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Anoctamin 1 (TMEM16A, Ano1) is a recently identified Ca2+-activated chloride channel and a member of a large protein family comprising 10 paralogues. Before Ano1 was identified as a chloride channel protein, it was known as the cancer marker DOG1. DOG1/Ano1 is expressed in gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) and particularly in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, at very high levels never detected in other tissues. It is now emerging that Ano1 is part of the 11q13 locus, amplified in several types of tumour, where it is thought to augment cell proliferation, cell migration and metastasis. Notably, Ano1 is upregulated through histone deacetylase (HDAC), corresponding to the known role of HDAC in HNSCC. As Ano1 does not enhance proliferation in every cell type, its function is perhaps modulated by cell-specific factors, or by the abundance of other anoctamins. Thus Ano6, by regulating Ca2+-induced membrane phospholipid scrambling and annexin V binding, supports cellular apoptosis rather than proliferation. Current findings implicate other cellular functions of anoctamins, apart from their role as Ca2+-activated Cl channels.  相似文献   
Rapid identification of mosquito (vector) species is critical for vector control and disease management. Pictorial keys of mosquito species are currently used for the identification of new mosquito species. However, this approach is not very effective. Here, we describe the use of an ID3 algorithm (part of artificial intelligence) for the rapid identification of the South East Asian female Culex mosquito species.

Availability  相似文献   

Mutation rates at two expanded simple tandem repeat (ESTR) loci were studied in the germline of DNA polymerase kappa (Polkappa(-/-)) deficient mice. The spontaneous mutation rate in homozygous Polkappa(-/-) males was significantly higher than in isogenic wild-type mice (Polkappa(+/+)), but the ESTR mutation spectrum in Polkappa(-/-) animals did not differ from that in Polkappa(+/+) males. We suggest that compromised translesion synthesis in Polkappa(-/-) mice may result in replication fork pausing which, in turn, may affect ESTR mutation rate.  相似文献   
Bioluminescence in beetles is found mainly in the Elateroidea superfamily (Elateridae, Lampyridae and Phengodidae). The Neotropical region accounts for the richest diversity of bioluminescent species in the world with about 500 described species, most occurring in the Amazon, Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado (savanna) ecosystems in Brazil. The origin and evolution of bioluminescence, as well as the taxonomic status of several Neotropical taxa in these families remains unclear. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of bioluminescent Elateroidea we sequenced and analyzed sequences of mitochondrial NADH2 and the nuclear 28S genes and of the cloned luciferase sequences of Brazilian species belonging to the following genera: (Lampyridae) Macrolampis, Photuris, Amydetes, Bicellonycha, Aspisoma, Lucidota, Cratomorphus; (Elateridae) Conoderus, Pyrophorus, Hapsodrilus, Pyrearinus, Fulgeochlizus; and (Phengodidae) Pseudophengodes, Phrixothrix, Euryopa and Brasilocerus. Our study supports a closer phylogenetic relationship between Elateridae and Phengodidae as other molecular studies, in contrast with previous morphologic and molecular studies that clustered Lampyridae/Phengodidae. Molecular data also supported division of the Phengodinae subfamily into the tribes Phengodini and Mastinocerini. The position of the genus Amydetes supports the status of the Amydetinae as a subfamily. The genus Euryopa is included in the Mastinocerini tribe within the Phengodinae/Phengodidae. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A number of organelles contained within mammalian cells have been implicated in the selective sequestration of chemical entities including drug molecules. Specifically, weakly basic molecules have been shown to selectively associate with either the mitochondrial compartment or lysosomes; however, the structural basis for this differentiation has not been understood. To investigate this, we have identified a series of seven weakly basic compounds, all with pK(a) near neutrality, which have different sequestration sites within the multidrug-resistant HL-60 human leukemic cell line. Three of the compounds were selectively sequestered into the mitochondria of the cells, whereas the remainder were predominantly localized within lysosomes. Using specific chemical inhibitors to disrupt either mitochondrial or lysosomal accumulation capacity, we demonstrated that accumulation of these compounds into respective organelles are not competitive processes. Comparison of the permeability characteristics of these compounds as a function of pH revealed striking differences that correlate with the intracellular sequestration site. Only those compounds with significantly reduced permeability in the ionized state relative to the un-ionized state had the capacity to accumulate within lysosomes. Alternatively, those compounds with relatively pH-insensitive permeability selectively accumulated into mitochondria. Using novel quantitative assays for assaying drug accumulation into subcellular organelles, we demonstrated a correlation between these permeability characteristics and the lysosomal versus mitochondrial accumulation capacity of these compounds. Together, these results suggest that the selective accumulations of weakly basic compounds in either lysosomes and mitochondria occur via exclusive pathways governed by a unique permeability parameter.  相似文献   
