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Monthly sampling of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus , a biological surrogate for the endangered pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus , was conducted to develop a multi‐seasonal profile of reproductive stages. Data collected included histological characteristics of gonads from wild caught fish and laboratory and field ultrasonic and endoscopic images. These data were used to compare effectiveness of ultrasonic and endoscopic techniques at identifying gender of adult shovelnose sturgeon at different reproductive stages. The least invasive method ( i.e . ultrasound) was least effective while the most invasive ( i.e . endoscope through an abdominal incision) was the most effective at identifying shovelnose sturgeon gender. In most cases, success rate for identifying males was greater than females, with success at identifying both genders greater in more advanced reproductive stages. Concomitantly, for most months average reproductive stage was more advanced for males than females. April and May were the months with the most advanced reproductive stage, and were the months when ultrasound was most effective. Methods were also applied in the Upper Missouri River to validate their use on pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus . Ultrasound was successful at identifying pallid sturgeon gender, however, endoscopic examination through the urogenital duct was only successful at identifying pallid sturgeon gender when the urogenital duct was not opaque.  相似文献   
Abstract We present a regional fuel load model (1 km2 spatial resolution) applied in the southern African savanna region. The model is based on a patch-scale production efficiency model (PEM) scaled up to the regional level using empirical relationships between patch-scale behavior and multi-source remote sensing data (spatio-temporal variability of vegetation and climatic variables). The model requires the spatial distribution of woody vegetation cover, which is used to determine separate respiration rates for tree and grass. Net primary production, grass and tree leaf death, and herbivory are also taken into account in this mechanistic modeling approach. The fuel load model has been calibrated and validated from independent measurements taken from savanna vegetation in Africa southward from the equator. A sensitivity analysis on the effect of climate variables (incoming radiation, air temperature, and precipitation) has been conducted to demonstrate the strong role that water availability has in determining productivity and subsequent fuel load over the southern African region. The model performance has been tested in four different areas representative of a regional increasing rainfall gradient—Etosha National Park, Namibia, Mongu and Kasama, Zambia, as well as in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Within each area, we analyze model output from three different magnitudes of canopy coverage (<5, 30, and 50%). We find that fuel load ranges predicted by the model are globally in agreement with field measurements for the same year. High rainfall sustains green herbaceous production late in the dry season and delays tree leaf litter production. Effect of water on production varies across the rainfall gradient with delayed start of green material production in more arid regions.  相似文献   
Neuromediated behaviour of feline caudal femoral arteries was studied in vitro. Transmural stimulation of arteries, previously constricted by noradrenaline, caused an up to 58% relaxation of the induced tone. Atropine (10(-5) g/ml) blocked this response by 93%. The removal of endothelium did not affect the magnitude of the response. It is suggested that the caudal femoral artery is an example of a blood vessel which has muscarinic receptors located directly on its smooth muscles.  相似文献   
The parameters of saccades and presaccadic slow potentials were studied in right-handed men with a dominant right eye, including 19 schizophrenics and 12 healthy subjects. For visual stimulation, three light-emitting diodes were used, which were located in the center of the visual field (the central fixation stimulus) and 10° to the right and left of it (peripheral stimuli). Two stimulation protocols were used: with a simultaneous switching off of the central fixation stimulus and switching on of the peripheral stimuli (test 1) and with an interstimulus gap of 200 ms (test 2). According to the latency, saccades were divided into anticipatory, express, and regular. Slow EEG potentials preceding regular saccades were analyzed. It was found that the proportion of anticipatory saccades is considerably higher than the normal value in schizophrenia. The analysis of the presaccadic potentials demonstrated a significant decrease in the amplitude of negative potentials in the vertex region at early stages of presaccadic preparation and its increase in the occipital region at late stages. Test 2 in the patients demonstrated an increase in the positivity focus in the frontal region of the right hemisphere. It was assumed that the alterations found in schizophrenia result from the deficit of frontal cortical fields.  相似文献   
The relation between the logarithm of the volume of the embryo and the number of somites was studied in the mouse and rat in the period of about 0-43 somites, a period characterized by a very rapid volume increase. A linear relation was found, and the variability of the individual observations around the straight line was rather small. Using a previously defined age estimate, i.e. the 'developmental age' based on the embryonic volume, we also found a linear relation between this age estimate and the number of somites. With the help of this straight line, the developmental age can be estimated from the number of somites with an accuracy of less than 0.1 day. Therefore, the developmental age can be considered a better age estimate than those based on the usual methods. The time needed to form a new somite was found to be constant in both species during the period studied. The length of the period differed, and was 1.68 h in the mouse and 2.24 h in the rat. However, the volume of the embryo at the time when a specific somite was formed (for instance the 25th) appeared to be the same in both species. Comparison of the volume of embryos, embedded in paraffin and Epon and sectioned, enabled us to estimate the shrinkage in Epon embryos. The volume after processing was approximately 62% of the original volume.  相似文献   
