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The Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) comprise a small group of strictly Neotropical calyptrate flies, with 36 described species. The group has often been treated as a subfamily of Calliphoridae, but there is growing evidence that it corresponds to a distinct Oestroidea lineage. Internal relationships have so far been addressed based only on morphology, with results lacking resolution and support. This is the first molecular phylogeny for the group, which is based on the analyses of 80 terminal taxa (22 mesembrinellid and 28 outgroup species) and 5 molecular markers (ITS2, 28S, COI, COII and 16S). Maximum‐parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian inference methods were used, the latter two with partitioning strategies considering codon position and secondary structure information. Results corroborate the Mesembrinellidae as a monophyletic lineage inside Oestroidea. Three clades were consistently recovered: (1) (Laneella Mesembrinella patriciae); (2) (Mesembrinella (excluding M. patriciae)  Eumesembrinella); and (3) (Huascaromusca Giovanella). Re‐examination of the female reproductive tract of M. patriciae revealed a Laneela‐type spermatheca, which corroborates the position of the species recovered in the molecular phylogenetic analyses. Mesembrinella and Huascaromusca are in all cases paraphyletic with regards to Eumesembrinella and Giovanella, respectively. These latter two genera should, thus, be seen as subjective junior synonyms.  相似文献   
The grey wolf (Canis lupus) and coyote (C. latrans) are highly mobile carnivores that disperse over great distances in search of territories and mates. Previous genetic studies have shown little geographical structure in either species. However, population genetic structure is also influenced by past isolation events and population fluctuations during glacial periods. In this study, control region sequence data from a worldwide sample of grey wolves and a more limited sample of coyotes were analysed. The results suggest that fluctuating population sizes during the late Pleistocene have left a genetic signature on levels of variation in both species. Genealogical measures of nucleotide diversity suggest that historical population sizes were much larger in both species and grey wolves were more numerous than coyotes. Currently, about 300 000 wolves and 7 million coyotes exist. In grey wolves, genetic diversity is greater than that predicted from census population size, reflecting recent historical population declines. By contrast, nucleotide diversity in coyotes is smaller than that predicted by census population size, reflecting a recent population expansion following the extirpation of wolves from much of North America. Both species show little partitioning of haplotypes on continental or regional scales. However, a statistical parsimony analysis indicates local genetic structure that suggests recent restricted gene flow.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that the functional ACTN3*R577X polymorphism might have evolved due to selection in Eurasian human populations. To test this possibility we surveyed all available population-based data for this polymorphism and performed a comprehensive evolutionary analysis of its genetic diversity, in order to assess the action of adaptive and random mechanisms on its variation across human geographical distribution. The derived 577X allele increases in frequency with distance from Africa, reaching the highest frequencies on the American continent. Positive selection, detected by an extended haplotype homozygosisty test, was consistent only with the Eurasian data, but simulations with neutral models could not fully explain the results found in the American continent. It is possible that particularities of Native American population structure could be responsible for the observed allele frequencies, which would have resulted from a complex interaction between selective and random factors.  相似文献   
Chitin deacetylase (CDA) is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of acetamine groups of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine in chitin, converting it to chitosan in fungal cell walls. In the present study, the activity in batch culture of CDA from six Mucoralean strains, two of them wild type, isolated from dung of herbivores of Northeast Brazil, was screened. Among the strains tested, Cunninghamella bertholletiae IFM 46114 showed a high intracellular enzyme activity of 0.075 U/mg protein after 5 days of culture, and a wild-type strain of Mucor circinelloides showed a high intracellular enzyme activity of 0.060 U/mg protein, with only 2 days of culture, using N-acetylchitopentaose as substrate. This enzyme showed optimal activity at pH 4.5 in 25 mM glutamate-sodium buffer at 50°C, and was stable over 1 h preincubation at the same temperature. The kinetic parameters of CDA did not follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics, but rather Hill affinity distribution, showing probable allosteric behavior. The apparent KHILL and Vmax of CDA were 288±34 nmol/l and 0.08±0.01 U mg protein–1 min–1, respectively, using N-acetylchitopentaose as substrate at pH 4.5 at 50°C.  相似文献   
Several studies about the phylogenetic relationships of the Scarabaeinae subfamily (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) have been performed, but some phylogenetic uncertainties persist including the relationship and monophyly of different tribes and some genera. The aim of this study was to characterize the mitogenome of Coprophanaeus ensifer in order to establish its position within the Scarabaeidae family and to contribute to the resolution of some phylogenetic uncertainties. The mitogenome was sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 4000, assembled using the Mitobim software and annotated in MITOS WebServer. The phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by Bayesian inference. The C. ensifer mitogenome is a molecule of 14,964 bp that contains the number and organization of the genes similar to those of most Coleoptera species. Phylogenetic reconstruction suggests monophyly of the tribe Phanaeini and supports the hypothesis that Coprini is a sister group of Phanaeini. The results also revealed the position of the tribe Oniticellini which is grouped with Onthophagini and Onitini. The geographic distribution of these species that form the most ancestral clade suggests with Scarabaeinae originated in Africa. Keywords: Dung beetle, mitochondrial genome, phylogenomics  相似文献   
