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In this investigation of the fungi of the soil of the Dovey Salt Marshes (Ynyslas) 48 fungi were isolated.
Twelve of the species found do not appear to have been recorded before for the British Isles.
The area investigated is a badly aerated, stiff, tenacious clay, alkaline in reaction ( p H 8), with a high water content, due mainly to periodical inundations by tidal salt water.
Method of investigation consisted in taking samples of soil from a depth of 11/2 and 31/2 inches and either planting portions of this directly on to specially prepared media, or first shaking up a portion in water and then inoculating the prepared media with some of the suspension.
Three fungi– Torula allii, Penicillium hyphomycetis and Fusarium oxysporium var. resupinatum —were almost invariably present in every sample of soil: almost equally common were Trichoderma lignorum, T. Köningi, Hormodendron cladosporoides, Mucor circinelloides and Periconia felina .
Most of the fungi found are species found above ground as saprophytes, and may have been introduced into the soil by drainage, etc.
The writer considers fungi are active only in association with organic material.
The vegetation covering this marsh shows marked zonation: soil samples were chiefly taken from the Glycerietum and Aimerietum.
The same species of fungi were common to the two associations.
Glyceria maritima is a most effective silt binder, because the stele of its rhizomes and roots consists almost entirely of lignified tissue which does not yield to the activities of the soil fungi; Armeria maritima is not so effective a silt binder because the stele of its rhizomes and roots contains very little lignified tissue—at a depth of a foot, the tap roots of Armeria are little more than hollow tubes, the interiors having been removed by fungi and bacteria.  相似文献   
Flight speeds of two seabirds: a test of Norberg's hypothesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Norberg suggested that birds should increase their flight speed when rearing chicks in order to maximize chick energy intake by reducing commuting time. We measured the incubation and chick-rearing flight speeds of a medium-range (Brünnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia ) and long-range (Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis ) forager near the Prince Leopold Island colony, Nunavut, Canada. The mean flight speed for the long-range forager was significantly higher during chick-rearing than during incubation. The medium-range forager showed no difference in mean flight speed during the two periods. We suggest that because petrels fly close to their minimum power velocity and have a low wing-loading, whereas alcids fly close to their maximum range velocity and have a high wing-loading, petrels have a greater ability than alcids to alter their flight speed according to changes in the demands of different breeding stages. Consequently, whereas Northern Fulmars adapt to the additional cost of chick-rearing partially by altering flight speed, Brünnich's Guillemots can only do so by reducing mass.  相似文献   
Recent work on biosurfactant release by thermophilic dairy streptococci is reviewed. There is a suggestion thatStreptococcus thermophilus isolates may release biosurfactants that stimulate detachment of already-adhering cells and leave an anti-adhesive coating on a substratum. A previously published rapid screening method is described for the identification of biosurfactant-releasing microorganisms, and growth medium supplements to enhance biosurfactant release by thermophilic dairy streptococci are reported. New experimental work described includes the isolation and purification of biosurfactants from dairy isolates by thin layer chromatography. Many compounds isolated were extremely surface-active and reduced the water surface tension to values around 30 mJ m–2 at a concentration of 10 mg ml–1. Most importantly, the thin layer chromatograms of various isolates resembled each other, and an adsorbed purified compound from one isolate retarded the deposition to glass of another isolate by a factor of two. Provided our findings implicate that these biosurfactants could also be adsorbed to heat exchanger plates in pasteurizers and thereby retard colonization by thermophilic streptococci, these compounds may have major economic implications. Further work is required, however.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. From 16 air-lift samplers described in the literature, three were selected for operation from a small boat: Mackey, Pearson et al. and Verollet & Tachet samplers. Random samples (number of sampling units n= 10) were taken in a large tank with a known number of dried peas, representing invertebrates, amongst stones of uniform size. Separate experiments were performed with three sizes of stones (modal sizes 2–4, 16–20 and 32–36 mm). Stratified-random samples (usually n= 10) were taken in rivers at lour sites with modal particle sizes of < 0.1 2–4. 32–128 and 64–128 mm. The samplers were compared with a Ponar grab in the tank experiments and the field, and with a Naturalist's dredge in the field. Rates of pumping at different air-flows were established for each sampler. Water-How increased with increasing air-How and increasing submergence of the riser-pipe. The Mackey sampler achieved the highest water-flow and lifted more substratum and larger stones (64–128 mm) than the other samplers. The Verollet & Tachet sampler had the lowest pumping rate and failed to lift stones > 8 mm long, whilst the Pearson et al. sampler, with an intermediate performance, lifted mud and stones < 32 mm long. In the tank experiments, the area from which the Mackey and Pearson et al. samplers collected peas varied with air-flow, operating time and type of substratum. The Maekey sampler over-sampled and the Pearson et al. sampler usually under-sampled their respective sampling areas, except the latter sampler at high air-flows gave approximately quantitative results comparable to those of the Ponar grab for peas on the surface of stones 16–20 mm. No sampler collected much at a depth of 3 cm on larger stones (32–36 mm), and the Verollet & Tachet sampler failed completely on all substrata. In field trials, the Mackey and Pearson et al. samplers provided good qualitative samples except on large stones (32–128mm). The Verollet & Tachet sampler lifted little material. The relative abundance of taxa often differed between samplers. Estimates of the number of invertebrates per m2 differed widely between samplers except for the Pearson et al. and Ponar grab which gave similar quantitative results at three sites. Values were very low for the Verollet & Tachet sampler and Naturalist's dredge and always very high for the Mackey sampler which often grossly over-sampled its sampling area. Therefore, these three samplers cannot be considered as quantitative. The relationship between the variances and the means of samples of peas in the tank and most invertebrates in the field followed a power law with values of the exponent b in the range 1.13–2.51. The present study completes the evaluation of 14 samplers used to sample benthic macro-invertebrates in deep rivers, and the more important conclusions from the comparative studies of seven grabs, four dredges and three air-lift samplers are summarized in a table.  相似文献   
1. A phytoplankton community model [Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange (PROTECH)] was used to examine the effect of a wide range of varied light intensities and mixed depths upon simulated phytoplankton populations. Two different column lengths of the simulated water body were examined (the upper 5 m and the whole 14.5 m water column) for each scenario.
