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The joint forces and moments driving the motion of a human subject are classically computed by an inverse dynamic calculation. However, even if this process is theoretically simple, many sources of errors may lead to huge inaccuracies in the results. Moreover, a direct comparison with in vivo measured loads or with "gold standard" values from literature is only possible for very specific studies. Therefore, assessing the inaccuracy of inverse dynamic results is not a trivial problem and a simple method is still required. This paper presents a simple method to evaluate both: (1) the consistency of the results obtained by inverse dynamics; (2) the influence of possible modifications in the inverse dynamic hypotheses. This technique concerns recursive calculation performed on full kinematic chains, and consists in evaluating the loads obtained by two different recursive strategies. It has been applied to complex 3D whole body movements of balance recovery. A recursive Newton-Euler procedure was used to compute the net joint loads. Two models were used to represent the subject bodies, considering or not the upper body as a unique rigid segment. The inertial parameters of the body segments were estimated from two different sets of scaling equations [De Leva, P., 1996. Adjustments to Zatsiorsky-Suleyanov's segment inertia parameters. Journal of Biomechanics 29, 1223-1230; Dumas, R., Chèze, L., Verriest, J.-P., 2006b. Adjustments to McConville et al. and Young et al. Body Segment Inertial Parameters. Journal of Biomechanics, in press]. Using this comparison technique, it has been shown that, for the balance recovery motions investigated: (1) the use of the scaling equations proposed by Dumas et al., instead of those proposed by De Leva, improves the consistency of the results (average relative influence up to 30% for the transversal moment); (2) the arm motions dynamically influence the recovery motion in a non negligible way (average relative influence up to 15% and 30% for the longitudinal force and the transversal moment, respectively).  相似文献   
Few works have examined the relative contributions of habitat variables to the distribution of coral reef urchins. In the present study, the spatial distribution of two common urchin species (Diadema setosum and Echinometra mathaei) was studied in the fringing reefs of two urban bays in New Caledonia (South Pacific). Urchins were surveyed at 105 stations with contrasted habitat structure/anthropic disturbance levels; 32 environmental variables (water/sediment characteristics, reef structuring species) were considered. Moderate densities were generally observed at station scale (mean 0.5 individuals m− 2). The combination of univariate and multivariate techniques highlighted patchy distributions for Diadema as well as Echinometra, with distinct species/habitat associations; environmental gradients occurring within the bays did not seem to influence the species patterns. For Diadema, the spatial variability was better explained by sediment type than by biotic cover; increasing densities occurred across habitats with larger sediment sizes and decreasing coral complexity/macrophytes cover. In contrast, the distribution of E. mathaei exhibited weak relationships with habitat variables. In coral reefs, small-scale heterogeneity may thus be responsible for most of urchins spatial variability.  相似文献   
The pig is a single-stomached omnivorous mammal and is an important model of human disease and nutrition. As such, it is necessary to establish a metabolic framework from which pathology-based variation can be compared. Here, a combination of one and two-dimensional (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR was used to provide a systems overview of porcine metabolism via characterisation of the urine, serum, liver and kidney metabolomes. The metabolites observed in each of these biological compartments were found to be qualitatively comparable to the metabolic signature of the same biological matrices in humans and rodents. The data were modelled using a combination of principal components analysis and Venn diagram mapping. Urine represented the most metabolically distinct biological compartment studied, with a relatively greater number of NMR detectable metabolites present, many of which are implicated in gut-microbial co-metabolic processes. The major inter-species differences observed were in the phase II conjugation of extra-genomic metabolites; the pig was observed to conjugate p-cresol, a gut microbial metabolite of tyrosine, with glucuronide rather than sulfate as seen in man. These observations are important to note when considering the translatability of experimental data derived from porcine models.  相似文献   
In most industrialized countries, different epidemiologic studies show that chronic renal failure is dramatically increasing. Such major public health problem is a consequence of acquired systemic diseases such as type II diabetes, which is now the first cause for end stage renal failure. Furthermore, lithogenic diseases may also induce intratubular crystallization, which may finally result in end-stage renal failure (ESRF). Up to now, such rare diseases are often misdiagnosed. In this study, based on twenty four biopsies, we show that SR μFTIR (Synchrotron Radiation-μFourier transform infrared) spectroscopy constitutes a significant opportunity to characterize such pathological μcalcifications giving not only their chemical composition but also their spatial distribution in the tissues. This experimental approach offers new opportunities to the clinicians to describe at the cell level the physico-chemical processes leading to the formation of the pathological calcifications which lead to ESRF.  相似文献   
The study presents a screening method used to identify the influential parameters of a lower limb model including ligaments, at low numerical cost. Concerning multibody kinematics optimisation, the ligament parameters (isometric length) were found the most influential ones in a previous study. The screening method tested if they remain influential with minimised length variations. The most important parameters for tibiofemoral kinematics were the skin markers, segment lengths and joint parameters, including two ligaments. This was confirmed by a quantitative sensitivity analysis. The screening method has the potential to be used as a stand-alone procedure for a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   
