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Programmed cell death and aerenchyma formation in roots   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Lysigenous aerenchyma contributes to the ability of plants to tolerate low-oxygen soil environments, by providing an internal aeration system for the transfer of oxygen from the shoot. However, aerenchyma formation requires the death of cells in the root cortex. In maize, hypoxia stimulates ethylene production, which in turn activates a signal transduction pathway involving phosphoinositides and Ca2+. Death occurs in a predictable pattern, is regulated by a hormone (ethylene) and provides an example of programmed cell death.  相似文献   
Internal transport of O2 from the aerial tissues along the adventitious roots of intact maize plants was estimated by measuring the concentrations of adenine nucleotides in various zones along the root under an oxygen-free atmosphere. Young maize plants were grown in nutrient solution under conditions that either stimulated or prevented the formation of a lysigenous aerenchyma, and the roots (up to 210 mm long) were then exposed to an anaerobic (oxygen-free) nutrient solution. Aerenchymatous roots showed higher values than non-aerenchymatous ones for ATP content, adenylate energy charge and ATP/ADP ratios. We conclude that the lysigenous cortical gas spaces help maintain a high respiration rate in the tissues along the root, and in the apical zone, by improving internal transport of oxygen over distances of at least 210 mm. This contrasted sharply with the low energy status (poor O2 transport) in non-aerenchymatous roots.Abbreviation AEC adenylate energy charge  相似文献   
Across the world, pain is under‐treated in emergency departments (EDs). We canvass the literature testifying to this problem, the reasons why this problem is so important, and then some of the main hypotheses that have been advanced in explanation of the problem. We then argue for the plausibility of two new hypotheses: pain's under‐treatment in the ED is due partly to (1) an epistemic preference for signs over symptoms on the part of some practitioners, and (2) some ED practices that themselves worsen pain by increasing patients' anxiety and fear. Our argument includes the following logic. Some ED practitioners depart from formal guidance in basing their acute pain assessments on observable features rather than on patient reports of pain. This is potentially due to an epistemic preference for signs over symptoms which aims to circumvent intentional and/or unintentional misrepresentation on the part of patients. However, conducting pain assessments in line with this epistemic preference contributes to the under‐treatment of pain in at least three respects, which we detail. Moreover, it may do little to help the practitioner circumvent any intentional misrepresentation on the part of the patient, as we explain. Second, we examine at least four ED practices that may be contributing to the under‐treatment of pain by increasing patient anxiety and fear, which can worsen pain. These practices include failing to provide orienting information and partially objectifying patients so as to problem‐solve along lines pre‐established by modern medical science. We conclude by touching on some potential solutions for ED practice.  相似文献   
As a greater number and diversity of high-quality vertebrate reference genomes become available, it is increasingly feasible to use these references to guide new draft assemblies for related species. Reference-guided assembly approaches may substantially increase the contiguity and completeness of a new genome using only low levels of genome coverage that might otherwise be insufficient for de novo genome assembly. We used low-coverage (∼3.5–5.5x) Illumina paired-end sequencing to assemble draft genomes of two bird species (the Gunnison Sage-Grouse, Centrocercus minimus, and the Clark''s Nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana). We used these data to estimate de novo genome assemblies and reference-guided assemblies, and compared the information content and completeness of these assemblies by comparing CEGMA gene set representation, repeat element content, simple sequence repeat content, and GC isochore structure among assemblies. Our results demonstrate that even lower-coverage genome sequencing projects are capable of producing informative and useful genomic resources, particularly through the use of reference-guided assemblies.  相似文献   
Animal cells initiate cytokinesis in parallel with anaphase onset, when an actomyosin ring assembles and constricts through localized activation of the small GTPase RhoA, giving rise to a cleavage furrow. Furrow formation relies on positional cues provided by anaphase spindle microtubules (MTs), but how such cues are generated remains unclear. Using chemical genetics to achieve both temporal and spatial control, we show that the self-organized delivery of Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) to the midzone and its local phosphorylation of a MT-bound substrate are critical for generating this furrow-inducing signal. When Plk1 was active but unable to target itself to this equatorial landmark, both cortical RhoA recruitment and furrow induction failed to occur, thus recapitulating the effects of anaphase-specific Plk1 inhibition. Using tandem mass spectrometry and phosphospecific antibodies, we found that Plk1 binds and directly phosphorylates the HsCYK-4 subunit of centralspindlin (also known as MgcRacGAP) at the midzone. At serine 157, this modification creates a major docking site for the tandem BRCT repeats of the Rho GTP exchange factor Ect2. Cells expressing only a nonphosphorylatable form of HsCYK-4 failed to localize Ect2 at the midzone and were severely impaired in cleavage furrow formation, implying that HsCYK-4 is Plk1's rate-limiting target upstream of RhoA. Conversely, tethering an inhibitor-resistant allele of Plk1 to HsCYK-4 allowed furrows to form despite global inhibition of all other Plk1 molecules in the cell. Our findings illuminate two key mechanisms governing the initiation of cytokinesis in human cells and illustrate the power of chemical genetics to probe such regulation both in time and space.  相似文献   
