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The main and side products of hydroxylation by the C. lunata VKPM F-981 mycelium of fourteen Δ4-3-ketosteroids of the estrane, androstane, and pregnane series and six of their Δ5-3β-hydroxy analogues were identified by H1PMR spectroscopy and comparison with standard samples. The obtained experimental data are considered in terms of the triangular model of the enzyme-substrate interaction. The dependence of the direction of hydroxylation of steroid molecules and the orientation of hydroxy groups on the structure of the initial substrate was revealed.  相似文献   
The paper describes chemical synthesis of uridine diphosphate 2-deoxyglucose (UDPdGlc) through reaction of uridine 5′-phosphomorpholidate with 2-deoxy-α-d-glucopyranosyl phosphate. The prepared analog of uridine diphosphate glucose (UDPGlc) served as a substrate for calf liver UDPGlc dehydrogenase (EC, the reaction product was identified as nucleotide deoxyhexuronic acid derivative. The apparent Km for UDPdGlc was found to be 60 times that of UDPGlc, and the relative V value for the analog was 0.09. The peculiar lag-period in reaction kinetics has been observed for the analog, and is presumably connected with the slow rate of the initial stages of the reaction. UDPdGlc was found to be quite an efficient substrate for UDPGlc 4-epimerases (EC from yeast, calf liver and mung bean seedlings.  相似文献   
Hydrophobins are small extracellular proteins, unique to and ubiquitous in filamentous fungi, which mediate interactions between the fungus and environment. The mycoparasitic fungus Hypocrea atroviridis has recently been shown to possess 10 different class II hydrophobin genes, which is a much higher number than that of any other ascomycete investigated so far. In order to learn the potential advantage of this hydrophobin multiplicity for the fungus, we have investigated their expression patterns under different physiological conditions (e.g., vegetative growth), various conditions inducing sporulation (light, carbon starvation, and mechanical injury-induced stress), and confrontation with potential hosts for mycoparasitism. The results show that the 10 hydrophobins display different patterns of response to these conditions: one hydrophobin (encoded by hfb-2b) is constitutively induced under all conditions, whereas other hydrophobins were formed only under conditions of carbon starvation (encoded by hfb-1c and hfb-6c) or light plus carbon starvation (encoded by hfb-2c, hfb-6a, and hfb-6b). The hydrophobins encoded by hfb-1b and hfb-5a were primarily formed during vegetative growth and under mechanical injury-provoked stress. hfb-22a was not expressed under any conditions and is likely a pseudogene. None of the 10 genes showed a specific expression pattern during mycoparasitic interaction. Most, but not all, of the expression patterns under the three different conditions of sporulation were dependent on one or both of the two blue-light regulator proteins BLR1 and BLR2, as shown by the use of respective loss-of-function mutants. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry of mycelial solvent extracts provided sets of molecular ions corresponding to HFB-1b, HFB-2a, HFB-2b, and HFB-5a in their oxidized and processed forms. These in silico-deduced sequences of the hydrophobins indicate cleavages at known signal peptide sites as well as additional N- and C-terminal processing. Mass peaks observed during confrontation with plant-pathogenic fungi indicate further proteolytic attack on the hydrophobins. Our study illustrates both divergent and redundant functions of the 10 hydrophobins of H. atroviridis.Hydrophobins are unique and ubiquitous small proteins, characterized by the presence of eight positionally conserved cysteine residues, and present in all multicellular asco- and basidiomycetes. According to their hydropathy profiles and spacing between the conserved cysteines (37), they are divided into two classes (class I and class II). Hydrophobins are secreted proteins, found on the outer surfaces of the cell walls of hyphae and conidia, where they mediate interactions between the fungus and the environment (18, 24, 37), such as surface recognition during pathogenic interaction with plants, insects, or other fungi, but also in symbiosis (38). In addition, they also influence cell wall composition (33). Because of these manifold roles, it is less surprising that the expression of hydrophobin genes is subject to complex patterns of signals, including those that are related to the triggering of conidiogenesis or indicating the presence of a plant host.Many species of the