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The organophosphonates are biogenic and xenobiotic compounds characterized by the presence of a stable carbon to phosphorus (C-P) bond. The C-P bond imparts upon these molecules a relative resistance to (bio)degradation and fears have been expressed over their environmental recalcitrance and possible ecotoxicity, as more than 20×103 tonnes of these compounds enter the environment annually in the U.S.A. and western Europe alone (Egli, 1988). Biodegradation of organophosphonates is generally accepted to be dependent upon the phosphate status of the cell, with biodegradation occurring only under conditions of phosphate limitation. In recent years, however, several novel bacteria capable of completely mineralizing both natural and man-made organophosphonates have been isolated. These organisms represent a departure, both at a physiological and genetic level, from the accepted consensus that organophosphonates are utilized only phosphorus sources. This review covers all aspects of our knowledge of organophosphonate metabolism over the last 50 years, concentrating on the advances made in the last 10 years.  相似文献   
Saltcedars are woody plants in the genus Tamarix L. (Caryophyllales: Tamaricaceae) and are native to Eurasia and Africa. Several species have become invasive in the Americas, Australia and South Africa. In Argentina there are four species of Tamarix distributed in arid, semi-arid and coastal areas of most provinces. The taxonomic isolation of Tamarix spp. in Argentina, their widespread distribution, negative impact to natural areas and lack of impact from existing natural enemies all indicate that Tamarix is an ideal candidate for classical biological control in Argentina. Biological control of Tamarix spp. has been rapid and highly successful in the USA after the introduction of four Diorhabda spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biological control of Tamarix spp. in Argentina could be implemented easily, rapidly, and at a low cost by utilizing the information developed in the USA.  相似文献   
It has been hypothesized that nonspecific reversible binding of cytoskeletal proteins to lipids in cells may guide their binding to integral membrane anchor proteins. In a model system, we measured desorption rates k(off) (off-rates) of the erythrocyte cytoskeletal proteins spectrin and protein 4.1 labeled with carboxyfluorescein (CF), at two different compositions of planar phospholipid membranes (supported on glass), using the total internal reflection/fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (TIR/FRAP) technique. The lipid membranes consisted of either pure phosphatidylcholine (PC) or a 3:1 mixture of PC with phosphatidylserine (PS). In general, the off-rates were not single exponentials and were fit to a combination of fast, slow, and irreversible fractions, reported both separately and as a weighted average. By a variation of TIR/FRAP, we also measured equilibrium affinities (the ratio of surface-bound to bulk protein concentration) and thereby calculated on-rates, k(on). The average off-rate of CF-4.1 from PC/PS (approximately 0.008/s) is much slower than that from pure PC (approximately 1.7/s). Despite the consequent increase in equilibrium affinity at PC/PS, the on-rate at PC/PS is also substantially decreased (by a factor of 40) relative to that at pure PC. The simultaneous presence of (unlabeled) spectrin tends to substantially decrease the on-rate (and the affinity) of CF-4.1 at both membrane types. Similar experiments for CF-spectrin alone showed much less sensitivity to membrane type and generally faster off-rates than those exhibited by CF-4.1. However, when mixed with (unlabeled) 4.1, both the on-rate and off-rate of CF-spectrin decreased drastically at PC/PS (but not PC), leading to a somewhat increased affinity. Clearly, changes in affinity often involve countervailing changes in both on-rates and off-rates. In many of these studies, the effect of varying ionic strength and bulk concentrations was examined; it appears that the binding is an electrostatic attraction and is far from saturation at the concentrations employed. These results and the techniques implemented carry general implications for understanding the functional role of nonspecific protein binding to cellular lipid membranes.  相似文献   
Guanylin and uroguanylin are small cysteine-rich peptides involved in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis through binding and activation of guanylyl cyclases signaling molecules expressed in intestine and kidney. Guanylin is less potent than uroguanylin as a natriuretic agent and is degraded in vitro by chymotrypsin due to unique structural features in the bioactive moiety of the peptide. Thus, the aim of this study was to verify whether or not guanylin is degraded by chymotrypsin-like proteases present in the kidney brush-border membranes. The isolated perfused rat kidney assay was used in this regard. Guanylin (0.2 microM) induced no changes in kidney function. However, when pretreated by the black-eyed pea trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor (BTCI - 1.0 microM; guanylin - 0.2 microM) it promoted increases in urine flow (DeltaUF of 0.25 +/- 0.09 mL.g(-1)/min, P < 0.05) and Na+ excretion (% Delta ENa+ of 18.20 +/- 2.17, P < 0.05). BTCI (1.0 microM) also increased %ENa+ (from 22.8 +/- 1.30 to 34.4 +/- 3.48, P < 0.05, 90 minutes). Furthermore, BTCI (3.0 microM) induced increases in glomerular filtration rate (GFR; from 0.96 +/- 0.02 to 1.28 0.02 mL.g(-1)/min, P < 0.05, 60 minutes). The present paper strongly suggests that chymotrypsin-like proteases play a role in renal metabolism of guanylin and describes for the first time renal effects induced by a member of the Bowman-Birk family of protease inhibitors.  相似文献   
During surveys for natural enemies that could be used as classical biological control agents of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Brazilian pepper), the caterpillar, Tecmessa elegans Schaus (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), was recorded feeding on the leaves of the shrub in South America. The biology and larval and adult host range of this species were examined to determine the insect's suitability for biological control of this invasive weed in North America and Hawaii. Biological observations indicate that the larvae have five instars. When disturbed, the late instar larvae emit formic acid from a prothoracic gland that may protect larvae from generalist predators. Larval host range tests conducted both in South and North America indicated that this species feeds and completes development primarily on members of the Anacardiaceae within the tribe Rhoeae. Oviposition tests indicated that when given a choice in large cages the adults will select the target weed over Pistacia spp. However, considering the many valued plant species in its host range, especially several North American natives, this species will not be considered further for biological control of S. terebinthifolius in North America.  相似文献   
