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Probably every cellular process is governed by protein-protein interaction (PPIs), which are often highly dynamic in nature being modulated by in- or external stimuli. Here we present KISS, for KInase Substrate Sensor, a mammalian two-hybrid approach designed to map intracellular PPIs and some of the dynamic features they exhibit. Benchmarking experiments indicate that in terms of sensitivity and specificity KISS is on par with other binary protein interaction technologies while being complementary with regard to the subset of PPIs it is able to detect. We used KISS to evaluate interactions between different types of proteins, including transmembrane proteins, expressed at their native subcellular location. In situ analysis of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced clustering of the endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor ERN1 and ligand-dependent β-arrestin recruitment to GPCRs illustrated the method''s potential to study functional PPI modulation in complex cellular processes. Exploring its use as a tool for in cell evaluation of pharmacological interference with PPIs, we showed that reported effects of known GPCR antagonists and PPI inhibitors are properly recapitulated. In a three-hybrid setup, KISS was able to map interactions between small molecules and proteins. Taken together, we established KISS as a sensitive approach for in situ analysis of protein interactions and their modulation in a changing cellular context or in response to pharmacological challenges.A protein''s function is largely mediated through its interactions with other proteins, hence the critical importance of protein-protein interaction (PPI)1 maps for understanding cellular mechanisms of action in health and disease. Whereas many proteins are organized in stable multi-protein complexes, the majority of cellular processes are governed by transient protein encounters, the dynamics of which are directed by a diversity of both intra- and extracellular signals. Our view of protein networks is still, however, mainly a static one (1). Current interactomes consist mainly of data generated by yeast 2-hybrid (Y2H) (2) and (tandem) affinity purification combined with mass spectrometry (3) and should be interpreted as scaffolds of potential PPIs that might occur at a certain time and place in the cell or as snapshots of PPIs taking place under a specific cellular condition. Although very robust and highly efficient, these approaches do not allow studying PPI modulation because they do not offer the proper context for mammalian PPI analysis, e.g. they operate in yeast cells (Y2H) or make use of cell lysates (affinity purification-based methods). Moreover, because these interactome mapping tools are biased against interactions that involve transmembrane proteins, the latter are underrepresented in current interactome network versions (4). Yet, membrane-associated proteins constitute around one third of the entire proteome and their significance is underscored by the fact that over half of currently marketed drugs target membrane proteins (5). These observations support the need for approaches that allow PPIs, including those involving transmembrane proteins, to be assayed in their native cellular environment.Apart from the high-throughput methods mentioned above, a diverse arsenal of other PPI technologies has been developed, a number of which actually operate in mammalian cells. FRET and BRET, which rely on fluorescence or bioluminescence energy transfer between interacting fusion proteins, make assays with high spatiotemporal resolution (6, 7). A variety of PCAs have been reported, including split fluorescent protein or reporter enzyme technologies, that are able to capture aspects of PPI dynamics in a mammalian background (8, 9). A recent addition is an infrared fluorescent PCA that, unlike previous fluorescent PCAs, exhibits reversible complementation, thus enabling spatiotemporal analysis of dynamic PPIs (10). Another binary interaction assay, luminescence-based mammalian interactome mapping (LUMIER), has been applied to map TGFβ induced modulation of PPIs with components of the TGFβ signaling pathway (11). MaMTH, a mammalian version of the split ubiquitin approach, was designed particularly for the analysis of PPIs involving integral membrane proteins, also allowing the detection of functional PPI modulation (12). Efforts to apply purification-based methods for detecting context-dependent PPI modulation recently resulted in the development of AP-SRM (13) and AP-SWATH (14).Our group previously conceived mammalian protein-protein interaction trap (MAPPIT) (supplemental Fig. S1A) (15, 16), a mammalian two-hybrid approach based on complementation of a cytokine receptor that was developed into a broad platform for PPI analysis (17, 18), screening for small molecule PPI disruptors (19, 20) and drug target profiling (21, 22). Although MAPPIT operates in intact human cells, thus providing the natural environment for human protein analysis, the interaction sensor is anchored to the plasma membrane, precluding the analysis of PPIs at their native subcellular localization. In addition, MAPPIT is incompatible with full size transmembrane proteins. Here we describe KInase Substrate Sensor (KISS), a novel binary PPI mapping approach that enables in situ analysis in living mammalian cells of protein interactions and their responses to physiological or pharmacological challenges.  相似文献   