CD95-induced apoptosis contributes to the maintenance of homeostasis in both B and T lymphocyte-mediated immunity. B cells increase CD95 expression in response to activation signals and become susceptible to CD95-induced apoptosis. Protection from CD95-mediated death signals can be induced in mature B cells by signals delivered through the B cell Ag receptor. In this paper we demonstrate for the first time that rescue from apoptosis can occur independently of de novo protein synthesis. This rescue from apoptosis prevents activation of caspase 8, the apical caspase in the CD95 death pathway, and CD95-FADD (Fas-associated death domain containing protein) association does not occur normally. Thus B cell activation signals can biochemically modify proximal elements of the CD95 death pathway and regulate the sensitivity of cells to apoptosis induction at an early stage in programmed cell death.  相似文献   
Reovirus is a nonenveloped mammalian virus that provides a useful model system for studies of viral infections in the young. Following internalization into host cells, the outermost capsid of reovirus virions is removed by endosomal cathepsin proteases. Determinants of capsid disassembly kinetics reside in the viral σ3 protein. However, the contribution of capsid stability to reovirus-induced disease is unknown. In this study, we found that mice inoculated intramuscularly with a serotype 3 reovirus containing σ3-Y354H, a mutation that reduces viral capsid stability, succumbed at a higher rate than those infected with wild-type virus. At early times after inoculation, σ3-Y354H virus reached higher titers than wild-type virus at several sites within the host. Animals inoculated perorally with a serotype 1 reassortant reovirus containing σ3-Y354H developed exaggerated myocarditis accompanied by elaboration of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Surprisingly, unchallenged littermates of mice infected with σ3-Y354H virus displayed higher titers in the intestine, heart, and brain than littermates of mice inoculated with wild-type virus. Together, these findings suggest that diminished capsid stability enhances reovirus replication, dissemination, lethality, and host-to-host spread, establishing a new virulence determinant for nonenveloped viruses.  相似文献   
We examine conductances for evaporation from both vegetation and soil in response to environmental variables. Data from a vertically-structured pristine forest of Nothofagus are presented as an example of the effects of biodiversity on the scaling of conductances between tiers of plant organisation. Available data sets of maximum leaf stomatal conductances (g lmax ) and bulk vegetation surface conductances (G smax ) are compared. Overall, the ratio G smax /g lmax is consistently close to 3 for seven major vegetation types of diverse structure. An analytical model accounts for this close relationship, and in particular how G smax is conservative against changes in leaf area index because of the compensating decrease in plant canopy transpiration and increase in soil evaporation as leaf area index diminishes. The model is also successfully tested by comparison with canopy conductances of emergent trees measured in the Nothofagus forest. The constraint of vegetation surface conductance and evaporation via environmental regulation by irradiance, air saturation deficit and root zone water supply are discussed.  相似文献   
The cellular energy and biomass demands of cancer drive a complex dynamic between uptake of extracellular FAs and their de novo synthesis. Given that oxidation of de novo synthesized FAs for energy would result in net-energy loss, there is an implication that FAs from these two sources must have distinct metabolic fates; however, hitherto, all FAs have been considered part of a common pool. To probe potential metabolic partitioning of cellular FAs, cancer cells were supplemented with stable isotope-labeled FAs. Structural analysis of the resulting glycerophospholipids revealed that labeled FAs from uptake were largely incorporated to canonical (sn-) positions on the glycerol backbone. Surprisingly, labeled FA uptake also disrupted canonical isomer patterns of the unlabeled lipidome and induced repartitioning of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs into glycerophospholipid classes. These structural changes support the existence of differences in the metabolic fates of FAs derived from uptake or de novo sources and demonstrate unique signaling and remodeling behaviors usually hidden from conventional lipidomics.  相似文献   
The costs of egg production and incubation in great tits (Parus major).   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The costs of egg production and incubation may have a crucial effect on avian reproductive decisions, such as clutch size and the timing of reproduction. We carried out a brood-size enlargement experiment on the great tit (Parus major), in which the birds had to lay and incubate extra eggs (full costs), only incubate extra eggs (free eggs) or did not pay any extra cost (free chicks) in obtaining a larger brood. We used female fitness (half the recruits produced plus female survival) as a fitness measure because it is the female which pays the costs of egg production and incubation, and because clutch size is under female control. Female fitness decreased with increasing costs (fitness of free chicks females is higher than that of free eggs females which is higher than that of full costs females). These fitness differences were due to differences in female survival rather than in the number of recruits produced. This is the first time that the costs of egg production and incubation have been estimated using such a complete fitness measure, including, as our measure does, the local survival to the following year of both the female and her offspring. Our results emphasize that reproductive decisions cannot be understood without taking egg production and incubation costs into account.  相似文献   
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