S. nodorum, disease levels were low. The yield response in mixed stands differed for the host cultivars and was not significantly changed by the presence of disease. The complexity of analysing such situations and the implications of these findings for mixtures of cultivars differing in resistance to non-specialised pathogens are discussed.  相似文献   
Ground‐based surveys of tree hollows often give poor estimates of hollow abundance in forests. Woodlands have shorter trees and a more open structure than forests, which may make hollows easier to detect. Therefore, one would expect ground‐based surveys of tree hollows to be more accurate in woodlands than in forests. We compared hollow counts from ground‐based and climbing surveys (double sampling) for four species of Eucalyptus trees in woodlands of central‐western New South Wales, Australia: E. camaldulensis Dehnh, E. melliodora A. Cunn. ex Schauer, E. microcarpa Maiden and E. populnea F. Muell. ssp. bimbil L.A.S. Johnson & K.D. Hill and E. melliodora A. Cunn. ex Schauer. Overall, 83% of hollow‐bearing trees and 93% of trees without hollows were correctly classified by ground‐based surveys. Mean difference in hollow counts of ground‐based surveys to climbed surveys was 1.7 hollows ± 0.2 SE (all species combined) with 91% of ground‐based hollow counts being within five of the actual number of hollows. The error in ground‐based counts of hollows in E. microcarpa was larger than for the other three species. Errors in all species resulted from both overestimation and underestimation of hollow abundance by ground‐based surveys. A larger error was associated with the detection of hollows located in branches compared with hollows located in the main trunk(s). Total number of hollows in the tree (based on climbing surveys), crown area or maximum trunk diameter were significant predictors of ground‐based survey accuracy. Overall, the accuracy associated with ground surveys was relatively high and generally error rates were lower than those published for forests.  相似文献   
The acceptability of various plant species to ovipositing carrot flies was weakly, but significantly correlated with the host's suitability for larval development. Both adult host-plant preferences and larval performance as determined in laboratory experiments explained a part of the variation in susceptibility among the various test plants observed in the field. Across the whole set of plant species examined, antixenosis contributed more substantially to resistance than antibiosis, while the reverse seemed to be true for carrot cultivars.  相似文献   
Many Golgi glycosyltransferases are type II membrane proteins which are cleaved to produce soluble forms that are released from cells. Cho and Cummings recently reported that a soluble form of alpha1, 3- galactosyltransferase was comparable to its membrane bound counterpart in its ability to galactosylate newly synthesized glycoproteins (Cho,S.K. and Cummings,R.D. (1997) J. Biol. Chem., 272, 13622-13628). To test the generality of their findings, we compared the activities of the full length and soluble forms of two such glycosyltransferases, ss1,4 N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2/ GA2 synthase; GalNAcT) and beta galactoside alpha2,6 sialyltransferase (alpha2,6-ST; ST6Gal I), for production of their glycoconjugate products in vivo . Unlike the full length form of GalNAcT which produced ganglioside GM2 in transfected cells, soluble GalNAcT did not produce detectable GM2 in vivo even though it possessed in vitro GalNAcT activity comparable to that of full length GalNAcT. When compared with cells expressing full length alpha2,6-ST, cells expressing a soluble form of alpha2,6-ST contained 3-fold higher alpha2,6-ST mRNA levels and secreted 7-fold greater alpha2,6-ST activity as measured in vitro , but in striking contrast contained 2- to 4-fold less of the alpha2,6-linked sialic acid moiety in cellular glycoproteins in vivo . In summary these results suggest that unlike alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase the soluble forms of these two glycosyltransferases are less efficient at glycosylation of membrane proteins and lipids in vivo than their membrane bound counterparts.   相似文献   
The storage potential of seeds harvested at weekly intervals after controlled pollination was studied in three diverse cytoplasmic male sterile pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) lines. In the first experiment in 1989, a comparison of p50 (time for viability to decline to 50% during storage) among seeds of the line DSA 105A harvested 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after pollination (DAP), and then stored at 35°C with 15% moisture content or 40°C with 13% moisture content, showed that those harvested 35 DAP had the greatest longevity. In the second experiment in 1990, a comparison of p50 within the lines 5141A and L 67A harvested 28, 35 and 42 DAP, and then stored at 40°C with 13% moisture content, showed that seeds of both lines harvested 42 DAP had the greatest longevity. In both the seasons, and in all three lines, maximum seed longevity (p50) was attained one week after physiological maturity (defined as the end of the grain filling period), which is therefore the optimum time of harvest to obtain good quality seeds for conservation.  相似文献   
The effect of varying independently nutrient solution temperature(5, 15, 25 C) and air temperature (10, 20, 30 C) on hydroponicallygrown Ceanothus greggii (Rhamnaceae) seedlings was studied.Increasing both air and solution temperatures caused higherroot and shoot biomass and larger root and leaf areas. Root/shootbiomass ratio increased with increasing solution temperatureand decreased with increasing air temperature. The surface areaof individual leaves decreased with higher air temperaturesbut did not change with solution temperatures. These resultsare opposite to what is predicted from Davidson's balanced rootand shoot activity model. We suggest that nutrient solutiontemperature directly affected root growth and that air temperaturedirectly affected shoot growth. Ceanothus greggii (Trel.) Jeps., root temperatures, soot temperature, plant growth, biomass allocation  相似文献   
Cytological grading of breast carcinoma—a feasible proposition?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the breast is widely used in the diagnosis of breast carcinoma. In some centres this is sometimes the only diagnostic procedure performed prior to definitive treatment. A grading system based on cytology would be helpful in the selection of patients for appropriate therapy. The aim of this study, therefore, was to devise such a system for grading breast carcinoma based on cytological features alone. The features assessed were the degree of cell clustering, nuclear pleomorphism, nuclear diameter, the presence of multiple, easily visible nucleoli and necrosis. Cytological features were compared to the histological grade of the tumours following excision. Discriminant analysis showed that the features with the closest correlation with histological grade were nuclear diameter, nuclear pleomorphism and the presence of nucleoli. A scoring system based on these three parameters enabled the classification of tumours into high and low cytological grades which showed a close correlation with histological grade.  相似文献   
Seed of three chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), three cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp.] and four soya bean [Glycine max (L.)Merr.] cultivars were hermetically stored for up to 2 yearsin various constant environments which included temperaturesfrom —20 to 70 °C and moisture contents (fresh weightbasis) from 5 to 25 per cent. In all cases the survival curvescould be described by negative cumulative normal distributions.The longevity of the various seed lots differed but the valueof the standard deviation (the reciprocal of which gives theslope of the survival curve when percentage germination is transformedto probit) was the same for all cultivars within a species whenstored under similar conditions. Within each species the relativeeffects of moisture and temperature on longevity did not differsignificantly between cultivars. In all three species therewas a negative logarithmic relationship between seed moisturecontent and longevity, but the relative effect of moisture contentdiffered between the species: differences in the longevity ofsoya bean seed as a function of moisture content were less thanfor either cowpea or chickpea. The relative effect of temperatureon seed longevity did not differ between the three species,and the seed of all three species showed increasing temperaturecoefficients for the change in rate of loss of viability withincrease in temperature. The complete pattern of loss in viabilityin all three species can be described by a single equation whichwas developed for barley and has also been shown to apply toonion seed. The constants applicable to the three grain legumeshave been calculated so that it is now possible to predict percentageviability of any seed lot of these species after any storageperiod under a very wide range of storage conditions. Cicer arietinum L., chickpea, Glycine max (L.) Merr., soya bean, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., cowpea, seed longevity, seed storage, moisture content, temperature  相似文献   
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