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The effects of an auxin herbicide, 2,4-D, at a concentration of 0.01 mM, on the K+ uptake and efflux of excised roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Rannaya) were investigated at different pH values. The K+ movement was monitored with a K+ (86Rb) tracer. In parallel experiments the ATPase activities of microsomal fractions were determined by the inorganic phosphate liberation method. 2,4-D inhibited the K+ uptake especially at low pH, irrespective of whether Ca2+ was present or not. No marked changes were observed in the K+ efflux properties at pH values above 4. The inhibitory effect on K+ uptake exhibited a correlation with the hydrocarbon solubility of the herbicide, but not with the 2,4-D-induced decrease of the ATPase activity. It is suggested that 2,4-D exerts a non-specific effect on the lipid-protein interactions, giving rise to a generalized alteration of the transport barrier properties of the plasma membrane even at as low a concentration as 0.01 mM.  相似文献   
本研究旨在探讨谷糠结合态多酚(bound phenol of inner shell,BPIS)发挥抗乳腺癌细胞活性的作用机制。首先采用细胞计数法检测BPIS对乳腺癌细胞以及正常乳腺细胞活性的影响;然后综合运用SEA、SIB以及GeneCards等数据库获得BPIS和乳腺癌的相关靶点,并分析活性成分与作用靶点的互作网络以及通路。本研究筛选得到BPIS抗乳腺癌相关靶点39个,主要涉及糖脂代谢和细胞自噬等生物过程以及MAPK、PI3K/AKT、FoxO等多条信号通,表明BPIS抗乳腺癌是多成分、多靶点、多通路协同作用的过程,而与细胞死亡相关的细胞自噬很可能在BPIS抑制乳腺癌过程中发挥主要作用。  相似文献   
小麦族(Triticeae)是禾本科、早熟禾亚科中一个有重要经济价值、以多年生植物占优势的族,族内绝大多数种类是重要的粮食作物和畜牧业上的优良牧草,饲用价值极高,有些种类具有耐寒、耐旱、耐碱等特性,是农牧业上良种繁育、牧草利用的重要基因资源。但该族同时又是分类学上的一个疑难族,各学者对族内系统分类意见不一、争议颇大,尤其在族的界限、族下类群划分以及类群演化关系上问题较多,至今尚未解决。查阅了国内外分类学文献,探讨其分类差异以及存在问题,为充分开发利用中国丰富的小麦族植物资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   
1. Climate change could be one of the main threats faced by aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity. Improved understanding, monitoring and forecasting of its effects are thus crucial for researchers, policy makers and biodiversity managers. 2. Here, we provide a review and some meta‐analyses of the literature reporting both observed and predicted climate‐induced effects on the distribution of freshwater fish. After reviewing three decades of research, we summarise how methods in assessing the effects of climate change have evolved, and whether current knowledge is geographically or taxonomically biased. We conducted multispecies qualitative and quantitative analyses to find out whether the observed responses of freshwater fish to recent changes in climate are consistent with those predicted under future climate scenarios. 3. We highlight the fact that, in recent years, freshwater fish distributions have already been affected by contemporary climate change in ways consistent with anticipated responses under future climate change scenarios: the range of most cold‐water species could be reduced or shift to higher altitude or latitude, whereas that of cool‐ and warm‐water species could expand or contract. 4. Most evidence about the effects of climate change is underpinned by the large number of studies devoted to cold‐water fish species (mainly salmonids). Our knowledge is still incomplete, however, particularly due to taxonomic and geographic biases. 5. Observed and expected responses are well correlated among families, suggesting that model predictions are supported by empirical evidence. The observed effects are of greater magnitude and show higher variability than the predicted effects, however, indicating that other drivers of changes may be interacting with climate and seriously affecting freshwater fish. 6. Finally, we suggest avenues of research required to address current gaps in what we know about the climate‐induced effects on freshwater fish distribution, including (i) the need for more long‐term data analyses, (ii) the assessment of climate‐induced effects at higher levels of organisation (e.g. assemblages), (iii) methodological improvements (e.g. accounting for uncertainty among projections and species’ dispersal abilities, combining both distributional and empirical approaches and including multiple non‐climatic stressors) and (iv) systematic confrontation of observed versus predicted effects across multi‐species assemblages and at several levels of biological organisation (i.e. populations and assemblages).  相似文献   
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