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Although mutations in the amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) gene are known to confer high risk of Alzheimer disease (AD) to a small percentage of families in which it has early onset, convincing evidence of a major role for the APP locus in late-onset AD has not been forthcoming. In this report, we have used a covariate-based affected-sib-pair linkage method to analyze the chromosome 21 clinical and genetic data obtained on affected sibships by the National Institute of Mental Health Alzheimer Disease Genetics Initiative. The baseline model (without covariates) gave a LOD score of 0.02, which increases to 1.43 when covariates representing the additive effects of E2 and E4 are added. Larger increases in LOD scores were found when age at last examination/death (LOD score 5.54; P=.000002) or age at onset plus disease duration (LOD score 5.63; P=.000006) were included in the linkage model. We conclude that the APP locus may predispose to AD in the very elderly.  相似文献   
The effect of temperatures (15 and 5 degrees C) on adsorption parameters of phytohormones at monolayers prepared from a mixture of phospholipids extracted from non-embryogenic (NE) and embryogenic (E) winter wheat calli initiated from inflorescences (inf) and embryos (emb) was studied. The surface parameter values, i.e. limiting area and collapse pressure, were determined using the Langmuir method. Phytohormones 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), kinetin, zeatin and zearalenone were investigated. The phytohormones, at a concentration of 0.2 microg/ml dissolved in water, were injected into the subphase. Phospholipids, at the concentration of 2 mg/ml, were spread at the water surface and the monolayer was compressed. The anomalous temperature effect was observed, especially, in non-embryogenic systems. In monolayers obtained from E phospholipids, the temperature effect was dependent on the kind of tissue from which the callus was initiated. Among all the examined phytohormones, the greatest changes (monolayer expansion) were found for IAA and zearalenone. However, this activity depended strongly on the kind of tissue from which the phospholipid mixture was extracted.  相似文献   
Transport of preproteins into the mitochondrial matrix is mediated by the presequence translocase-associated motor (PAM). Three essential subunits of the motor are known: mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70); the peripheral membrane protein Tim44; and the nucleotide exchange factor Mge1. We have identified the fourth essential subunit of the PAM, an essential inner membrane protein of 18 kD with a J-domain that stimulates the ATPase activity of mtHsp70. The novel J-protein (encoded by PAM18/YLR008c/TIM14) is required for the interaction of mtHsp70 with Tim44 and protein translocation into the matrix. We conclude that the reaction cycle of the PAM of mitochondria involves an essential J-protein.  相似文献   
It is sometimes supposed that standardizing tests of mouse behavior will ensure similar results in different laboratories. We evaluated this supposition by conducting behavioral tests with identical apparatus and test protocols in independent laboratories. Eight genetic groups of mice, including equal numbers of males and females, were either bred locally or shipped from the supplier and then tested on six behaviors simultaneously in three laboratories (Albany, NY; Edmonton, AB; Portland, OR). The behaviors included locomotor activity in a small box, the elevated plus maze, accelerating rotarod, visible platform water escape, cocaine activation of locomotor activity, and ethanol preference in a two-bottle test. A preliminary report of this study presented a conventional analysis of conventional measures that revealed strong effects of both genotype and laboratory as well as noteworthy interactions between genotype and laboratory. We now report a more detailed analysis of additional measures and view the data for each test in different ways. Whether mice were shipped from a supplier or bred locally had negligible effects for almost every measure in the six tests, and sex differences were also absent or very small for most behaviors, whereas genetic effects were almost always large. For locomotor activity, cocaine activation, and elevated plus maze, the analysis demonstrated the strong dependence of genetic differences in behavior on the laboratory giving the tests. For ethanol preference and water escape learning, on the other hand, the three labs obtained essentially the same results for key indicators of behavior. Thus, it is clear that the strong dependence of results on the specific laboratory is itself dependent on the task in question. Our results suggest that there may be advantages of test