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The peptidoglycan cross-bridges of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus faecium consist of the sequences Gly(5), l-Ala(2), and d-Asx, respectively. Expression of the fmhB, femA, and femB genes of S. aureus in E. faecalis led to the production of peptidoglycan precursors substituted by mosaic side chains that were efficiently used by the penicillin-binding proteins for cross-bridge formation. The Fem transferases were specific for incorporation of glycyl residues at defined positions of the side chains in the absence of any additional S. aureus factors such as tRNAs used for amino acid activation. The PBPs of E. faecalis displayed a broad substrate specificity because mosaic side chains containing from 1 to 5 residues and Gly instead of l-Ala at the N-terminal position were used for peptidoglycan cross-linking. Low affinity PBP2a of S. aureus conferred beta-lactam resistance in E. faecalis and E. faecium, thereby indicating that there was no barrier to heterospecific expression of resistance caused by variations in the structure of peptidoglycan precursors. Thus, conservation of the structure of the peptidoglycan cross-bridges in members of the same species reflects the high specificity of the enzymes for side chain synthesis, although this is not essential for the activity of the PBPs.  相似文献   
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors (SNaRIs) and noradrenergic and specific serotoninergic antidepressant (NaSSA) are widely used in the treatment of depression. An increase in antidepressant intoxications led to the development of reliable analytical methods for their analysis. A new determination procedure for these compounds (milnacipran, venlafaxine, desmethylvenlafaxine, mirtazapine, desmethylmirtazapine, citalopram, desmethylcitalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline and fluoxetine) was developed by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC) with diode array detection (DAD). Separation and determination were optimised on an uncoated fused-silica capillary (600 mm, 75 microm I.D.). The migration buffer consisted of 20 mM sodium borate, pH 8.55, with 20 mM SDS and 15% isopropanol, at an operating voltage of 25 kV. The column temperature was maintained at 40 degrees C. Injection in the capillary was performed in the hydrodynamic mode (0.5 p.s.i., 15 s). In these conditions, the migration time of the antidepressants was less than 11 min. In most cases, calibration curves were established for 30 - 2000 ng/ml (r > 0.995). The limit of detection and the limit of quantification were ranged between 10 and 20 and between 20 and 30 ng/ml, respectively, for all the molecules. This method allowed the determination of some of these compounds in biological fluids (blood, urine) in post-mortem cases. Samples (1 ml) were extracted with diethyl ether (5 ml) at pH 9.6 and reconstituted in diluted migration buffer. Similar results were obtained by a HPLC-DAD determination, performed as a reference method. These results suggest that this MEKC method can be useful for the determination of new antidepressants in post-mortem cases.  相似文献   
The beta-lactam antibiotics remain the most commonly used to treat severe infections. Because of structural similarity between the beta-lactam ring and the d-alanyl(4)-d-alanine(5) extremity of bacterial cell wall precursors, the drugs act as suicide substrates of the dd-transpeptidases that catalyze the last cross-linking step of cell wall assembly. Here, we show that this mechanism of action can be defeated by a novel type of transpeptidase identified for the first time by reverse genetics in abeta-lactam-resistant mutant of Enterococcus faecium. The enzyme, Ldt(fm), catalyzes in vitro the cross-linking of peptidoglycan subunits in a beta-lactam-insensitive ld-transpeptidation reaction. The specificity of Ldt(fm) for the l-lysyl(3)-d-alanine(4) peptide bond of tetrapeptide donors accounts for resistance because the substrate does not mimic beta-lactams in contrast to d-alanyl(4)-d-alanine(5) in the pentapeptide donors required for dd-transpeptidation. Ldt(fm) homologues are encountered sporadically among taxonomically distant bacteria, indicating that ld-transpeptidase-mediated resistance may emerge in various pathogens.  相似文献   
