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Systems of frequency curves generated by methods of translation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JOHNSON NL 《Biometrika》1949,36(PT. 1-2):149-176
ABSTRACT Bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations in the Midwestern United States experienced historic declines due to habitat loss and exploitation but have rebounded in recent decades. We investigated natal dispersal of juvenile bobcats from a population in south-central Indiana, USA, from 1999 to 2006. We radiocollared 16 juvenile bobcats (11 M, 5 F) and monitored them for 237–1,014 days (x̄ = 506). One female (20%) and 11 males (100%) dispersed from natal home ranges that averaged 14.6 km2 in size. Most juveniles (70%) initiated dispersal from mid-February through March, late in their first year. Only 5 bobcats (42%) ultimately established a final home range 63 ± 35 km2 in size 13–92 km (x̄ = 44) from their natal range 140 ± 45 days after initiating dispersal. Survival did not differ (P = 0.93) between dispersing (S = 0.73) and philopatric (S = 0.75) individuals, although 4 bobcats (3 M, 1 F) were killed in collisions with vehicles. We found dispersal of bobcats in fragmented landscapes is prolonged and often unsuccessful; the ability of dispersers to locate suitable vacant habitat patches may be vital to the continued growth of bobcat populations recolonizing the agricultural Midwest.  相似文献   
1. Rates of whole‐system metabolism (production and respiration) are fundamental indicators of ecosystem structure and function. Although first‐order, proximal controls are well understood, assessments of the interactions between proximal controls and distal controls, such as land use and geographic region, are lacking. Thus, the influence of land use on stream metabolism across geographic regions is unknown. Further, there is limited understanding of how land use may alter variability in ecosystem metabolism across regions. 2. Stream metabolism was measured in nine streams in each of eight regions (n = 72) across the United States and Puerto Rico. In each region, three streams were selected from a range of three land uses: agriculturally influenced, urban‐influenced, and reference streams. Stream metabolism was estimated from diel changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in each stream reach with correction for reaeration and groundwater input. 3. Gross primary production (GPP) was highest in regions with little riparian vegetation (sagebrush steppe in Wyoming, desert shrub in Arizona/New Mexico) and lowest in forested regions (North Carolina, Oregon). In contrast, ecosystem respiration (ER) varied both within and among regions. Reference streams had significantly lower rates of GPP than urban or agriculturally influenced streams. 4. GPP was positively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation and autotrophic biomass. Multiple regression models compared using Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) indicated GPP increased with water column ammonium and the fraction of the catchment in urban and reference land‐use categories. Multiple regression models also identified velocity, temperature, nitrate, ammonium, dissolved organic carbon, GPP, coarse benthic organic matter, fine benthic organic matter and the fraction of all land‐use categories in the catchment as regulators of ER. 5. Structural equation modelling indicated significant distal as well as proximal control pathways including a direct effect of land‐use on GPP as well as SRP, DIN, and PAR effects on GPP; GPP effects on autotrophic biomass, organic matter, and ER; and organic matter effects on ER. 6. Overall, consideration of the data separated by land‐use categories showed reduced inter‐regional variability in rates of metabolism, indicating that the influence of agricultural and urban land use can obscure regional differences in stream metabolism.  相似文献   
1. Field experiments were conducted to examine interactions between larvae of the caddisfly Gumaga nigricula and the algae (primarily diatoms) located on their sand grain cases. Floating experimental enclosures were placed in sunlit pools of a California stream. Treatments applied to occupied cases, or to those from which caddisflies had been removed, included variations in grazer density, addition of nutrients, and modification of illumination using shade cloth. 2. Neither faecal-enriched agar in empty cases nor injections of faecal material into plugged cases affected case chlorophyll a concentration; injected nutrients (N and P), however, did increase chlorophyll a concentration. Faecal material may be nutrient poor, or nutrients may not be readily released. In addition, the relatively impermeable case wall may reduce the likelihood that nutrients from caddisflies reach the algae on the outer case surface. 3. Although a Gumaga larva may graze algae from its own case, grazing by conspecifics and the caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis causes a greater reduction in the chlorophyll a content of cases. 4. Chlorophyll a content of empty cases was decreased by experimental reduction of light. Because of shading associated with burrowing, chlorophyll a content of cases occupied by Gumaga was low and was unaffected by experimental light reduction. 5. Removal of Gumaga from its case results in rapid accrual of algae. Thus, the net effect of larval presence is to diminish the algal content of its case.  相似文献   