Amblyomma ovale (Ixodida: Ixodidae) Koch, 1844 is widely‐reported in the neotropical region and is the main vector in the epidemic cycle of Rickettsia parkeri strain Atlantic rainforest, a bioagent of a milder variety of spotted fever (SF). Because species with wide geographical distributions are known to exhibit variations that influence their vectorial capacity, the present study aimed to analyze genetic diversity and rickettsia infection of A. ovale collected during the investigation and surveillance of SF cases in the Cerrado and Atlantic rainforest (ARF) Brazilian biomes. Samples had their DNA extracted, amplified and sequenced for 16S rDNA, 12S rDNA, cytochrome oxidase subunit II and D‐loop markers for tick analyses, as well as the gltA, htrA, ompA and ompB genes for rickettsia detection. Between 11 and 33 A. ovale haplotypes were identified, all of them exclusive to areas within individual analyzed biome areas. The A. ovale populations appeared to be structured, with Cluster I restricted to Cerrado + ARF isolated in Caatinga and Cluster II to ARF continuous area. Rickettsia bellii, R. parkeri strain Atlantic rainforest (first report for Goiás state, Cerrado), Rickettsia asemboensis (first record in A. ovale for Brazil) and Rickettsia felis (first detection in this ixodid) were identified. A. ovale clusters were not associated with rickettsia types.  相似文献   
Male courtship acoustic signals from five Lake Malawi cichlid fish species of the Pseudotropheus zebra complex were recorded and compared. Sounds made by males of P. zebra , Pseudotropheus callainos and the undescribed species known as Pseudotropheus 'zebra gold' from Nkhata Bay, and Pseudotropheus emmiltos and Pseudotropheus faizilberi from Mphanga Rocks, differed significantly in the number of pulses and in pulse period. The largest differences in acoustic variables were found among the sympatric Mphanga Rocks species that, in contrast to the other three species, show relatively minor differences in male colour and pattern. These findings suggest that interspecific mate recognition is mediated by multimodal signals and that the mass of different sensory channels varies among sympatric species groups. This study also showed that sound peak frequency was significantly negatively correlated with male size and that sound production rate increased significantly with courtship rate.  相似文献   
The potential of Y-chromosome biallelic marker haplotypes to infer population affiliations and structures was exploited to analyze four populations from the southwestern edge of Europe, namely north, central, and south Portugal and Galicia. Three markers subdividing the YAP+ lineage were analyzed: the YAP Alu element insertion itself and the SRY8299 and sY81 base substitutions; these respectively define three haplotypes known as 4, 21, and 8. Only haplotype 21 was detected presenting an increasing north-to-south frequency gradient, from 9.6% (Galicia) to 24.5% (South Portugal). This clinal distribution most likely reflects the genetic input associated with the Neolithic spread of agriculture, but we cannot exclude other movements as potential contributors to the distribution. In this context, it is interesting to note the consistency between the clinal variation and the population movement associated with Islamic rule in Iberia. The absence of haplotype 8, a marker of sub-Saharan populations, suggests that, despite the massive introductions of African slaves in historical times, there was little admixture between the African males and Western Iberian populations.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to describe, interpret and compare the EMG activation patterns of ankle muscles – tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) – in volleyball players with and without ankle functional instability (FI) during landing after the blocking movement. Twenty-one players with FI (IG) and 19 controls (CG) were studied. The cycle of movement analyzed was the time period between 200 ms before and 200 ms after the time of impact determined by ground reaction forces. The variables were analyzed for two different phases: pre-landing (200 ms before impact) and post-landing (200 ms after impact). The RMS values and the timing of onset activity were calculated for the three studied muscles, in both periods and for both groups. The co-activation index for TA and PL, TA and GL were also calculated. Individuals with FI presented a lower RMS value pre-landing for PL (CG = 43.0 ± 22.0; IG = 26.2 ± 8.4, p < 0.05) and higher RMS value post-landing (CG = 47.5 ± 13.3; IG = 55.8 ± 21.6, p < 0.10). Besides that, in control group PL and GL activated first and simultaneously, and TA presented a later activation, while in subjects with FI all the three muscles activated simultaneously. There were no significant differences between groups for co-activation index. Thus, the rate of contraction between agonist and antagonist muscles is similar for subjects with and without FI but the activation individually was different. Volleyball players with functional instability of the ankle showed altered patterns of the muscles that play an important role in the stabilization of the foot–ankle complex during the performance of the blocking movement, to the detriment of the ligament complex, and this fact could explain the usual complaints in these subjects.  相似文献   
To assess the main factors driving epiphytic angiosperm distribution throughout the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we compiled 57 floristic surveys and analysed species composition under the influence of environmental variables, space and vegetation type using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), similarity (Sorensen) and Mantel's tests. The indicator value index (IndVal) was used to find indicator species of each Brazilian Atlantic Forest vegetation type. Group sharpness analysis was performed in order to determine the appropriate group partition level. CCA showed a separation of the epiphytic flora reflecting temperature and rainfall gradients. Mantel's test showed that environment and space were highly correlated with floristic similarity. Cluster analysis, indicating floristic similarity, resolved five groups, mainly grouped by region. Clear differentiation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest epiphytic flora on a north–south axis with a strong correlation with temperature and rainfall gradients was found. The role of space and environment on species composition varied according to distinct epiphytic species groups. In particular, for Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, the main factor associated with floristic similarity was space. Indicator species were found for all vegetation types apart from the Seasonal Semideciduous Forest that seemed to represent a subset of a more humid forest type. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 587–601.  相似文献   
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