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Paraneoplastic syndromes are systemic reactions in patients with cancers that are unrelated to tumor size or location. Cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes include proliferative, metabolic, and inflammatory skin disorders. Both systemic and cutaneous paraneoplastic reactions may occur in patients with malignant melanoma. Cancers, including melanoma, may produce growth factors, which may be responsible for proliferative cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes. A patient with malignant melanoma we previously reported, who had the sudden onset of acanthosis nigricans, skin tags (acrochordons), and seborrheic keratoses provides a model for proliferative cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes. High levels of α-TGF were found in the patient's urine prior to melanoma removal. The increased level of α-TGF declined after the melanoma was removed, and a corresponding clinical improvement in his acanthosis nigricans, skin tags, and seborrheic keratoses occurred. In the skin lesions, EGF receptors were abnormally present throughout all epidermal layers prior to melanoma removal, and returned to their normal distribution in the basal layers after surgery. Ectopic growth factor production by malignant melanomas and other epithelial neoplasms may cause rare, but distinctive cutaneous paraneoplastic lesions. The model of melanoma, cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes, and growth factors may provide understanding of both cutaneous lesions associated with neoplasia, and benign cutaneous lesions.  相似文献   
Loss of seed viability in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) duringstorage is associated with an increase in the frequency of cellsin the surviving seeds showing chromosome damage during firstmitoses. The relation is linear when probit of the frequencyof aberrant cells is plotted as a function of probit percentagenormal germination. The slope of the relation, however, variesaccording to moisture content so that the proportion of aberrantcells for any given loss of germination increases with decreasein moisture content over the range 13.0–5.5 per cent.At 3.3 per cent moisture content, however, the proportion ofaberrations was no greater than at 5.5 per cent moisture content;and at 18.1 per cent moisture content the proportion was noless than at 13.0 per cent moisture content. Despite these differences,the increase in chromosomal aberrations per unit time for agiven temperature was always less the lower the moisture content.Diplontic selection markedly reduced the frequency of chromosomalaberrations and eliminated the differences in these frequenciesbetween the different storage treatments. But even after fiveweeks' growth, root tips from aged seed still contained abouttwice as many aberrant cells as compared with similar root tipsderived from the original seed stock. Studies on the frequencyof recessive mutations indicated that excessive amounts of heritablemutations were not present in the progenies of aged seed, evenwhen stored at moisture contents as low as 5.5 per cent. Allthis and other evidence reinforces the view that orthodox seedsfor genetic conservation should be stored at not more than about5 per cent moisture content, and that even lower moisture contentsare worth considering. The results also emphasise the need formaintaining a high regeneration standard, i.e. the percentageto which seed viability is allowed to fall during storage beforethe seed stock is regenerated. Lactuca sativa, lettuce, seed storage, seed viability, chromosomal aberrations, phenotypic mutations  相似文献   
Linsley, Robert M., Yochelson, Ellis, L. & Rohr, David M. 1978 04 15: A reinterpretation of the mode of life of some Paleozoic frilled gastropods
Most modem gastropods crawl, and support their shells up off the substrate. However. five different groupings of snails predominantly rest their shell upon the substrate. One group, Xenophora- like in habit, lives with the base of the shell propped above the substrate by a frill or spines. Re-examination of the Silurian Euomphalopterus shows that the broad frill is not a selenizone as it has been most frequently interpreted. The broad frill may have served the function of propping the aperture above the substrate. All members of the Euomphalopteridae are reassigned. A review of Paleozoic gastropods suggests that this propping mode of life was adopted more than once by unrelated gastropods.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT One of the largest known populations of the federally endangered southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) occurs at Roosevelt Lake, Arizona, USA. Modifications to Roosevelt Dam, completed in 1996, raised the height of the dam and resulted in a high probability of willow flycatcher habitat inundation within the reservoir's conservation pool. We collected habitat measurements and monitored 922 willow flycatcher nests from 1996 to 2006 to investigate effects of inundation on willow flycatcher habitat and subsequent changes in nest success, productivity, and distribution. Inundation of willow flycatcher habitat at Roosevelt Lake occurred in 2005, changing the location and amount of suitable breeding habitat and significantly altering habitat structure (e.g., thinner vegetation, more canopy gaps) of formally occupied nest sites. The willow flycatcher population at Roosevelt Lake decreased 47% from 209 territories in 2004 to 111 territories in 2006 in response to habitat changes. Willow flycatchers made fewer nesting attempts and nest success