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Although protein Z (PZ) has a domain arrangement similar to the essential coagulation proteins FVII, FIX, FX, and protein C, its serine protease (SP)-like domain is incomplete and does not exhibit proteolytic activity. We have generated a trial sequence of putative activated protein Z (PZa) by identifying amino acid mutations in the SP-like domain that might reasonably resurrect the serine protease catalytic activity of PZ. The structure of the activated form was then modeled based on the proposed sequence using homology modeling and solvent-equilibrated molecular dynamics simulations. In silico docking of inhibitors of FVIIa and FXa to the putative active site of equilibrated PZa, along with structural comparison with its homologous proteins, suggest that the designed PZa can possibly act as a serine protease.  相似文献   
The synthesis and optimisation of HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitors with improved potency versus the existing compound 1 is described. Substitution in the benzothiadiazine portion of the molecule, furnishing improvement in potency in the high protein Replicon assay, is highlighted, culminating in the discovery of 12h, a highly potent oxyacetamide derivative.  相似文献   
Mosquitoes, just as other insects produced for the sterile insect technique (SIT), are subjected to several unnatural processes including laboratory colonisation and large-scale factory production. After these processes, sterile male mosquitoes must perform the natural task of locating and mating with wild females. Therefore, the colonisation and production processes must preserve characters necessary for these functions. Fortunately, in contrast to natural selection which favours a suite of characteristics that improve overall fitness, colonisation and production practices for SIT strive to maximize only the few qualities that are necessary to effectively control populations.However, there is considerable uncertainty about some of the appropriate characteristics due to the lack of data. Development of biological products for other applications suggest that it is possible to identify and modify competitiveness characteristics in order to produce competitive mass produced sterile mosquitoes. This goal has been pursued - and sometimes achieved - by mosquito colonisation, production, and studies that have linked these characteristics to field performance. Parallels are drawn to studies in other insect SIT programmes and aquaculture which serve as vital technical reference points for mass-production of mosquitoes, most of whose development occurs - and characteristics of which are determined - in an aquatic environment. Poorly understood areas that require further study are numerous: diet, mass handling and genetic and physiological factors that influence mating competitiveness. Compromises in such traits due to demands to increase numbers or reduce costs, should be carefully considered in light of the desired field performance.  相似文献   
The northern tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda carinulata Desbrochers) was released in several western states as a biocontrol agent to suppress Tamarix spp. L. which has invaded riparian ecosystems; however, effects of beetle herbivory on Tamarix physiology are largely undocumented and may have ecosystem ramifications. Herbivory by this insect produces discoloration of leaves and premature leaf drop in these ecosystems, yet the cause of premature leaf drop and the effects of this leaf drop are still unknown. Insect herbivory may change leaf photosynthesis and respiration and may affect a plant’s ability to regulate water loss and increase water stress. Premature leaf drop may affect plant tissue chemistry and belowground carbon allocation. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to understand how Tamarix responds physiologically to adult beetle and larvae herbivory and to determine the proximate cause of premature leaf drop. We hypothesized that plants experiencing beetle herbivory would have greater leaf and root respiration rates, greater photosynthesis, increased water stress, inefficient leaf nitrogen retranslocation, lower root biomass and lower total non-structural carbohydrates in roots. Insect herbivory reduced photosynthesis rates, minimally affected respiration rates, but significantly increased water loss during daytime and nighttime hours and this produced increased water stress. The proximate cause for premature leaf drop appears to be desiccation. Plants exposed to herbivory were inefficient in their retranslocation of nitrogen before premature leaf drop. Root biomass showed a decreasing trend in plants subjected to herbivory. Stress induced by herbivory may render these trees less competitive in future growing seasons.  相似文献   
Successional stages are often characterized by dominant plant species (species with the highest cover) and their effect on the structure and function of an area through time. However, the plant species determining the ecosystem properties and plant community dynamics may not be the dominant, especially when it is exotic. Understanding plant community dynamics in ecosystems that are uncharacterized and/or affected by invasive plant species requires a data-driven approach and proper placement of monitoring plots. To generate robust datasets on vegetation change through time, monitoring plot placement must consider the scale of ecological variation for both vegetation and soils and plots would ideally be replicated within similar ecological site types to quantify the consistency of successional transitions. We characterized soil and vegetation across and within seven floodplains affected by Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) along the Yellowstone River in southeastern Montana, USA. Using modern Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and multivariate net differentiation, we identified five distinct plant community types, or classes, characterized by their tertiary woody plant cover, not the primary species, Russian olive. Our findings indicate that Russian olive communities differ across space, and these riparian areas can be classified into distinct plant community types. Characterizing plant community types via this analytical approach should allow practitioners to modify management decisions and forecast succession within relevant plant communities.  相似文献   