fungal genus Hypocrea/Trichoderma are known as mycoparasites, and several of them are therefore applied as biocontrol agents (6, 7, 36). In addition, Trichoderma spp. have recently been reported to occur as endophytes and to be able to elicit positive plant responses against potential pathogens (17). Because of the reasons given above, hydrophobins would be candidate proteins playing a role in this process, and in fact a class I hydrophobin gene has recently been reported to be overproduced during endophytic interaction of Trichoderma asperellum and cucumber roots (35). In addition, other hydrophobins may be involved in the mechanism of mycoparasitism itself as well as the colonization of decaying wood.Our information about the roles of hydrophobins in the physiology of Trichoderma as well as other ascomycetous fungi is mostly derived from reversed genetics of a few major members (3, 4, 19-22). In Hypocrea jecorina (= Trichoderma reesei), two major class II hydrophobins (HFB-1 and HFB-2) have been studied in detail (4) and shown to be formed under different physiological conditions (29). However, the genome sequence of H. jecorina contains six class II hfb genes (27), and the roles of HFB-3, HFB-4, HFB-5, and HFB-6 are yet unknown. In the biocontrol fungus Hypocrea atroviridis (formerly called “Trichoderma harzianum”), only a single hydrophobin gene has been characterized so far (srh1 [28]) and shown to be expressed mainly under conditions of sporulation. Consequently, very little is known about hydrophobins and their regulation in Trichoderma.We have recently reported that two species of the Trichoderma/Hypocrea genus, Hypocrea virens and Hypocrea atroviridis, have an exceptional high number of class II hydrophobin genes (i.e., 11 and 10 phylogenetically different genes, respectively [22]). Therefore, the objective of this work was to investigate whether all of them are in fact expressed and, if so, under which conditions. We thereby put emphasis on vegetative growth, mycoparasitic interaction, and different triggers of sporulation and on learning whether the sporulation- and stress-regulating proteins BLR1 and BLR2 (10, 15) play a role in this process.In addition, we used matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry to detect the respective proteins and to learn their mode of processing. It has previously been shown that direct solvent extraction of mycelia and spores of Ascomycetes in the process of sample preparation provides a small set of protein peaks in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 Da representing the hydrophobin inventory (27). Structural studies of hydrophobins from H. jecorina (2, 20, 30, 31), Schizophyllum commune (13), and Agaricus bisporus (26) have shown expected signal peptide cleavage but also unusual processing patterns, including cleavage after Arg and Pro, as well as C-terminal modification.  相似文献   
We have used a Mediterranean hot spot of biodiversity (the Island of Sardinia) to investigate the impact of abiotic factors on the distribution of species of the common soil fungus Trichoderma . To this end, we isolated 482 strains of Hypocrea / Trichoderma from 15 soils comprising undisturbed and disturbed environments (forest, shrub lands and undisturbed or extensively grazed grass steppes respectively). Isolates were identified at the species level by the oligonucleotide BarCode for Hypocrea / Trichoderma ( TrichO KEY), sequence similarity analysis ( Tricho blast ) and phylogenetic inferences. The majority of the isolates were positively identified as pan-European and/or pan-global Hypocrea / Trichoderma species from sections Trichoderma and Pachybasium , comprising H. lixii/T. harzianum , T. gamsii , T. spirale , T. velutinum , T. hamatum , H. koningii/T. koningii , H. virens/T. virens , T. tomentosum , H. semiorbis , H. viridescens/T. viridescens , H. atroviridis/T. atroviride , T. asperellum , H. koningiopsis/T. koningiopsis and Trichoderma sp. Vd2. Only one isolate represented a new, undescribed species belonging to the Harzianum–Catoptron Clade. Internal transcribed spacer sequence analysis revealed only one potentially endemic internal transcribed spacer 1 allele of T. hamatum . All other species exhibited genotypes that were already found in Eurasia or in other continents. Only few cases of correlation of species occurrence with abiotic factors were recorded. The data suggest a strong reduction of native Hypocrea / Trichoderma diversity, which was replaced by extensive invasion of species from Eurasia, Africa and the Pacific Basin.  相似文献   
