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The epsilon subunit of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase is a tightly bound but dissociable partial inhibitor of ATPase activity. The effects of epsilon on the enzyme were investigated by comparing the ATPase activity and aurovertin binding properties of the epsilon-depleted F1-ATPase and the epsilon-replete complex. Kinetic data of multisite ATP hydrolysis were analyzed to give the best fit for one, two, or three kinetic components. Each form of F1-ATPase contained a high-affinity component, with a Km near 20 microM and a velocity of approximately 1 unit/mg. Each also exhibited a component with a Km in the range of 0.2 mM. The velocity of this component was 25 units/mg for epsilon-depleted ATPase but only 4 units/mg for epsilon-replete enzyme. The epsilon-depleted enzyme also contained a very low affinity component not present in the epsilon-replete enzyme. In unisite hydrolysis studies, epsilon had no effect on the equilibrium between substrate ATP and product ADP.P1 at the active site but reduced the rate of product release 15-fold. These results suggest that epsilon subunit slows a conformational change that is required to reduce the affinity at the active site, allowing dissociation of product. It is suggested that inhibition of multisite hydrolysis by epsilon is also due to a reduced rate of product release. epsilon-depleted F1-ATPase showed little of no modulation of aurovertin fluorescence by added ADP and ATP. Aurovertin fluorescence titrations in buffer containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) revealed that epsilon-depleted enzyme had high affinity for aurovertin (Kd less than 0.1 microM) regardless of the presence of nucleotides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) was extracted from infected leaves of several host plants inoculated with phytopathogenic strains of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. Extraction was by a facilitated diffusion procedure or by collection of intercellular fluid using a centrifugation method. The extracted EPS was purified and characterized. All bacterial pathogens which induced watersoaked lesions on their host leaves, a characteristic of most members of this bacterial group, were found to produce alginic acid (a polymer consisting of varying ratios of mannuronic and guluronic acids). Only trace amounts of bacterial EPS could be isolated from leaves inoculated with a pathovar (pv. syringae) which does not induce the formation of lesions with a watersoaked appearance. Guluronic acid was either present in very low amounts or absent in the alginic acid preparations. All bacterial alginates were acetylated (7-11%). Levan (a fructan) was apparently not produced as an EPS in vivo by any of the pathogens tested.  相似文献   
N epsilon-(Carboxymethyl)lysine (CML) has been identified as a product of oxidation of fructoselysine (FL) in glycated (nonenzymatically glycosylated) proteins in vitro and has also been detected in human tissues and urine [Ahmed et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4889-4894]. In this study, we compare the amounts of CML and FL in normal human lens proteins, aged 0-79 years, using specific and sensitive assays based on selected ion monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Our results indicate that the lens content of FL increases significantly between infancy and about age 5 but that there is only a slight, statistically insignificant increase in FL between age 5 and 80 (mean +/- SD = 1.4 +/- 0.4 mmol of FL/mol of Lys). In contrast, the lens content of the oxidation product, CML, increased linearly with age, ranging from trace levels at infancy up to 8 mmol of CML/mol of lysine at age 79. The ratio of CML to FL also increased linearly from 0.5 to 5 mol of CML/mol of FL between age 1 and 79, respectively. These results indicate that CML, rather than FL, is the major product of glycation detectable in adult human lens protein. The age-dependent accumulation of CML in lens protein indicates that products of both glycation and oxidation accumulate in the lens with age, while the constant rate of accumulation of CML in lens with age argues against an age-dependent decline in free radical defense mechanisms in this tissue.  相似文献   
An aqueous exudate collected from frozen and thawed bodies of a Caribbean sea anemone, Stichodactyla (formerly Stoichactis) helianthus, contained a polypeptide neurotoxin (Sh I) selectively toxic to crustaceans. The polypeptide was purified by G-50 Sephadex, phosphocellulose, and sulfopropyl-Sephadex chromatography and shown to have a molecular size of 5200 daltons and a pI of 8.3. The amino acid sequence determined by automatic Edman degradations of whole RCM Sh I and of its clostripain, staphylococcal protease, and cyanogen bromide digest peptides is A1ACKC5DDEGP10DIRTA15PLTGT20VDLGS25CNAGW30EKCAS35YYTII40ADCCR45KKK . Only 33% of this sequence is identical with the sequence of Anemonia sulcata toxin II, a sea anemone toxin isolated from the taxonomic family Actiniidae. The six half-cystines are located in equivalent positions to those of the actiniid toxins and account for nearly half of the residues common to all of the toxins. However, 69% of the Sh I sequence is identical with that of toxin II from Heteractis paumotensis, another sea anemone belonging to the family Stichodactylidae. Stichodactylid toxins lack the initial N-terminal residue of actiniid toxins and possess three consecutive acidic residues at positions 6-8, a single tryptophan at position 30, and four consecutive basic residues at positions 45-48 (C-terminus). A rabbit IgG prepared by Sh I immunization bound Sh I with a K0.5 of 4.7 nM but failed to bind homologous actiniid (Anemonia sulcata II, Condylactis gigantea III) or bolocerid (Bolocera tuedae II) polypeptide neurotoxins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
