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This work has undertaken liquid chromatographic separation of nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. Two different columns with three mobile phases (A, deionized water; B, 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 4.0); C, methanol) and slightly different gradient programs were used. The elution order was as follows: cytidine (C), 2′-deoxycytidine (dC), uridine (U), 5-methyl-2′-cytidine (5mC), 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine (5mdC), guanosine (G), deoxyguanosine (dG), 2′-deoxythymidine (dT), adenosine (A), and 2′-deoxyadenine (dA). Using a Luna C18 Phenomenex column (150 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm), the separation was performed at 40 °C with a total flow rate of 1 ml/min and a run time of 10 min. The second column was an Agilent C18 (50 × 3 mm, 1.8 μm), for which the run time was 4.5 min with a flow rate of 0.6 ml/min (25 °C). In application to the DNA digests from human THP-1 cells, the quantification of C, dC, U, 5mC, 5mdC, G, dG, and A was performed. The percentages of global methylation were evaluated based on the 5mdC and dC concentrations (c5mdC / [c5mdC + cdC], where c is concentration in μg/ml) and compared with those calculated from the respective peak areas (A5mdC / [A5mdC + AdC], where A is peak area at 254 nm). For peak area measurements, excellent agreement was obtained with the results reported previously in the same cell line. In the quantitative approach, the results of DNA methylation were higher but consistent with the previous data obtained using mass spectrometric detection. Comparing the analytical features of the two procedures, the use of a smaller column could be recommended because it provides efficient separation (capacity factors in the range of 1.29-10.66), a short run time, and feasibility of nucleoside and deoxynucleoside quantification in real-world samples and because it also minimizes the use of reagents.  相似文献   
Proteases are of significant importance for the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus. Nevertheless, their subset, the serine protease-like proteins, remains poorly characterized. Here presented is an investigation of SplB protease catalytic activity revealing that the enzyme possesses exquisite specificity and only cleaves efficiently after the sequence Trp-Glu-Leu-Gln. To understand the molecular basis for such selectivity, we solved the three-dimensional structure of SplB to 1.8 Å. Modeling of substrate binding to the protease demonstrated that selectivity relies in part on a canonical specificity pockets-based mechanism. Significantly, the conformation of residues that ordinarily form the oxyanion hole, an essential structural element of the catalytic machinery of serine proteases, is not canonical in the SplB structure. We postulate that within SplB, the oxyanion hole is only formed upon docking of a substrate containing the consensus sequence motif. It is suggested that this unusual activation mechanism is used in parallel with classical determinants to further limit enzyme specificity. Finally, to guide future development, we attempt to point at likely physiological substrates and thus the role of SplB in staphylococcal physiology.  相似文献   
Lysenin is a sphingomyelin-recognizing toxin which forms stable oligomers upon membrane binding and causes cell lysis. To get insight into the mechanism of the transition of lysenin from a soluble to a membrane-bound form, surface activity of the protein and its binding to lipid membranes were studied using tensiometric measurements, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and FTIR-linear dichroism. The results showed cooperative adsorption of recombinant lysenin-His at the argon-water interface from the water subphase which suggested self-association of lysenin-His in solution. An assembly of premature oligomers by lysenin-His in solution was confirmed by blue native gel electrophoresis. When a monolayer composed of sphingomyelin and cholesterol was present at the interface, the rate of insertion of lysenin-His into the monolayer was considerably enhanced. Analysis of FTIR spectra of soluble lysenin-His demonstrated that the protein contained 27% beta-sheet, 28% aggregated beta-strands, 10% alpha-helix, 23% turns and loops and 12% different kinds of aggregated forms. In membrane-bound lysenin-His the total content of alpha-helices, turns and loops, and beta-structures did not change, however, the 1636cm(-1) beta-sheet band increased from 18% to 31% at the expense of the 1680cm(-1) beta-sheet structure. Spectral analysis of the amide I band showed that the alpha-helical component was oriented with at 41 degrees to the normal to the membrane, indicating that this protein segment could be anchored in the hydrophobic core of the membrane.  相似文献   
This article introduces a method to capture the movements of the upper and the lower limb of infants using an electromagnetic tracking system and to reliably calculate the segmental kinematics. Analysis of the spontaneous movements of infants is important e.g. in the context of the "General Movement Analysis", which aims at the early diagnosis of motor dysfunctions. Due to special constraints regarding infant anatomy, previous approaches based on optical tracking could only gather position data of the infant' segments, whereas with this method in addition relative segment angles can be calculated. The spontaneous movements of the infant and simple calibration movements of the hand and the foot are used to calculate the joint centers and the joint axes of a multi-segmental chain model. The quality of the calibration movements is assessed at calibration time by calculating the root mean square deviation from the total least squares regression plane. The general accuracy of the recording is evaluated by the difference between recorded and estimated sensor positions and the difference between recorded and estimated sensor orientations. Movements of 20 infants between term and 3 months post term age were recorded and processed. A first application illustrates how abnormal movement patterns are manifested in the segmental kinematics. The results show that the presented method is a practicable and reliable way to record spontaneous infant movements and to calculate the segmental kinematics.  相似文献   
Synaptic vesicle reformation depends on clathrin, an abundant protein that polymerizes around newly forming vesicles. However, how clathrin is involved in synaptic recycling in vivo remains unresolved. We test clathrin function during synaptic endocytosis using clathrin heavy chain (chc) mutants combined with chc photoinactivation to circumvent early embryonic lethality associated with chc mutations in multicellular organisms. Acute inactivation of chc at stimulated synapses leads to substantial membrane internalization visualized by live dye uptake and electron microscopy. However, chc-inactivated membrane cannot recycle and participate in vesicle release, resulting in a dramatic defect in neurotransmission maintenance during intense synaptic activity. Furthermore, inactivation of chc in the context of other endocytic mutations results in membrane uptake. Our data not only indicate that chc is critical for synaptic vesicle recycling but they also show that in the absence of the protein, bulk retrieval mediates massive synaptic membrane internalization.  相似文献   
