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1. Many animals that consume freshwater macrophytes are omnivorous (i.e., they include both plant and animal matter in their diet). For invertebrate omnivorous consumers, selection of macrophyte species depends partly on the presence of secondary metabolites in plants, plant carbon/nutrient balances and/or physical structure of plants. However, little is known about the mechanisms influencing consumption of macrophytes in aquatic vertebrates. 2. For two fish species, the omnivorous rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) and herbivorous grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), feeding preferences were determined in three choice experiments. We tested (i) whether the presence of secondary metabolites and macrophyte stoichiometry affects macrophyte species selection by fish, (ii) the importance of macrophyte stoichiometry by manipulating the macrophytes experimentally and (iii) the rate of herbivory when the most palatable macrophyte is offered simultaneously with a common animal prey. 3. In a choice experiment with five species of submerged macrophytes (Callitriche sp., Chara globularis, Elodea nuttallii, Myriophyllum spicatum and Potamogeton pectinatus), Myriophyllum was clearly consumed least by both fishes, which strongly correlated with the highest phenolic concentration of this macrophyte. Additionally, a significant negative relationship was found between consumption and C : N ratio of the five macrophytes. The two most consumed macrophytes also had the lowest dry matter concentration (DMC). 4. In a second choice experiment, the C : N ratio of the least (Myriophyllum) and most (Potamogeton) palatable plants was manipulated by growing the macrophytes under fertilised and unfertilised conditions and subsequently feeding them to rudd. The avoidance of consumption of the chemically defended Myriophyllum by rudd was partly alleviated by the lowered C : N ratio. 5. The third choice experiment showed that both fishes preferred animal prey (the amphipod Gammarus pulex) over the most palatable macrophyte (Potamogeton) when offered simultaneously. The C : N ratio of the amphipods was about half that of the lowest C : N ratio measured in the macrophytes. Consumption by the fishes could not clearly be related to C : P or N : P ratios of prey items in any of the experiments. 6. We conclude that omnivorous fish avoid macrophytes that are chemically defended. However, when these defences are only minor, stoichiometry (C : N ratio) in combination with DMC may be a determining factor for consumption by vertebrate facultative herbivores.  相似文献   
The karyotype of the neotropical primate genus Cebus (Platyrrhini: Cebidae), considered the most ancestral one, shows the greatest amount of heterochromatin described among Platyrrhini genera. Banding techniques and restriction enzyme digestion have previously revealed great variability of quantity and composition of heterochromatin in this genus. In this context, we use fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to analyse this genomic region and discuss its possible role in the diversification of Cebus. We used a heterochromatin probe for chromosome 11 of Cebus libidinosus (11qHe+ CLI probe), obtained by chromosome microdissection. Twenty-six specimens belonging to the families Atelidae, Cebidae, Callitrichidae and Pithecidae (Platyrrhini) were studied. Fourteen out of 26 specimens were Cebus (Cebidae) individuals of C. libidinosus, C. xanthosternos, C. apella, C. nigritus, C. albifrons, C. kaapori and C. olivaceus. In Cebus specimens, we found 6 to 22 positive signals located in interstitial and telomeric positions along the different species. No hybridization signal was observed among the remaining Ceboidea species, thus reinforcing the idea of a Cebus-specific heterochromatin composed of a complex system of repetitive sequences.  相似文献   
We examined the possibility that microbial adaptation to temperature could affect rates of CO2, N2O and CH4 release from soils. Laboratory incubations were used to determine the functional relationship between temperature and CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes for five soils collected across an elevational range in Hawaii. Initial rates of CO2 production and net N mineralization increased exponentially from 15 °C to 55 °C; initial rates of CH4 and N2O release were more complex. No optimum temperature (in which rates decline at higher and lower temperatures) was apparent for any of the gases, but respiration declined with time at higher temperatures, suggesting rapid depletion of readily available substrate. Mean Q10S for respiration varied from 1.4 to 2.0, a typical range for tropical soils. The functional relationship between CO2 production and temperature was consistent among all five soils, despite the substantial differences in mean annual temperature, soils, and land-use among the sites. Temperature responses of N2O and CH4 fluxes did not follow simple Q10 relationships suggesting that temperature functions developed for CO2 release from heterotrophic respiration cannot be simply extrapolated. Expanding this study to tropical heterotrophic respiration, the flux is more sensitive to changes in Q10 than to changes in temperature on a per unit basis: the partial derivative with respect to temperature is 2.4 Gt C ·° C?1 with respect to Q10, it is 3.5 Gt C · Q10 unit?1. Therefore, what appears to be minor variability might still produce substantial uncertainty in regional estimates of gas exchange.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to develop single‐step PCR species‐specific primers that reliably discriminate four economically important Xiphinema species (X. brevicolle, X. elongatum, X. ifacolum and X. longicaudatum) and X. diffusum that is taxonomically very similar to X. brevicolle. Each species‐specific reverse primer was located in the ITS‐1 rDNA region and was used in combination with a universal forward primer located in the 18S rDNA gene. Primer reliability was confirmed by screening seven and 11 populations, respectively of X. diffusum and X. elongatum. Potential species‐specific primers were also identified for X. brevicolle, X. longicaudatum and X. ifacolum, however too few populations of these species were available to thoroughly assess their reliability. For all species‐specific primers, specificity was demonstrated by the absence of cross‐reactions with 14 non‐target Xiphinema species. Multiplex PCR was effective and reproducible for two (X. longicaudatum and X. ifacolum) or three (X. brevicolle, X. diffusum and X. elongatum) of the target nematode species, thus improving the applicability of the diagnostic primers.  相似文献   