rates were significantly lower during inundation (2005 and 2006: 45%) than preinundation (1996–2004: 57%). Combined, these factors negatively affected the population's productivity during inundation. Although inundation caused extensive vegetation die-off, we did observe regeneration of vegetation in some areas at Roosevelt Lake in 2006. The Roosevelt Lake population remains one of the largest willow flycatcher populations in the state and territory numbers remain high enough that the population may not suffer long-term effects if sufficient suitable habitat continues to exist during the cycle of inundation and regeneration. Reservoir managers may be able to develop dam management guidelines that reduce damage to habitat, encourage habitat growth, and mimic the dynamic nature of unaltered riparian habitat. These guidelines can be implemented, as appropriate, at reservoirs throughout the willow flycatcher's range.  相似文献   
Data on the survival of pollen ofTypha latifoliaL. stored forup to 261 d over seven different saturated salt solutions (providing0.5 to 66% relative humidity) and six different constant temperatures(from -5 to +45 °C) were analysed to quantify the effectof air-dry storage environment on pollen longevity. Pollen survivalcurves conformed much more closely to negative cumulative normaldistributions than to negative exponential relations. Estimatesofp50(storage period required to reduce pollen viability to50%), provided by negative cumulative normal distributions,were available from 37 different storage environments in whichpollen viability was reduced below 50%. Once observations at0.5% and 5.5% relative humidity were excluded from analysis,there was a negative logarithmic relation between these estimatesof longevity and pollen moisture content (%, wet basis) anda curvilinear semi-logarithmic relation between longevity andtemperature. When the negative logarithmic relation betweenlongevity and moisture content was replaced by a negative semi-logarithmicrelation between longevity and the relative humidity of thestorage environment the resultant model was less satisfactory,principally because pollen longevity over saturated solutionsof calcium nitrate (43–62% relative humidity) and sodiumnitrite (60–66% relative humidity) were consistently greaterand smaller, respectively, than fitted values. Notwithstandingthese errors, comparison between the fitted relations and observationsat the two lowest relative humidities provided estimates ofthe lower-relative-humidity limits to these relations. Theseprovisional estimates varied with storage temperature beinglowest at 25 °C (<5.5% relative humidity). However, therewas no linear trend to that variation (P>0.25): the meanestimate was 11.9 (s.e.=1.4)%. The considerable similaritiesamong models of pollen longevity in air-dry storage, and theirestimated lower limits, and those developed previously for orthodoxseeds and spores are discussed.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany. Typha latifoliaL., pollen, storage, survival, longevity, relative humidity, moisture content, temperature.  相似文献   
Components of partial resistance [disease incidence (DI), infection frequency (IF), latent period (LP), spores per lesion (SPL)] were assessed on glasshouse-grown barley seedlings following inoculation with spore suspensions of Rhynchosporium secalis at growth stage 12 (Zadoks, Chang & Konzak, 1974). Four experiments were carried out at different times during 1988. Three spring barley cultivars [two from Cyprus (cvs Kantara and Athenais) and one from the UK (cv. Triumph)] were used in the first three experiments. In the fourth experiment eight additional UK cultivars with NIAB resistance ratings ranging from 3 to 9 were used. Two races of R. secalis were used in the first three experiments and three in the fourth. The three cultivars, Kantara, Athenais and Triumph, were examined in all four experiments and significant differences detected for virtually all components of partial resistance in each. Differences, however, were often small and ranking of cultivars varied in different experiments. The greater susceptibility of cv. Kantara compared to cv. Athenais, observed under field conditions in Cyprus, would not be anticipated from the small differences in components of partial resistance observed in these experiments, but, for these cultivars, the possibility of a marked genotype x environment interaction cannot be discounted. Mean values for the components of partial resistance differed in the four experiments. LP was correlated with mean glasshouse temperature from inoculation to the onset of sporulation but differences in IF and SPL were not correlated with temperature. For these components, light quality and/or duration appeared to be more important. Overall, there were no differences between races but significant race X cultivar interactions were observed in two experiments. In the fourth experiment, examining 11 cultivars, there were significant differences between cultivars for all components of partial resistance. IF and LP were correlated but neither of these components was correlated with SPL indicating independent control of this latter component. Both IF and LP were correlated with field performance (NIAB ratings) but there was no correlation with SPL. However, combining IF with mean values of SPL restricted to the 5 days following the end of the LP, produced the best correlation (r= 0.92) with NIAB ratings. Problems of assessing components of partial resistance and possible means of improving assessments are discussed.  相似文献   
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