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BACKGROUND: The discriminatory power and imaging efficiency of different multicolor FISH (M-FISH) analysis systems are key factors in obtaining accurate and reproducible classification results. In a recent paper, Garini et al. put forth an analytical technique to quantify the discriminatory power ("S/N ratio") and imaging efficiency ('excitation efficiency') of multicolor fluorescent karyotyping systems. METHODS: A parametric model of multicolor fluorescence microscopy, based on the Beer-Lambert law, is analyzed and reduced to a simple expression for S/N ratio. Parameters for individual system configurations are then plugged into the model for comparison purposes. RESULTS: We found that several invalid assumptions, which are used to reduce the complex mathematics of the Beer-Lambert law to a simple S/N ratio, result in some completely misleading conclusions about classification accuracy. The authors omit the most significant noise source, and consider only one highly abstract and unrepresentative situation. Unwisely chosen parameters used in the examples lead to predictions that are not consistent with actual results. CONCLUSIONS: The earlier paper presents an inaccurate view of the M-FISH situation. In this short communication, we point out several inaccurate assumptions in the mathematical development of Garini et al. and the poor choices of parameters in their examples. We show results obtained with different imaging systems that indicate that reliable and comparable results are obtained if the metaphase samples are well-hybridized. We also conclude that so-called biochemical noise, not photon noise, is the primary factor that limits pixel classification accuracy, given reasonable exposure times. Copyright Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
SUT2, a putative sucrose sensor in sieve elements   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
In leaves, sucrose uptake kinetics involve high- and low-affinity components. A family of low- and high-affinity sucrose transporters (SUT) was identified. SUT1 serves as a high-affinity transporter essential for phloem loading and long-distance transport in solanaceous species. SUT4 is a low-affinity transporter with an expression pattern overlapping that of SUT1. Both SUT1 and SUT4 localize to enucleate sieve elements of tomato. New sucrose transporter-like proteins, named SUT2, from tomato and Arabidopsis contain extended cytoplasmic domains, thus structurally resembling the yeast sugar sensors SNF3 and RGT2. Features common to these sensors are low codon bias, environment of the start codon, low expression, and lack of detectable transport activity. In contrast to LeSUT1, which is induced during the sink-to-source transition of leaves, SUT2 is more highly expressed in sink than in source leaves and is inducible by sucrose. LeSUT2 protein colocalizes with the low- and high-affinity sucrose transporters in sieve elements of tomato petioles, indicating that multiple SUT mRNAs or proteins travel from companion cells to enucleate sieve elements. The SUT2 gene maps on chromosome V of potato and is linked to a major quantitative trait locus for tuber starch content and yield. Thus, the putative sugar sensor identified colocalizes with two other sucrose transporters, differs from them in kinetic properties, and potentially regulates the relative activity of low- and high-affinity sucrose transport into sieve elements.  相似文献   
Methyl 2,3-anhydro-alpha-D-ribofuranoside (3a) was transformed into methyl 2-seleno-2,5-anhydro-alpha-D-arabinofuranoside (5a) and methyl 3-seleno-3,5-anhydro-alpha-D-xylofuranoside (6a) in two steps via the reaction of the C-5 mesylate of 3a, methyl 2,3-anhydro-5-O-mesyl-alpha-D-ribofuranoside (4a), with sodium hydrogen selenide. The corresponding beta anomer of 3a yielded methyl 3-seleno-3,5-anhydro-beta-D-xylofuranoside as the main product and only traces of methyl 2-seleno-2,5-anhydro-beta-D-arabinofuranoside. Sodium hydrogen telluride transformed 4a into methyl 2-telluro-2,5-anhydro-alpha-D-arabinofuranoside. Starting from 5a we prepared 1-(2-seleno-2,5-anhydro-alpha-D-arabinofuranosyl)uracil and the analogous thymidine nucleoside. Compound 6a could not be transformed into nucleosides.  相似文献   
The aim of this review is to interpret recent studies in which molecular methods were used to identify and characterize prokaryotes in lake sediments and related habitats. In the first part studies based on the phylogenetic diversity of prokaryotes found in lacustrine habitats are summarized. The application of various cultivation-independent methods for the characterization of distinct groups of sediment bacteria is exemplified with morphologically conspicuous, colorless sulfur bacteria in the second part of this review. Finally, traditional and recently developed methods are described which could be used for linking the function of microbial populations with their identification. The potential of these approaches for the study of lake sediments is discussed in order to give a perspective for future studies in this habitat.  相似文献   
Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning have been mainly studied in experiments that artificially create gradients in grassland plant diversity. Woody species were largely excluded from these early experiments, despite the ecological and socioeconomic importance of forest ecosystems. We discuss conceptual aspects of mechanistically driven research on the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship in forests, including the comparison of scientific approaches like ‘observational studies’, ‘removal experiments’, and ‘synthetic-assemblage experiments’. We give a short overview on the differences between herbaceous and forest ecosystems, focusing on canopy characteristics, and the possibilities for individual versus population-based investigations.We present detailed information about the first large-scale, multisite and long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiment with tree species of temperate forests (BIOTREE – BIOdiversity and ecosystem processes in experimental TREE stands). At three sites of differing geology and local climate, we planted 200,000 saplings on a total area of 70 ha. At two sites, diversity gradients were established by varying the number of tree species (BIOTREE-SPECIES). At a third site, only functional diversity at a constant level of tree species richness was manipulated by selecting mixtures that differ in the functional trait values of the corresponding species (BIOTREE-FD). Additional experimental treatments at the subplot level include silvicultural management options, the addition of subdominant species, and the reduction of genetic diversity. Response variables focus on productivity, biogeochemical cycles and carbon sequestration, and resource use complementarity.We explore the use of different measures of functional diversity for a posteriori classifications of functional richness and their use in the analysis of our tree diversity experiment. The experiment is thought to provide a long-term research platform for a variety of scientific questions related to forest biodiversity and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
