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Mutation analysis of LMX1B gene in nail-patella syndrome patients.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Nail-patella syndrome (NPS), a pleiotropic disorder exhibiting autosomal dominant inheritance, has been studied for >100 years. Recent evidence shows that NPS is the result of mutations in the LIM-homeodomain gene LMX1B. To determine whether specific LMX1B mutations are associated with different aspects of the NPS phenotype, we screened a cohort of 41 NPS families for LMX1B mutations. A total of 25 mutations were identified in 37 families. The nature of the mutations supports the hypothesis that NPS is the result of haploinsufficiency for LMX1B. There was no evidence of correlation between aspects of the NPS phenotype and specific mutations.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies binding to different domains of nucleolin have been used to localize nucleolin in tissue culture cells ofXenopus laevis.The monoclonal antibody b6-6E7 binds to an epitope in the N-terminal domain, which contains arrays of phosphorylation consensus sites. This monoclonal antibody binds to nucleolin of oocytes and of eggs with high affinity. In contrast, the monoclonal antibody Nu-1H6 binds poorly to the modified forms of nucleolin arising during meiosis and mitosis. In interphase cells, monoclonal antibody b6-6E7 preferentially stains the periphery of the nucleoli, where most of the rRNA accumulates. Staining by monoclonal antibody Nu-1H6 complements this pattern by staining mainly the center of the nucleoli. The epitope of monoclonal antibody Nu-1H6 is within the central domain of nucleolin, which contains the first two RNA binding domains. RNase treatment of cells results in loss of nucleolin from nucleoli. In mitotic cells, both monoclonal antibodies decorate the surface of condensing chromosomes in prophase. The periphery of the condensed chromosomes in metaphase and anaphase is preferentially stained by monoclonal antibody b6-6E7.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

In flowering plants, microsporogenesis is accompanied by various types of cytoplasmic partitioning (cytokinesis). Patterns of male cytokinesis are suspected to play a role in the diversity of aperture patterns found in pollen grains of angiosperms. The relationships between intersporal wall formation, tetrad shape and pollen aperture pattern ontogeny are studied.


A comparative analysis of meiosis and aperture distribution was performed within tetrads in two triporate eudicot species with contrasting aperture arrangements within their tetrads [Epilobium roseum (Onagraceae) and Paranomus reflexus (Proteaceae)].

Key Results and Conclusions

Intersporal wall formation is a two-step process in both species. Cytokinesis is first achieved by the formation of naked centripetal cell plates. These naked cell plates are then covered by additional thick, localized callose deposits that differ in location between the two species. Apertures are finally formed in areas in which additional callose is deposited on the cell plates. The recorded variation in tetrad shape is correlated with variations in aperture pattern, demonstrating the role of cell partitioning in aperture pattern ontogeny.  相似文献   


The Canadian CT Head Rule was developed to allow physicians to be more selective when ordering computed tomography (CT) imaging for patients with minor head injury. We sought to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing this validated decision rule at multiple emergency departments.


We conducted a matched-pair cluster-randomized trial that compared the outcomes of 4531 patients with minor head injury during two 12-month periods (before and after) at hospital emergency departments in Canada, six of which were randomly allocated as intervention sites and six as control sites. At the intervention sites, active strategies, including education, changes to policy and real-time reminders on radiologic requisitions were used to implement the Canadian CT Head Rule. The main outcome measure was referral for CT scan of the head.


Baseline characteristics of patients were similar when comparing control to intervention sites. At the intervention sites, the proportion of patients referred for CT imaging increased from the “before” period (62.8%) to the “after” period (76.2%) (difference +13.3%, 95% CI 9.7%–17.0%). At the control sites, the proportion of CT imaging usage also increased, from 67.5% to 74.1% (difference +6.7%, 95% CI 2.6%–10.8%). The change in mean imaging rates from the “before” period to the “after” period for intervention versus control hospitals was not significant (p = 0.16). There were no missed brain injuries or adverse outcomes.