Changes in behaviours of the two peccary species,Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus, 1758 andT. pecari Link, 1795 between non-receptive and receptive periods were followed by presenting females to males daily for 15 minutes. InT. tajacu, the rank order of behaviours, similar in both sexes during the non-receptive period, differs during receptivity. Contact behaviours decrease in males, whereas sexual ones progress. The same tendency appears in females. Inhibited bites replace markings of partner as the most common behaviour in both sexes. InT. pecari, the rank order of behaviours always differs between sexes. When females become receptive, the differences from the non-receptive period are neither numerous nor significant. The most common behaviour of males, previously markings of partner, becomes mounts, whereas in females agonistic behaviours reinforce their dominance. In this species, the only behaviours that increase are those leading directly to copulation or those of an agonistic nature. In both species, females show more agonistic behaviours than males (mainly inhibited bites inT. tajacu, truly aggressive ones inT. pecari). When females are receptive, males ofT. pecari become less active, contrary toT. tajacu where both sexes double their activity. InT. tajacu, most behaviours vary significantly in relation to the progesterone level, contrary to the other species. These pecularities appear correlated to herd composition and organisation.  相似文献   
Plant rhizosphere soil houses complex microbial communities in which microorganisms are often involved in intraspecies as well as interspecies and inter-kingdom signalling networks. Some members of these networks can improve plant health thanks to an important diversity of bioactive secondary metabolites. In this competitive environment, the ability to form biofilms may provide major advantages to microorganisms. With the aim of highlighting the impact of bacterial lifestyle on secondary metabolites production, we performed a metabolomic analysis on four fluorescent Pseudomonas strains cultivated in planktonic and biofilm colony conditions. The untargeted metabolomic analysis led to the detection of hundreds of secondary metabolites in culture extracts. Comparison between biofilm and planktonic conditions showed that bacterial lifestyle is a key factor influencing Pseudomonas metabolome. More than 50% of the detected metabolites were differentially produced according to planktonic or biofilm lifestyles, with the four Pseudomonas strains overproducing several secondary metabolites in biofilm conditions. In parallel, metabolomic analysis associated with genomic prediction and a molecular networking approach enabled us to evaluate the impact of bacterial lifestyle on chemically identified secondary metabolites, more precisely involved in microbial interactions and plant-growth promotion. Notably, this work highlights the major effect of biofilm lifestyle on acyl-homoserine lactone and phenazine production in P. chlororaphis strains.  相似文献   
Corynebacterium jeikeium is an emerging nosocomial pathogen responsible for vascular catheters infections, prosthetic endocarditis and septicemia. The treatment of C. jeikeium infections is complicated by the multiresistance of clinical isolates to antibiotics, in particular to β-lactams, the most broadly used class of antibiotics. To gain insight into the mechanism of β-lactam resistance, we have determined the structure of the peptidoglycan and shown that C. jeikeium has the dual capacity to catalyse formation of cross-links generated by transpeptidases of the d , d and l , d specificities. Two ampicillin-insensitive cross-linking enzymes were identified, LdtCjk1, a member of the active site cysteine l , d -transpeptidase family, and Pbp2c, a low-affinity class B penicillin-binding protein (PBP). In the absence of β-lactam, the PBPs and the l , d -transpeptidase contributed to the formation of 62% and 38% of the cross-links respectively. Although LdtCjk1 and Pbp2C were not inhibited by ampicillin, the participation of the l , d -transpeptidase to peptidoglycan cross-linking decreased in the presence of the drug. The specificity of LdtCjk1 for acyl donors containing a tetrapeptide stem accounts for this effect of ampicillin since the essential substrate of LdtCjk1 was produced by an ampicillin-sensitive d , d -carboxypeptidase (Pbp4Cjk). Acquisition and mutational alterations of pbp2C accounted for high-level β-lactam resistance in C. jeikeium .  相似文献   
We investigated the main life history of the three largest terrestrial rodents of French Guiana forest: the acouchy (Myoprocta exilis), the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) and the paca (Agouti paca), using data collected during several years. There were noticeable differences among the species in sexual maturation and degree of seasonality in reproduction. Percentage of pregnant females, births and juveniles, and body weight of juveniles decreased progressively from the acouchy, through the agouti to the paca. The acouchy was by far the most seasonal: no births occur in the period August–October, 56% of births were encountered in November–January; consequently, young form an unique cohort in the population. The agouti was also seasonal, but to a lesser degree. Newborns appeared in every period of the year in paca, without any formation of cohort of young. These differences tended to be linked to the seasonal importance of fruits in diets, the most aseasonal species having the most diversified diet during the poor fruit season.