beta-Carotene protects against photooxidative dermatitis in porphyric humans and mice by quenching of photoactivated species. Other actions of beta-carotene in vivo are explained on the basis of its ability to scavenge free radicals in vitro. For example, in guinea pigs treated with CCl4, beta-carotene decreases pentane and ethane production. Epidemiological studies link low serum beta-carotene levels to elevated risk of lung and other cancers, and in intervention trials, beta-carotene diminishes preneoplastic lesions. However, the dose/response relationships are not well established, and antineoplastic mechanisms await clarification. Given a radical quenching mechanism, beta-carotene should block tumor promotion, but more typically the site of action is progression and an even later role in invasion has not been ruled out. Some antineoplastic actions of carotenoids (such as increased rejection of fibrosarcomas in mice) are attributed to immunoenhancement; others may reflect conversion to retinoids and subsequent gene regulation. Carotenoids other than beta-carotene may act at an earlier stage of carcinogenesis or be more effective as anticarcinogens at certain target sites. As scavengers of hydroxyl radicals, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin are more effective than beta-carotene. Canthaxanthin is sometimes more effective than beta-carotene in chemoprevention, but it is sometimes completely ineffective. Lycopene quenches singlet oxygen more than twice as effectively as beta-carotene. However, the antineoplastic actions of lycopene or astaxanthin remain untested. Explorations of the interactions of carotenoids with other nutrients are just beginning. Dietary fat increases absorption of carotene but decreases antineoplastic effectiveness. Research is hampered by technical problems, including the unavailability of rigorous controls, the instability of carotenoids, and the heterogeneous phase structure induced by hydrophobic compounds in aqueous media. Areas of current controversy and promising approaches for future research are identified.  相似文献   
Six 'core' subunits of pea photosystem I have been isolated and their N-terminal amino acid sequences determined by gas-phase or solid-phase sequencing. On average more than thirty residues were determined from the N-terminus of each polypeptide. This sequence analysis has revealed three polypeptides with charged N-terminal regions (21, 17 and 11 kDa subunits), one polypeptide with a predominantly hydrophobic N-terminal region (9 kDa subunit), one polypeptide which is cysteine-rich (8 kDa subunit) and one which is alanine-rich (13 kDa subunit).  相似文献   
The beta-glucosidase, linamarase, which specifically hydrolyzes cyanogenic substrates, linamarin and lotaustralin, in white clover, is synthesized in the early stages of leaf and seedling development in genetically competent plants. Plants, from natural populations, possessing at least one Li allele synthesize linamarase but plants with only li alleles do not, nor do they produce inactive but antigenically related linamarase. Linamarase is known to be a mannosyl glycoprotein, which in its active form is a dimer, with a subunit size of 62,000 Mr. We demonstrate that the antibiotic tunicamycin, which prevents N-acetyl-asparagine linked glycosylation, reduces in vivo synthesis of linarmarase. In vitro translation of mRNA from a Li Li plant yields a 59,000 Mr immunoprecipitated linamarase polypeptide which is modified to a 62,000 Mr product by the addition of dog pancreas microsomes. No anti-linamarase immunoprecipitable product is obtained from the in vitro translation products of mRNA from a li li plant.  相似文献   
The kinetics of anaerobic degradation of a molasses wastewater were measured under constant pH conditions in a laboratory scale packed bed reactor. In continuous and batch experiments the formation and degradation rates of the organic acids (butyric, propionic and acetic) have been followed. The influence of hydrogen gas on the acid degradation rates has been measured and, contrary to the literature and the thermo-dynamic calculations, no inhibition was detected, biofilm diffusional effects may be the reason. Two dynamic simulation models were tested, a heterogeneous model, which considered the biofilm diffusion-reaction phenomena and a quasihomogeneous model with the same kinetics. Except for hydrogen, the diffusion effects were found to be negligible. Otherwise both models gave essentially the same results and the time profiles of acids, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane agreed relatively well with dynamic startup experiments. Batch experiments showed the acid concentrations to be highly sensitive to the initial molasses concentration. This aspect was not included in the model but is being investigated further.  相似文献   
Contact sensitization to components of the urushiol oils of poison oak and poison ivy appears to require covalent bond formation between the o-quinones derived from urushiol catechols and nucleophilic groups on proteins. Previous studies using a murine delayed hypersensitivity model demonstrated that 5-methyl-3-pentadecylcatechol (5-Me-PDC) is an epicutaneous tolerogen to the parent compound and a weak sensitizer to itself. To investigate further the structural requirements for sensitization vs suppression, 5,6-dimethyl-3-pentadecylcatechol (5,6-di-Me-PDC) and 4,5,6-trimethylpentadecylcatechol (4,5,6-tri-Me-PDC) were synthesized. The former compound is blocked at both preferred sites for covalent bond formation and the latter is completely blocked towards conjugate addition reactions. These compounds were tested for sensitizing and suppressive ability. Epicutaneous application of both analogs suppressed subsequent induction of sensitization to 3-pentadecylcatechol (PDC) and 3-heptadecylcatechol (HDC). Lymph node cells from animals treated with 5,6-di-Me-PDC could transfer suppression. The dimethyl analog, 5,6-di-Me-PDC, but not the trimethyl analog also exhibited weak sensitizing capacity. The urushiol analogs 5-pentadecylresorcinol (PDR) and 3-heptadecylveratrole (HDV) which cannot form o-quinones were found to be ineffective sensitizers as well. HDV in addition produced no blastogenesis in draining lymph nodes whereas lymph node cell proliferation induced by 4,5,6-tri-Me-PDC followed the same kinetics as previously observed for HDC. PDR elicited weak proliferation with a different time course. These and previous studies indicate that blocking the C5-position on the catechol ring favors the induction of suppression, although some sensitizing capacity may be retained. Covalent bond formation may not be necessary for the induction of active suppressor cell populations.  相似文献   
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