2. The hypotheses tested were that: (i) under low light intensity and/or deep mixing the simulated community will be dominated by a phytoplankter with a low critical light intensity; (ii) at high light intensity and shallow mixing the simulated community will be dominated by small, fast-growing phytoplankters; (iii) under all conditions, except deep mixing, the largest proportion of phytoplankton biomass will be found near the surface.
3. It was found under most conditions that, although there was a bloom in the upper column (dominated by algae such as Chlorella , Ceratium or Rhodomonas ), the largest phytoplankton biomass in the water column was located 9 m below the surface and consisted of solely Asterionella . This bloom was missed by the 5-m samples. Thus, using the whole column sample lengths, hypothesis (i) was not rejected but hypotheses (ii) and (iii) were refuted.
4. The inclusion of specific movement characteristics of phytoplankton in the model allowed the possibility of the dominance of multiple spaces within the water column and should be included in any model-based investigation of this topic. Further, the results from the model suggest that a reduced depth of mixing creates greater environmental heterogeneity, allowing more species to persist.  相似文献   
Interstitial Protozoa and Algae of Louisiana Salt Marshes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. The majority of Louisiana salt marshes consists of stagnant pools among a vegetation of Spartina spp. and Distichlis spicata. The sediments constitute a "sulphide biome,'with Eh values reaching to –350 mV. The 200 interstitial ciliate species had definite stratification. Generally, algivores and omnivores occurred in the upper, and bactivores in the lower layers of the sediments. Compaction of particles prevented the flexible and large ciliates from inhabiting the lower layers, while Eh below –200 mV limited the distribution of some species but favored certain bactivores. The pH/Eh range and the abundance of nutrients in the sulfide biome provide habitable conditions for all the major groups of microflora. These, in turn, support nutritionally diverse predatory ciliate populations.  相似文献   
Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Brown trout of similar length and weight were fed a standard meal which contained a known number of food organisms of the same size-group and taxon (seven taxa were used). The weight of digestible organic matter in a trout stomach decreased exponentially with time. i.e. at a constant relative rate. At a particular water temperature, the food organisms were either evacuated from the stomach at similar rates (Group 1: Gammarus pulex, Baetis rhodani, Chironomidae, Oligochaetes) or at progressively slower rates (Group 2: Protonemura meyeri, Hydropsyche spp., Tenebrio molitor). Rates of gastric evacuation were not significantly different for food organisms of different size groups of the same taxon, or for different sized meals, or for different sizes of trout (range 20–30 cm), or for mixed and multiple meals (three meals over 16 h). Times are given for the gastric evacuation of 50%, 75%, 90% and 99% of the digestible organic matter in a meal. Starvation periods of 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 days prior to feeding did not affect evacuation rates. The rates were slightly, but not significantly, slower for starvation periods of 6 and 7 days, and were often significantly slower for starvation periods of 10, 15 and 20 days. Evacuation rates increased exponentially with increasing water temperature. It was possible to estimate both the rate and time for the gastric evacuation of different meals at water temperatures between 3–8°C and 19·1°C.  相似文献   
The aphicides phorate, dimethoate and menazon were compared to elucidate the different pathways by which they can affect Anthocoris nymphs and their aphid prey.
When nymphs were caged in contact with deposits on bean leaves phorate and dimethoate had contact LC 50s of 20 and 3 μg/cm2 respectively to Anthocoris nemorum and 46 and 6 μg/cm2 to A. confusus. When the nymphs were confined on treated leaves on the opposite surface to the deposits, neither phorate nor dimethoate killed them. Menazon did not kill anthocorids at any dosage. All three aphicides killed over 50% of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Kalt.) on bean leaves at 1.6 μg/cm2 whether the aphids were on the treated or untreated surface.
Experiments with 35S-labelled phorate showed that anthocorids confined on phorate-treated bean plants, with or without insect food, accumulated the insecticide or its labelled derivatives. In field experiments in which A. nemorum were caged on plants treated with phorate, many were killed on young newly treated plants but not on older plants. A. confusus was relatively unaffected.
Anthocorids were reared from 2nd-instar nymphs to adults on aphids killed systemically with phorate, dimethoate or menazon without ill effects, despite evidence that 35S-labelled phorate was ingested from the aphids and excreted in the faeces.
In the field, fewer large A. nemorum nymphs were found in August in plots of tick beans treated with phorate granules at 6 lb/acre (6.7 kg/ha) when sown, than in plots treated at 1.5 lb/acre (1.7 kg/ha) with phorate or menazon or untreated plots.  相似文献   
Abstract— A connection is established between maximally parsimonious cladograms and trees of highest likelihood. The assumptions needed to prove this are derivable from the structure of evolutionary theory and are independent of the frequency of homoplasy. The bearing of this justification on alternative methods of phylogenetic inference and on Felsenstein's (1978) proof that parsimony and other phylogenetic methods can be statistically inconsistent is discussed.  相似文献   
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