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Coral reefs are under extreme threat due to a number of stressors, but temperature increases due to changing climate are the most severe. Rising ocean temperatures coupled with local extremes lead to extensive bleaching, where the coral‐algal symbiosis breaks down and corals may die, compromising the structure and function of reefs. Although the symbiotic nature of the coral colony has historically been a focus of research on coral resilience, the host itself is a foundational component in the response to thermal stress. Fixed effects in the coral host set trait baselines through evolutionary processes, acting on many loci of small effect to create mosaics of thermal tolerance across latitudes and individual coral reefs. These genomic differences can be strongly heritable, producing wide variation among clones of different genotypes or families of a specific larval cross. Phenotypic plasticity is overlaid on these baselines and a growing body of knowledge demonstrates the potential for acclimatization of reef‐building corals through a variety of mechanisms that promote resilience and stress tolerance. The long‐term persistence of coral reefs will require many of these mechanisms to adjust to warmer temperatures within a generation, bridging the gap to reproductive events that allow recombination of standing diversity and adaptive change. Business‐as‐usual climate scenarios will probably lead to the loss of some coral populations or species in the future, so the interaction between intragenerational effects and evolutionary pressure is critical for the survival of reefs.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose

Maternal glucocorticoid treatment for threatened premature delivery dramatically improves neonatal survival and short-term morbidity; however, its effects on neurodevelopmental outcome are variable. We investigated the effect of maternal glucocorticoid exposure after acute asphyxia on injury in the preterm brain.


Chronically instrumented singleton fetal sheep at 0.7 of gestation received asphyxia induced by complete umbilical cord occlusion for 25 minutes. 15 minutes after release of occlusion, ewes received a 3 ml i.m. injection of either dexamethasone (12 mg, n = 10) or saline (n = 10). Sheep were killed after 7 days recovery; survival of neurons in the hippocampus and basal ganglia, and oligodendrocytes in periventricular white matter were assessed using an unbiased stereological approach.


Maternal dexamethasone after asphyxia was associated with more severe loss of neurons in the hippocampus (CA3 regions, 290±76 vs 484±98 neurons/mm2, mean±SEM, P<0.05) and basal ganglia (putamen, 538±112 vs 814±34 neurons/mm2, P<0.05) compared to asphyxia-saline, and with greater loss of both total (913±77 vs 1201±75/mm2, P<0.05) and immature/mature myelinating oligodendrocytes in periventricular white matter (66±8 vs 114±12/mm2, P<0.05, vs sham controls 165±10/mm2, P<0.001). This was associated with transient hyperglycemia (peak 3.5±0.2 vs. 1.4±0.2 mmol/L at 6 h, P<0.05) and reduced suppression of EEG power in the first 24 h after occlusion (maximum −1.5±1.2 dB vs. −5.0±1.4 dB in saline controls, P<0.01), but later onset and fewer overt seizures.


In preterm fetal sheep, exposure to maternal dexamethasone during recovery from asphyxia exacerbated brain damage.  相似文献   
In highly urbanized areas, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent can represent a significant component of freshwater ecosystems. As it is impossible for the composition of WWTP effluent to match the composition of the receiving system, the potential exists for effluent to significantly impact the chemical and biological characteristics of the receiving ecosystem. We assessed the impacts of WWTP effluent on the size, activity, and composition of benthic microbial communities by comparing two distinct field sites in the Chicago metropolitan region: a highly urbanized river receiving effluent from a large WWTP and a suburban river receiving effluent from a much smaller WWTP. At sites upstream of effluent input, the urban and suburban rivers differed significantly in chemical characteristics and in the composition of their sediment bacterial communities. Although effluent resulted in significant increases in inorganic nutrients in both rivers, surprisingly, it also resulted in significant decreases in the population size and diversity of sediment bacterial communities. Tag pyrosequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes revealed significant effects of effluent on sediment bacterial community composition in both rivers, including decreases in abundances of Deltaproteobacteria, Desulfococcus, Dechloromonas, and Chloroflexi sequences and increases in abundances of Nitrospirae and Sphingobacteriales sequences. The overall effect of the WWTP inputs was that the two rivers, which were distinct in chemical and biological properties upstream of the WWTPs, were almost indistinguishable downstream. These results suggest that WWTP effluent has the potential to reduce the natural variability that exists among river ecosystems and indicate that WWTP effluent may contribute to biotic homogenization.  相似文献   
