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The cytoplasm of young oocytes of the ascidians contains high concentrations of proteins which are stainable with alkaline fast green at pH 8.1 and above. These proteins cannot be stained even with acid dyes at low pH unless RNA is removed. Deamination and formalin blockage of amino groups is incapable of destroying the net positive charge on these protein molecules in the presence of RNA, but these treatments destroy the charge if RNA is removed. It is therefore concluded that basic proteins and RNA exist as a nucleoprotein complex in the ribosomes of these young oocytes. The detectable RNA of the mature oocytes and unfertilized eggs shows no evidence of being associated with basic proteins.  相似文献   
The rapid activation of stress-responsive neuroendocrine systems is a basic reaction of animals to perturbations in their environment. One well-established response is that of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In rats, corticosterone is the major adrenal steroid secreted and is released in direct response to adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) secreted from the anterior pituitary gland. ACTH in turn is regulated by the hypothalamic factor, corticotropin-releasing hormone. A sex difference exists in the response of the HPA axis to stress, with females reacting more robustly than males. It has been demonstrated that in both sexes, products of the HPA axis inhibit reproductive function. Conversely, the sex differences in HPA function are in part due to differences in the circulating gonadal steroid hormone milieu. It appears that testosterone can act to inhibit HPA function, whereas estrogen can enhance HPA function. One mechanism by which androgens and estrogens modulate stress responses is through the binding to their cognate receptors in the central nervous system. The distribution and regulation of androgen and estrogen receptors within the CNS suggest possible sites and mechanisms by which gonadal steroid hormones can influence stress responses. In the case of androgens, data suggest that the control of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is mediated trans-synaptically. For estrogen, modulation of the HPA axis may be due to changes in glucocorticoid receptor-mediated negative feedback mechanisms. The results of a variety of studies suggest that gonadal steroid hormones, particularly testosterone, modulate HPA activity in an attempt to prevent the deleterious effects of HPA activation on reproductive function.  相似文献   
Brassica napus cv. Topas microspores can be diverted from pollen development toward haploid embryo formation in culture by subjecting them to a heat stress treatment. We show that this switch in developmental pathways is accompanied by the induction of high levels of napin seed storage protein gene expression. Changes in the plant growth or microspore culture conditions were not by themselves sufficient to induce napin gene expression. Specific members of the napin multigene family were cloned from a cDNA library prepared from microspores that had been induced to undergo embryogenesis. The majority of napin clones represented three members (BnmNAP2, BnmNAP3 and BnmNAP4) that, along with a previously isolated napin genomic clone (BngNAP1), constitute the highly conserved BnmNAP subfamily of napin genes. Both RNA gel blot analysis, using a subfamily-specific probe, and histochemical analysis of transgenic plants expressing a BngNAP1 promoter--glucuronidase gene fusion demonstrated that the BnmNAP subfamily is expressed in embryogenic microspores as well as during subsequent stages of microsporic embryo development.  相似文献   
A clone isolated from a purple podded pea (Pisum sativum L.) cDNA library was shown to contain the complete coding sequence of a polypeptide with considerable homology to various members of the ras superfamily. The ras superfamily are a group of monomeric GTP-binding proteins of 21–25 kDa found in eukaryotic cells. Conserved sequences in the isolated clone include the GTP-binding site, GDP/GTP hydrolysis domain and C-terminal Cys residues involved in membrane attachment. Comparisons of the predicted amino acid sequence with those of other ras proteins show significantly higher homologies (ca. 70%) to two mammalian gene products, those of the BRL-ras oncogene, and the canine rab7 gene, than to any of the plant ras gene products so far identified (<40% homology). The high percentage of amino acid identity suggests that this cDNA may be the product of a gene, designated Psa-rab, which is the plant counterpart of rab7. Rab/ypt proteins are a subfamily of the ras superfamily thought to be involved in intracellular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus and in vesicular transport.Northern blot hybridisation analysis of total RNA from green and purple podded pea revealed a mRNA species of approximately the same size as the isolated cDNAs.  相似文献   
Pediatric constipation/encopresis is thought to be due, in part, to paradoxical constriction of the external anal sphincter (EAS) muscle during attempted defecation. This inappropriate contraction can lead to delayed, impacted, painful, and infrequent bowel movements. Standard Medical Care (SMC) involves disimpaction with enemas, followed by laxative therapy and diet modification, to maintain frequent soft stools. Using the case control method, the efficacy of SMC alone was compared with SMC plus EAS electromyographic biofeedback aimed at eliminating paradoxical contraction. Thirteen consecutive chronically constipated children received SMC plus biofeedback, and were compared with 13 age- and sex-matched children who received only SMC. Biofeedback subjects demonstrated post-treatment elimination of EAS paradoxical constriction. At 16 months follow-up parents of biofeedback children reported significantly greater improvement in constipation, encopresis, laxative use, and painful bowel movements compared to SMC.This research report was supported by the NIH under grant No. RO1 HD 28160.  相似文献   
