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Field experiments were done at two widely separated sites in England (Tadcaster, North Yorkshire and North Wyke, Devon). In each case an old permanent sward was re-seeded after ploughing or by direct drilling, or was left intact and fertilised. The carbamate pesticide aldicarb was applied to half of each experimental plot. The effects of sward improvement and pesticide on various soil invertebrate groups were assessed. Soil-dwelling macrofauna arthropods were scarce at both sites. Stem-boring dipterous larvae, however, were numerous at both sites. At Tadcaster, Oscinella vastator was the only species present in the original sward, but 0. frit was by far the most prevalent species in re-seeded areas. These can only have arisen from direct oviposition of eggs by adults on or near the emerging seedlings and not by migration of larvae from buried turf or the desiccated old pasture.
Mites and Collembola were abundant. Their numbers were reduced initially by cultivation and pesticide usage, but the effects of these practices were transient and their numbers recovered to previous levels usually within 10 wk.
Earthworms were present at both sites. Deep burrowing species, e.g. Lumbricus terrestris and Allolobophora longa were less affected by the treatments imposed than species such as A. chlorotica and L. rubelius which usually live close to the soil surface. Effects on their numbers were in any case, short-lived.
No improvement method consistently provided the greatest herbage dry matter yield. Pesticide application, however, greatly increased seedling stand and/or herbage yield at both sites and showed the benefits of using crop protectants, especially on direct-drilled re-seeds.  相似文献   
Routine audit of breast fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology specimens and aspirator inadequate rates In an attempt to improve the quality of the breast FNA specimens we instigated a continuing audit of this procedure in this hospital. All FNAs since 1990 have had the following recorded: mode of aspiration, e.g. freehand or image guided, patient presentation (screening or symptomatic), patient diagnostic category, cytological diagnosis and final histological diagnosis. Aspirator performance was assessed by means of the inadequate aspiration rate (IR) of FNAs performed on patients with a final diagnosis of cancer (FDC) and diagnostic category A patients (clinically or radiologically malignant lesions). An ongoing annual review of the performance of all the aspirators was undertaken, all of whom received individual feedback. Counselling and further training were offered where indicated by poor performance. Over the period 1990–1995 a total of 13 537 FNAs were performed by 27 aspirators. The IR on category A and FDC cases over this period was 16.0% and 18.1%. The best performance achieved by an aspirator in a calendar year was an IR of 3.6% with no inadequate specimens in either FDC or category A lesions, and the best performance over the entire period was an average IR of 11.75% and 14.25% for FDC and category A groups, respectively. The overall IR on category A patients ranged from 15.9% to 23.8% and on FDC cases from 12.2% to 21.7%. There was a significant improvement in individual junior aspirator performance when their first year was compared with their last year on the unit. In some cases a deterioration in intra-aspirator performance was observed, from an IR of 6% to 33%. The overall IR rate of the unit remained stable for FDC patients, 15.5% in 1990 compared with 15.1% in 1995. This appeared to be largely due to a high proportion of the aspirations being performed by experienced personnel with consistent IRs. However, concealed within the overall rate there were some poor performers who benefited from counselling and/or further training. These results indicate an important role for audit in identifying poor aspirators who benefit from targeted training and advice, thereby improving the quality of FNA specimens, and ultimately patient care.  相似文献   
A plasmid-free, non-pathogenic, ribosomal RNA group 1 fluorescent pseudomonad, Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25, was selected from the microflora of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and modified to contain constitutively expressed marker genes. By site directed homologous recombination a KX cassette [kanamycin resistance (kanτ) and catechol 2,3 dioxygenase (xylE)] and a ZY cassette [lactose utilization (lacZY, β-galactosidase, lactose permease)] were introduced at least 1 Mbp apart on the 6.6 Mbp bacterial chromosome. Separate sites were selected to provide sensitive detection methods and allow assessments of marker gene stability of the genetically modified micro-organism (GMM), SBW25EeZY6KX, when it colonized the leaves and roots of sugar beet plants following seed inoculation.  相似文献   