This study examines the effects of nano-size particulate matter (nPM) exposure in the setting of murine reperfused stroke. Particulate matter is a potent source of inflammation and oxidative stress. These processes are known to influence stroke progression through recruitment of marginally viable penumbral tissue into the ischemic core. nPM was collected in an urban area in central Los Angeles, impacted primarily by traffic emissions. Re-aerosolized nPM or filtered air was then administered to mice through whole body exposure chambers for forty-five cumulative hours. Exposed mice then underwent middle cerebral artery occlusion/ reperfusion. Following cerebral ischemia/ reperfusion, mice exposed to nPM exhibited significantly larger infarct volumes and less favorable neurological deficit scores when compared to mice exposed to filtered air. Mice exposed to nPM also demonstrated increases in markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in the region of the ischemic core. The findings suggest a detrimental effect of urban airborne particulate matter exposure in the setting of acute ischemic stroke.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis endospore‐mediated forsterite dissolution experiments were performed to assess the effects of cell surface reactivity on Mg isotope fractionation during chemical weathering. Endospores present a unique opportunity to study the isolated impact of cell surface reactivity because they exhibit extremely low metabolic activity. In abiotic control assays, 24Mg was preferentially released into solution during forsterite dissolution, producing an isotopically light liquid phase (δ26Mg = ?0.39 ± 0.06 to ?0.26 ± 0.09‰) relative to the initial mineral composition (δ26Mg = ?0.24 ± 0.03‰). The presence of endospores did not have an apparent effect on Mg isotope fractionation associated with the release of Mg from the solid into the aqueous phase. However, the endospore surfaces preferentially adsorbed 24Mg from the dissolution products, which resulted in relatively heavy aqueous Mg isotope compositions. These aqueous Mg isotope compositions increased proportional to the fraction of dissolved Mg that was adsorbed, with the highest measured δ26Mg (?0.08 ± 0.07‰) corresponding to the highest degree of adsorption (~76%). The Mg isotope composition of the adsorbed fraction was correspondingly light, at an average δ26Mg of ?0.49‰. Secondary mineral precipitation and Mg adsorption onto secondary minerals had a minimal effect on Mg isotopes at these experimental conditions. Results demonstrate the isolated effects of cell surface reactivity on Mg isotope fractionation separate from other common biological processes, such as metabolism and organic acid production. With further study, Mg isotopes could be used to elucidate the role of the biosphere on Mg cycling in the environment.  相似文献   
The purpose of this review is to summarize and evaluate relevant literature on combination antifungal therapy for invasive fungal infections (IFIs). Cryptococcal meningitis has the largest body and highest quality in support of combination therapy with amphotericin B and flucytosine. More recent data in treatment of invasive aspergillosis suggest combination therapy with voriconazole and echinocandins may be effective in select patients. Quality studies are needed to define combination therapy in rare mold infections. Multiple strategies have been employed to optimize treatment of the growing incidence of IFIs. With exceptions as noted above, justification for the use of combination antifungal therapy is most often based on uncontrolled and/or underpowered studies, in vitro data, and case reports.  相似文献   
The role of tree mortality in the global carbon balance is complicated by strong spatial and temporal heterogeneity that arises from the stochastic nature of carbon loss through disturbance. Characterizing spatio‐temporal variation in mortality (including disturbance) and its effects on forest and carbon dynamics is thus essential to understanding the current global forest carbon sink, and to predicting how it will change in future. We analyzed forest inventory data from the eastern United States to estimate plot‐level variation in mortality (relative to a long‐term background rate for individual trees) for nine distinct forest regions. Disturbances that produced at least a fourfold increase in tree mortality over an approximately 5 year interval were observed in 1–5% of plots in each forest region. The frequency of disturbance was lowest in the northeast, and increased southwards along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts as fire and hurricane disturbances became progressively more common. Across the central and northern parts of the region, natural disturbances appeared to reflect a diffuse combination of wind, insects, disease, and ice storms. By linking estimated covariation in tree growth and mortality over time with a data‐constrained forest dynamics model, we simulated the implications of stochastic variation in mortality for long‐term aboveground biomass changes across the eastern United States. A geographic gradient in disturbance frequency induced notable differences in biomass dynamics between the least‐ and most‐disturbed regions, with variation in mortality causing the latter to undergo considerably stronger fluctuations in aboveground stand biomass over time. Moreover, regional simulations showed that a given long‐term increase in mean mortality rates would support greater aboveground biomass when expressed through disturbance effects compared with background mortality, particularly for early‐successional species. The effects of increased tree mortality on carbon stocks and forest composition may thus depend partly on whether future mortality increases are chronic or episodic in nature.  相似文献   
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