Abstract Leptophlebiidae is among the largest and most diverse groups of extant mayflies (Ephemeroptera), but little is known of family‐level phylogenetic relationships. Using two nuclear genes (the D2 + D3 region of 28S ribosomal DNA and histone H3) and maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI), we inferred the evolutionary relationships of 69 leptophlebiids sampled from six continents and representing 30 genera plus 11 taxa of uncertain taxonomic rank from Madagascar and Papua New Guinea. Although we did not recover monophyly of the Leptophlebiidae, monophyly of two of the three leptophlebiid subfamilies, Habrophlebiinae and Leptophlebiinae, was recovered with moderate to strong support in most analyses. The Atalophlebiinae was rendered paraphyletic as a result of the inclusion of members of Ephemerellidae or the Leptophlebiinae clade. For the species‐rich Atalophlebiinae, four groups of taxa were recovered with moderate to strong branch support: (i) an endemic Malagasy clade, (ii) a Paleoaustral group, a pan‐continental cluster with members drawn from across the southern hemisphere, (iii) a group, uniting fauna from North America, southeast Asia and Madagascar, which we call the Choroterpes group and (iv) a group uniting three New World genera, Thraulodes, Farrodes and Traverella. Knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships of the leptophlebiids will aid in future studies of morphological evolution and biogeographical patterns in this highly diverse and speciose family of mayflies.  相似文献   
Naticid gastropods leave a record of predation in the form ofcharacteristic countersunk circular boreholes. We fed bivalveprey to naticids to test whether the ratio between the innerand outer borehole diameter differed among three Recent naticidspecies: Euspira heros, E. lewisii and Neverita duplicata. Fossilshells from a Miocene-aged assemblage, containing naticids previouslyidentified as E. heros and N. duplicata, were also includedin our analyses. Ratios of the inner to outer diameters of naticidboreholes in bivalve shells showed that there were significantdifferences in borehole shape between E. heros and the two otherRecent species. We found no significant differences betweenthe ratios of E. lewisii and N. duplicata; however, a principalcomponent analysis showed that boreholes distinctly clusteraccording to species. The Miocene boreholes were also distinctfrom the Recent, indicating that the Miocene naticids may bea separate species from E. heros and N. duplicata. We have shownthat there is a species-specific component to borehole geometry.This may have important implications for palaeobiological studies,because the index of borehole functionality, previously describedas an inner to outer borehole ratio of 0.5 for all naticids,may differ between species. (Received 23 March 2004; accepted 10 January 2005)  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We designed a novel approach to determining extent of distribution and area of occupancy for wolverines (Gulo gulo) by using aerial surveys of tracks in snow and hierarchical spatial modeling. In 2005 we used a small, fixed-wing aircraft with pilot and one observer to search 575 of 588 survey units for wolverine tracks in approximately 60,000 km2 of boreal forest in northwestern Ontario, Canada. We used sinuous flight paths to scan open areas in the forest in the 100-km2 survey units. We detected tracks in 138 (24%) of the 575 sampled units. There was strong evidence of occurrence (probability of occurrence >0.80) in 30% of the 588 survey units, weak evidence of occurrence (0.50–0.80) in 12%, weak evidence of absence (0.20–0.50) in 15%, and strong evidence of absence (< 0.20) in 43%. Wolverine range comprised 59% of the study area and area of occupancy was 33,400 km2. With information on probability of occurrence and core areas of occupation for wolverines in our study area, resource managers and others can examine factors that influence wolverine distribution patterns and use this information to formulate best management practices that will maintain wolverines on the landscape in the face of increasing resource development. Comparing future survey results with those of our 2005 survey will provide an objective way to assess the efficacy of management practices.  相似文献   
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