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Approximately 85% of tuberculosis (TB) related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries where health resources are scarce. Effective priority setting is required to maximise the impact of limited budgets. The Optima TB tool has been developed to support analytical capacity and inform evidence-based priority setting processes for TB health benefits package design. This paper outlines the Optima TB framework and how it was applied in Belarus, an upper-middle income country in Eastern Europe with a relatively high burden of TB. Optima TB is a population-based disease transmission model, with programmatic cost functions and an optimisation algorithm. Modelled populations include age-differentiated general populations and higher-risk populations such as people living with HIV. Populations and prospective interventions are defined in consultation with local stakeholders. In partnership with the latter, demographic, epidemiological, programmatic, as well as cost and spending data for these populations and interventions are then collated. An optimisation analysis of TB spending was conducted in Belarus, using program objectives and constraints defined in collaboration with local stakeholders, which included experts, decision makers, funders and organisations involved in service delivery, support and technical assistance. These analyses show that it is possible to improve health impact by redistributing current TB spending in Belarus. Specifically, shifting funding from inpatient- to outpatient-focused care models, and from mass screening to active case finding strategies, could reduce TB prevalence and mortality by up to 45% and 50%, respectively, by 2035. In addition, an optimised allocation of TB spending could lead to a reduction in drug-resistant TB infections by 40% over this period. This would support progress towards national TB targets without additional financial resources. The case study in Belarus demonstrates how reallocations of spending across existing and new interventions could have a substantial impact on TB outcomes. This highlights the potential for Optima TB and similar modelling tools to support evidence-based priority setting.  相似文献   
A favored hypothesis to explain the pathology underlying nuclear envelopathies is that mutations in nuclear envelope proteins alter genome/chromatin organization and thus gene expression. To identify nuclear envelope proteins that play roles in genome organization, we analyzed nuclear envelopes from resting and phytohemagglutinin-activated leukocytes because leukocytes have a particularly high density of peripheral chromatin that undergoes significant reorganization upon such activation. Thus, nuclear envelopes were isolated from leukocytes in the two states and analyzed by multidimensional protein identification technology using an approach that used expected contaminating membranes as subtractive fractions. A total of 3351 proteins were identified between both nuclear envelope data sets among which were 87 putative nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins (NETs) that were not identified in a previous proteomics analysis of liver nuclear envelopes. Nuclear envelope localization was confirmed for 11 new NETs using tagged fusion proteins and antibodies on spleen cryosections. 27% of the new proteins identified were unique to one or the other of the two leukocyte states. Differences in expression between activated and resting leukocytes were confirmed for some NETs by RT-PCR, and most of these proteins appear to only be expressed in certain types of blood cells. Several known proteins identified in both data sets have functions in chromatin organization and gene regulation. To test whether the novel NETs identified might include those that also regulate chromatin, nine were run through two screens for different chromatin effects. One screen found two NETs that can recruit a specific gene locus to the nuclear periphery, and the second found a different NET that promotes chromatin condensation. The variation in the protein milieu with pharmacological activation of the same cell population and consequences for gene regulation suggest that the nuclear envelope is a complex regulatory system with significant influences on genome organization.The nuclear envelope (NE)1 is a double membrane system consisting of the intermediate filament nuclear lamin polymer and associated proteins attached to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) (1), nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) that direct transport of soluble macromolecules in and out of the nucleus (2), and the outer nuclear membrane (ONM) and associated proteins. Structurally, the ONM is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is studded with ribosomes (3), yet it also contains unique proteins, many of which connect the cytoskeleton to the NE (4). On the other side, lamins and many INM proteins directly connect chromatin to the NE. Lamins and an increasing number of nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins (NETs) have been linked to a similarly increasing number of diseases ranging from muscular dystrophy to neuropathy, dermopathy, lipodystrophy, bone disorders, and progeroid aging syndromes (5, 6).A favored hypothesis to explain how different NE proteins can produce such a wide range of disease pathologies is that chromatin-NE connections are disrupted with NE protein mutations, yielding changes in gene regulation. This hypothesis is supported by observations that the