The sequestration of drugs away from cellular target sites into cytoplasmic organelles of multidrug-resistant (MDR) cancer cells has been recently shown to be a cause for ineffective drug therapy. This process is poorly understood despite the fact that it has been observed in a large number of MDR cancer cell lines. Analysis of drug sequestration in these cells has traditionally been done using fluorescent anthracycline antibiotics (i.e. daunorubicin, doxorubicin). This narrow selection of substrates has resulted in a limited understanding of sequestration mechanisms and the intracellular compartments that are involved. To better characterize this phenotype, we chose to examine the sequestration of molecules having different acid/base properties in the MDR HL-60 human leukemic cell line. Here we show that weakly basic drug daunorubicin is sequestered into lysosomes according to a pH partitioning type mechanism, whereas sulforhodamime 101, a zwitterionic molecule, is sequestered into the Golgi apparatus through a drug transporter-mediated process. Quantitative intracellular pH measurements reveal that the lysosome-tocytosol pH gradient is expanded in the MDR line. Moreover, the MDR cells overexpress the multidrug resistance-related protein (MRP1), which is localized to the Golgi apparatus. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that two distinct mechanisms for intracellular compartmentalization are operational in a single MDR cell line.  相似文献   
Glutamine 114 of OYE1 is a well conserved residue in the active site of the Old Yellow Enzyme family. It forms hydrogen bonds to the O2 and N3 of the flavoprotein prosthetic group, FMN. Glutamine 114 was mutated to asparagine, introducing an R-group that is one methylene group shorter. The resultant enzyme was characterized to determine the effect of the mutation on the mechanistic behavior of the enzyme, and the crystal structure was solved to determine the effect of the mutation on the structure of the protein. The Q114N mutation results in little change in the protein structure, moving the amide group of residue 114 out of H-bonding distance, allowing repositioning of the FMN prosthetic group to form new interactions that replace the lost H-bonds. The mutation decreases the ability to bind ligands, as all dissociation constants for substituted phenols are larger than for the wild type enzyme. The rate constant for the reductive half-reaction with beta-NADPH is slightly greater, whereas that for the oxidative half-reaction with 2-cyclohexenone is smaller than for the wild type enzyme. Oxidation with molecular oxygen is biphasic and involves formation and reaction with O(2), a phenomenon that is more pronounced with this mutation than with wild type enzyme. When superoxide dismutase is added to the reaction, we observe a single-phase reaction typical of the wild type enzyme. Turnover reactions using beta-NADPH with 2-cyclohexenone and molecular oxygen were studied to further characterize the mutant enzyme.  相似文献   
The calcium (Ca(2+)) regulation of neurotransmitter release is poorly understood. Here we investigated several aspects of this process in PC12 cells. We first showed that osmotic shock by 1 m sucrose stimulated rapid release of neurotransmitters from intact PC12 cells, indicating that most of the vesicles were docked at the plasma membrane. Second, we further investigated the mechanism of rescue of botulinum neurotoxin E inhibition of release by recombinant SNAP-25 COOH-terminal coil, which is known to be required in the triggering stage. We confirmed here that Ca(2+) was required simultaneously with the SNAP-25 peptide, with no significant increase in release if either the peptide or Ca(2+) was present during the priming stage as well as the triggering, suggesting that SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor) complex assembly was involved in the final Ca(2+)-triggered event. Using this rescue system, we also identified a series of acidic surface SNAP-25 residues that rescued better than wild-type when mutated, due to broadened Ca(2+) sensitivity, suggesting that this charged patch may interact electrostatically with a negative regulator of membrane fusion. Finally, we showed that the previously demonstrated stimulation of exocytosis in this system by calmodulin required calcium binding, since calmodulin mutants defective in Ca(2+)-binding were not able to enhance release.  相似文献   
Involvement of rabphilin-3A-like (RPH3AL), or Noc2, the potential effector of Ras-associated binding proteins Rab3A and Rab27A in the regulation of exocytotic processes in the endocrine pancreas has been demonstrated in experimental models. Noc2 expression together with other regulatory molecules of the exocytotic machinery in human tissues, however, has not been studied. We evaluated immunohistochemical expression of the key molecules of the exocytotic machinery, Noc2, Rab3A, Rab27A, and RIM2, together with the characteristic islet cell hormones, insulin and glucagon in normal and endocrine tumor tissues of human pancreas. Normal pancreatic islets were stained for all of these proteins and showed strong cytoplasmic localization. A similar pattern of strong cytoplasmic expression of these proteins was observed in the majority of endocrine tumors. By contrast, the exocrine portions of normal appearing pancreas completely lacked Rab27A staining and showed decreased expression of the proteins, Noc2, Rab3A, and RIM2. The staining pattern of Noc2 and Rab27A was similar to the staining pattern of glucagon-producing cells within the islets. The concomitant expression of Noc2 with these molecules suggests that Noc2 may serve as an effector for Rab3A and Rab27A and that it is involved in the regulation of exocytosis of the endocrine pancreas in humans.  相似文献   
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