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We analyzed image characteristics in T(1)-, T(2)-, and diffusion-weighted in vitro magnetic resonance (MR) images acquired at predefined stages of the ovarian cycle in 36 heifers to test the hypothesis that MR image attributes of the follicle wall reflect the physiologic status of ovarian follicles (viable, atretic, dominant, subordinate). Numerical pixel values (NPV), standard deviation of pixel values (heterogeneity), and area under the curve were used to assess images of follicle walls. Pixel values of the wall were used to calculate a regression line from which intercept, slope, and coefficient of determination were calculated. In T(1) images, NPV of dominant follicles were less likely to fit a regression line at the preovulatory phase than at any other phase (P < 0.1). Preovulatory dominant follicles had lower area under the curve in diffusion-weighted images than early and late static dominant follicles of the anovulatory wave (P < 0.02). Subordinate follicles in the presence of a preovulatory dominant follicle had lower mean NPV in T(1)- and T(2)-weighted images and lower intercepts in T(1)-weighted images than subordinate follicles of the anovulatory wave (P < 0.02). Early atresia of dominant follicles was identified at the late static phase by greater area, mean NPV, and slope in T(2)-weighted images (P < 0.02). Preovulatory dominant follicles had poor fit of NPV to a regression line in T(1)-weighted images and lower area under the curve in diffusion images. Atretic follicles had brighter walls with more acute transitions from follicular fluid to stroma in T(2)-weighted images and more heterogeneous walls in diffusion images. The MR image attributes of the follicle wall reflected the physiologic status of dominant and largest subordinate follicles.  相似文献   
Four questions were addressed: (a) does biobehavioral intervention result in within-session reduction of tremor severity; (b) do relaxation and electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback training produce differential effects; (c) do within-session treatment effects generalize to daily performance; and (d) are reductions in tremor severity maintained at follow-up assessment? Three adults, ages 51, 77, and 83, each with a diagnosis of essential tremor (ET), and a long standing history of tremor of the hands uncontrolled by medication, took part. A repeated pre–post-training single-case experimental design embedded within a sequential A–B–C–D design was used; in addition, 1 participant received a return to the B phase. Outcome measures included within-session clinical and self-ratings of tremor severity, surface electromyography (sEMG) of forearm muscles, and daily self-ratings of tremor at home. Tremor was measured while participants engaged in eating or drinking tasks. The Behavioral Relaxation Scale (BRS) served as a process measure to assess relaxation proficiency. Clinical ratings of tremor and the BRS had high interobserver agreement. Visual inspection and statistical tests of single-case data were used to evaluate outcomes. Each participant showed significant within-session improvements on various measures of tremor and improvement during intervention as compared to baseline phases. There were no clear-cut differences between relaxation and biofeedback phases. Improvements declined somewhat at a 12-week follow-up. Relationships among measures of tremor are discussed. Biobehavioral interventions hold promise for older adults coping with ET. Further research is needed using an array of biobehavioral measures to assess intervention outcome.  相似文献   
Direct molecular profiling of biological samples using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for identifying phenotypic markers. In this report, protein profiling was used for the first time to generate peptide and protein profiles of brain tissue sections obtained from experimental Parkinson's disease (unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine treated rats). The mass spectrometer was used to map the peptide and protein expression directly on 12 microm tissue sections in mass-to-charge (m/z) values, providing the capability of mapping specific molecules of the original sample, that is, localization, intensity and m/z ratio. Several protein expression profile differences were found in the dopamine depleted side of the brain when compared to the corresponding intact side, for example, calmodulin, cytochrome c, and cytochrome c oxidase. An increased ratio of post-translational modifications such as acetylations were found in the striatum of proteins in the dopamine depleted side of the brain. These modifications were decreased after subchronic administration of L-Dopa. The present study shows that unique protein profiles can be obtained in specific brain regions (and subregions) directly on brain tissue sections and allows for the study of complex biochemical processes such as those occurring in experimental Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