Herbicides with new modes of action (MOAs) are badly needed due to the rapidly evolving resistance to commercial herbicides, but a new MOA has not been introduced in over 20 years. The greatest pest management challenge for organic agriculture is the lack of effective natural product herbicides. The structural diversity and evolved biological activity of natural phytotoxins offer opportunities for the development of both directly used natural compounds and synthetic herbicides with new target sites based on the structures of natural phytotoxins. Natural phytotoxins are also a source for the discovery of new herbicide target sites that can serve as the focus of traditional herbicide discovery efforts. There are many examples of strong natural phytotoxins with MOAs other than those used by commercial herbicides, which indicates that there are molecular targets of herbicides that can be added to the current repertoire of commercial herbicide MOAs.The evolutionary forces driving the survival of species include chemical interactions between organisms, which function in positive interactions such as mutualistic and symbiotic relationships and negative interactions such as competitive and parasitic relationships. These processes have led to the emergence of novel secondary metabolic pathways (often through gene duplication), producing a vast array of structurally diverse and biologically active molecules (Moore and Purugganan, 2005; Ober, 2005; Flagel and Wendel, 2009; Jiang et al., 2013). This evolutionary process is similar to a high-throughput screen. However, unlike conventional in vitro screens, which test many compounds on a single biochemical target over a very short period of time, this natural high-throughput process selects molecules based on their whole-organism activities, involving numerous chemical interactions between countless organisms and target sites over millions of years. To date, approximately 200,000 secondary metabolites have been identified (Tulp and Bohlin, 2005), with many more expected to be discovered. Few of these compounds have been examined for phytotoxicity, and the modes or mechanisms of action (MOAs) of even fewer known phytotoxins have been elucidated.The negative chemical interactions between organisms are often characterized using anthropomorphic language, such as chemical warfare, referring to the production of phytotoxins used by plant pathogens to invade their host plants (Maor and Shirasu, 2005), and the novel weapons hypothesis, which is associated with the chemical-based advantage of some invasive plant species over native plant populations (Callaway and Aschehoug, 2000; Callaway and Ridenour, 2004; Callaway and Maron, 2006; Cappuccino and Arnason, 2006; Callaway et al., 2008). While simplistic, this terminology illustrates how these toxin-based interactions exploit biochemical weaknesses between an organism and its host or enemy/competitor to enhance its own survival (Verhoeven et al., 2009). In fact, these interactions can even be multitrophic, such as when exotic plants enhance their invasiveness by promoting the growth of certain native soil pathogens noxious to native plants (Mangla et al., 2008; Barto et al., 2011).As humans evolved from a nomadic hunter-gatherer subsistence existence to an agricultural lifestyle, they learned to utilize certain biologically active secondary metabolites to manage agricultural pests. Indeed, the concept that nature is an excellent source of natural pesticides is captured in the following ancient Lithica poem (circa 400 B.C.): “All the pests that out of earth arise, the earth itself the antidote supplies” (Ibn et al., 1781). Less than a century later, Greek and Roman treatises described practices to control agricultural pests that include the use of essential oils. Similar documents are found in Chinese literature, such as a survey describing plant species used to control plant pests (Yang and Tang, 1988). The mid-20th century ushered in the use of synthetic pesticides, which have revolutionized agriculture. Like pharmaceuticals (Harvey, 1999, 2008; Newman and Cragg, 2012), many pesticides are based on natural compounds. However, natural products have not played a major role in herbicide discovery (Copping and Duke, 2007; Hüter, 2011).  相似文献   
Population genetics of species living in marginal habitats could be particularly informative about the genetics of adaptation, but such analyses have not been readily feasible until recently. Sonneratia alba, a mangrove species widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, provides a very suitable system for the study of local adaptation. In this study, we analyzed DNA variation by pooling 71 genes from 85-100 individuals for DNA sequencing. For each of the two nearby S. alba populations, we obtained ~2,500 × coverage on the Illumina GA platform and for the Sanya population, an additional 5,400 × coverage on the AB SOLiD platform. For the Sanya sample, although each sequencing method called many putative single nucleotide polymorphisms, the two sets of calls did not overlap, suggesting platform-dependent errors. Conventional sequencing corroborated that each population is monomorphic. The two populations differ by 54 bp of 79,000 sites, but 90% of the variants are found in 10% of the genes. Strong local adaptation and high migration may help to explain the extensive monomorphism shared by the two populations in the presence of a small number of highly differentiated loci.  相似文献   
Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa L. syn. Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt.), a North American perennial plant, is a promising natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy for treating menopausal symptoms, but the mechanism of action is not understood. The clinical actions of this plant have been attributed to the isoflavonone formononetin since 1985, when its presence was reported in a black cohosh extract. Others have since looked for formononetin, but have not detected it. We looked for formononetin in extracts of black cohosh roots and rhizomes collected in thirteen locations in the eastern United States, including Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Tennessee. The rhizome samples were extracted using 80% methanol, and the extracts were partially purified using solid-phase extraction to concentrate any isoflavonoids that might be present. We tested for formononetin in these partially purified samples using thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector and a mass spectrometer. Formononetin was not detected in any of the thirteen plant populations examined. Remifemin, a German product now on the United States market, and CimiPure, a commercially available black cohosh rhizome extract, were also analyzed. We did not detect formononetin, or ononin (formononetin-7-glucoside), in any sample tested by the above-mentioned chemical analyses. Therefore, the clinically observed estrogen-like actions of black cohosh, such as reduction of hot flashes, are likely due to a compound, or combination of compounds, other than formononetin.  相似文献   
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