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Staphylococcus aureus occurs and survives in bacon curing brines and may be found on shop sliced and on vacuum packed bacon. Under anaerobic conditions it competes with the indigenous flora of the bacon: its growth is favoured by low numbers of other organisms and by high storage temperatures. Packs of bacon for sale should carry the instruction to keep in a cool place.  相似文献   


Following failure of standard systemic chemotherapy, the role of hepatic transarterial therapy for colorectal hepatic metastasis continues to evolve as the experience with this technique matures. The aim of this study to gain a better understanding of the value of drug eluting bead therapy when administered to patients with unresectable colorectal hepatic metastasis.


This was an open-label, multi-center, single arm study, of unresectable colorectal hepatic metastasis patients who had failed standard therapy from 10/2006-10/2008. Patients received repeat embolizations with Irinotecan loaded beads(max 100 mg per embolization) per treating physician's discretion.


Fifty-five patients underwent 99 treatments using Irinotecan drug eluting beads. The median number of total treatments per patient was 2(range of 1-5). Median length of hospital stay was 23 hours(range 23 hours - 10 days). There were 30(30%) sessions associated with adverse reactions during or after the treatment. The median disease free and overall survival from the time of first treatment was 247 days and 343 days. Six patients(10%) were downstaged from their original disease status. Of these, four were treated with surgery and two with RFA. Neither number of liver lesions, size of liver lesions or extent of liver replacement(<= 25% vs >25%) were predictors of overall survival. Only the presence of extrahepatic disease(p = 0,001), extent of prior chemotherapy (failed 1st and 2nd line vs > 2 line failure)(p = 0,007) were predictors of overall survival in multivariate analysis.


Chemoembolization using Irinotecan loaded beads was safe and effective in the treatment of patients as demonstrated by a minimal complication rate and acceptable tumor response.  相似文献   
A technique was developed for assessing the saprophytic activity of Verticillium dahliae, using a strawberry root extract medium. The germination of conidia and microsclerotia, and mycelial growth in soil, was inhibited by the addition of chitin, laminarin, wheat straw and oven-dried green clover as soil amendments. A significant decrease in the number of viable propagules of the pathogen counted from soil, and in disease severity, was obtained with chitin and laminarin. More bacteria and actinomycetes were recorded from the rhizosphere of plants grown in chitin-amended soil than from those in natural soil.  相似文献   
Bindin, a protein component of the acrosomal vesicle of sea urchin sperm, has been isolated from Arbacia punctulata and strongylocentrous purpuratus. Using this isolated bindin, we have devised a quantitative assay for bindin-mediated egg agglutination and compared the agglutination of bindin eggs from A. puntulata and S. purpuratus. Bindin- mediated agglutination is species –specific in both species, although a measurable degree of heterotypic interaction is observed. Homotypic bindin-egg interactions differ significantly from heterotypic interactions both in the extent of agglutination and the size of the resulting aggregates. We also provide direct evidence that bindin particles agglutinate eggs by adhering to the surfaces of adjacent eggs. Although the A. punctulata bindin preparation displays the same functional properties and consists of one major polypeptide of the same apparent molecular weight as S. purpuratus bindin, its morphology is very different. Unlike the spherical aggregates observed with S. purpuratus bindin, A punctulata bindin exists as lamellar vesicles and binds significant amounts of phospholipids and Triton X-100, suggesting that it may be tightly associated with the acrosomal membrane. Having defined a number of the basic parameters of bindin-mediated agglutination, we examined the effect of a number of saccharides and glycopeptides on bindin-mediated egg agglutination. Carbohydrate-containing components derived from the egg cell surface by proteolysis were found to inhibit bindin-mediated egg agglutination at low concentrations, but this inhibition is not species specific.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: From various chilled meats, twenty-eight strains of coli-aerogenes bacteria and one Aeromonas were isolated which grew well at +1±5° and some at −1±5°. The optimum growth temperature for most of these strains was nearer 37° than 30°. Nine strains (including the Aeromonas ) fermented lactose rapidly, the remainder slowly or not at all. All the strains which fermented lactose rapidly with the production of gas gave positive presumptive coli-aerogenes tests in MacConkey's broth at 30°, but only five were positive at 37°; none was positive at 44°. Because such organisms can attain populations of millions/cm2, they could confuse the interpretation of presumptive coli-aerogenes tests made on chilled meat.  相似文献   
This paper examines long‐term eddy covariance data from 18 European and 17 North American and Asian forest, wetland, tundra, grassland, and cropland sites under non‐water‐stressed conditions with an empirical rectangular hyperbolic light response model and a single layer two light‐class carboxylase‐based model. Relationships according to ecosystem functional type are demonstrated between empirical and physiological parameters, suggesting linkages between easily estimated parameters and those with greater potential for process interpretation. Relatively sparse documentation of leaf area index dynamics at flux tower sites is found to be a major difficulty in model inversion and flux interpretation. Therefore, a simplification of the physiological model is carried out for a subset of European network sites with extensive ancillary data. The results from these selected sites are used to derive a new parameter and means for comparing empirical and physiologically based methods across all sites, regardless of ancillary data. The results from the European analysis are then compared with results from the other Northern Hemisphere sites and similar relationships for the simplified process‐based parameter were found to hold for European, North American, and Asian temperate and boreal climate zones. This parameter is useful for bridging between flux network observations and continental scale spatial simulations of vegetation/atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange.  相似文献   
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