An improved 13C-density-labeling method was used to study cell wall synthesis in rapidly expanding, slowly expanding and recently mature internodes of Nitella translucens var axillaris (A.Br.) R.D.W. As cells matured, the rate of wall synthesis slowed and the deposition of cellulose microfibrils changed from a predominantly transverse direction in the primary wall of rapidly expanding internodes to a helicoidal array in the secondary wall of mature internodes. The secondary wall was characterized by relatively higher rates of cellulose synthesis and lower rates of pectin synthesis than the primary wall. The synthesis of xyloglucan also decreased markedly at the transition to secondary wall synthesis, while the synthesis of mannose-rich hemicellulose increased. Even though structural differences were striking between the primary and secondary walls of Nitella, compositional differences between the two types of wall were quantitative rather than qualitative. The authors appreciate the assistance of Martin Yousef with the electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Summary Primary diethylstilbestrol-induced kidney tumors from Syrian hamsters were grown in vitro and maintained in culture for 6 mo. Combined immunohistochemical studies using antibodies to intermediate filaments and ultrastructural studies of tumor cells in culture exhibited characteristics similar to tumor cells in vivo. Furthermore, the cells manifested transformed properties in culture; they grew both as multilayered colonies attached to the tissue culture substrate and as floating multicellular colonies (spheroids). When cultured cells were injected into diethylstilbestrol-treated recipient hamsters, tumors developed at the injection sites. In contrast, renal tubules or whole kidney cortex from control hamsters cultured in the same medium underwent only short-term growth, with senescence developing after approximately 1 mo. However, cell cultures of kidney cortex from animals treated in vivo for 5 mo. with diethylstilbestrol formed a cell line. This diethylstilbestrol-induced cell line has been maintained in culture for 1.5 yr and has the following characteristics: a) it is anchorage-dependent, b) it is negative in in vivo tumorigenicity tests, and c) cultured cells are histochemically and ultrastructurally similar to cultured tumor cells. This culture system should prove to be of use in studying hormonal carcinogenesis in vitro. This study was supported by the Medical Research Service, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC, and by grant CA-22008 from the National Cancer Institute, NIH, DHHS, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
Morphogenesis of the maize embryo is controlled by many genes. A group of 51 embryo-specific (emb) mutations representing at least 45 independent mutation events and many different gene loci have been isolated from active Robertson's Mutator stocks. The authors have reported previously that the embryo phenotype of 27 of these mutations, characterized by examining mature embryos in fresh dissection. The maximal development capacity of the 24 emb mutations are reported here which have not been reported previously. All result in retarded embryos that are morphologically abnormal. Three of the mutants are blocked during the first phase of morphogenesis, the period in which the basal-apical asymmetry is established and the embryo is regionalized into suspensor and embryo proper. Nineteen mutants are blocked during the second phase, the period in which radial asymmetry appears, the embryonic axis is established at a different angle than the original basal-apical axis of the zygote and the vegetative organ primordia of the adult plant make their first appearance. Two mutants are blocked or altered during the third phase, the period in which vegetative structures are elaborated. Some of the mutants affected in the first phase of morphogenesis may have defective mechanisms for establishing basal-apical asymmetry, including possibly the asymmetric distribution of morphogenic determinants. Similarly, some of the mutants affected in the second phase may be altered in the mechanisms establishing radial asymmetry and the origin of the meristems. Mutations of the first type may act as early as the first cell division when the zygote undergoes a transverse division, while mutations of the second type are likely to act during the proembryo and transition stages. Both types include mutations affecting embryo pattern formation. Mutations affecting the third phase of morphogenesis may identify genes regulating reiterative morphogenic processes of vegetative plant development and events of embryo maturation. This group of 24 mutations is like that reported previously in representing genes that are crucial to embryo morphogenesis.  相似文献   
Two RNA-containing viruses, feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), have been observed to infect cheetahs. Although both viruses cause lethal immunogenetic pathology in domestic cats, only FIPV has documented pathogenesis in cheetahs. We summarize and update here a worldwide survey of serum and plasma from cheetah and other nondomestic felids for antibodies to FIV and FIPV, based on Western blot and immunofluorescence assays. FIPV exposure shows an acute pattern with recognizable outbreaks in several zoological facilities, but is virtually nonexistent in sampled free-ranging populations of cheetahs. FIV is more endemic in certain natural cheetah populations, but infrequent in zoological collections. FIV exposure was also seen in lions, bobcats, leopards, snow leopards, and jaguars. FIV causes T-cell lymphocyte depletion and associated diseases in domestic cats, but there is little direct evidence for FIV pathology in exotic cats to date. Because of the parallels with a high incidence of simian immunodeficiency virus in free-ranging African primates without disease, the cat model may also reflect historic infections that have approached an evolutionary balance between the pathogen and immune defenses of their feline host species. Published 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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