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Wetlands Ecology and Management -  相似文献   
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Vernal) nodules were separatedinto host plant fractions and fractions of rhizobial originby differential centrifugation and sedimentation equilibriumcentrifugation. Both NAD- and NADP-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase(70%, 90%) and glutamate dehydrogenase activities (90%, 83%)were located primarily (percent total nodule activity) in thefractions of plant origin and their specific activities werehighest in the fractions of plant origin. More than 50% of thenodules' total activity of both glutamine synthetase and NAD-glutamatesynthase and greater than 90% of the total glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase activity was located in plant fractions. However,the fractions of rhizobial origin had the highest specific activitiesof glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase. (Received September 5, 1981; Accepted December 7, 1981)  相似文献   
Transgender women are particularly at risk of HIV infection, but little evidence exists on effective HIV prevention strategies with this population. We evaluated whether Sisters, a peer-led program for transgender women, could reduce HIV risks in Pattaya, Thailand. The study used time-location sampling to recruit 308 transgender women in Pattaya into a behavioral survey in 2011. Coarsened exact matching was used to create statistically equivalent groups of program participants and non-participants, based on factors influencing likelihood of program participation. Using multivariable logistic regression, we estimated effects of any program participation and participation by delivery channel on: condom use at last sex; consistent condom and condom/water-based lubricant use in the past 3 months with commercial, casual, and regular partners; and receipt of HIV testing in the past 6 months. Program coverage reached 75% of the population. In a matched sub-sample (n = 238), participation in outreach was associated with consistent condom/water-based lubricant use with commercial partners (AOR 3.22, 95% CI 1.64–6.31). Attendance at the Sisters drop-in center was associated with receiving an HIV test (AOR 2.58, 95% CI 1.47–4.52). Dedicated transgender-friendly programs are effective at reducing HIV risks and require expansion to better serve this key population and improve HIV prevention strategies.  相似文献   
The herbicide acifluorfen (2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy-2-nitrobenzoate) causes strong photooxidative destruction of pigments and lipids in sensitive plant species. Antioxidants and oxygen radical scavengers slow the bleaching action of the herbicide. The effect of acifluorfen on glutathione and ascorbate levels in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledon discs was investigated to assess the relationship between herbicide activity and endogenous antioxidants. Acifluorfen decreased the levels of glutathione and ascorbate over 50% in discs exposed to less than 1.5 hours of white light (450 microeinsteins per square meter per second). Coincident increases in dehydroascorbate and glutathione disulfide were not observed. Acifluorfen also caused the rapid depletion of ascorbate in far-red light grown plants which were photosynthetically incompetent.

Glutathione reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate oxidase, ascorbate free radical reductase, peroxidase, and catalase activities rapidly decreased in acifluorfen-treated tissue exposed to white light. None of the enzymes were inhibited in vitro by the herbicide. Acifluorfen causes irreversible photooxidative destruction of plant tissue, in part, by depleting endogenous antioxidants and inhibiting the activities of protective enzymes.

Primary leaves of 4-day-old, dark-grown mung bean [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek cv. Berken] seedlings were exposed to 24 h of white light (200 μmol m−2 s−1) which was terminated by a 15 min, phytochrome-saturating red or far-red light exposure. Phytochrome content (in vivo and in vitro) and leaf area were monitored during the subsequent dark period. Red light treatments resulted in lower phytochrome content and greater leaf expansion than did far-red treatments. Phytochrome accumulation and leaf expansion were less in norflurazon- (no carotenoids and very low Chl) than in tentoxin- (very low Chl) treated leaves. After 3 days of darkness, leaf expansion was about 25% greater and phytochrome content was about 50% less in red- than in far-red-treated leaves of all treatments. These effects generally took longer to develop in norflurazon- than in tentoxin-treated tissues. Norflurazon-treated tissues exposed to long white light periods apparently do not as accurately reflect phytochrome-controlled photomorphogenic events of green tissues as do tentoxin-treated tissues of mung bean seedlings.  相似文献   