Our knowledge–translation-based trial of the Canadian CT Head Rule did not reduce rates of CT imaging in Canadian emergency departments. Future studies should identify strategies to deal with barriers to implementation of this decision rule and explore more effective approaches to knowledge translation. (ClinicalTrials.gov trial register no. NCT00993252)More than six million instances of head and neck trauma are seen annually in emergency departments in Canada and the United States.1 Most are classified as minimal or minor head injury, but in a very small proportion, deterioration occurs and neurosurgical intervention is needed for intracranial hematoma.2,3 In recent years, North American use of computed tomography (CT) for many conditions in the emergency department, including minor head injury, has increased five-fold.1,4 Our own Canadian data showed marked variation in the use of CT for similar patients.5 Over 90% of CT scans are negative for clinically important brain injury.68 Owing to its high volume of usage, such imaging adds to health care costs. There have also been increasing concerns about radiation-related risk from unnecessary CT scans.9,10 Additionally, unnecessary use of CT scanning compounds the Canadian problems of overcrowding of emergency departments and inadequate access to advanced imaging for nonemergency outpatients.Clinical decision rules are derived from original research and may be defined as tools for clinical decision-making that incorporate three or more variables from a patient’s history, physical examination or simple tests.1113 The Canadian CT Head Rule comprises five high-risk and two medium-risk criteria and was derived by prospectively evaluating 3121 adults with minor head injury (Figure 1) (Appendix 1, available at www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/cmaj.091974/DC1).6 The resultant decision rule was then prospectively validated in a group of 2707 patients and showed high sensitivity (100%; 95% confidence interval [CI ] 91–100) and reliability.14 The results of its validation suggested that, in patients presenting to emergency departments with minor head trauma, a rate of usage of CT imaging as low as 62.4% was possible and safe.Open in a separate windowFigure 1The Canadian CT Head Rule, as used in the study. Note: CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, CT = computed tomography, GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale.Unfortunately, most decision rules are never used after derivation because they are not adequately tested in validation or implementation studies.1519 We recently successfully implemented a similar rule, the Canadian C-Spine Rule, at multiple Canadian sites.20 Hence, the goal of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of an active strategy to implement the Canadian CT Head Rule at multiple emergency departments. We wanted to test both the impact of the rule on rates of CT imaging and the effectiveness of an inexpensive and easily adopted implementation strategy. In addition, we wanted to further evaluate the accuracy of the rule.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope

A characterisation model based on multi-criteria indicators has been developed for each of four impact categories representing the labour rights according to the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) covering: forced labour, discrimination, restrictions of freedom of association and collective bargaining and child labour (Dreyer et al., Int J Life Cycle Assess, 2010a, in press). These impact categories are considered by the authors to be among the obligatory impact categories in a Social LCA. The characterisation models combine information about the way a company manages its behaviour towards some of its important stakeholders, its employees, with information about the geographical location and branch of industry of the company and the risk of violations of these workers' rights inherent in the setting of the company. The result is an indicator score which for each impact category represents the risk that violations occur in the company. In order to test the feasibility and relevance of the developed methodology, it is tested on real cases.

Materials and methods

The developed characterisation models are applied to six cases representing individual manufacturing companies from three different continents. Five of the case companies are manufacturing companies while the sixth is a knowledge company. The application involves scoring the management efforts of the case company in a multi-criteria scorecard and translating the scores into an aggregated performance score, which represents the effort of the management in order to prevent violations of the workers' rights to occur in the company. The company performance score is multiplied by a contextual adjustment score which reflects the risk of violations taking place in the context (in terms of geographical location or industrial branch or sector) of the company. The resulting indicator score represents the risk that violations take place of the labour right represented by the impact category.


The social impact characterisation is performed for each of the six case studies using the methodology earlier developed. The procedure and outcome are documented through all the intermediary results shown for all four obligatory impact categories for each of the six case studies.


The results are judged against the risk which was observed during visits and interviews at each of the six case companies, and their realism and relevance are discussed. They are found to be satisfactory for all four impact categories for the manufacturing companies, but there are some problems for two of the impact categories in the case company which represents knowledge work, and it is discussed how these problems may be addressed through change of the underlying scorecard or the way in which the scoring is translated into a company performance score.


It is concluded that it is feasible to perform a characterisation of the impacts related to the four obligatory impact categories representing the labour rights according to the conventions of the ILO covering: forced labour, discrimination, restrictions of freedom of association and collective bargaining and child labour. When compared with the observed situation in the companies, the results are also found to be relevant and realistic.