Rupture of endosomes and lysosomes is a major cellular stress condition leading to cell death and degeneration. Here, we identified an essential role for the ubiquitin‐directed AAA‐ATPase, p97, in the clearance of damaged lysosomes by autophagy. Upon damage, p97 translocates to lysosomes and there cooperates with a distinct set of cofactors including UBXD1, PLAA, and the deubiquitinating enzyme YOD1, which we term ELDR components for Endo‐Lysosomal Damage Response. Together, they act downstream of K63‐linked ubiquitination and p62 recruitment, and selectively remove K48‐linked ubiquitin conjugates from a subpopulation of damaged lysosomes to promote autophagosome formation. Lysosomal clearance is also compromised in MEFs harboring a p97 mutation that causes inclusion body myopathy and neurodegeneration, and damaged lysosomes accumulate in affected patient tissue carrying the mutation. Moreover, we show that p97 helps clear late endosomes/lysosomes ruptured by endocytosed tau fibrils. Thus, our data reveal an important mechanism of how p97 maintains lysosomal homeostasis, and implicate the pathway as a modulator of degenerative diseases.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the effect of metoprolol, a beta adrenergic blocking drug, on the occurrence of myocardial ischaemia during endoscopic cholangiopancreatography. DESIGN--Double blind, randomised, controlled trial. SETTING--University Hospital. SUBJECTS--38 (two groups of 19) patients scheduled for endoscopic cholangiopancreatography. INTERVENTIONS--Metoprolol 100 mg or placebo as premedication two hours before endoscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation by continuous pulse oximetry, ST segment changes during endoscopic cholangiopancreatography (an ST segment deviation > 1 mV was defined as myocardial ischaemia), electrocardiogram monitored continuously with a Holter tape recorder. RESULTS--All patients had increased heart rate during endoscopy compared with rate before endoscopy, but heart rate during endoscopy was significantly lower in the metoprolol group compared with the placebo group (P = 0.0002). Twenty one patients (16 placebo, 5 metoprolol; P = 0.0008) developed tachycardia (heart rate > 100/min) during the procedure, and 11 patients (10 placebo, 1 metoprolol; P = 0.003) developed myocardial ischaemia. One patient in the placebo group had an acute inferolateral myocardial infarction. In the 10 other patients with signs of myocardial ischaemia during endoscopy the ST deviation disappeared when the endoscope was retracted. In all patients myocardial ischaemia was related to increases in heart rate, and 10 of the 11 patients had tachycardia coherent with myocardial ischaemia. CONCLUSIONS--Metoprolol prevented myocardial ischaemia during endoscopic cholangiopancreatography, probably through lowering the heart rate. Thus, tachycardia seems to be a key pathogenic factor in the development of myocardial ischaemia during endoscopy.  相似文献   
Urbanization affects key aspects of wildlife ecology. Dispersal in urban wildlife species may be impacted by geographical barriers but also by a species’ inherent behavioural variability. There are no functional connectivity analyses using continuous individual‐based sampling across an urban‐rural continuum that would allow a thorough assessment of the relative importance of physical and behavioural dispersal barriers. We used 16 microsatellite loci to genotype 374 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from the city of Berlin and surrounding rural regions in Brandenburg in order to study genetic structure and dispersal behaviour of a mobile carnivore across the urban‐rural landscape. We assessed functional connectivity by applying an individual‐based landscape genetic optimization procedure. Three commonly used genetic distance measures yielded different model selection results, with only the results of an eigenvector‐based multivariate analysis reasonably explaining genetic differentiation patterns. Genetic clustering methods and landscape resistance modelling supported the presence of an urban population with reduced dispersal across the city border. Artificial structures (railways, motorways) served as main dispersal corridors within the cityscape, yet urban foxes avoided densely built‐up areas. We show that despite their ubiquitous presence in urban areas, their mobility and behavioural plasticity, foxes were affected in their dispersal by anthropogenic presence. Distinguishing between man‐made structures and sites of human activity, rather than between natural and artificial structures, is thus essential for better understanding urban fox dispersal. This differentiation may also help to understand dispersal of other urban wildlife and to predict how behaviour can shape population genetic structure beyond physical barriers.  相似文献   
Microtubule spindle assembly in mitosis is stimulated by Ran.GTP, which is generated along condensed chromosomes by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) RCC1. This relationship suggests that similar activities might modulate other microtubule structures. Interphase microtubules usually extend from the centrosome, although noncentrosomal microtubules function in some differentiated cells, including megakaryocytes. In these cells, platelet biogenesis requires massive mobilization of microtubules in the cell periphery, where they form proplatelets, the immediate precursors of platelets, in the apparent absence of centrioles. Here we identify a cytoplasmic Ran-binding protein, RanBP10, as a factor that binds beta-tubulin and associates with megakaryocyte microtubules. Unexpectedly, RanBP10 harbors GEF activity toward Ran. A point mutation in the candidate GEF domain abolishes exchange activity, and our results implicate RanBP10 as a localized cytoplasmic Ran-GEF. RNA interference-mediated loss of RanBP10 in cultured megakaryocytes disrupts microtubule organization. These results lead us to propose that spatiotemporally restricted generation of cytoplasmic Ran.GTP may influence organization of the specialized microtubules required in thrombopoiesis and that RanBP10 might serve as a molecular link between Ran and noncentrosomal microtubules.  相似文献   

