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At least two types of glucose transporter exist in cultured renal epithelial cells, a Na(+)-glucose cotransporter (SGLT), capable of interacting with D-glucose but not 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2dglc) and a facilitated transporter (GLUT) capable of interacting with both D-glucose and 2dglc. In order to examine the polarity of transport in cultured renal epithelia, 2dglc and D-glucose uptakes were measured in confluent cultures of LLC-PK1 cells grown on collagen-coated filters that permitted access of medium to both sides of the monolayer. The rates of basolateral uptake of both 1 mM glucose (Km 3.6 mM) and 1 mM 2dglc (Km 1.5 mM) were greater than apical uptake rates and the (apical-to-basolateral)/(basolateral-to-apical) flux ratio was high for glucose (9.4) and low for 2dglc (0.8), thus, confirming the lack of interaction of 2dglc with the apical SGLT. Specific glucose transport inhibitor studies using phlorizin, phloretin and cytochalasin B confirmed the polarised distribution of SGLT and GLUT in LLC-PK1 cells. Basolateral sugar uptake could be altered by addition of insulin (1 mU/ml) which increased 2dglc uptake by 72% and glucose uptake by 50% and by addition of 20 mM glucose to the medium during cell culture which decreased 2dglc uptake capacity at confluence by 30%. During growth to confluence, 2dglc uptake increased to a maximum, then decreased at the time of confluence, coincident with a rise in uptake capacity for alpha-methyl-D-glucoside, a hexose that interacts only with the apical SGLT. It was concluded that the non-metabolisable sugar 2dglc was a useful, specific probe for GLUT in LLC-PK1 cells and that GLUT was localised at the basolateral membrane after confluence.  相似文献   
The hair follicle mites of the genus Demodex (Demodecidae) were first discovered in humans in 1841. Since then, members of this host-specific genus have been found in 11 of the 18 orders of eutherian mammals with most host species harboring two or more species of Demodex. Humans are host to D. folliculorum and D. brevis. The biology, natural history, and anatomy of these mites as related to their life in the human pilosebaceous complex is reviewed. This information may provide insight into the application of Demodex as a tool for the forensic acarologist/entomologist.  相似文献   
Reviewed are works concerning the mechanisms of collagen (type I) fibril packing and the influence of macromolecular structure and physicochemical parameters of the medium on the process.  相似文献   
Monthly sampling of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus , a biological surrogate for the endangered pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus , was conducted to develop a multi‐seasonal profile of reproductive stages. Data collected included histological characteristics of gonads from wild caught fish and laboratory and field ultrasonic and endoscopic images. These data were used to compare effectiveness of ultrasonic and endoscopic techniques at identifying gender of adult shovelnose sturgeon at different reproductive stages. The least invasive method ( i.e . ultrasound) was least effective while the most invasive ( i.e . endoscope through an abdominal incision) was the most effective at identifying shovelnose sturgeon gender. In most cases, success rate for identifying males was greater than females, with success at identifying both genders greater in more advanced reproductive stages. Concomitantly, for most months average reproductive stage was more advanced for males than females. April and May were the months with the most advanced reproductive stage, and were the months when ultrasound was most effective. Methods were also applied in the Upper Missouri River to validate their use on pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus . Ultrasound was successful at identifying pallid sturgeon gender, however, endoscopic examination through the urogenital duct was only successful at identifying pallid sturgeon gender when the urogenital duct was not opaque.  相似文献   
The relation between the logarithm of the volume of the embryo and the number of somites was studied in the mouse and rat in the period of about 0-43 somites, a period characterized by a very rapid volume increase. A linear relation was found, and the variability of the individual observations around the straight line was rather small. Using a previously defined age estimate, i.e. the 'developmental age' based on the embryonic volume, we also found a linear relation between this age estimate and the number of somites. With the help of this straight line, the developmental age can be estimated from the number of somites with an accuracy of less than 0.1 day. Therefore, the developmental age can be considered a better age estimate than those based on the usual methods. The time needed to form a new somite was found to be constant in both species during the period studied. The length of the period differed, and was 1.68 h in the mouse and 2.24 h in the rat. However, the volume of the embryo at the time when a specific somite was formed (for instance the 25th) appeared to be the same in both species. Comparison of the volume of embryos, embedded in paraffin and Epon and sectioned, enabled us to estimate the shrinkage in Epon embryos. The volume after processing was approximately 62% of the original volume.  相似文献   
The metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of progesterone is among the highest for all steroid hormones studied, yet it is difficult to apportion this high MCR to specific organ contributions. The isolated lung has been shown to metabolize progesterone, and since this tissue receives the entire cardiac output, potentially it could make a major contribution to the overall MCR. This possibility was examined in the present study by measuring lung extraction of [3H]progesterone under steady-state conditions in the intact pregnant rat. Anesthetized rats (n = 6) were infused with [3H]progesterone via a femoral vein for 100 min on Day 16 of pregnancy. After the onset of steady state (40 min), four blood samples were obtained at 20-min intervals from the right ventricle and from the aorta, and the concentrations of [3H]progesterone and its metabolites were determined. Throughout the sampling period, mean arterial pressure and heart rate remained stable (two-way analysis of variance), as did the production rate (3.76 +/- 0.35 mg/day; mean +/- SEM) and the MCR (34.8 +/- 3.5 ml/min) of progesterone. Despite this high rate of clearance, there was no difference between the concentration of [3H]progesterone in arterial and right ventricular blood, indicating no net extraction of progesterone during passage through the lung. Furthermore, there was no change in the concentration of either lipid-soluble or aqueous-soluble [3H]progesterone metabolites during trans-lung passage. These observations demonstrate that the lung does not contribute to the MCR of progesterone when measured under physiological and steady-state conditions. Therefore, the relationship, MCR (ml/min) = whole-body extraction (%) x cardiac output (ml/min), is upheld for progesterone in the rat.  相似文献   
The balance between mitochondrial fission and fusion is disrupted during mitosis, but the mechanism governing this phenomenon in plant cells remains enigmatic. Here, we used mitochondrial matrix‐localized Kaede protein (mt‐Kaede) to analyze the dynamics of mitochondrial fission in BY‐2 suspension cells. Analysis of the photoactivatable fluorescence of mt‐Kaede suggested that the fission process is dominant during mitosis. This finding was confirmed by an electron microscopic analysis of the size distribution of mitochondria in BY‐2 suspension cells at various stages. Cellular proteins interacting with Myc‐tagged dynamin‐related protein 3A/3B (AtDRP3A and AtDRP3B) were immunoprecipitated with anti‐Myc antibody‐conjugated beads and subsequently identified by microcapillary liquid chromatography–quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (CapLC Q‐TOF) MS/MS. The identified proteins were broadly associated with cytoskeletal (microtubular), phosphorylation, or ubiquitination functions. Mitotic phosphorylation of AtDRP3A/AtDRP3B and mitochondrial fission at metaphase were inhibited by treatment of the cells with a CdkB/cyclin B inhibitor or a serine/threonine protein kinase inhibitor. The fate of AtDRP3A/3B during the cell cycle was followed by time‐lapse imaging of the fluorescence of Dendra2‐tagged AtDRP3A/3B after green‐to‐red photoconversion; this experiment showed that AtDRP3A/3B is partially degraded during interphase. Additionally, we found that microtubules are involved in mitochondrial fission during mitosis, and that mitochondria movement to daughter cell was limited as early as metaphase. Taken together, these findings suggest that mitotic phosphorylation of AtDRP3A/3B promotes mitochondrial fission during plant cell mitosis, and that AtDRP3A/3B is partially degraded at interphase, providing mechanistic insight into the mitochondrial morphological changes associated with cell‐cycle transitions in BY‐2 suspension cells.  相似文献   
We have identified a C-insertion polymorphism in the 5'UTR of the first exon of the human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFA) gene. TNFA is a cytokine that plays an important role in the inflammatory response.  相似文献   
Intracerebral inoculation of susceptible mice with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus induces a demyelinating disease that is similar to human multiple sclerosis. This murine model for human multiple sclerosis is apparently immune-mediated and the genes involved in the immune response influence the outcome of disease susceptibility as observed with human multiple sclerosis. These genes include the MHC and TCR genes. However, the functional relationships among these genes on the disease susceptibility has not yet been studied. In this study, we demonstrate that the effect of the H-2s genotype from susceptible SJL/J mice overrides the resistant effect of the BALB/c TCR beta-chain gene in CXJ recombinant-inbred and BALB.S congenic mice. These results strongly suggest the presence of a hierarchy of genes involved in the immune response in Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease.  相似文献   
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