Recovery of arrested replication requires coordinated action of DNA repair, replication, and recombination machineries. Bacterial RecO protein is a member of RecF recombination repair pathway important for replication recovery. RecO possesses two distinct activities in vitro, closely resembling those of eukaryotic protein Rad52: DNA annealing and RecA-mediated DNA recombination. Here we present the crystal structure of the RecO protein from the extremely radiation resistant bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans (DrRecO) and characterize its DNA binding and strand annealing properties. The RecO structure is totally different from the Rad52 structure. DrRecO is comprised of three structural domains: an N-terminal domain which adopts an OB-fold, a novel alpha-helical domain, and an unusual zinc-binding domain. Sequence alignments suggest that the multidomain architecture is conserved between RecO proteins from other bacterial species and is suitable to elucidate sites of protein-protein and DNA-protein interactions necessary for RecO functions during the replication recovery and DNA repair.  相似文献   
We used computer simulation to understand the functional relationships between motor (dynein, HSET, and Eg5) and non-motor (NuMA) proteins involved in microtubule aster organization. The simulation accurately predicted microtubule organization under all combinations of motor and non-motor proteins, provided that microtubule cross-links at minus-ends were dynamic, and dynein and HSET were restricted to cross-linking microtubules in parallel orientation only. A mechanistic model was derived from these data in which a combination of two aggregate properties, Net Minus-end-directed Force and microtubule Cross-linking Orientation Bias, determine microtubule organization. This model uses motor and non-motor proteins, accounts for motor antagonism, and predicts that alterations in microtubule Cross-linking Orientation Bias should compensate for imbalances in motor force during microtubule aster formation. We tested this prediction in the mammalian mitotic extract and, consistent with the model, found that increasing the contribution of microtubule cross-linking by NuMA compensated for the loss of Eg5 motor activity. Thus, this model proposes a precise mechanism of action of each noncentrosomal protein during microtubule aster organization and suggests that microtubule organization in spindles involves both motile forces from motors and static forces from non-motor cross-linking proteins.  相似文献   
Site-directed mutagenesis of recombinant Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) integrase (IN) allowed us to gain insights into the protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions involved in reconstituted IN-viral DNA complexes capable of efficient concerted DNA integration (termed full-site). At 4 nM IN, wild-type (wt) RSV IN incorporates approximately 30% of the input donor into full-site integration products after 10 min of incubation at 37 degrees C, which is equivalent to isolated retrovirus preintegration complexes for full-site integration activity. DNase I protection analysis demonstrated that wt IN was able to protect the viral DNA ends, mapping approximately 20 bp from the end. We had previously mapped the replication capabilities of several RSV IN mutants (A48P and P115S) which appeared to affect viral DNA integration in vivo. Surprisingly, recombinant RSV A48P IN retained wt IN properties even though the virus carrying this mutation had significantly reduced integrated viral DNA in comparison to wt viral DNA in virus-infected cells. Recombinant RSV P115S IN also displayed all of the properties of wt RSV IN. Upon heating of dimeric P115S IN in solution at 57 degrees C, it became apparent that the mutation in the catalytic core of RSV IN exhibited the same thermolabile properties for 3' OH processing and strand transfer (half-site and full-site integration) activities consistent with the observed temperature-sensitive defect for integration in vivo. The average half-life for inactivation of the three activities were similar, ranging from 1.6 to 1.9 min independent of the IN concentrations in the assay mixtures. Wt IN was stable under the same heat treatment. DNase I protection analysis of several conservative and nonconservative substitutions at W233 (a highly conserved residue of the retrovirus C-terminal domain) suggests that this region is involved in protein-DNA interactions at the viral DNA attachment site. Our data suggest that the use of recombinant RSV IN to investigate efficient full-site integration in vitro with reference to integration in vivo is promising.  相似文献   
