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Immunohistochemical localization of tyrosinase was examined with a monoclonal antibody (MoAb MAT-1) against human tyrosinase on routine formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of 3 normal skin specimens, 15 melanocytic tumors (6 pigmented nevi, 3 juvenile melanomas and 6 malignant melanomas) and 3 non-melanocytic tumors. In the melanotic melanomas, almost all tumor cells were clearly stained with the antibody. In the nevocytic nevi, the nevus cells in lower epidermis and upper dermis were positive for MoAb MAT-1, but negative in middle and lower dermis. All three juvenile melanomas, one amelanotic melanoma, and three non-melanocytic tumors were entirely negative for MoAb MAT-1. Thus, MoAb MAT-1 could recognize the cells with melanogenic activity on routine formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. However, the staining quality was not adequate for normal epidermal melanocytes, indicating that small technical innovations in the immunostaining process such as formalin fixation after PBS washing are required. Nevertheless, MoAb MAT-1 can be expected to be very useful for identifying melanogenic cells on paraffin-embedded sections, because we have to date no other antibody available for it.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Exoerythrocytic forms of Plasmodium gallinaceum were cultured in vitro using salivary gland sporozoites extracted from experimentally infected Aedes fluviatilis mosquitoes. the host cells were macrophage precursors from chicken bone marrow. At various times after introduction of Sporozoites, the cultures were stained by Giemsa or by immunofluorescence assay (IFA) using anti-sporozoite-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAb). the time to complete parasite development in vitro was 50-70 h. By 70 h, ruptured segmenters and free merozoites were visible within the cells. Inoculation of normal chickens with infected cultures induced parasitemia after a pre-patent period of 10-11 days. In vitro young exoerythrocytic forms, late schizonts that include the matured segmenters, and free merozoites shared common antigens with the sporozoites as revealed by IFA using anti-sporozoite-specific MAbs. Our data indicate that macrophages support development of P. gallinaceum sporozoites and that the circumsporozoite proteins are present until Ac end of the primary exoerythrocytic schizogony.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In Euglena gracilis Z, a considerably high activity of mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase occurred and change of it was accompanied by a cell cycle induced by a light-dark cycle. The enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by L-arginine and supported in the presence of poly-L-arginine as a substrate, indicating that ADP-ribosylated amino acid is an arginine residue. Arginine: mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase activity was found in the chloroplasts, mitochondria, microsomes and cytosol as judged from marker enzyme activities and the activity in each organelle fluctuated with the cell cycle.  相似文献   
The glucose and glycogen contents of sea urchin eggs and embryos were measured enzymatically. Unfertilized eggs of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Anthocidaris crassispina contain about 20.9 and 24.4 μg of glycogen per mg protein, respectively. As for glucose, unfertilized eggs of Hemicentrotus and Anthocidaris contain about 0.7 and 1.9 μg per mg protein, respectively. Glycogen consumption during embryonic development differs with different species of sea urchins. In Anthocidaris , glycogen decreases significantly after fertilization. The oxidation of glucose and glycogen accounts for about 50% of oxygen consumed until the early blastula stage in this species. The contribution ratio of glucose and glycogen to the overall energy pool becomes less than 10% at later stages. In Hemicentrotus , however, the glycogen content remains unchanged until the early blastula stage and thereafter decreases. The importance of glucose and glycogen as an energy fuel seems little throughout the development of Hemicentrotus. Activities of phosphorylase (EC, phosphofructokinase (EC and pyruvate kinase (EC were measured at various embryonic stages in both species of sea urchins. The difference between two species in the consumption of glucose and glycogen can not be elucidated by the differences in the activities of these enzymes.  相似文献   
Karyology of some Brazilian species of Alismataceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The family Alismataceae ( sensu Cronquist) comprises 11 genera and 75 species of aquatic and semiaquatic herbs. In Brazil, only the two most speciose genera, Echinodorus Rich. ex Engelm. and Sagittaria L., are present. The chromosome number 2 n  = 22 is common to all species. We present karyotypes for eight species, together with their asymmetry index (TF%) and total chromatin length (TCL). All karyotypes have high karyotypic asymmetry and TCL, due to their large and mostly acrocentric chromosomes. The chromosomal evolution of the Alismatidae group is discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 159−164.  相似文献   
