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J Hamming  M Gruber    G AB 《Nucleic acids research》1979,7(4):1019-1033
The interaction between RNA polymerase and the E. coli ribosomal (r) RNA promoter(s) of the rrnE operon has been studied by the filter-binding method. The extent of complex formation between RNA polymerase and rrnE promoter(s) is salt-dependent; ppGpp specifically inhibits interaction of RNA polymerase with the rrnE promoter(s). A tentative model is proposed for the molecular events in the early steps of rRNA initiation: a transition of the primarily formed, labile RNA polymerase-rRNA promoter complex to a more stable form is the determining step. This step is salt-sensitive; ppGpp acts on this "isomerization".  相似文献   
Attempts to isolate conditionally lethal recB and recC mutations of Escherichia coli K-12 by P1 localized mutagenesis led to the identification of the structural gene for an essential membrane protein. Located on a 1.5-kilobase-pair DNA fragment which physically mapped immediately 5' to the thyA gene, the product of the umpA (unidentified membrane protein) gene is a 25,000 Mr membrane-associated polypeptide. These results provide an explanation for why several research groups have been unable to obtain chromosomal deletions of the entire thyA gene. A possible interaction between the umpA and thyA genes is also discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Dicationic diarylfurans and dicationic carbazoles are under development as therapeutic agents against opportunistic infections. While their ability to bind to the minor groove of DNA has been established, the complete mechanism of action has not. We demonstrate here that an effective diarylfuran, 2,5-bis[4-(N-isopropylguanyl)phenyl]furan. inhibits an endo/exonuclease activity present in Pneumocystis carinii, Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans , and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This activity was purified from the particulate fraction of P. carinii. The enzyme requires Mg++ or Mn++, and shows preferences for single- over double stranded DNA and for AT-rich over GC-rich domains. A panel of 12 dicationic diarylfurans and eight dicationic carbazoles, previously synthesized, were evaluated for inhibition of the purified nuclease and for efficacy against Pneumocystis pneumonia in rats. Among the diarylfurans, potency of nuclease inhibition, in vivo antimicrobial activity, and DNA binding strength were all strongly correlated (p < 0.001). These findings suggest that one target for antimicrobial action of the diarylfurans may be a nucleolytic or other event requiring unpairing of DNA strands. Dicationic carbazoles which were strong nuclease inhibitors all displayed anti- Pneumocystis activity in vivo, but there were also noninhibitory carbazoles with in vivo efficacy.  相似文献   
The Wood–Ljungdahl pathway is an ancient metabolic route used by acetogenic carboxydotrophs to convert CO into acetate, and some cases ethanol. When produced, ethanol is generally seen as an end product of acetogenic metabolism, but here we show that it acts as an important intermediate and co-substrate during carboxydotrophic growth of Clostridium autoethanogenum. Depending on CO availability, C. autoethanogenum is able to rapidly switch between ethanol production and utilization, hereby optimizing its carboxydotrophic growth. The importance of the aldehyde ferredoxin:oxidoreductase (AOR) route for ethanol production in carboxydotrophic acetogens is known; however, the role of the bifunctional alcohol dehydrogenase AdhE (Ald–Adh) route in ethanol metabolism remains largely unclear. We show that the mutant strain C. autoethanogenumadhE1a, lacking the Ald subunit of the main bifunctional aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenase (AdhE, CAETHG_3747), has poor ethanol oxidation capabilities, with a negative impact on biomass yield. This indicates that the Adh–Ald route plays a major role in ethanol oxidation during carboxydotrophic growth, enabling subsequent energy conservation via substrate-level phosphorylation using acetate kinase. Subsequent chemostat experiments with C. autoethanogenum show that the wild type, in contrast to ∆adhE1a, is more resilient to sudden changes in CO supply and utilizes ethanol as a temporary storage for reduction equivalents and energy during CO-abundant conditions, reserving these ‘stored assets’ for more CO-limited conditions. This shows that the direction of the ethanol metabolism is very dynamic during carboxydotrophic acetogenesis and opens new insights in the central metabolism of C. autoethanogenum and similar acetogens.  相似文献   
We have discovered and analysed two novel, linear extrachromosomal double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) within oocysts of major north Amercian isolates of Cryptosporidium parvum , a parasitic protozoan that infects the gastrointestinal tract of a variety of mammals, including humans. These dsRNAs were found to reside within the cytoplasm of sporozoites, and were not detected in other species of the genus. cDNAs representing both dsRNA genomes were cloned and sequenced, 1786 and 1374 nt, and each encoded one large open reading frame (ORF). The deduced protein sequence of the larger dsRNA (L-dsRNA) had homology with viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRP), with more similarity to polymerases from fungi than those from other protozoa. The deduced protein sequence from the smaller dsRNA (S-dsRNA) had limited similarity with mitogen-activated c-June NH2 terminal protein kinases (JNK) from mammalian cells. Attempts to visually identify or purify virus-like particles associated with the dsRNAs were unsuccessful. Sensitivity of the dsRNAs to RNase A also suggests that the dsRNAs may be unencapsidated. A RDRP activity was identified in crude extracts from C . parvum sporozoites and products of RNA polymerase activity derived in vitro were similar to the dsRNAs purified directly from the parasites.  相似文献   
Cell coats were cytochemically demonstrated for the first time in myxamebae of Fulig- septica, Didymium iridis, Dictyostelium discoideum, Cavostelium apophysatum, and amebae of Naegleria grubei. The stain enhances the cell coats of Physarum polycephalum plasmodia, Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa myxamebae, and Acanthamoeba sp. Cell coats usually unstained by cationic dyes stain intensely with the aid of the new cytochemical protocol utilizing 0.5% Alcian blue in the primary fixative and 0.05% ruthenium red in the secondary fixative.  相似文献   
Traditional subspecies classifications may suggest phylogenetic relationships that are discordant with evolutionary history and mislead evolutionary inference. To more accurately describe evolutionary relationships and inform conservation efforts, we investigated the genetic relationships and demographic histories of Buteo lineatus subspecies in eastern and western North America using 21 nuclear microsatellite loci and 375-base pairs of mitochondrial control region sequence. Frequency based analyses of mitochondrial sequence data support significant population distinction between eastern (B. l. lineatus/alleni/texanus) and western (B. l. elegans) subspecies of B. lineatus. This distinction was further supported by frequency and Bayesian analyses of the microsatellite data. We found evidence of differing demographic histories between regions; among eastern sites, mitochondrial data suggested that rapid population expansion occurred following the end of the last glacial maximum, with B. l. texanus population expansion preceding that of B. l. lineatus/alleni. No evidence of post-glacial population expansion was detected among western samples (B. l. elegans). Rather, microsatellite data suggest that the western population has experienced a recent bottleneck, presumably associated with extensive anthropogenic habitat loss during the 19th and 20th centuries. Our data indicate that eastern and western populations of B. lineatus are genetically distinct lineages, have experienced very different demographic histories, and suggest management as separate conservation units may be warranted.  相似文献   
Recently, several investigators have reported large-bowel diarrhea in cats associated with intestinal trichomonad parasites. These reports have presumptively identified the flagellates as Pentatrichomonas hominis, a n organism putatively capable of infecting the intestinal tracts of a number of mammalian hosts, including cats, dogs, and man. The purpose of the present study was to determine the identity of this recently recognized flagellate by means of rRNA gene sequence analysis; restriction enzyme digest mapping; and light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).  相似文献   


Microarray-based comparative genome hybridization experiments generate data that can be mapped onto the genome. These data are interpreted more easily when represented graphically in a genomic context.  相似文献   
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