distribution of dense peripheral chromatin is affected in fibroblasts from patients with NE-linked muscular dystrophy, cardiomyopathy, mandibuloacral dysplasia, and progeria (710). Furthermore, many binding partners have been identified for NETs that are either chromatin proteins, enzymes that modify chromatin proteins, or regulators of gene expression (1, 11). These include markers of silent chromatin such as heterochromatin protein 1 (12) and proteins that modify chromatin to a silent conformation such as histone deacetylase 3 (13). The importance of the NE to global genome organization has been underscored by several recent studies that showed that affinity-based recruitment of a specific chromosome locus by the NE both pulled entire chromosomes to the periphery and affected gene regulation in complex ways (1416).To identify NE proteins likely to be involved in genome organization, we turned to lymphocytes as a model system. Lymphocytes in the resting state tend to have massive amounts of dense peripheral chromatin as determined by electron microscopy studies. Upon activation with phytohemagglutinin, this dense chromatin largely dissipates as the cells actively express genes (1720). Thus, to identify proteins that might be involved in tethering heterochromatin to the NE or in changing its organization, we analyzed the NE proteomes of leukocyte populations (∼70% lymphocytes) in both the resting and phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated states. The previously validated subtractive approach was applied (21) using microsomes and mitochondria, the principal membrane contaminants expected, as subtractive fractions.Many new NE proteins were identified that had not been identified in previous NE proteomics investigations using liver and neuroblastoma cells (21, 22). NE residence was confirmed for 12 novel NETs by expression of epitope-tagged versions and using antibodies on tissue cryosections.Roughly one-quarter of the proteins identified varied between the resting and activated states. Some NET differences between the two data sets were confirmed by RT-PCR. Among the known proteins identified were several that suggest that changes in NE composition associated with PHA activation contribute to gene regulation. Novel NETs identified also appear to play significant roles in genome organization/regulation as we found that several can either recruit a specific locus to the nuclear periphery or promote chromatin condensation. As several studies have implicated misregulation of chromatin organization in NE diseases (7, 8), these newly identified NETs may contribute to the diverse pathologies associated with NE diseases.  相似文献   
The BLM-system for studying the electrophysical properties of bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) was applied to investigate interactions between polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers and lipid bilayers. The cationic PAMAM G5 dendrimer effectively disrupted planar phosphatidylcholine membranes, while the hydroxyl PAMAM-OH G5 and carboxyl PAMAM G4.5 dendrimers had no significant effect on them.  相似文献   
Modern experiments in High Energy and Nuclear Physics heavily rely on distributed computations using multiple computational facilities across the world. One of the essential types of the computations is a distributed data production where petabytes of raw files from a single source has to be processed once (per production campaign) using thousands of CPUs at distant locations and the output has to be transferred back to that source. The data distribution over a large system does not necessary match the distribution of storage, network and CPU capacity. Therefore, bottlenecks may appear and lead to increased latency and degraded performance. In this paper we propose a new scheduling approach for distributed data production which is based on the network flow maximization model. In our approach a central planner defines how much input and output data should be transferred over each network link in order to maximize the computational throughput. Such plans are created periodically for a fixed planning time interval using up-to-date information on network, storage and CPU resources. The centrally created plans are executed in a distributed manner by dedicated services running at participating sites. Our simulations based on the log records from the data production framework of the experiment STAR (Solenoid Tracker at RHIC) have shown that the proposed model systematically provides a better performance compared to the simulated traditional techniques.  相似文献   


Different cell types have distinctive patterns of chromosome positioning in the nucleus. Although ectopic affinity-tethering of specific loci can be used to relocate chromosomes to the nuclear periphery, endogenous nuclear envelope proteins that control such a mechanism in mammalian cells have yet to be widely identified.


To search for such proteins, 23 nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins were screened for their ability to promote peripheral localization of human chromosomes in HT1080 fibroblasts. Five of these proteins had strong effects on chromosome 5, but individual proteins affected different subsets of chromosomes. The repositioning effects were reversible and the proteins with effects all exhibited highly tissue-restricted patterns of expression. Depletion of two nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins that were preferentially expressed in liver each reduced the normal peripheral positioning of chromosome 5 in liver cells.