Background & Aims

Current guidelines recommend immunosuppressive treatment (IT) in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and elevated aminotransferase levels more than five times the upper limit of normal and elevated serum IgG-levels above twice the upper limit of normal. Since there is no evidence to support this recommendation, we aimed to assess the criteria that guided clinicians in clinical practice to initiate IT in patients with previously diagnosed PSC.


This is a retrospective analysis of 196 PSC patients from seven German hepatology centers, of whom 36 patients had received IT solely for their liver disease during the course of PSC. Analyses were carried out using methods for competing risks.


A simplified autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) score >5 (HR of 36, p<0.0001) and a modified histological activity index (mHAI) greater than 3/18 points (HR 3.6, p = 0.0274) were associated with the initiation of IT during the course of PSC. Of note, PSC patients who subsequently received IT differed already at the time of PSC diagnosis from those patients, who did not receive IT during follow-up: they presented with increased levels of IgG (p = 0.004) and more frequently had clinical signs of cirrhosis (p = 0.0002).


This is the first study which investigates the parameters associated with IT in patients with PSC in clinical practice. A simplified AIH score >5 and a mHAI score >3, suggesting concomitant features of AIH, influenced the decision to introduce IT during the course of PSC. In German clinical practice, the cutoffs used to guide IT may be lower than recommended by current guidelines.  相似文献   
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