Light control of extractable nitrate reductase activity in higher plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Light regulation of extractable nitrate reductase (NR) activity of higher plants is complicated by: 1) involvement of several photoreceptors, 2) differences in the relative importance of the several photoreceptors among species and among developmental stages of the same species, 3) two types of effects – alteration of activity of existing NR and influences on de novo synthesis of NR, and 4) differing forms of NR within the same species. The interrelationships of all of these factors are not clear. It may be that each system will have to be understood separately before a general model can be developed. Immunochemical quantification of NR from systems exposed to varied light regimes may enhance our understanding of this area. Currently few general conclusions can be made; however, we think that the following statements are true or are usually true: (1) Phytochrome influences extractable NR activity by the low irradiance response and high irradiance response in etiolated tissues. (2) In de-etiolated tissues phytochrome can influence NR activity decay at the end of a light period by the low irradiance response. (3) The phytochrome equilibrium or the absolute level of Pfr influences extractable NR activity in green tissues under white light. (4) Blue light influences extractable NR activity through phytochrome and another, unknown, blue light-absorbing pigment. Flavins may be involved in vitro in reactivation of inactivated NR. (5) Photosynthesis does not directly influence the induction of the forms of NR that require substrate and light for induction. (6) In some tissues there appears to be a close link between nitrite-reducing and nitrate-reducing capabilities. (7) Much circumstantial evidence from kinetic and protein-synthesis-inhibitor studies and the only available immunochemical data indicate that light induces de novo synthesis of NR, resulting in increased extractable activity.  相似文献   
Dexamethasone and corticosterone kill mouse thymocytes, as measured by eosin uptake, after several hours of in vitro incubation. This killing requires RNA and protein synthesis, because it is inhibited by cycloheximide, emetine, or actinomycin D. An earlier event than cell death is the extensive fragmentation of nuclear DNA into oligonucleosomal subunits; this fragmentation also requires RNA and protein synthesis. The DNA cleavage results from the action of an endonuclease that preferentially cleaves DNA in the linker regions between nucleosomes. This endonuclease is found constitutively in the nuclei of thymocytes and some other cells, and requires calcium and magnesium ions for its activation; if isolated fresh thymocyte nuclei are incubated with these ions, as much as 77% of their DNA is cleaved within 90 min. Thus, the protein for which synthesis is necessary for glucocorticoid-induced thymocyte death is not the endonuclease itself, but is in some way involved in its activation; we suggest that it may be part of a system for transporting calcium into the nucleus. The endonuclease is inhibited by zinc, which also prevents thymocyte death. It appears that glucocorticoids cause thymocyte death by activating an enzyme that rapidly and extensively degrades DNA. This "death from within" is biochemically and morphologically different from toxic or accidental cell death, such as that induced by azide, heat, or antibody and complement treatment. Although mature T cells also contain the endogenous endonuclease, they lack the glucocorticoid-inducible mechanism for activating it, and are thus glucocorticoid-resistant.  相似文献   
The specific measurement of α-amylase activity in crude plant extracts is difficult because of the presence of β-amylases which directly interfere with most assay methods. Methods compared in this study include heat treatment at 70°C for 20 min, HgCl2 treatment, and the use of the α-amylase specific substrate starch azure. In comparing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), and malted barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), the starch azure assay was the only satisfactory method for all tissues. While β-amylase can liberate no color alone, over 10 International units per milliliter β-amylase activity has a stimulatory effect on the rate of color release. This stimulation becomes constant (about 4-fold) at β-amylase activities over 1,000 International units per milliliter. Two starch azure procedures were developed to eliminate β-amylase interference: (a) the dilution procedure, the serial dilution of samples until β-amylase levels are below levels that interfere; (b) the β-amylase saturation procedure, addition of exogenous β-amylase to increase endogenous β-amylase activity to saturating levels. Both procedures yield linear calibrations up to 0.3 International units per milliliter. These two procedures produced statistically identical results with most tissues, but not for all tissues. Differences between the two methods with some plant tissues was attributed to inaccuracy with the dilution procedure in tissues high in β-amylase activity or inhibitory effects of the commercial β-amylase. The β-amylase saturation procedure was found to be preferable with most species. The heat treatment was satisfactory only for malted barley, as α-amylases in alfalfa and soybeans are heat labile. Whereas HgCl2 proved to be a potent inhibitor of β-amylase activity at concentrations of 10 to 100 micromolar, these concentrations also partially inhibited α-amylase in barley malt. The reported α-amylase activities in crude enzyme extracts from a number of plant species are apparently the first specific measurements reported for any plant tissues other than germinating cereals.  相似文献   
Conformational change accompanying modification of myosin ATPase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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