Fast algorithms for analysing sequence data are presented. An algorithm for strict homologies finds all common subsequences of length greater than or equal to 6 in two given sequences. With it, nucleic acid pieces five thousand nucleotides long can be compared in five seconds on CDC 6600. Secondary structure algorithms generate the N most stable secondary structures of an RNA molecule, taking into account all loop contributions, and the formation of all possible base-pairs in stems, including odd pairs (G.G., C.U., etc.). They allow a typical 100-nucleotide sequence to be analysed in 10 seconds. The homology and secondary structure programs are respectively illustrated with a comparison of two phage genomes, and a discussion of Drosophila melanogaster 55 RNA folding.  相似文献   
Summary We began this experiment to test specific hypotheses regarding direct and indirect effects of fish predation on the littoral macroinvertebrate community of Bays Mountain Lake, Tennessee. We used 24 m2 enclosures in which we manipulated the presence and absence of large redear sunfish (Lepomis microlophus>150 mm SL), and small sunfish (L. macrochirus and L. microlophus <50 mm SL) over a 16-mo period. Here we report on effects of fish predation on gastropod grazers that appear to cascade to periphyton and macrophytes.Both large redear sunfish and small sunfish maintained low snail biomass, but snails in fish-free controls increased significantly during the first 2-mo of the experiment. By late summer of the first year of the experiment, the difference in biomass between enclosures with and without fish had increased dramatically (>10×). Midway through the second summer of the experiment, we noted apparent differences in the abundance of periphyton between enclosures containing fish and those that did not. We also noted differences in the macrophyte distribution among enclosures. To document these responses, we estimated periphyton cover, biovolume and cell size frequencies as well as macrophyte distributions among enclosures at the end of the experiment. When fish were absent, periphyton percent cover was significantly reduced compared to when fish were present. Periphyton cell-size distributions in enclosures without fish were skewed toward small cells (only 12% were greater than 200 m3), which is consistent with intense snail grazing. The macrophyte Najas flexilis had more than 60 x higher biomass in the fish-free enclosures than in enclosures containing fish; Potamogeton diversifolius was found only in fish-free enclosures. These results suggest a chain of strong interactions (i.e. from fish to snails to periphyton to macrophytes) that may be important in lake littoral systems. This contrasts sharply with earlier predictions based on cascading trophic interactions that propose that fish predation on snails would enhance macrophyte biomass.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis genome contains two genes predicted to code for bifunctional aspartate kinase-homoserine dehydrogenase enzymes (isoforms I and II). These two activities catalyze the first and the third steps toward the synthesis of the essential amino acids threonine, isoleucine, and methionine. We first characterized the kinetic and regulatory properties of the recombinant enzymes, showing that they mainly differ with respect to the inhibition of the homoserine dehydrogenase activity by threonine. A systematic search for other allosteric effectors allowed us to identify an additional inhibitor (leucine) and 5 activators (alanine, cysteine, isoleucine, serine, and valine) equally efficient on aspartate kinase I activity (4-fold activation). The six effectors of aspartate kinase I were all activators of aspartate kinase II activity (13-fold activation) and displayed a similar specificity for the enzyme. No synergy between different effectors could be observed. The activation, which resulted from a decrease in the Km values for the substrates, was detected using low substrates concentrations. Amino acid quantification revealed that alanine and threonine were much more abundant than the other effectors in Arabidopsis leaf chloroplasts. In vitro kinetics in the presence of physiological concentrations of the seven allosteric effectors confirmed that aspartate kinase I and II activities were highly sensitive to changes in alanine and threonine concentrations. Thus, physiological context rather than enzyme structure sets the specificity of the allosteric control. Stimulation by alanine may play the role of a feed forward activation of the aspartate-derived amino acid pathway in plant.  相似文献   
We have used the dimerization initiation site of HIV-1 genomic RNA as a model to investigate hairpin-duplex interconversion with a combination of fluorescence, UV melting, gel electrophoresis, and x-ray crystallographic techniques. Fluorescence studies with molecular beacons and crystallization experiments with 23-nucleotide dimerization initiation site fragments showed that the ratio of hairpin to duplex formed after annealing in water essentially depends on RNA concentration and not on cooling kinetics. With natural sequences allowing to form the most stable duplex, and thus also the loop-loop complex (or "kissing complex"), concentrations as low as 3 mum in strands are necessary to obtain a majority of the hairpin form. With a mutated sequence preventing kissing complex formation, a majority of hairpins was even obtained at 80 mum in strands. However, this did not prevent an efficient conversion from hairpin to duplex in the presence of salts. Kinetic considerations are in favor of duplex formation from intermediates involving hairpins engaged in cruciform dimers rather than from free strands. The very first step of formation of such a cruciform intermediate could be trapped in a crystal structure. This mechanism might be significant for the dynamics of small RNAs beyond the strict field of HIV-1.  相似文献   
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