Nine strains isolated from mycetoma patients and received as Streptomyces somaliensis were the subject of a polyphasic taxonomic study. The organisms shared chemical markers consistent with their classification in the genus Streptomyces and formed two distinct monophyletic subclades in the Streptomyces 16S rRNA gene tree. The first subclade contained four organisms, including the type strain of S. somaliensis, and the second clade the remaining five strains which had almost identical 16S rRNA sequences. Members of the two subclades were sharply separated using DNA:DNA relatedness and phenotypic data which also showed that the subclade 1 strains formed an heterogeneous group. In contrast, the subclade 2 strains were assigned to a single genomic species and had identical phenotypic profiles. It is evident from these data that the subclade 2 strains should be recognised as a new species of Streptomyces. The name proposed for this new species is Streptomyces sudanensis sp. nov. The type strain is SD 504T (DSM = 41923T = NRRL B-24575T). Erika T. Quintana and Katarzyna Wierzbicka contributed equally to this work. The GenBank accession numbers for the 16S rRNA gene sequences of Streptomyces somaliensis DSM 40738T and Streptomyces sudanensis DSM 41607, DSM 41608, DSM 41609, SD 504T and SD 509 are EF540897, EF540898, EF540999, EF515876 and EF540900.  相似文献   
PDZ domains are ubiquitous protein-protein interaction modules which bind short, usually carboxyterminal fragments of receptors, other integral or membrane-associated proteins, and occasionally cytosolic proteins. Their role in organizing multiprotein complexes at the cellular membrane is crucial for many signaling pathways, but the rules defining their binding specificity are still poorly understood and do not readily explain the observed diversity of their known binding partners. Two homologous RhoA-specific, multidomain nucleotide exchange factors PDZRhoGEF and LARG contain PDZ domains which show a particularly broad recognition profile, as suggested by the identification of five diverse biological targets. To investigate the molecular roots of this phenomenon, we constructed a phage display library of random carboxyterminal hexapeptides. Peptide variants corresponding to the sequences identified in library selection were synthesized and their affinities for both PDZ domains were measured and compared with those of peptides derived from sequences of natural partners. Based on the analysis of the binding sequences identified for PDZRhoGEF, we propose a sequence for an 'optimal' binding partner. Our results support the hypothesis that PDZ-peptide interactions may be best understood when one considers the sum of entropic and dynamic effects for each peptide as a whole entity, rather than preferences for specific residues at a given position.  相似文献   
SNP-minisequencing has become common in forensic genetics, especially for analysing degraded or low copy number DNA (LCN DNA). The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of five SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) markers for analyzing degraded and LCN DNA recovered from archival samples. DNA extractions of eight formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues were performed and DNA fragments were amplified in one multiplex PCR (polymerase chain reaction). SNPs were identified in a minisequencing reaction and a gel electrophoresis in ABI Prism 377 Sequencer. The research confirmed the usefulness of SNP-minisequencing for analysing FFPE tissues.  相似文献   
Prevotella intermedia is a major periodontopathogen contributing to human gingivitis and periodontitis. Such pathogens release proteases as virulence factors that cause deterrence of host defenses and tissue destruction. A new cysteine protease from the cysteine-histidine-dyad class, interpain A, was studied in its zymogenic and self-processed mature forms. The latter consists of a bivalved moiety made up by two subdomains. In the structure of a catalytic cysteine-to-alanine zymogen variant, the right subdomain interacts with an unusual prodomain, thus contributing to latency. Unlike the catalytic cysteine residue, already in its competent conformation in the zymogen, the catalytic histidine is swung out from its active conformation and trapped in a cage shaped by a backing helix, a zymogenic hairpin, and a latency flap in the zymogen. Dramatic rearrangement of up to 20A of these elements triggered by a tryptophan switch occurs during activation and accounts for a new activation mechanism for proteolytic enzymes. These findings can be extrapolated to related potentially pathogenic cysteine proteases such as Streprococcus pyogenes SpeB and Porphyromonas gingivalis periodontain.  相似文献   
This paper presents the current views, regarding the pathomechanisms, which lead to the development of pathological symptoms in the enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct syndrome (EVAS) and the Pendred syndrome (PS). Associated phenotypes have been discussed and an attempt has been undertaken to correlate them with a corresponding genotype. Mutations of SLC26A4 gene are one of the factors, which are at the base of congenital hearing losses. Inherited hearing loss occurs in these cases either as an isolated phenomenon with anatomical anomalies of the labyrinth in the background (EVAS) or with endocrine disorders (PS). The official name of SLC26A4 gene is "solute carrier family 26, member 4". Pendrin, the product of its expression, transports iodine beyond thyroid follicular cells, where it is linked with thyroglobulin and, then, used in hormone synthesis. Abnormal expression of SLC26A4 gene results in disturbance of iodine organification. In the internal ear, pendrin transports bicarbonates to the endolymph, taking in this way an active part in pH control of the endolymph and providing proper functioning of KCNJ10 potassium channels and TRP5 calcium channels. Disorders of homeostasis in labyrinth fluids are responsible for abnormalities of its structure, such as enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct and of the endolymph sac. At present, the Human Gene Mutations database provides 124 recessive mutations of SLC26A4 gene. In EVAS and PS, two missense mutations are most frequently observed: L236P and T416P, as well as the mutation, regarding abnormal splicing process, i.e., IVS8+1G-A, in a total of 55% of the patients with recognised mutation of SLC26A4 gene; the remaining 45% of changes of this gene are unique mutations.  相似文献   
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