Near-simultaneous three-dimensional fluorescence/differential interference contrast microscopy was used to follow the behavior of microtubules and chromosomes in living alpha-tubulin/GFP-expressing cells after inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 with monastrol. Kinetochore fibers (K-fibers) were frequently observed forming in association with chromosomes both during monastrol treatment and after monastrol removal. Surprisingly, these K-fibers were oriented away from, and not directly connected to, centrosomes and incorporated into the spindle by the sliding of their distal ends toward centrosomes via a NuMA-dependent mechanism. Similar preformed K-fibers were also observed during spindle formation in untreated cells. In addition, upon monastrol removal, centrosomes established a transient chromosome-free bipolar array whose orientation specified the axis along which chromosomes segregated. We propose that the capture and incorporation of preformed K-fibers complements the microtubule plus-end capture mechanism and contributes to spindle formation in vertebrates.  相似文献   
We have identified a mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana ( lvr111 ) that exhibits a variegated phenotype, reduced isoprenoid pigmentation, and dwarfism in comparison with wild-type plants. Segregation analysis indicated that this phenotype was caused by a single, semi-dominant mutation and PCR-based marker mapping placed the mutation near position 56 on the RI map of chromosome IV. The lvr111 lesion was identified by genomic PCR and sequence analysis as a missense mutation (D306N) in the CLA1 gene (AT4g15560) and complementation analysis confirmed the allelic relationship between lvr111 and CLA1 . CLA1 encodes 1-deoxy- d -xylulose 5-phosphate synthase, which catalyses the first step of the non-mevalonate isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway. These observations demonstrate that, unlike the albinism caused by severe alleles of CLA1 , weaker alleles are associated with leaf variegation.  相似文献   
We characterized and compared five geographically isolated hot springs with distinct red-layer communities in Yellowstone National Park. Individual red-layer communities were observed to thrive in temperatures ranging from 35 to 60 degrees C and at pH 7 to 9. All communities were dominated by red filamentous bacteria and contained bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a), suggesting that they represented novel green nonsulfur (GNS) bacteria. The in vivo absorption spectra of individual sites were different, with two sites showing unusual Bchl a protein absorption bands beyond 900 nm. We prepared and analyzed 16S rRNA libraries from all of these sites by using a combination of general bacterial primers and new GNS-specific primers described here. These studies confirmed the presence of novel GNS-like bacteria in all five communities. All GNS-like clones were most similar to Roseiflexus castenholzii, a red filamentous bacterium from Japan that also contains only Bchl a. Phylogenies constructed by using GNS-like clones from Yellowstone red-layer communities suggest the presence of a moderately diverse new "red" cluster within the GNS lineage. Within this cluster, at least two well-supported subclusters emerged: YRL-A was most similar to Roseiflexus and YRL-B appeared to be novel, containing no known isolates. While these patterns showed some site specificity, they did not correlate with observed Bchl a spectrum differences or obvious features of the habitat.  相似文献   
CD40 is a type I membrane-bound molecule belonging to the TNFR superfamily that is expressed on various immune cells including macrophages and microglia. The aberrant expression of CD40 is involved in the initiation and maintenance of various human diseases including multiple sclerosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Inhibition of CD40 signaling has been shown to provide a significant beneficial effect in a number of animal models of human diseases including the aforementioned examples. We have previously shown that IFN-gamma induces CD40 expression in macrophages and microglia. IFN-gamma leads to STAT-1alpha activation directly and up-regulation of NF-kappaB activity due to the secretion and subsequent autocrine signaling of TNF-alpha. However, TNF-alpha alone is not capable of inducing CD40 expression in these cells. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 protein (SOCS-1) is a cytokine-inducible Src homology 2-containing protein that regulates cytokine receptor signaling by inhibiting STAT-1alpha activation via a specific interaction with activated Janus kinase 2. Given the important role of CD40 in inflammatory events in the CNS as well as other organ systems, it is imperative to understand the molecular mechanisms contributing to both CD40 induction and repression. We show that ectopic expression of SOCS-1 abrogates IFN-gamma-induced CD40 protein expression, mRNA levels, and promoter activity. Additionally, IFN-gamma-induced TNF-alpha secretion, as well as STAT-1alpha and NF-kappaB activation, are inhibited in the presence of SOCS-1. We conclude that SOCS-1 inhibits cytokine-induced CD40 expression by blocking IFN-gamma-mediated STAT-1alpha activation, which also then results in suppression of IFN-gamma-induced TNF-alpha secretion and subsequent NF-kappaB activation.  相似文献   
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