Evaluation of bull fertility in dairy and beef cattle using cow field data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A successful outcome to a given service is a combination of both male and female fertility. Despite this, most national evaluations for fertility are generally confined to female fertility with evaluations for male fertility commonly undertaken by individual breeding organisations and generally not made public. The objective of this study was to define a pertinent male fertility trait for seasonal calving production systems, and to develop a multiple regression mixed model that may be used to evaluate male fertility at a national level. The data included in the study after editing consisted of 361,412 artificial inseminations from 206,683 cow-lactations (134,911 cows) in 2,843 commercial dairy and beef herds. Fixed effects associated with whether a successful pregnancy ensued (pregnant = 1) or not (pregnant = 0) from a given service were year by month of service, day of the week, days since calving, cow parity, level of calving difficulty experienced, whether or not the previous calving was associated with perinatal mortality, and age of the service bull at the date of insemination. Non-additive genetic effects such as heterosis and recombination loss as well as inbreeding level of the service bull, dam or mating were not associated with a successful pregnancy; there was no difference in pregnancy rate between fresh or frozen semen. Random effects included in the model were the additive genetic effect of the cow, as well as a within lactation and across lactation permanent environmental effect of the cow; pedigree group effects based on cow breed were also included via the relationship matrix. Temporal differences in the AI technician and service bull were also included as random effects. A difference in five percentage units in male fertility was evident between the average effects of different dairy and beef breeds. The correlation between raw pregnancy rates for bulls with more than 100 services (n = 431) and service bull solutions from the mixed model analysis was 0.66. The correlation between the raw pregnancy rates of 288 technicians with more than 100 services and their respective solutions from the mixed model was 0.35. These low to moderate correlations suggest considerable re-ranking among both service bulls and technicians and suggest possibly a benefit of using a statistical model to better estimate the performance of both service bulls and technicians.  相似文献   
Diverse lines of evidence indicate that pre-fibrillar, diffusible assemblies of the amyloid β-protein (Aβ) play an important role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Although the precise molecular identity of these soluble toxins remains unsettled, recent experiments suggest that sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-stable Aβ dimers may be the basic building blocks of Alzheimer's disease-associated synaptotoxic assemblies and as such present an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. In the absence of sufficient amounts of highly pure cerebral Aβ dimers, we have used synthetic disulfide cross-linked dimers (free of Aβ monomer or fibrils) to generate conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies. These dimers aggregate to form kinetically trapped protofibrils, but do not readily form fibrils. We identified two antibodies, 3C6 and 4B5, which preferentially bind assemblies formed from covalent Aβ dimers, but do not bind to Aβ monomer, amyloid precursor protein, or aggregates formed by other amyloidogenic proteins. Monoclonal antibody 3C6, but not an IgM isotype-matched control antibody, ameliorated the plasticity-disrupting effects of Aβ extracted from the aqueous phase of Alzheimer's disease brain, thus suggesting that 3C6 targets pathogenically relevant Aβ assemblies. These data prove the usefulness of covalent dimers and their assemblies as immunogens and recommend further investigation of the therapeutic and diagnostic utility of monoclonal antibodies raised to such assemblies.  相似文献   
Human serum vitamin D binding protein (hDBP), a 58-kDa inter-alpha-globulin, is known to bind, monomeric actin (G-actin) in equimolar quantities. Using monoclonal and polyclonal anti-hDBP antibodies, hDBP, and radioiodinated actin, we developed a reliable saturation assay for actin bound to hDBP. By utilizing this assay, kinetic analysis, and ultracentrifugal sedimentation in sucrose gradients, these proteins' binding affinities (Kd = 10(-9) M) were demonstrated to be 10- to 100-fold greater than earlier estimates. At 4 degrees C, hDBP has an association rate constant of 2.2 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 and a rate of dissociation displaying a t1/2 of 22 h. This high affinity binding was largely unaffected by conditions favoring actin filament formation (1 mM MgCl2 and/or 50 mM KCl), by the range of pH from 6.8 to 8.6 or by temperatures from 4 to 37 degrees C. Compared with ATP-alpha-actin, a 2-fold decrease of binding affinity was observed for the nonmuscle isoactins (beta,gamma), ADP-G-alpha-actin, and N'-ethylmaleimide-modified G-alpha-actin. The 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 holo-sterol forms of hDBP bound actin in a manner indistinguishable from the apo-sterol hDBP. The common polymorphisms of hDBP (DBP1 slow, DBP1 fast, and DBP2) were shown to have an equal avidity for G-actin binding. Human platelet profilin competed with hDBP for binding to G-actin, but was 1000-fold less potent (Ki = 1.9 microM). When platelet profilactin was incubated with hDBP, profilin was liberated and hDBP-actin complexes formed. DNase I, which forms a triprotein complex with hDBP-G actin, did not alter the affinity of binding of actin by hDBP. The very high affinity binding observed, which was largely unaffected by the state of G-actin, pH, and ionic conditions, appears to support a constitutive role for plasma DBP in the sequestration of actin monomers, as well as actin from actin-profilin complexes, that are liberated during cell injury.  相似文献   
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