The thoracic vein hypothesis of chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) posits that rapid, repetitive activations from muscle sleeves within thoracic veins underlie the mechanism of sustained AF. If this is so, thoracic vein ablation should terminate sustained AF and prevent its reinduction. Six female mongrel dogs underwent chronic pulmonary vein (PV) pacing at 20 Hz to induce sustained (>48 h) AF. Bipolar electrodes were used to record from the atria and thoracic veins, including the vein of Marshall, four PVs, and the superior vena cava. Radio frequency (RF) application was applied around the PVs and superior vena cava and along the vein of Marshall until electrical activity was eliminated. Computerized mapping (1,792 electrodes, 1 mm resolution) was also performed. Sustained AF was induced in 30.6 +/- 6.5 days, and ablation was done 17.3 +/- 8.5 days afterward. Before ablation, the PVs had shorter activation cycle lengths than the atria, and rapid, repetitive activations were observed in the PVs. All dogs converted to sinus rhythm during (n = 4 dogs) or within 90 min of completion of RF ablation. Rapid atrial pacing afterward induced only nonsustained (<60 s) AF in all dogs. Average AF cycle lengths after reinduction were significantly (P = 0.01) longer (183 +/- 31.5 ms) than baseline (106 +/- 16.2 ms). There were no activation cycle length gradients after RF application. We conclude that thoracic vein ablation converts canine sustained AF into sinus rhythm and prevents the reinduction of sustained AF. These findings suggest that thoracic veins are important in the maintenance of AF in dogs.  相似文献   
Appreciable levels of gene repair result from the hybridization of two oligonucleotides at a specific site in a mutated gene and subsequent correction by a form of oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis known as gene repair. The incorporation of the two oligonucleotides into superhelical plasmid DNA leads to the formation of double d-loops, structures shown to be templates for the repair of both frameshift and point mutations. Structural limitations placed on the template indicate that correction is influenced significantly by the positioning of the second oligonucleotide, known as the annealing oligonucleotide. Complexes constructed with two oligonucleotides directly opposite each other exhibit the highest levels of gene repair activity. Blocking the 3'-end of either oligonucleotide with an amino C7 group does not diminish the performance of the double d-loop as a template for correction of the point mutation, suggesting that primer extension does not play a pivotal role in the mechanism of gene repair.  相似文献   
Water table management systems can be designed to alleviate soil water excesses and deficits, as well as reduce nitrate leaching losses in tile discharge. With this in mind, a standard tile drainage (DR) system was compared over 8 years (1991 to 1999) to a controlled tile drainage/subirrigation (CDS) system on a low-slope (0.05 to 0.1%) Brookston clay loam soil (Typic Argiaquoll) in southwestern Ontario, Canada. In the CDS system, tile discharge was controlled to prevent excessive drainage, and water was pumped back up the tile lines (subirrigation) to replenish the crop root zone during water deficit periods. In the first phase of the study (1991 to 1994), continuous corn (Zea mays, L.) was grown with annual nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs as per local soil test recommendations. In the second phase (1995 to 1999), a soybean (Glycine max L., Merr.)-corn rotation was used with N fertilizer added only during the two corn years. In Phase 1 when continuous corn was grown, CDS reduced total tile discharge by 26% and total nitrate loss in tile discharge by 55%, compared to DR. In addition, the 4-year flow weighted mean (FWM) nitrate concentration in tile discharge exceeded the Canadian drinking water guideline (10 mg N l(-1)) under DR (11.4 mg N l(-1)), but not under CDS (7.0 mg N l(-1)). In Phase 2 during the soybean-corn rotation, CDS reduced total tile discharge by 38% and total nitrate loss in tile discharge by 66%, relative to DR. The 4-year FWM nitrate concentration during Phase 2 in tile discharge was below the drinking water guideline for both DR (7.3 mg N l(-1)) and CDS (4.0 mg N l(-1)). During both phases of the experiment, the CDS treatment caused only minor increases in nitrate loss in surface runoff relative to DR. Hence CDS decreased FWM nitrate concentrations, total drainage water loss, and total nitrate loss in tile discharge relative to DR. In addition, soybean-corn rotation reduced FWM nitrate concentrations and total nitrate loss in tile discharge relative to continuous corn. CDS and crop rotations with reduced N fertilizer inputs can thus improve the quality of tile discharge water substantially.  相似文献   
Arenaviruses are one of the largest families of human hemorrhagic fever viruses and are known to infect both mammals and snakes. Arenaviruses package a large (L) and small (S) genome segment in their virions. For segmented RNA viruses like these, novel genotypes can be generated through mutation, recombination, and reassortment. Although it is believed that an ancient recombination event led to the emergence of a new lineage of mammalian arenaviruses, neither recombination nor reassortment has been definitively documented in natural arenavirus infections. Here, we used metagenomic sequencing to survey the viral diversity present in captive arenavirus-infected snakes. From 48 infected animals, we determined the complete or near complete sequence of 210 genome segments that grouped into 23 L and 11 S genotypes. The majority of snakes were multiply infected, with up to 4 distinct S and 11 distinct