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At high osmolarity, Escherichia coli synthesizes trehalose intracellularly, irrespective of the nature of the carbon source. Synthesis proceeds via the transfer of UDP-glucose to glucose 6-phosphate, yielding trehalose 6-phosphate, followed by its dephosphorylation to trehalose (H.M. Giaeyer, B.O. Styrvold, I. Kaasen, and A.R. Str?m, J. Bacteriol. 170:2841-2849, 1988). This reaction was exploited to preparatively synthesize [14C]trehalose from exogenous [14C]glucose by using intact bacteria of a mutant (DF214) that could not metabolize glucose. The total yield of radiochemically pure trehalose from glucose was routinely more than 50%.  相似文献   
Absorption and fluorescent spectra of various synthetic aminophenyl derivatives of benzoxazole, benzothiazole and benzimidazole have been studied to estimate the efficiency of their binding with DNA. The significance of different functional groups of the fluorochromes for their interaction with DNA was determined, and main demands are formulated to the compounds to be used as potential fluorescent probes for DNA studies.  相似文献   
Four cyclic derivatives of des-Arg9[Leu8]bradykinin have been obtained by classical methods of peptide chemistry. They are cyclo-(-X-Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Gly-Pro-Leu-), where X=Lys or none, and cyclo-(Y-Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Leu-), where Y= Lys or Orn. Peptide bonds have been formed by the pentafluorophenylester method, and cyclization has been carried out in a diluted dioxane solution with 40% yield. Subsequent cleavage of protecting groups was made by treatment with hydrogen fluoride. The products obtained were purified by droplet counter-current chromatography. These substances liberate histamine from the rat mast cells comparably to bradykinin and fail to produce myotripic and vascular effects.  相似文献   
The bacterium Xanthomonas campestris, which synthesizes the commercially important polysaccharide xanthan, was grown aseptically in 1.2 L fermenters using semicontinuous cell culture technique (d' = 0.0035 h-1). The effects of carbon-substrate concentration on xanthan production were investigated at three initial glucose concentrations (Go = 15, 20, 25 g/L). Cell biomass synthesis was nitrogen-limited by use of a chemically defined medium that contained NH3-N as the sole nitrogen source at a concentration where it was exhausted before glucose. A linear relationship between biomass synthesis and NH3-N depletion was observed. This relationship remained valid only until NH3-N exhaustion, after which biomass concentration slowly rose another 20 percent before declining. Another linear relationship was found between xanthan synthesis and glucose uptake. This relationship was unaffected by the disappearance of NH3-N and held through glucose exhaustion. The quasi-stoichiometric yield coefficients obtained for each linear relationship were not affected by G0-. Biomass synthesis kinetics showed no variation with G0 before NH3-N exhaustion; afterwards, cell biomass decline was delayed by increasing G0. Xanthan synthesis kinetics displayed no detectable response to depletion of NH3-N and plateauing of biomass concentration; however, there was a marked slow down in the net rate of xanthan synthesis and a drop in xanthan yield after cell biomass decline became noticeable.  相似文献   
Evidence for the presence of a Cdc2-like protein in Physarum polycephalum has been obtained using a peptide antibody directed against a highly conserved amino acid sequence near the N-terminal end of Cdc2, Cdc28 and Cdc2HS. The antibody detected a 34 kDa cytoplasmic protein, similar in apparent size to Cdc2 in yeast and Cdc2Hs in HeLa cells. A 60 kDa nuclear band was also detected in Physarum but not in yeast or HeLa. Evidence is presented that this is not related to the 34 kDa protein nor is it found in HeLa nuclei or yeast cells. The Cdc2-like protein level did not fluctuate over more than 10 h of the naturally synchronous cell cycle of Physarum. Several heat-shock experiments using regimens that either: delayed mitosis and S-phase; prevented mitosis or uncoupled S-phase from mitosis were performed. None had any effect on the level of the Cdc2-like protein. The induction of spherulation by starvation was shown to have no effect on the levels of the 34 kDa Cdc2 analog. The invariant level of the 34 kDa protein during the cell cycle and starvation is consistent with previous results obtained with yeast. Three heat-shock regimens which either delay mitosis, eliminate S-phase or uncouple mitosis from S-phase in Physarum also had no effect on the level of the 34 kDa protein. This result emphasizes the stable nature of this protein.  相似文献   
Experiments on rats subjected to acute stress have revealed protective effect of thymopentin pentapeptide on somatic disorders and the state of the antioxidation system and the processes of lipid peroxidation in blood and brain.  相似文献   
The strains of Yersinia pestis that restrict their growth on the media deficient for Mg2+ ions at 37 degrees C have been found. The bacterial cell lysis is registered under these conditions. The effect of Yersinia pestis own plasmids on the level of growth restriction in the absence of Mg2+ ions has been studied. The phenomenon is not connected with the presence of the plasmid determining Ca2(+)-dependence. The presence of 6Md plasmid coding for pesticinogenicity increased the frequency of colony formation, while the heavy plasmid determining the production of "mouse" toxin favoured the increase in growth restriction on Mg2(+)-less media. The clones growing under the latter conditions acquire the rearrangements in the DNA of the plasmid coding for the "mouse" toxin.  相似文献   
Detergent permeabilized Euplotes eurystomus (a fresh water hypotrichous ciliate) was reacted with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for either detyrosinated or tyrosinated alpha-tubulin (Glu- or Tyr-tubulin). The isolated cytoskeleton-nuclear complex was examined by Western immunoblotting and by immunofluorescent and electron microscopic methods. Both Glu- and Tyr-tubulins were detected by immunoblot analysis. Immunofluorescent microscopy indicated that the alpha-tubulin isotypes are concentrated in different regions of permeabilized cells: Glu-tubulin is located primarily in cirri, membranelles, and surrounding the macro- and micronuclei. Tyr-tubulin is principally at the bases of cirri and membranelles. This differential distribution of alpha-tubulin isotypes is discussed in terms of current concepts concerning the correlation of tubulin post-translational modifications to microtubule stability. Confocal immunofluorescent imaging was of critical importance in clearly differentiating the Glu-tubulin isotype surrounding the macro- and micronuclei from a brilliantly fluorescent environment originating from cytoskeletal structures. In conjunction with conventional and stereo-electron microscopy, confocal optical microscopy provided convincing evidence for a "basket" of microtubules surrounding both nuclei.  相似文献   
Physico-chemical properties of antibiotic complexes formed by various strains of Streptomyces griseoruber: VNIIA 1195, VNIIA 1193-INA 2022/55 and IMiV 1618 were compared. It was shown that the antibiotic complex 1195 differed by the electron absorption spectrum, chromatographic mobility and indicator properties from lateriomycins A and B produced by the type culture of S. griseoruber, Jamaguchi et Saburi, 1955 and strain 70717, as well as from prodigiozin produced by S. griseoruber, VNIIA 1193. By the absorption spectra and chromatographic mobility the components of the antibiotic complex 1195 were identical with cinerubins A and B, pyrromycin and eta- and xi-pyrromycinones included in the composition of antibiotic 1618 produced by S. griseoruber 1618 and differed in their quantitative contents and absence of epsilon-pyrromycinones.  相似文献   
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