The rennin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) is a critical pathway in regulating blood pressure and salt/water homeostasis, possessing an intimate relationship with the development of systemic artery hypertension (SAH). Once hypertension is considered a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), the RAAS is also related to this pathology. This investigation aimed to analyse if the frequencies of AGT M235T (rs699) and ACE I/D (rs4646994) polymorphisms are associated with CAD and SAH in African-Brazilians and Caucasian-Brazilians. In this study we analysed 714 subjects who underwent coronary angiography to detect obstructive lesions and CAD, as well as blood pressure measurement and SAH, grouped according to ethnicity: 266 African-Brazilians and 448 Caucasian-Brazilians. Among CAD and SAH cases and controls, the genotype and allele frequencies of ACE I/D polymorphism were similar in both ethnic groups. The AGT 235TT genotype and 235T allele frequencies were higher in SAH cases (32%, 54.7%) versus controls in Caucasian-Brazilians (19.8%, 46.4%; P= 0.038, P= 0.031, respectively). The AGT 235TT (OR = 1.8; P= 0.028) demonstrated to be an independent factor risk in a multivariate logistic regression increasing SAH risk in Caucasians but not in African-Brazilians. In summary, AGT M235T polymorphism was associated with SAH risk in Caucasian-Brazilians, and no association was detected with CAD. No association was also observed in ACE I/D polymorphism either in CAD or SAH in African-Brazilians and Caucasian-Brazilians.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Host plant finding in walking herbivorous beetles is still poorly understood. Analysis of small-scale movement patterns under semi-natural conditions can be a useful tool to detect behavioural responses towards host plant cues.
2. In this study, the small-scale movement behaviour of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was studied in a semi-natural arena ( r = 1 m). In three different settings, a host ( Salvia pratensis L., Lamiales: Lamiaceae), a non-host ( Rumex conglomeratus Murr., Caryophyllales: Polygonaceae), or no plant was presented in the centre of the arena.
3. The beetles showed no differences in the absolute movement variables, straightness and mean walking speed, between the three settings. However, the relative movement variables, mean distance to the centre and mean angular deviation from walking straight to the centre, were significantly smaller when a host plant was offered. Likewise, the angular deviation from walking straight to the centre tended to decline with decreasing distance from the centre. Finally, significantly more beetles were found on the host than on the non-host at the end of all the trials.
4. It is concluded that C. canaliculata is able to recognise its host plant from a distance. Whether olfactory or visual cues (or a combination of both) are used to find the host plant remains to be elucidated by further studies.  相似文献   
The time course of growth of Lemna gibba L. in low concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) and of uptake of 14C-labelled ABA into the plants was followed for up to 15 days. Fresh weight increase was arrested when the plants were transferred to ABA solutions. This inhibition was greatest during the first days after which a marked recovery took place. Dry matter production was only slightly affected by ABA. On a culture basis, the uptake of ABA was almost linear with time during the experimental period. The rate of uptake on a fresh weight basis was highest during the first two days but decreased rapidly from the third day. Most of the applied 14C remained in the culture solution throughout the experiments. Plants transferred to a solution without ABA retained most of their accumulated 14C. Possible explanations for the decrease in rate of ABA uptake and restoration of growth are discussed.  相似文献   
The seed coat develops primarily from maternal tissues and comprises multiple cell layers at maturity, providing a metabolically dynamic interface between the developing embryo and the environment during embryogenesis, dormancy and germination of seeds. Seed coat development involves dramatic cellular changes, and the aim of this research was to investigate the role of programmed cell death (PCD) events during the development of seed coats of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. We demonstrate that cells of the developing cowpea seed coats undergo a programme of autolytic cell death, detected as cellular morphological changes in nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplasts and vacuoles, DNA fragmentation and oligonucleosome accumulation in the cytoplasm, and loss of membrane viability. We show for the first time that classes 6 and 8 caspase‐like enzymes are active during seed coat development, and that these activities may be compartmentalized by translocation between vacuoles and cytoplasm during PCD events.  相似文献   
Rubiaceae contains the largest number of distylous species in the Angiosperms, but the evolution and control of distyly is poorly understood in this group. Atypical distylous populations and species have been described in this family and associated with disturbance, pollination failure and impaired reproductive success. Some of these atypical taxa belong to Psychotria, the largest genus in the family. In the present study, we investigate the pollination and breeding biology of Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq., a widely distributed species that has been described as typically distylous. Fieldwork was carried out mainly at the Panga Ecological Station, in Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. We carried out phenological observations, floral biology studies and hand pollination experiments within the Panga Ecological Station population. We complemented these data with herbarium and field surveys from elsewhere in Brazil. The studied population bloomed at the beginning of the rains (September–December). The main pollinators were Bombus and small Halictidae bees. The Panga Ecological Station population presented pin‐monomorphism with only two thrum individuals in more than 100 flowering individuals surveyed. Hand pollinations at the Panga Ecological Station showed self‐compatibility and intramorph compatibility. Typical distyly and isoplethy were found in other areas and both morphs appeared in herbarium material. However, pin‐monomorphism was also observed elsewhere in Brazil. Typical distyly, pin‐monomorphism and homostyly observed concurrently in Brazilian populations of P. carthagenensis indicate that alternative reproductive strategies, probably favoring selfing, appear to have developed independently in this species.  相似文献   
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