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1. The succession of a phytoplankton community was investigated through an intensive period of sampling and related to physical, chemical and biological conditions sampled at an equal, or higher, temporal resolution. 2. Phytoplankton samples were taken on a weekly basis from June to September 2004 and analysed for diversity, species composition, and contribution of different functional groups to total biomass. Physical and chemical data were collected on the sampling days, and physical environmental factors were also logged continuously throughout the period by automatic measuring stations. This continuous logging allowed community structure to be compared with physical data averaged over periods from a day to a week before each sampling date. 3. The Schmidt stability of the lake, a measure of the strength of stratification calculated from thermal data, showed a negative correlation with phytoplankton species diversity. This is consistent with the hypothesis that mixing was preventing exclusion by species that would otherwise dominate in stratified conditions. 4. At a functional level, stress tolerant (S‐type) species dominated during the stratified summer conditions, with small, colonising species (C types) and ruderal, disturbance tolerant species (R types) contributing little to the overall biomass. Of the stress tolerant species, the faster growing (SC) phytoplankters were significantly favoured by more stable, stratified conditions and higher solar radiation. Increased abundance of this group resulted in decreased species diversity. Correlations were generally strongest when using the 6‐ to 7‐day averaged physical data, stressing the importance of continuous measurements of these drivers in phytoplankton studies.  相似文献   


Videobronchoscopy is an essential diagnostic procedure for evaluation of the central airways and pivotal for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. Technological improvements have resulted in high definition (HD) images with advanced real time image enhancement techniques (i-scan).


In this study we aimed to explore the sensitivity of HD+ i-scan bronchoscopy for detection of epithelial changes like vascular abnormalities and suspicious preinvasive lesions, and tumors.


In patients scheduled for a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure under general anesthesia videos of the bronchial tree were made using 5 videobronchoscopy modes in random order: normal white light videobronchoscopy (WLB), HD-bronchoscopy (HD), HD bronchoscopy with surface enhancement technique (i-scan1), HD with surface- and tone enhancement technique (i-scan2) and dual mode autofluorescence videobronchoscopy (AFB). The videos were scored in random order by two independent and blinded expert bronchoscopists.


In 29 patients all videos were available for analysis. Vascular abnormalities were scored most frequently in HD + i-scan2 bronchoscopy (1.33 ± 0.29 abnormal or suspicious sites per patient) as compared to 0.12 ± 0.05 site for AFB (P = 0.003). Sites suspicious for preinvasive lesions were most frequently reported using AFB (0.74 ± 0.12 sites per patient) as compared to 0.17 ± 0.06 for both WLB and HD bronchoscopy (P = 0.003). Tumors were detected equally by all modalities. The preferred modality was HD bronchoscopy with i-scan (tone- plus surface and surface enhancement in respectively 38% and 35% of cases P = 0.006).


This study shows that high definition bronchoscopy with image enhancement technique may result in better detection of subtle vascular abnormalities in the airways. Since these abnormalities may be related to preneoplastic lesions and tumors this is of clinical relevance. Further investigations using this technique relating imaging to histology are warranted.  相似文献   
In this investigation of the fungi of the soil of the Dovey Salt Marshes (Ynyslas) 48 fungi were isolated.
Twelve of the species found do not appear to have been recorded before for the British Isles.
The area investigated is a badly aerated, stiff, tenacious clay, alkaline in reaction ( p H 8), with a high water content, due mainly to periodical inundations by tidal salt water.
Method of investigation consisted in taking samples of soil from a depth of 11/2 and 31/2 inches and either planting portions of this directly on to specially prepared media, or first shaking up a portion in water and then inoculating the prepared media with some of the suspension.
Three fungi– Torula allii, Penicillium hyphomycetis and Fusarium oxysporium var. resupinatum —were almost invariably present in every sample of soil: almost equally common were Trichoderma lignorum, T. Köningi, Hormodendron cladosporoides, Mucor circinelloides and Periconia felina .
Most of the fungi found are species found above ground as saprophytes, and may have been introduced into the soil by drainage, etc.
The writer considers fungi are active only in association with organic material.
The vegetation covering this marsh shows marked zonation: soil samples were chiefly taken from the Glycerietum and Aimerietum.
The same species of fungi were common to the two associations.
Glyceria maritima is a most effective silt binder, because the stele of its rhizomes and roots consists almost entirely of lignified tissue which does not yield to the activities of the soil fungi; Armeria maritima is not so effective a silt binder because the stele of its rhizomes and roots contains very little lignified tissue—at a depth of a foot, the tap roots of Armeria are little more than hollow tubes, the interiors having been removed by fungi and bacteria.  相似文献   
Flight speeds of two seabirds: a test of Norberg's hypothesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Norberg suggested that birds should increase their flight speed when rearing chicks in order to maximize chick energy intake by reducing commuting time. We measured the incubation and chick-rearing flight speeds of a medium-range (Brünnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia ) and long-range (Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis ) forager near the Prince Leopold Island colony, Nunavut, Canada. The mean flight speed for the long-range forager was significantly higher during chick-rearing than during incubation. The medium-range forager showed no difference in mean flight speed during the two periods. We suggest that because petrels fly close to their minimum power velocity and have a low wing-loading, whereas alcids fly close to their maximum range velocity and have a high wing-loading, petrels have a greater ability than alcids to alter their flight speed according to changes in the demands of different breeding stages. Consequently, whereas Northern Fulmars adapt to the additional cost of chick-rearing partially by altering flight speed, Brünnich's Guillemots can only do so by reducing mass.  相似文献   


