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Our study combined a mitochondrial cytochrome b phylogeny with cranial measurements from giant pouched rats collected across sub‐Saharan Africa. The mitochondrial phylogeny resolves two West African clades and a clade with east and central Africa representatives. This last clade can be further divided into four subclades. Altogether they represent six species (Cricetomys gambianus, Cricetomys ansorgei, Cricetomys emini, and three undescribed taxa) that can be distinguished on the basis of their mitochondrial DNA sequences and craniometry. In the absence of adequate craniometric data the existence of Cricetomys kivuensis cannot be confirmed by our data. Our combined molecular and craniometric data allowed us to broadly delineate the distribution ranges of the detected species. Cricetomys gambianus occurs in the savannah and forest clearings of West Africa. Cricetomys ansorgei is distributed in the savannah of East and southern Africa. Cricetomys emini, as currently recognized across the Guineo‐Congolian forest of Africa, is shown to be diphyletic. Cricetomys sp. 1, a separate operational taxonomic unit closely resembling C. emini, occurs in the forest zone of West Africa. An undescribed sister‐species of C. ansorgei, Cricetomys sp. 2, occurs in the forest of Central Africa along the left bank of the Congo River. Cricetomys sp. 3 occurs on the right bank of the Congo River from Cameroon to the Republic of Congo, whereas the true C. emini also occurs on the right bank of the Congo River but appears to be restricted to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cranial phenotype within the genus tends to conform to ecological zonation (either forest or savannah) rather than to phylogenetic affiliation of the species concerned, suggesting that diversifying selection across environmental gradients could be responsible for biological diversification within the genus.  相似文献   
We describe the oldest Paucituberculata marsupials, from the La Barda and Las Flores localities (Argentina; Late Palaeocene, and Early–Middle Eocene), as well as from the Itaboraí Basin (Brazil; Late Palaeocene). The new taxa are represented by very scarce, although well‐preserved, dental remains. A parsimony analysis was performed in order to evaluate the phylogenetic affinities of these taxa. Representatives of both Riolestes capricornicus gen. et sp. nov. and Bardalestes hunco gen. et sp. nov. appear to be basal paucituberculatans, and their molar features give clues on the early evolution of the representatives of this order. Within the Paucituberculata we recognize two major clades: Caenolestoidea and Palaeothentoidea. We conclude that ‘pseudodiprotodont’ marsupials of the traditional literature (i.e. Polydolopimorphia + Paucituberculata) do not form a natural group. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 867–884.  相似文献   
The anatomy of wood was studied inQuercus roburL. andQuercussuberL. seedlings exhibiting 3–8 units of extension, eachwith a tier of photosynthesizing leaves in their upper parts,generated as the result of rhythmic shoot growth under favourableconditions. At all the axis levels examined (i.e. the base ofeach of the different units of extension, four other equidistantlevels within the first unit of extension and the upper partof the taproot), the wood displayed rings when treated withWiesner reagents. This indicated cinnamaldehyde groups presentin lignins. No rings appeared when the Maüle reaction wasused for specific detection of syringyl subunits in lignins.A trend towards a periodical arrangement of xylem parenchymabands was also found when sections were treated with I2/KI.The number of rings coincided with the number of leaf tiersabove the level of measurement, and did not vary inside thefirst unit of extension. Thus, the rings are called rhythmicgrowth rings. In sections of the first and the second unitsof extension, and in the taproot, the area and width of a givenrhythmic growth ring were highly correlated with the total areaof leaves present above the level of measurement at the presumedtime of growth ring formation. Moreover, stem diameter at thebase of the units of extension was highly correlated with theleaf area above. These results indicate that differentiationof xylem, particularly its lignification, varies rhythmicallyin oak seedlings. They imply that wood production is linkedto the photosynthesizing and/or transpiring area of the plant.Thus, during a growth cycle ofQ. roburandQ. suberseedlings,there appears to be integration of the primary metabolic activitieswith the laying down of rhythmic growth rings.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Allometric relationship, juvenile wood, leaf area, lignification, oak seedling, periodic structure,Quercus roburL.,Quercus suberL., rhythmic growth ring, unit of extension.  相似文献   
Monitoring performance is essential for the efficient use of a sensory panel both during training and while carrying out product assessments. We present a concise procedure to monitor panel performance based on classical statistical methods. The program includes tests for the ability to discriminate between products, repeatability of assessments, scale use, agreement between panelists and a principal component analysis map of panelist means across attributes. The algorithm is implemented in R – a state‐of‐the‐art, freely available statistical software package. The program output is summarized in graphs and tables. This easily applicable panel performance procedure is aimed at improving sensory practice, especially in areas where the use of highly complex systems is not feasible.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Published and unpublished data on the cultivation of P. carinii were reviewed by a panel of investigators convened by the National Institutes of Health. Although several cell culture systems allow propagation of P. carinii for a limited time with modest rates of replication, these have not proved adequate for isolation of P. carinii in sufficient quantity to explore important basic biological investigation. Attempts at cell-free culture have yielded only transient proliferation. Because much of the unsuccessful work on cultivation of the organism has been unpublished, the panel agreed that these data may be useful to other investigators in designing experimental strategies for cultivation. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to make available this information to researchers, lest others unknowingly repeat unsuccessful methods. It is hoped that by documenting the history and the complexities of Pneumocystis culture, renewed interest and efforts will be directed toward this fundamental scientific challenge.  相似文献   
Passiflora alata is one of the commercialized species of the passion vines, grown for its edible fruits. It is found in South America, mainly Paraguay, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. The development of a set of microsatellite markers was proposed to provide tools for analysing both genetic structure of wild populations and the reproductive system of the species, which are poorly understood. Seven markers were developed from a P. alata‐genomic library enriched for simple sequence repeats (SSR). Twelve individuals were genotyped, and the levels of the expected heterozygosity (HE) did show that those markers could be used to develop P. alata genetic studies.  相似文献   
The D2 variable region of 28S rRNA was sequenced in a wide range of Ichneumonoidea to provide the first comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of this superfamily. The two constituent families (Braconidae and Ichneumonidae) were each found to contain a single well-supported clade dominated by the more plesiomorphic life history strategies (idiobiosis, ectoparasitism and attacking endoephytic hosts). In the Braconidae this clade corresponds to the morphologically-defined group called the cyclostomes. In the Ichneumonidae the clade unites for the first time the pimpliformes ( sensu Wahl) with most of the phygadeuontoid subfamilies and several small taxa including Adelognathus and Euceros . Relationships among the remaining, more biologically-derived, subfamilies were less well resolved, but included among the Braconidae a well-supported microgastroid clade and strong evidence for a sister group relationship between the Agathidinae and Sigalphinae.  相似文献   
Seeds of Hancornia speciosa germinated best at a temperatureof 20–30 °C. The viability of the seeds during storagewas short and the best storage conditions for viability entailedkeeping the seeds in polyethylene bags. Seed viability was maintainedonly when the seeds were stored at a moisture content above30%; storage conditions which allowed dehydration resulted ina rapid loss of viability (the seeds showed recalcitrant behaviour). Low temperature during storage did not improve longevity. Arelationship between germination and moisture content was established,but when the moisture content fell below 25% there was a drasticreduction of germination. After 9 weeks of storage, even athigh moisture content, seeds lost viability. Loss of seed viability during seed dehydration was associatedwith increased leakage of electrolytes and organic solutes,and reduced tetrazolium staining during subsequent imbibition. Hancornia speciosa, germination, recalcitrant seeds, storage, moisture  相似文献   
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