standardization, but laboratory environments probably can never be made sufficiently similar to guarantee identical results on a wide range of tests in a wide range of labs. Interpretations of our results by colleagues in neuroscience as well as the mass media are reviewed. Pessimistic views, prevalent in the media but relatively uncommon among neuroscientists, of mouse behavioral tests as being highly unreliable are contradicted by our data. Despite the presence of noteworthy interactions between genotype and lab environment, most of the larger differences between inbred strains were replicated across the three labs. Strain differences of moderate effects size, on the other hand, often differed markedly among labs, especially those involving three 129-derived strains. Implications for behavioral screening of targeted and induced mutations in mice are discussed.  相似文献   
To directly test the requirement for hedgehog signaling in the telencephalon from early neurogenesis, we examined conditional null alleles of both the Sonic hedgehog and Smoothened genes. While the removal of Shh signaling in these animals resulted in only minor patterning abnormalities, the number of neural progenitors in both the postnatal subventricular zone and hippocampus was dramatically reduced. In the subventricular zone, this was partially attributable to a marked increase in programmed cell death. Consistent with Hedgehog signaling being required for the maintenance of stem cell niches in the adult brain, progenitors from the subventricular zone of floxed Smo animals formed significantly fewer neurospheres. The loss of hedgehog signaling also resulted in abnormalities in the dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb. Furthermore, stimulation of the hedgehog pathway in the mature brain resulted in elevated proliferation in telencephalic progenitors. These results suggest that hedgehog signaling is required to maintain progenitor cells in the postnatal telencephalon.  相似文献   
Although the actin cytoskeleton has been implicated in the control of NADPH oxidase in phagocytosis, very little is known about the cytoskeletal regulation of endothelial NADPH oxidase assembly and activation. Here, we report a role for cortactin and the tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin in hyperoxia-induced NADPH oxidase activation and ROS production in human pulmonary artery ECs (HPAECs). Exposure of HPAECs to hyperoxia for 3 h induced NADPH oxidase activation, as demonstrated by enhanced superoxide production. Hyperoxia also caused a thickening of the subcortical dense peripheral F-actin band and increased the localization of cortactin in the cortical regions and lamellipodia at cell-cell borders that protruded under neighboring cells. Pretreatment of HPAECs with the actin-stabilizing agent phallacidin attenuated hyperoxia-induced cortical actin thickening and ROS production, whereas cytochalasin D and latrunculin A enhanced basal and hyperoxia-induced ROS formation. In HPAECs, a 3-h hyperoxic exposure enhanced the tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and interaction between cortactin and p47(phox), a subcomponent of the EC NADPH oxidase, when compared with normoxic cells. Furthermore, transfection of HPAECs with cortactin small interfering RNA or myristoylated cortactin Src homology domain 3 blocking peptide attenuated ROS production and the hyperoxia-induced translocation of p47(phox) to the cell periphery. Similarly, down-regulation of Src with Src small interfering RNA attenuated the hyperoxia-mediated phosphorylation of cortactin tyrosines and blocked the association of cortactin with actin and p47(phox). In addition, the hyperoxia-induced generation of ROS was significantly lower in ECs expressing a tyrosine-deficient mutant of cortactin than in vector control or wild-type cells. These data demonstrate a novel function for cortactin and actin in hyperoxia-induced activation of NADPH oxidase and ROS generation in human lung endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Traditionally, the canine pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been the workhorse for cell-free studies on protein transport into the mammalian ER. These studies have revealed multiple roles for the major ER-luminal heat shock protein (Hsp) 70, IgG heavy chain-binding protein (BiP), at least one of which also involves the second ER-luminal Hsp70, glucose-regulated protein (Grp) 170. In addition, at least one of these BiP activities depends on Hsp40. Up to now, five Hsp40s and two nucleotide exchange factors, Sil1 and Grp170, have been identified in the ER of different mammalian cell types. Here we quantified the various proteins of this chaperone network in canine pancreatic rough microsomes. We also characterized the various purified proteins with respect to their affinities for BiP and their effect on the ATPase activity of BiP. The results identify Grp170 as the major nucleotide exchange factor for BiP, and the resident ER-membrane proteins ER-resident J-domain protein 1 plus ER-resident J-domain protein 2/Sec63 as prime candidates for cochaperones of BiP in protein transport in the pancreatic ER. Thus, these data represent a comprehensive analysis of the BiP chaperone network that was recently linked to two human inherited diseases, polycystic liver disease and Marinesco-Sj?gren syndrome.  相似文献   