Seahorses, pipefish and their syngnathiform relatives are considered unique amongst fishes in using elastic recoil of post-cranial tendons to pivot the head extremely quickly towards small crustacean prey. It is known that pipefish activate the epaxial muscles for a considerable time before striking, at which rotations of the head and the hyoid are temporarily prevented to allow energy storage in the epaxial tendons. Here, we studied the motor control of this system in seahorses using electromyographic recordings of the epaxial muscles and the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscles with simultaneous high-speed video recordings of prey capture. In addition we present the results from a stimulation experiment including the muscle hypothesised to be responsible for the locking and triggering of pivot feeding in seahorses (m. adductor arcus palatini). Our data confirmed that the epaxial pre-activation pattern observed previously for pipefish also occurs in seahorses. Similar to the epaxials, the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscle complex shows prolonged anticipatory activity. Although a considerable variation in displacements of the mouth via head rotation could be observed, it could not be demonstrated that seahorses have control over strike distance. In addition, we could not identify the source of the kinematic variability in the activation patterns of the associated muscles. Finally, the stimulation experiment supported the previously hypothesized role of the m. adductor arcus palatini as the trigger in this elastic recoil system. Our results show that pre-stressing of both the head elevators and the hyoid retractors is taking place. As pre-activation of the main muscles involved in pivot feeding has now been demonstrated for both seahorses and pipefish, this is probably a generalized trait of Syngnathidae.  相似文献   
Although normothermic machine perfusion of donor livers may allow assessment of graft viability prior to transplantation, there are currently no data on what would be a good parameter of graft viability. To determine whether bile production is a suitable biomarker that can be used to discriminate viable from non-viable livers we have studied functional performance as well as biochemical and histological evidence of hepatobiliary injury during ex vivo normothermic machine perfusion of human donor livers. After a median duration of cold storage of 6.5 h, twelve extended criteria human donor livers that were declined for transplantation were ex vivo perfused for 6 h at 37°C with an oxygenated solution based on red blood cells and plasma, using pressure controlled pulsatile perfusion of the hepatic artery and continuous portal perfusion. During perfusion, two patterns of bile flow were identified: (1) steadily increasing bile production, resulting in a cumulative output of ≥30 g after 6 h (high bile output group), and (2) a cumulative bile production <20 g in 6 h (low bile output group). Concentrations of transaminases and potassium in the perfusion fluid were significantly higher in the low bile output group, compared to the high bile output group. Biliary concentrations of bilirubin and bicarbonate were respectively 4 times and 2 times higher in the high bile output group. Livers in the low bile output group displayed more signs of hepatic necrosis and venous congestion, compared to the high bile output group. In conclusion, bile production could be an easily assessable biomarker of hepatic viability during ex vivo machine perfusion of human donor livers. It could potentially be used to identify extended criteria livers that are suitable for transplantation. These ex vivo findings need to be confirmed in a transplant experiment or a clinical trial.  相似文献   
Podosomes are small, circular adhesions formed by cells such as osteoclasts, macrophages, dendritic cells, and endothelial cells. They comprise a protrusive actin core module and an adhesive ring module composed of integrins and cytoskeletal adaptor proteins such as vinculin and talin. Furthermore, podosomes are associated with an actin network and often organize into large clusters. Recent results from our laboratory and others have shed new light on podosome structure and dynamics, suggesting a revision of the classical “core-ring” model. Also, these studies demonstrate that the adhesive and protrusive module are functionally linked by the actin network likely facilitating mechanotransduction as well as providing feedback between these two modules. In this commentary, we briefly summarize these recent advances with respect to the knowledge on podosome structure and discuss force distribution mechanisms within podosomes and their emerging role in mechanotransduction.  相似文献   
Due to societal changes and altered demands for firewood, the traditional forest management of coppicing has been largely abandoned. As a result, many forest herbs that are specifically adapted to regular opening of the canopy, have suffered significant declines in abundance, and the remaining populations of these species often tend to be small and isolated. Reduced population sizes and pronounced spatial isolation may cause loss of within-population genetic diversity and increased between-population differentiation through random genetic drift and inbreeding. In this study, we investigated genetic diversity and genetic structure of 15 populations of the food-deceptive orchid Orchis mascula using AFLP markers. Within-population genetic diversity significantly increased with increasing population size, indicating genetic impoverishment in small populations. Genetic differentiation, on the other hand, was rather low (ΦST = 0.083) and there was no significant relationship between genetic and geographic distances, suggesting substantial gene flow within the study area. However, strong differences in levels of within-population diversity and among-population differentiation were found for populations located in forests that have been regularly coppiced and populations found in forests that were neglected for more than 50 years and that were totally overgrown by shrubs. Our data thus indicate that a lack of coppicing leads to decreased genetic diversity and increased differentiation in this orchid species, most likely as a result of genetic drift following demographic bottlenecks. From a conservation point of view, this study combined with previous results on the demography of O. mascula in relation to forest management illustrates the importance of coppicing in maintaining viable populations of forest herbs in the long-term.  相似文献   