The historical records of the earliest reports of umbelliferous and other hosts of carrot fly ( Psila rosae ) are presented and their validity discussed. In addition, the results are reported of tests made between 1972 and 1980 on 27 species of Umbelliferae and three sub-species of Daucus carota to determine whether they would support the carrot fly. Techniques were developed for identifying plant species as hosts by determining the number of adult flies that emerged from root and soil samples obtained from plants exposed to carrot fly in the field. Experiments in 1979 and 1980 indicating the importance of co-ordinating the life cycles of plant and insect. The results showed that certain annual species of Umbelliferae were unsuitable as hosts in the autumn when they has flowered and senesced. Valid records could only be obtained for these species by exposing the plants to first generation carrot fly attack. Of the 27 species tested, Anthriscus sylvestris, Ferula communis, and Smyrnium olusatrum failed to support carrot fly and the following 13 species were new host records: Aethusa cynapium, Anthriscus caucalis, Apium inundatum, Apium nodiflorum, Bupleurum tenuissimum, Chaerophyllum temulentum, Cicuta virosa, Daucus capillifolius, Daucus glochidiatus, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Ligusticum scoticum, Oenanthe crocata and Sison amomum . From two species, Chaerophyllum temulentum and Torilis japonica , more than two carrot flies/root were recovered. These species are numerous and widespread in carrot-growing districts. The significance of these and other wild host plants in relation to the ecology and control of carrot fly is discussed.  相似文献   
Techniques were developed for testing umbelliferous species against naturally-occurring populations of carrot fly in the field. The most efficient technique involved exposure of plants to either first or second generations of the insect in the field, followed by caging of infested plots and trapping of emerged flies in water in yellow water dishes. In a series of field experiments between 1981 and 1989 inclusive, a total of 132 umbelliferous species and sub-species were tested against carrot fly. Seventy-eight of these proved to be new hosts, 27 were confirmed as hosts and 27 failed to support any carrot flies. Six non-umbelliferous plant species failed to be colonised by carrot fly. Sources of variability in investigations of the host range of insects are discussed.  相似文献   
Storage experiments were carried out on barley seed (Hordeumdistichum L.) lasting from 1 min to 926 days, including 52 hermeticstorage environments covering a range of temperatures from 3to 90 °C and 5·5 per cent to 24·6 per centmoisture content (f. wt basis). Over the entire range of conditionssurvival curves conformed to negative cumulative normal distributionsand, for any given measure of longevity, e.g. half-viabilityperiod, longevity was roughly proportional to the negative exponentof both temperature and moisture content. Although previouslyreported viability equations were adequate to describe theserelationships over restricted ranges of environments, over theextended range of conditions tested here it was shown that therelationship between log seed viability and temperature is infact slightly convex, whilst that between log seed viabilityand moisture content is slightly concave. An improved viabilityequation was applied which takes into account those curvaturesand, at the same time takes into account the initial viabilityof a seed lot which reflects pre-storage deterioration. Thefit was excellent and thus it is now possible to predict percentageviability of any lot of barley seed after any storage periodunder a very wide range of conditions. Hordeum distichum L., barley viability, seed longevity, seed storage, moisture content of barley seed, temperature, influence of seed viability  相似文献   
Cabbage root fly ( Delia brassicae ) egg-laying around radish plants ranging in age from newly emerged seedlings to plants with flowering shoots was studied in the field and laboratory. The attractiveness of radish changed with age, one peak in egg-laying occurring just before plants were of marketable size and further peaks as they produced flowering shoots. The pattern of egg-laying was similar for the six radish cultivars tested, both in the field and laboratory, irrespective of whether flies did or did not have a choice of plants of different ages. At any one age, there was no correlation between egg-laying and plant size. Selection within radish cultivars for the extremes of the range of egg-laying preference appeared to alter the cycle of attractiveness of different radish stocks to cabbage root fly, the response being influenced by environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Although Littorina littorea (L.) exhibits a relatively consistentpattern of vertical distribution throughout the North Atlantic,ranging from the mid-intertidal to the shallow subtidal zone,its horizontal distribution and abundance are highly variable.In this study, we first described the snail's horizontal distributionpatterns on Appledore Island, ME, USA and then asked whetherwave exposure, rugosity, predator density (e.g. Carcinus maenasand Cancer borealis), the percentage of the substrate coveredby Ascophyllum nodosum, Chondrus crispus, Polysiphonia spp.,and ephemeral green algae, or the percentage of uncovered substrate(bare rock) were correlated with L. littorea abundance in theintertidal zone (0.6 to 0.0 m relative to Mean Lower LowWater [MLLW]) and the shallow subtidal zone (–1.5 to –3.0 mMLLW) at nine study sites. Intertidal densities of L. littoreawere highly variable across sites, ranging from 0 to >600 m–2.In this zone, L. littorea density showed a significant positivecorrelation with rugosity and percentage of bare rock. Densitieswere very low in the subtidal zone (range: 0–19 m–2)and varied little among sites. Exploratory multiple regressionanalysis suggested that L. littorea density was positively correlatedwith the density of C. maenas in the shallow subtidal zone.Additionally, snails in the subtidal zone had thicker shellsthan snails of the same size in the intertidal zone. Our resultssuggest that structural elements of the habitat, such as rugosityand percentage of uncovered substrate, are among the most importantpredictors of L. littorea abundance on moderately protected,rocky intertidal shores. (Received 9 February 2005; accepted 10 August 2005)  相似文献   
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