Mean or maximal intima-media thickness (IMT) is commonly used as surrogate endpoint in intervention studies. However, the effect of normalization by surrounding or median IMT or by diameter is unknown. In addition, it is unclear whether IMT inhomogeneity is a useful predictor beyond common wall parameters like maximal wall thickness, either absolute or normalized to IMT or lumen size. We investigated the interrelationship of common carotid artery (CCA) thickness parameters and their association with the ipsilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis degree.


CCA thickness parameters were extracted by edge detection applied to ultrasound B-mode recordings of 240 patients. Degree of ICA stenosis was determined from CT angiography.


Normalization of maximal CCA wall thickness to median IMT leads to large variations. Higher CCA thickness parameter values are associated with a higher degree of ipsilateral ICA stenosis (p?<?0.001), though IMT inhomogeneity does not provide extra information. When the ratio of wall thickness and diameter instead of absolute maximal wall thickness is used as risk marker for having moderate ipsilateral ICA stenosis (>50%), 55 arteries (15%) are reclassified to another risk category.


It is more reasonable to normalize maximal wall thickness to end-diastolic diameter rather than to IMT, affecting risk classification and suggesting modification of the Mannheim criteria.

Trial registration

Clinical trials.gov NCT01208025.
A mouse genomic clone containing a lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A) processed pseudogene and a B1 repetitive element was isolated, and a nucleotide sequence of approximately 3 kb was determined. The pseudogene and B1 element are flanked by perfect 13-bp repeats, and the B1 sequence starts at 14 nucleotides 3' to the presumptive polyadenylation signal of the pseudogene. The nucleotide sequences of the LDH-A genes and processed pseudogenes from mouse, rat, and human were compared, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. The rate and pattern of nucleotide substitutions in the LDH-A pseudogenes are similar to previously reported results (Li et al. 1984). The average rate of nucleotide substitutions in the LDH-A pseudogenes is 4.3 X 10(- 9)/site/year. The substitutions of C----T and G----A are most frequent, and A----G substitutions are relatively high. The rate of synonymous substitutions in the LDH-A genes is 5.3 X 10(-9), which is not significantly higher than the average rate of 4.7 X 10(-9) for 35 mammalian genes. The rate of nonsynonymous substitutions in the LDH-A genes is 0.20 X 10(-9), which is considerably lower than the average rate of 0.88 X 10(-9) for 35 mammalian genes. Thus, the mammalian LDH-A gene appears to be highly conserved in evolution.   相似文献   
1. Ontogenetic shifts in prey choice and predator behaviour can affect food‐web structure. Therefore, it is important to establish if the diet and feeding activity differ between life‐stages of the same species. This hypothesis was tested for second, third, fourth and fifth larval instars of Rhyacophila dorsalis by comparing their diel activity and feeding patterns. Second to fifth instars collected from two streams were used either for gut analyses or for observations of their activity and feeding patterns in three stream tanks. Food was provided in excess; being organisms living in bryophytes on top of a large stone in each tank, augmented by different‐sized larvae of Ephemeroptera, Simuliidae and Chironomidae. As few first instars for gut analyses were found in the field, the diet of first instars reared in the laboratory was also studied. 2. Larvae for gut analyses were taken 1 h before dusk or dawn (n = 50 larvae per instar for each day or night sample). First and second instars fed on the smaller food items with no significant day‐night differences in diet. Gut contents indicated a progressive trend from feeding chiefly at night in third instars to almost exclusively at night in fifth instars. Fourth and fifth instars fed on the larger food items, whilst the diet of the third instar larvae overlapped with that of both the earlier and later instars. 3. Diel activity patterns of single larvae differed between instars but not within each instar (n = 20 larvae per instar). Second instars were active throughout the 24 h, with peaks at dusk, around midnight, dawn and around midday. A similar pattern was shown by third instars but the peak of activity at midday was less than the other three peaks. Prey were captured only during these peaks for both instars. Fourth and fifth instars were most active, and fed only, at night. They used an ambush strategy to capture more active prey at dusk and dawn (e.g. Baetis, Gammarus), and a searching strategy to capture more sedentary prey during the night (e.g. chironomids, simuliids). These experiments provided support for the hypothesis under test. If competition and/or interference occur between instars, then it could be reduced between earlier and later instars because of differences in their diet and diel pattern of feeding activity.  相似文献   
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