Jahreszeitliche Fortpflanzung von den drei größten terrestrischen Nagern im Regenwald von Französisch GuayanaDie Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf die wichtigsten Merkmale der Lebenszyklen der drei größten terrestrischen Nager, Acouchi, Aguti und Tieflandpaka, im Regenwald von Französisch Guayana, unter Verwendung von über mehrere Jahre währenden Beobachtungen, die beachtenswerte Unterschiede in bezug auf Geschlechtsreife und Fortpflanzung aufzeigen. Fortpflanzung und Populationsstruktur, wie Prozentsatz trächtiger Weibchen, Geburten, Auftreten von Jungen sowie deren Körpergewicht verringern sich kontinuierlich von Acouchis über Agutis hin zu Tieflandpakas. Während Acouchis die bei weitem am stärksten ausgeprägte jahreszeitlich gebundene Fortpflanzung mit 56% der Geburten in den Monaten November bis Januar zeigen, konnten von August bis Oktober keine Geburten beobachtet werden. Demzufolge treten die Jungen in der Population als eine einheitliche Altersklasse auf. Eine periodische Fortpflanzung zeigen auch Agutis, wenn auch weniger ausgeprägt, wohingegen bei Tieflandpakas über das gesamte Jahr hinweg Junge geboren werden, ohne jegliche Bildung von einer Altersklasse. Diese Unterschiede scheinen an die jahreszeitlich bedingte Produktion von für die Ernährung wichtigen Früchten gebunden zu sein, wobei die am wenigsten periodische Art in der früchtearmen Zeit das breiteste Nahrungsspektrum aufweist.  相似文献   
A captive-living male Felis pardalis and female F. concolor produced four litters between 1990 and 1992. Both the body size and spot pattern of the offspring showed characteristics intermediate between those of the parents, but, in general, there was greater phenotypic similarity to the sire. Contrary to previous cases of felid hybridization, neither equal body size of the partners nor male physical dominance was necessary for copulation in these felids. This successful interbreeding confirms the position of the puma in the genus Felis, but also raises questions about phylogenetic relationships within the genus. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The characterization of 11- and 18-residue peptaibols (peptides synthesized by peptide synthetases) at Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413 (a filamentous fungus) was performed. Using a heterologous probe from tex1, the only peptaibol synthetase cloned and characterized so far in Trichoderma species, was cloned; a region that comprised 11676 bp of a second peptide synthetase gene detected in these strain (called salps2) and sequenced. The deduced sequence of Salps2 (3891 amino acids) contained three complete and a fourth incomplete module of a peptide synthetase, in which the typical adenylation, thiolation and condensation domains were found, but also an additional dehydrogenase/reductase domain in the C-terminus of the last module. Based on sequence similarity and analysis of its modular structure, it is proposed that Salps2 is a peptaibol synthetase. Additionally, analysis of =4.4-kb sequence downstream of salps2 was done and the signature sequences of Salps2 were identified and compared with those of available sequences of the other Trichoderma peptaibol synthetases.  相似文献   
D-aspartate ligase has remained the last unidentified peptide bond-forming enzyme in the peptidoglycan assembly pathway of Gram-positive bacteria. Here we show that a two-gene cluster of Enterococcus faecium encodes aspartate racemase (Racfm) and ligase (Aslfm) for incorporation of D-Asp into the side chain of the peptidoglycan precursor. Aslfm was identified as a new member of the ATP-grasp protein superfamily, which includes a diverse set of enzymes catalyzing ATP-dependent carboxylate-amine ligation reactions. Aslfm specifically ligated the beta-carboxylate of D-Asp to the epsilon-amino group of L-Lys in the nucleotide precursor UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-pentapeptide. D-iso-asparagine was not a substrate of Aslfm, indicating that the presence of this amino acid in the peptidoglycan of E. faecium results from amidation of the alpha-carboxyl of D-Asp after its addition to the precursor. Heterospecific expression of the genes encoding Racfm and Aslfm in Enterococcus faecalis led to production of stem peptides substituted by D-Asp instead of L-Ala2, providing evidence for the in vivo specificity and function of these enzymes. Strikingly, sequencing of the cross-bridges revealed that substitution of L-Ala2 by D-Asp is tolerated by the d,d-transpeptidase activity of the penicillin-binding proteins both in the acceptor and in the donor substrates. The Aslfm ligase appears as an attractive target for the development of narrow spectrum antibiotics active against multiresistant E. faecium.  相似文献   
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