The discovery of nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins that can modulate chromosome position and have restricted patterns of expression may enable dissection of the functional relevance of tissue-specific patterns of radial chromosome positioning.  相似文献   
Nelfinavir (NLF), an antiretroviral agent, preserves mitochondrial membranes integrity and protects mature brain against ischemic injury in rodents. Our study demonstrates that in neonatal mice NLF significantly limits mitochondrial calcium influx, the event associated with protection of the brain against hypoxic-ischemic insult (HI). Compared to the vehicle-treated mice, cerebral mitochondria from NLF-treated mice exhibited a significantly greater tolerance to the Ca2+-induced membrane permeabilization, greater ADP-phosphorylating activity and reduced cytochrome C release during reperfusion. Pre-treatment with NLF or Ruthenium red (RuR) significantly improved viability of murine hippocampal HT-22 cells, reduced Ca2+ content and preserved membrane potential (Ψm) in mitochondria following oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD). Following histamine-stimulated Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum, in contrast to the vehicle-treated cells, the cells treated with NLF or RuR also demonstrated reduced Ca2+ content in their mitochondria, the event associated with preserved Ψm. Because RuR inhibits mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter, we tested whether the NLF acts via the mechanism similar to the RuR. However, in contrast to the RuR, in the experiment with direct interaction of these agents with mitochondria isolated from naïve mice, the NLF did not alter mitochondrial Ca2+ influx, and did not prevent Ca2+ induced collapse of the Ψm. These data strongly argues against interaction of NLF and mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter. Although the exact mechanism remains unclear, our study is the first to show that NLF inhibits intramitochondrial Ca2+ flux and protects developing brain against HI-reperfusion injury. This novel action of NLF has important clinical implication, because it targets a fundamental mechanism of post-ischemic cell death: intramitochondrial Ca2+ overload → mitochondrial membrane permeabilization → secondary energy failure.  相似文献   
The cellular function of the cancer-associated RNA-binding protein La has been linked to translation of viral and cellular mRNAs. Recently, we have shown that the human La protein stimulates IRES-mediated translation of the cooperative oncogene CCND1 in cervical cancer cells. However, there is little known about the underlying molecular mechanism by which La stimulates CCND1 IRES-mediated translation, and we propose that its RNA chaperone activity is required. Herein, we show that La binds close to the CCND1 start codon and demonstrate that La''s RNA chaperone activity can change the folding of its binding site. We map the RNA chaperone domain (RCD) within the C-terminal region of La in close proximity to a novel AKT phosphorylation site (T389). Phosphorylation at T389 by AKT-1 strongly impairs its RNA chaperone activity. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the RCD as well as T389 is required to stimulate CCND1 IRES-mediated translation in cells. In summary, we provide a model whereby a novel interplay between RNA-binding, RNA chaperoning and AKT phosphorylation of La protein regulates CCND1 IRES-mediated translation.  相似文献   
We used complexes between a fourth generation polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer and one of two heterocyclic compounds — 1-(6-hydroxyhexyl)-3-(5-phenyl-isoxazole-3-yl)-urea or 5-phenyl-isoxazole-3-carboxylic acid — to reduce oxygen consumption in transverse slices of the hippocampus taken from 4-week old male rats. In vitro electrophysiological experiments revealed that the inhibitory effect of the hypoxic state on the evoked responses was enhanced in the presence of the complexes. The data were analyzed in terms of the potential antitumor effects of these complexes.  相似文献   
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Recent advances in the field of protein structure determination using liquid-state NMR enable the elucidation of multi-state protein conformations that can provide...  相似文献   
Two major constraints demand more consideration for energy efficiency in cluster computing: (a) operational costs, and (b) system reliability. Increasing energy efficiency in cluster systems will reduce energy consumption, excess heat, lower operational costs, and improve system reliability. Based on the energy-power relationship, and the fact that energy consumption can be reduced with strategic power management, we focus in this survey on the characteristic of two main power management technologies: (a) static power management (SPM) systems that utilize low-power components to save the energy, and (b) dynamic power management (DPM) systems that utilize software and power-scalable components to optimize the energy consumption. We present the current state of the art in both of the SPM and DPM techniques, citing representative examples. The survey is concluded with a brief discussion and some assumptions about the possible future directions that could be explored to improve the energy efficiency in cluster computing.  相似文献   
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