Dispersal is thought to be an important process determining range size, especially for species in highly spatially structured habitats, such as tropical reef fishes. Despite intensive research efforts, there is conflicting evidence about the role of dispersal in determining range size. We hypothesize that traits related to dispersal drive range sizes, but that complete and comprehensive datasets are essential for detecting relationships between species’ dispersal ability and range size. We investigate the roles of six traits affecting several stages of dispersal (adult mobility, spawning mode, pelagic larval duration (PLD), body size, aggregation behavior, and circadian activity), in explaining range size variation of reef fishes in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP). All traits, except for PLD (148 species), had data for all 497 species in the region. Using a series of statistical models, we investigated which traits were associated with large range sizes, when analyzing all TEP species or only species with PLD data. Furthermore, using null models, we analyzed whether the PLD‐subset is representative of the regional species pool. Several traits affecting dispersal ability were strongly associated with range size, although these relationships could not be detected when using the PLD‐subset. Pelagic spawners (allowing for passive egg dispersal) had on average 56% larger range sizes than nonpelagic spawners. Species with medium or high adult mobility had on average a 25% or 33% larger range, respectively, than species with low mobility. Null models showed that the PLD‐subset was nonrepresentative of the regional species pool, explaining why model outcomes using the PLD‐subset differed from the ones based on the complete dataset. Our results show that in the TEP, traits affecting dispersal ability are important in explaining range size variation. Using a regionally complete dataset was crucial for detecting the theoretically expected, but so far empirically unresolved, relationship between dispersal and range size.  相似文献   
Conditional gene expression or gene disruption using Cre/loxP- or FLP/frt-based recombination systems are valuable tools for studying gene function in development and disease. Recombinant adenoviral vectors expressing Cre recombinase have been suggested as an alternative for deletion of floxed sequences. To further improve this approach we generated a high-capacity adenoviral (HC-Ad) vector expressing Cre (HC-Adcre). In this vector all viral coding sequences are deleted resulting in decreased toxicity. In the present study HC-Adcre efficiently mediated recombination between two loxP sites located in the genome of a reporter cell line. When intravenously injected into ROSA26 reporter mice, a floxed sequence was excised in hepatocytes resulting in expression of the beta-gal reporter. Our data indicate that HC-Ad vectors expressing Cre effectively delete floxed sequences in vivo and have a significant potential as a tool for functional studies in mice.  相似文献   
Although microalgae are considered as a promising feedstock for biofuels, the energy efficiency of the production process needs to be significantly improved. Due to their small size and low concentration in the culture medium, cost‐efficient harvesting of microalgae is a major challenge. In this study, the use of electro‐coagulation–flocculation (ECF) as a method for harvesting a freshwater (Chlorella vulgaris) and a marine (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) microalgal species is evaluated. ECF was shown to be more efficient using an aluminum anode than using an iron anode. Furthermore, it could be concluded that the efficiency of the ECF process can be substantially improved by reducing the initial pH and by increasing the turbulence in the microalgal suspension. Although higher current densities resulted in a more rapid flocculation of the microalgal suspension, power consumption, expressed per kg of microalgae harvested, and release of aluminum were lower when a lower current density was used. The aluminum content of the harvested microalgal biomass was less than 1% while the aluminum concentration in the process water was below 2 mg L−1. Under optimal conditions, power consumption of the ECF process was around 2 kWh kg−1 of microalgal biomass harvested for Chlorella vulgaris and ca. 0.3 kWh kg−1 for Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Compared to centrifugation, ECF is thus more energy efficient. Because of the lower power consumption of ECF in seawater, ECF is a particularly attractive method for harvesting marine microalgae. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2320–2329. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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