Conditions of conversion of 17α-methyltestosterone to methandrostenolone with the presence of modified β-cyclodextrins (methylcyclodextrin, hydroxypropylcyclodextrin, and hydroxyethylcyclodextrin) in the steroid: cyclodextrin ratio 1: 1 were studied. The experimental solutions of modified β-cyclodextrins were prepared in deionized water with 5–7% methanol. Under the conditions found to be optimal, 1,2–dehydrogenation of 17α-methyltestosterone was carried out with 2–4 g/l Pimelobacter simplex VKPM Ac-1632 biomass. At the substrate concentration 5–20 g/l, the reaction occurred for 1–15 h without any by-products. The maximum rate of methandrostenolone accumulation was observed with hydroxypropylcyclodextrin. The methylcyclodextrin solution can be reused for complete 17α-methyltestosterone conversion at the concentration 5 g/l.  相似文献   


Ensemble attribute profile clustering is a novel, text-based strategy for analyzing a user-defined list of genes and/or proteins. The strategy exploits annotation data present in gene-centered corpora and utilizes ideas from statistical information retrieval to discover and characterize properties shared by subsets of the list. The practical utility of this method is demonstrated by employing it in a retrospective study of two non-overlapping sets of genes defined by a published investigation as markers for normal human breast luminal epithelial cells and myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) can be functionalized and/or recycled via hydrolysis by microbial cutinases. The rate of hydrolysis is however low. Here, we tested whether hydrophobins (HFBs), small secreted fungal proteins containing eight positionally conserved cysteine residues, are able to enhance the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis of PET. Species of the fungal genus Trichoderma have the most proliferated arsenal of class II hydrophobin-encoding genes among fungi. To this end, we studied two novel class II HFBs (HFB4 and HFB7) of Trichoderma. HFB4 and HFB7, produced in Escherichia coli as fusions to the C terminus of glutathione S-transferase, exhibited subtle structural differences reflected in hydrophobicity plots that correlated with unequal hydrophobicity and hydrophily, respectively, of particular amino acid residues. Both proteins exhibited a dosage-dependent stimulation effect on PET hydrolysis by cutinase from Humicola insolens, with HFB4 displaying an adsorption isotherm-like behavior, whereas HFB7 was active only at very low concentrations and was inhibitory at higher concentrations. We conclude that class II HFBs can stimulate the activity of cutinases on PET, but individual HFBs can display different properties. The present findings suggest that hydrophobins can be used in the enzymatic hydrolysis of aromatic-aliphatic polyesters such as PET.  相似文献   
In Ascomycota the protein methyltransferase LaeA is a global regulator that affects the expression of secondary metabolite gene clusters, and controls sexual and asexual development. The common mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma atroviride is one of the most widely studied agents of biological control of plant-pathogenic fungi that also serves as a model for the research on regulation of asexual sporulation (conidiation) by environmental stimuli such as light and/or mechanical injury. In order to learn the possible involvement of LAE1 in these two traits, we assessed the effect of deletion and overexpression of lae1 gene on conidiation and mycoparasitic interaction. In the presence of light, conidiation was 50% decreased in a Δ lae1 and 30–50% increased in lae1-overexpressing (OElae1) strains. In darkness, Δ lae1 strains did not sporulate, and the OElae1 strains produced as much spores as the parent strain. Loss-of-function of lae1 also abolished sporulation triggered by mechanical injury of the mycelia. Deletion of lae1 also increased the sensitivity of T. atroviride to oxidative stress, abolished its ability to defend against other fungi and led to a loss of mycoparasitic behaviour, whereas the OElae1 strains displayed enhanced mycoparasitic vigor. The loss of mycoparasitic activity in the Δ lae1 strain correlated with a significant underexpressionn of several genes normally upregulated during mycoparasitic interaction (proteases, GH16 ß-glucanases, polyketide synthases and small cystein-rich secreted proteins), which in turn was reflected in the partial reduction of formation of fungicidal water soluble metabolites and volatile compounds. Our study shows T. atroviride LAE1 is essential for asexual reproduction in the dark and for defense and parasitism on other fungi.  相似文献   
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