Rice internodes are vital for supporting high‐yield panicles, which are controlled by various factors such as cell division, cell elongation and cell wall biosynthesis. Therefore, formation and regulation of the internode cell‐producing intercalary meristem (IM) are important for determining the shape of internodes. To understand the regulation of internode development, we analysed a rice dwarf mutant, dwarf 50 (d50). Previously, we reported that parenchyma cells in the elongated internodes of d50 ectopically deposit cell wall phenolics. In this study, we revealed that D50 encodes putative inositol polyphosphate 5‐phosphatase (5PTase), which may be involved in phosphoinositide signalling required for many essential cellular functions, such as cytoskeleton organization, endocytosis and vesicular trafficking in eukaryotes. Analysis of the rice genome revealed 20 putative 5PTases including D50. The d50 mutation induced abnormally oriented cell division, irregular deposition of cell wall pectins and thick actin bundles in the parenchyma cells of the IM, resulting in abnormally organized cell files of the internode parenchyma and dwarf phenotype. Our results suggest that the putative 5PTase, encoded by D50, is essential for IM formation, including the direction of cell division, deposition of cell wall pectins and control of actin organization.  相似文献   
One of the major concerns about global warming is the potential for an increase in decomposition and soil respiration rates, increasing CO2 emissions and creating a positive feedback between global warming and soil respiration. This is particularly important in ecosystems with large belowground biomass, such as grasslands where over 90% of the carbon is allocated belowground. A better understanding of the relative influence of climate and litter quality on litter decomposition is needed to predict these changes accurately in grasslands. The Long‐Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team (LIDET) dataset was used to evaluate the influence of climatic variables (temperature, precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, and climate decomposition index), and litter quality (lignin content, carbon : nitrogen, and lignin : nitrogen ratios) on leaf and root decomposition in the US Great Plains. Wooden dowels were used to provide a homogeneous litter quality to evaluate the relative importance of above and belowground environments on decomposition. Contrary to expectations, temperature did not explain variation in root and leaf decomposition, whereas precipitation partially explained variation in root decomposition. Percent lignin was the best predictor of leaf and root decomposition. It also explained most variation in root decomposition in models which combined litter quality and climatic variables. Despite the lack of relationship between temperature and root decomposition, temperature could indirectly affect root decomposition through decreased litter quality and increased water deficits. These results suggest that carbon flux from root decomposition in grasslands would increase, as result of increasing temperature, only if precipitation is not limiting. However, where precipitation is limiting, increased temperature would decrease root decomposition, thus likely increasing carbon storage in grasslands. Under homogeneous litter quality, belowground decomposition was faster than aboveground and was best predicted by mean annual precipitation, which also suggests that the high moisture in soil accelerates decomposition belowground.  相似文献   
1. We examined effects of water temperature on the community structure of a three trophic level food chain (predatory fish, herbivorous caddisfly larvae and periphyton) in boreal streams. We used laboratory experiments to examine (i) the effects of water temperature on feeding activities of fish and caddisfly larvae and on periphyton productivity, to evaluate the thermal effects on each trophic level (species‐level experiment), and (ii) the effects of water temperature on predation pressure of fish on abundance of the lower trophic levels, to evaluate how temperature affects top‐down control by fish (community‐level experiment). 2. In the species‐level experiment, feeding activity of fish was high at 12 °C, which coincides with the mean summer temperature in forested streams of Hokkaido, Japan, but was depressed at 3 °C, which coincides with the mean winter temperature, and also above 18 °C, which coincides with the near maximum summer temperatures. Periphyton productivity increased over the range of water temperatures. 3. In the community‐level experiments, a top‐down effect of fish on the abundance of caddisfly larvae and periphyton was clear at 12 °C. This effect was not observed at 3 and 21 °C because of low predation pressure of fish at these temperatures. 4. These experiments revealed that trophic cascading effects may vary with temperature even in the presence of abundant predators. Physiological depression of predators because of thermal stress can alter top‐down control and lead to changes in community structure. 5. We suggest that thermal habitat alteration can change food web structure via combinations of direct and indirect trophic interactions.  相似文献   
1. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the effect of larval retreats of the net‐spinning stream caddisfly Hydropsyche orientalis on abundances on flow exposed stone surfaces of nymphs of the mayfly Ephemerella setigera, which prefer slow flow conditions, and to determine whether the construction of retreats ameliorated the habitat and made it more suitable for E. setigera. 2. In a field experiment, artificial substrates with retreats of H. orientalis had higher E. setigera abundances than substrates lacking retreats. In addition, abundances of E. setigera nymphs increased significantly with those of H. orientalis larvae on the upper surface of boulders in streams. 3. The drift loss of E. setigera from plates, with and without retreats, was investigated along a current velocity gradient in a laboratory channel experiment. Nearly all E. setigera nymphs remained on the plates with retreats, even at the highest current velocity. In contrast, on the plates without retreats, the drift loss of E. setigera nymphs increased as the current velocity increased. 4. These results suggested that the habitat amelioration by H. orientalis retreats provided a refuge location for E. setigera nymphs and increased their abundances on stone surfaces exposed to flow forces.  相似文献   
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