L segment genotypes in individual animals. This S/L imbalance was typical: in all cases intrahost L segment genotypes outnumbered S genotypes, and a particular S segment genotype dominated in individual animals and at a population level. We corroborated sequencing results by qRT-PCR and virus isolation, and isolates replicated as ensembles in culture. Numerous instances of recombination and reassortment were detected, including recombinant segments with unusual organizations featuring 2 intergenic regions and superfluous content, which were capable of stable replication and transmission despite their atypical structures. Overall, this represents intrahost diversity of an extent and form that goes well beyond what has been observed for arenaviruses or for viruses in general. This diversity can be plausibly attributed to the captive intermingling of sub-clinically infected wild-caught snakes. Thus, beyond providing a unique opportunity to study arenavirus evolution and adaptation, these findings allow the investigation of unintended anthropogenic impacts on viral ecology, diversity, and disease potential.  相似文献   
Caspases are cysteine‐dependent proteases and are important components of animal apoptosis. They introduce specific breaks after aspartate residues in a number of cellular proteins mediating programmed cell death (PCD). Plants encode only distant homologues of caspases, the metacaspases that are involved in PCD, but do not possess caspase‐specific proteolytic activity. Nevertheless, plants do display caspase‐like activities indicating that enzymes structurally distinct from classical caspases may operate as caspase‐like proteases. Here, we report the identification and characterisation of a novel PCD‐related subtilisin‐like protease from tobacco and rice named phytaspase (plant aspartate‐specific protease) that possesses caspase specificity distinct from that of other known caspase‐like proteases. We provide evidence that phytaspase is synthesised as a proenzyme, which is autocatalytically processed to generate the mature enzyme. Overexpression and silencing of the phytaspase gene showed that phytaspase is essential for PCD‐related responses to tobacco mosaic virus and abiotic stresses. Phytaspase is constitutively secreted into the apoplast before PCD, but unexpectedly is re‐imported into the cell during PCD providing insights into how phytaspase operates.  相似文献   
Bone tissue has an exceptional quality to regenerate to native tissue in response to injury. However, the fracture repair process requires mechanical stability or a viable biological microenvironment or both to ensure successful healing to native tissue. An improved understanding of the molecular and cellular events that occur during bone repair and remodeling has led to the development of biologic agents that can augment the biological microenvironment and enhance bone repair. Orthobiologics, including stem cells, osteoinductive growth factors, osteoconductive matrices, and anabolic agents, are available clinically for accelerating fracture repair and treatment of compromised bone repair situations like delayed unions and nonunions. Preclinical and clinical studies using biologic agents like recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins have demonstrated an efficacy similar or better than that of autologous bone graft in acute fracture healing. A lack of standardized outcome measures for comparison of biologic agents in clinical fracture repair trials, frequent off-label use, and a limited understanding of the biological activity of these agents at the bone repair site have limited their efficacy in clinical applications.  相似文献   
AKR1D1 (steroid 5beta-reductase) reduces all Delta(4)-3-ketosteroids to form 5beta-dihydrosteroids, a first step in the clearance of steroid hormones and an essential step in the synthesis of all bile acids. The reduction of the carbon-carbon double bond in an alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone by 5beta-reductase is a unique reaction in steroid enzymology because hydride transfer from NADPH to the beta-face of a Delta(4)-3-ketosteroid yields a cis-A/B-ring configuration with an approximately 90 degrees bend in steroid structure. Here, we report the first x-ray crystal structure of a mammalian steroid hormone carbon-carbon double bond reductase, human Delta(4)-3-ketosteroid 5beta-reductase (AKR1D1), and its complexes with intact substrates. We have determined the structures of AKR1D1 complexes with NADP(+) at 1.79- and 1.35-A resolution (HEPES bound in the active site), NADP(+) and cortisone at 1.90-A resolution, NADP(+) and progesterone at 2.03-A resolution, and NADP(+) and testosterone at 1.62-A resolution. Complexes with cortisone and progesterone reveal productive substrate binding orientations based on the proximity of each steroid carbon-carbon double bond to the re-face of the nicotinamide ring of NADP(+). This orientation would permit 4-pro-(R)-hydride transfer from NADPH. Each steroid carbonyl accepts hydrogen bonds from catalytic residues Tyr(58) and Glu(120). The Y58F and E120A mutants are devoid of activity, supporting a role for this dyad in the catalytic mechanism. Intriguingly, testosterone binds nonproductively, thereby rationalizing the substrate inhibition observed with this particular steroid. The locations of disease-linked mutations thought to be responsible for bile acid deficiency are also revealed.  相似文献   
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