Variation in the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes is crucial for fighting pathogen assault. Because new alleles confer a selective advantage, MHC should readily introgress between species, even under limited hybridization. Using replicated transects through two hybrid zones between strongly reproductively isolated European newts, Lissotriton montandoni and L. vulgaris, we demonstrated recent and ongoing MHC class I and II introgression in the Carpathian region. The extent of introgression correlated with the age of contact. In the older zone, MHC similarity between species within transects exceeded similarity between transects within species, implying pervasive introgression ‐ a massive exchange of MHC genes, not limited to specific variants. In simulations, the observed pattern emerged under the combined action of balancing selection and hybridization, but not when these processes acted separately. Thus, massive introgression at advanced stages of divergence can introduce novel and restore previously lost MHC variation, boosting the adaptive potential of hybridizing taxa. In consequence, MHC genes may be the last to stop introgressing between incipient species.  相似文献   
Novel therapeutic strategies are needed to reverse the loss of endothelial cell (EC) barrier integrity that occurs during inflammatory disease states such as acute lung injury. We previously demonstrated potent EC barrier augmentation in vivo and in vitro by the platelet-derived phospholipid, sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) via ligation of the S1P1 receptor. The S1P analogue, FTY720, similarly exerts barrier-protective vascular effects via presumed S1P1 receptor ligation. We examined the role of the S1P1 receptor in sphingolipid-mediated human lung EC barrier enhancement. Both S1P and FTY-induced sustained, dose-dependent barrier enhancement, reflected by increases in transendothelial electrical resistance (TER), which was abolished by pertussis toxin indicating Gi-coupled receptor activation. FTY-mediated increases in TER exhibited significantly delayed onset and intensity relative to the S1P response. Reduction of S1P1R expression (via siRNA) attenuated S1P-induced TER elevations whereas the TER response to FTY was unaffected. Both S1P and FTY rapidly (within 5 min) induced S1P1R accumulation in membrane lipid rafts, but only S1P stimulated S1P1R phosphorylation on threonine residues. Inhibition of PI3 kinase activity attenuated S1P-mediated TER increases but failed to alter FTY-induced TER elevation. Finally, S1P, but not FTY, induced significant myosin light chain phosphorylation and dramatic actin cytoskeletal rearrangement whereas reduced expression of the cytoskeletal effectors, Rac1 and cortactin (via siRNA), attenuated S1P-, but not FTY-induced TER elevations. These results mechanistically characterize pulmonary vascular barrier regulation by FTY720, suggesting a novel barrier-enhancing pathway for modulating vascular permeability.  相似文献   
Origin and properties of non-coding ORFs in the yeast genome.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
In a recent paper we have estimated the total number of protein coding open reading frames (ORFs) in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, based on their properties, at about 4800. This number is much smaller than the 5800-6000 which is widely accepted. In this paper we analyse differences between the set of ORFs with known phenotypes annotated in the Munich Information Centre for Protein Sequences (MIPS) database and ORFs for which the probability of coding, counted by us, is very low. We have found that many of the latter ORFs have properties of antisense sequences of coding ORFs, which suggests that they could have been generated by duplication of coding sequences. Since coding sequences generate ORFs inside themselves, with especially high frequency in the antisense sequences, we have looked for homology between known proteins and hypothetical polypeptides generated by ORFs under consideration in all the six phases. For many ORFs we have found paralogues and orthologues in phases different than the phase which had been assumed in the MIPS database as coding.  相似文献   
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