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Factors affecting the occurrence of gangrene (Phoma exigua) in potatoes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence in soil from Scotland and England of Phoma exigua f. sp. exigua and P. exigua f.sp. foveata, which cause gangrene, is confirmed by isolation, and it is established that infection of tubers occurs before lifting, and after lifting from soil adhering to tubers. The distribution of the disease is related to soil moisture, gangrene being most prevalent in tubers from the north-eastern counties of Scotland where the moisture content of arable soils remains high throughout the growing season. The incidence of the disease may be affected by the haulm, either as a source of infection—though not an important source—or by its effect on the maturity of the tubers. The incidence of gangrene is less where haulm destruction is rapid. The incidence of gangrene in a crop is not related to its incidence in the seed tubers planted and, unless infection is severe, the effect on yield is not serious. Symptoms of skin necrosis were associated with tubers from acid soils, infected with P. exigua f.sp. foveata and stored at low temperature.  相似文献   
Influx in vitro of glucose to the heart, kidney and ureter,where present, in Monodonta, Pomacea, and Viviparus, and alsoof leucine to these tissues in Viviparus, was measured using[3H]-labelledtracers. Phloridizin-sensitive, Na+-dependent [3H]D-glucose uptake wasevident in the papillary sac of Monodonta, the ventricle ofViviparus, and the kidney of Pomacea. Viviparus ventricle alsoshowed Na+-dependent uptake of [3H]L-leucine. Nevertheless Viviparusappears to excrete some amino acids (by undefined routes) andmay therefore lack the carriers for their resorption. In Viviparusand Pomacea the site of organic solute resorption (taken tobe where Na+-dependent tracer uptake predominates) is proximalto the sites of Na+resorption. The ultrastructure of the resorptivesites has been examined in the three genera and compared withthat of the nephridial gland and dorsal wall of the kidney ofLittorina. The ciliated cells comprising the epithelium of thepapillary sac in Monodonta and their homologues over the nephridialgland and dorsal wall of Littorina and dorsal wall of Pomaceashow common features typical of transporting epithelia in othermolluscs. The ventricular epicardium of Viviparus shows secondaryspecializations for resorption but lacks an endocytotic canalsystem. The site of organic solute resorption (the most highlyspecialized part of which is the nephridial gland in marinespecies), has been correlated with the anatomy of the renalveins in the four genera, and with other specializations inthe freshwater genera.The difficulty of quantifying rates oftransport of solutes from studies in vitro is discussed. *Present address: Dept. of Physiology, The University, DundeeDD1 4HN (Received 31 January 1989; accepted 24 March 1989)  相似文献   
Use of Lanthanum to Trace Apoplastic Solute Transport in Intact Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This electron microscopic study revealed that solutes enterthe apoplasm of root mcristems and move from there to the steleof the root and to the shoots of intact plants. Lanthanum wasused as a plasma membrane-impermeable electron-dense markerof apoplastic solute flux in Hordeum vulgare L., Saiicorniavirgimca L., Spartina alternflora Loisel. and Zea mays L. Thepresence of lanthanum in EM specimens was confirmed by X-raymicroanalysis. Lanthanum that entered the root apoplasm wasalso localized in membrane-bound compartments within cells ofeach plant Lanthanum was localized in vesicles, ER, and vacuolesof root and leaf cells. Following root application, lanthanumwas evident in the leaves of the three grass species studied.Lanthanum was rarely observed in S. virginica leaves. Only plantsexposed to 23 mol m–3 lanthanum for 24 h or more showedlanthanum in root cell cytosol and this was concluded to bea toxic response. Key words: Apoplast, halophyte, lanthanum, root meristem, transport  相似文献   
The colleterial glands of insects are accessory reproductive structures which produce secretions that are applied to eggs after fertilization and which serve a number of protective functions. The colleterial glands of lepidoptera are of particular interest in the study of the events of cellular differentiation because they undergo rapid development, generally during the pupal adult transformation, and contain highly specialized cells which produce large amounts of a restricted variety of secretory products. The extreme specialization of these organs facilitates parallel studies of differentiation at the biochemical and morphological level. This communication describes the changes in the ultrastructure of cells which will form the protein-secreting segment of the colleterial gland of the moth Actias luna during the period of transition from the undifferentiated state to the acquisition of secretory ability.
An initial stage of general cellular proliferation by mitosis in the presumptive colleterial tissue mass is followed by differentiation of the cells in the absence of further mitosis. Four distinctive cell types are recognized during the phase of differentiation. These types include a chitogenous cell which forms the chitin lining of the main duct, and three cells which cooperate in the formation of a secretory apparatus. Cell A forms two temporary flagella-like structures which assist in the formation of a ductule, which eventually leads from the secretory cell to the main duct. Near the end of the differentiative phase, Cell A degenerates and is phagocitized by Cell B. Cell B becomes the actual secretory element, and acquires cytoplasmic features such as extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus which are associated with synthesis and secretion of protein. The final element, Cell C, remains associated with the ductule which it helps to construct and which traverses its cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Explants derived from Zamia pumila embryos were cultured ona Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA), N4-benzylaminopurine (BAP), or combinations of thetwo at 27 °C in darkness. NAA was invariably required forcallus initiation, and its minimal effective concentration was0.1 mg l–1. BAP was not always required, and dependingon the explant type and NAA concentration, BAP either enhanced,suppressed, or had little effect on the frequency of callusinitiation. High frequency of callus initiation occurred with1.0 mg l–1 NAA combined with 0.01 or 1.0 mg l–1BAP. When the concentration of NAA was high relative to thatof BAP, friable callus was produced. As the relative BAP concentrationwas increased, a more compact callus formed. Compact-nodularcallus developed at equal concentrations of NAA and BAP overa wide range of absolute concentrations. Friable callus formedroots only. Compact-nodular callus formed roots, shoots andembryo-like structures. Root and shoot formation predominatedand were of nearly equal frequency. Formation of embryo-likestructures was infrequent. Zamia pumila, callus differentiation, callus formation, embryo culture, naphthaleneacetic acid, N4-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   
The fine structure of the anal gland of Nucella lapillus isdescribed, and compared with that of Gibbula cineraria. It isconcluded that the glands are not analogous in function andare unlikely to be homologous. The anal gland of Gibbula isa small rectal diverticu-lum near the anal papilla, lined bymucus-secreting cells. The evidence suggests that the largeanal gland of Nucella extracts macromolecules and cations fromthe blood, metabolizes or sequesters them in lyso-somes andultimately expels the resultant residual bodies by apocrinesecretion. It has large reserves of lipid and glycogen, andthe abundance of melanin indicates that it is a major site oftyrosine degradation. The invariable presence of bacteria inthe lumen, and of pits in the epithelium to house them, impliesa symbiotic relationship in which the bacteria metabolize anddegrade the cell debris, some of which is resorbed. The lossof the anal gland in bucci-nids and nassariids is accompaniedby great reduction in size and importance of the rectal sinus,and increase in complexity of the kidney. (Received 31 December 1991; accepted 23 January 1992)  相似文献   
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