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The prokaryote Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a major cause of respiratory disease in humans, accounting for 20% of all community-acquired pneumonia and the leading cause of pneumonia in older children and young adults. The limitations of existing options for mycoplasma diagnosis highlight a critical need for a new detection platform with high sensitivity, specificity, and expediency. Here we evaluated silver nanorod arrays (NA) as a biosensing platform for detection and differentiation of M. pneumoniae in culture and in spiked and true clinical throat swab samples by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Three M. pneumoniae strains were reproducibly differentiated by NA-SERS with 95%-100% specificity and 94-100% sensitivity, and with a lower detection limit exceeding standard PCR. Analysis of throat swab samples spiked with M. pneumoniae yielded detection in a complex, clinically relevant background with >90% accuracy and high sensitivity. In addition, NA-SERS correctly classified with >97% accuracy, ten true clinical throat swab samples previously established by real-time PCR and culture to be positive or negative for M. pneumoniae. Our findings suggest that the unique biochemical specificity of Raman spectroscopy, combined with reproducible spectral enhancement by silver NA, holds great promise as a superior platform for rapid and sensitive detection and identification of M. pneumoniae, with potential for point-of-care application.  相似文献   
Direct transmission of avian influenza viruses to mammals has become an increasingly investigated topic during the past decade; however, isolates that have been primarily investigated are typically ones originating from human or poultry outbreaks. Currently there is minimal comparative information on the behavior of the innumerable viruses that exist in the natural wild bird host. We have previously demonstrated the capacity of numerous North American avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds to infect and induce lesions in the respiratory tract of mice. In this study, two isolates from shorebirds that were previously examined in mice (H1N9 and H6N1 subtypes) are further examined through experimental inoculations in the ferret with analysis of viral shedding, histopathology, and antigen localization via immunohistochemistry to elucidate pathogenicity and transmission of these viruses. Using sequence analysis and glycan binding analysis, we show that these avian viruses have the typical avian influenza binding pattern, with affinity for cell glycoproteins/glycolipids having terminal sialic acid (SA) residues with α 2,3 linkage [Neu5Ac(α2,3)Gal]. Despite the lack of α2,6 linked SA binding, these AIVs productively infected both the upper and lower respiratory tract of ferrets, resulting in nasal viral shedding and pulmonary lesions with minimal morbidity. Moreover, we show that one of the viruses is able to transmit to ferrets via direct contact, despite its binding affinity for α 2,3 linked SA residues. These results demonstrate that avian influenza viruses, which are endemic in aquatic birds, can potentially infect humans and other mammals without adaptation. Finally this work highlights the need for additional study of the wild bird subset of influenza viruses in regard to surveillance, transmission, and potential for reassortment, as they have zoonotic potential.  相似文献   
Virus replication and pulmonary disease pathogenesis in ferrets following intranasal infection with a pandemic influenza virus strain (A/California/4/09 [CA09]), a human seasonal influenza H1N1 virus isolate (A/New Caledonia/20/99 [Ncal99]), a classical swine influenza H1N1 virus isolate (A/Swine/Iowa/15/30 [Sw30]), or an avian H1N1 virus isolate (A/Mallard/MN/A108-2355/08 [Mal08]) were compared. Nasal wash virus titers were similar for Ncal99 and Sw30, with peak virus titers of 10(5.1) 50% tissue culture infectious doses (TCID(50))/ml and 10(5.5) TCID(50)/ml occurring at day 3 postinfection (p.i.), respectively. The mean peak titer for CA09 also occurred at day 3 p.i. but was higher (10(7) TCID(50)/ml). In contrast, the peak virus titers (10(3.6) to 10(4.3) TCID(50)/ml) for Mal08 were delayed, occurring between days 5 and 7 p.i. Disease pathogenesis was characterized by microscopic lesions in the nasal turbinates and lungs of all ferrets; however, Sw30 infection was associated with severe bronchointerstitial pneumonia. The results demonstrate that although CA09 is highly transmissible in the human population and replicates well in the ferret model, it causes modest disease compared to other H1N1 viruses, particularly Sw30 infection.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequences from four mitochondrial genes and three nuclear introns were used to examine phylogenetic relationships within the Australo-papuan fairy-wrens (Passeriformes: Maluridae: Malurinae). A well-resolved and well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis of all species in the subfamily was generated. The tree contained three clades corresponding to groups with similar plumages previously identified in earlier studies: the "bi-color," "blue," and "chestnut-shouldered" groups. The genus Malurus was not monophyletic -Malurusgrayi formed a clade with two New Guinean genera Sipodotus and Clytomyias. We recommend M. grayi be reclassified into the genus Chenorhamphus Oustalet 1898. One other taxonomic change is recommended based on the large genetic distance between the two subspecies of Chenorhamphus grayi - the elevation of C. g.campbelli to specific status (= C. campbelli). Although the family Maluridae appears to have had its origins in Australia, the DNA data supports a New Guinean origin for the Malurini (Sipodotus, Clytomyias, Chenorhamphus, Malurus).  相似文献   
Rickettsia prowazekii, the causative agent of epidemic typhus, is an obligate intracellular bacterium that grows directly within the cytoplasm of its host cell, unbounded by a vacuolar membrane. The obligate intracytoplasmic nature of rickettsial growth places severe restrictions on the genetic analysis of this distinctive human pathogen. In order to expand the repertoire of genetic tools available for the study of this pathogen, we have employed the versatile mariner-based, Himar1 transposon system to generate insertional mutants of R. prowazekii. A transposon containing the R. prowazekii arr-2 rifampin resistance gene and a gene coding for a green fluorescent protein (GFPUV) was constructed and placed on a plasmid expressing the Himar1 transposase. Electroporation of this plasmid into R. prowazekii resulted in numerous transpositions into the rickettsial genome. Transposon insertion sites were identified by rescue cloning, followed by DNA sequencing. Random transpositions integrating at TA sites in both gene coding and intergenic regions were identified. Individual rickettsial clones were isolated by the limiting-dilution technique. Using both fixed and live-cell techniques, R. prowazekii transformants expressing GFPUV were easily visible by fluorescence microscopy. Thus, a mariner-based system provides an additional mechanism for generating rickettsial mutants that can be screened using GFPUV fluorescence.  相似文献   
A method is presented by which prealbumin (thyroxine-binding prealbumin; tryptophan-rich prealbumin) may be purified to homogeneity from human serum. The method involves precipitation of contaminating proteins with dilute aqueous phenol, ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, and gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-100. The yield is 25-30%, and the prealbumin is homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 8.9 and pH 3.6.  相似文献   
Ion channel mapping techniques are described and the results for two fungal organisms, Saprolegnia ferax and Neurospora crassa, are presented. In these species, two channel types have been characterized, stretch-activated channels exhibiting significant calcium permeability and spontaneous channels having significant potassium permeability. Two distinct analyses of patch clamp data, analysis of channel self-clustering and association between different channel types, and localization along the hyphae, reveal significant differences between the two organisms. S. ferax maintains a tip-high gradient of both channel types which is lost after disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. There is significant self-clustering of the channels, as well as interactions between channel types. N. crassa on the other hand does not maintain tip-high gradients, and clustered distributions are observed only for the stretch-activated channels. In terms of physiological roles, evidence is quite strong that the stretch-activated channels function as a growth sensor in S. ferax, but have an unknown function in N. crassa. In both organisms, the potassium permeable channels presumably function in potassium uptake. The differences between these two organisms may be due, in part, to differences in their normal environment: aquatic versus terrestrial. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
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