Recommendations and perspectives

The proposed characterisation method is rather time-consuming and cannot realistically be applied to all companies in the product system. It must therefore be combined with less time-requiring screening methods which can help identify the key companies in the life cycle for which a detailed analysis is required. The possibility to apply country- or industry sector-based information is discussed, and while it is found useful to identify low-risk companies and eliminate them from more detailed studies, the ability of the screening methods to discriminate between companies located in medium and high-risk contexts is questionable.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: New primers were developed for the nuclear marker glutamine synthetase (ncpGS) in Oxalidaceae. ? Methods and Results: New forward and reverse primers were designed and tested across a wide range of Oxalidaceae. Selected taxa were sequenced to confirm homology. Potential for phylogenetic study was assessed by comparing sequenced taxa with commonly used nuclear and plastid markers. ? Conclusions: Four out of five Oxalidaceae genera and all tested Oxalis spp. amplified successfully. Sequencing confirmed homology of the amplicon. Parsimony analysis of ncpGS showed that it is a promising candidate for future phylogenetic work in Oxalidaceae.  相似文献   
Severely yellowed ten-year-old spruce trees growing in the Vosges Mountains on an acidic soil were fertilised with Magnesium lime during the spring of 1990. The effects of this treatment were assessed 18 months later. A very significant improvement of the mineral status of the trees was detected, with increasing Mg contents in the needles, and as a consequence, reduced yellowing and improved chlorophyll content. Only slight differences with control trees were observed for height increase. Effects of this improved nutrition on photosynthesis were tested measuring net CO2 assimilation rates and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Light-saturated net assimilation rates of current-year needles were high, reaching 5.3 mol m–2 s–1 on a total needle area basis. The improvement in chlorophyll and Mg content had no significant effect on net assimilation rates or on any parameter describing photochemical functions of both current-and previous-year needles. Despite the strong inter-individual variability in needle chlorophyll and Mg contents (ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 mg g–1 fresh weight, and 0.05 to 0.5 mg g-1 dry weight respectively), photochemical efficiency of PS II under limiting irradiance only decreased significantly on older needles displaying Mg contents below 0.1 mg g–1. It is concluded from these results that spruce trees exhibit a high degree of plasticity with regard to Mg deficiency on acidic soils, and that improved Mg nutrition and increased chlorophyll content do not necessarily improve photosynthesis and height growth.Abbreviations A light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rate (mol m–2 s–1) - gw light-saturated needle conductance to water vapour (mmol m–2 s–1) - wp and wm pre-dawn and mid-day needle water potential (MPa) - osmotic potential of sap expressed from needles (MPa) - PFD photosynthetic photon flux density (mol m–2 s–1) - Fv/Fm photochemical efficiency of PS II after 20 min dark adaptation - F/Fm ' photochemical efficiency of PS II reaction centres after 10 min at a PFD of 220 mol m–2 s–1  相似文献   
When attacked by natural enemies some insect pests, including many aphid species, alert neighboring conspecifics with alarm pheromones. Cornicle secretions with pheromones benefit the attacked aphid but are costly to produce, while alarm pheromone benefits probably fall largely on alerted conspecifics. Given these variable benefits, the likelihood of a secretion may change depending on aphid density. Thus, we first hypothesized that the common alarm pheromone in aphids, E-ß-farnesene (EBF), was present in soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) cornicle secretions and would elicit an alarm response in aphids exposed to it. Second, since aphids other than the secretor also benefit from cornicle secretions, we hypothesized that the likelihood of secretion would increase concurrently with the density of neighboring clonal conspecifics. Third, because alarm reaction behavior (e.g. feeding cessation) is probably costly, we hypothesized that alarm reaction behavior would decrease as conspecific density (i.e. alternative prey for an attacking natural enemy) increased. We found that soybean aphids 1) produce cornicle secretions using EBF as an alarm pheromone, 2) are less likely to release cornicle secretions when alone than in a small group (~10 individuals), but that the rate of secretion does not increase further with additional conspecific density, and 3) also exhibit alarm reaction behavior in response to cornicle secretions independent of aphid density. We show that soybean aphids can use their cornicle secretions to warn their neighbors of probable attack by natural enemies, but that both secretion and alarm reaction behavior does not change as density of nearby conspecifics rises above a few individuals.  相似文献   
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