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There have been no studies of the effects of soil P deficiency on pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) photosynthesis, despite the fact that P deficiency is the major constraint to pearl millet production in most regions of West Africa. Because current photosynthesis-based crop simulation models do not explicitly take into account P deficiency effects on leaf photosynthesis, they cannot predict millet growth without extensive calibration. We studied the effects of soil addition on leaf P content, photosynthetic rate (A), and whole-plant dry matter production (DM) of non-water-stressed, 28 d pearl millet plants grown in pots containing 6.00 kg of a P-deficient soil. As soil P addition increased from 0 to 155.2 mg P kg–1 soil, leaf P content increased from 0.65 to 7.0 g kg–1. Both A and DM had maximal values near 51.7 mg P kg–1 soil, which corresponded to a leaf P content of 3.2 g kg–1. Within this range of soil P addition, the slope of A plotted against stomatal conductance (gs) tripled, and mean leaf internal CO2 concentration ([CO2]i) decreased from 260 to 92 L L–1, thus indicating that P deficiency limited A through metabolic dysfunction rather than stomatal regulation. Light response curves of A, which changed markedly with P leaf content, were modelled as a single substrate, Michaelis-Menten reaction, using quantum flux as the substrate for each level of soil P addition. An Eadie-Hofstee plot of light response data revealed that both KM, which is mathematically equivalent to quantum efficiency, and Vmax, which is the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis, increased sharply from leaf P contents of 0.6 to 3 g kg–1, with peak values between 4 and 5 g P kg–1. Polynomial equations relating KM and Vmax, to leaf P content offered a simple and attractive way of modelling photosynthetic light response for plants of different P status, but this approach is somewhat complicated by the decrease of leaf P content with ontogeny.  相似文献   
For either clinical or research purposes, the timing of the nocturnal onset in production of the urinary melatonin metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (UaMT6s-onset), has been proposed as a reliable and robust marker of circa-dian phase. However, given that most circadian rhythms show cycle-to-cycle variability, the statistical reliability of phase estimates obtained from a single study using UaMT6s-onset remains to be determined. Following 2 weeks of sleep diary and wrist actigraphy, 15 young, healthy good sleepers participated in four UaMT6s sampling sessions spaced 1 day apart. During the sampling sessions subjects remained indoors under low light conditions and hourly urine samples were collected from 19:00 to 02:00 h. Samples were subsequently assayed for UaMT6s using standard radioimmunographic techniques. UaMT6s-onset was determined by the time at which melatonin production exceeded the average of three proceeding trials by 100%. Sleep onset times were derived from sleep diary and actigraphic measures taken before the melatonin collection nights. We found that there was no significant variation between nights in group mean UaMT6s-onset times, and intraindividual variability was small. In addition, UaMT6s-onset times were highly and significantly correlated between nights (grand mean r = 0.804). Our results suggest that within 95% confidence interval limits, individual UaMT6s-onset estimates obtained from a single night UaMT6s-onset study can be used to predict subsequent UaMT6s-onset times within ±97 min. A close temporal relationship was also found between the timing of UaMT6s-onset and sleep onset. Overall, our results suggest that under entrained conditions single-session UaMT6s-onset studies can provide reliable individual UaMT6s-onset phase estimates and that the protocol described in this study is a practical and noninvasive methodology. (Chronobiology International, 13(6), 411-421, 1996)  相似文献   
Nuclear counts determined by crystal violet staining from samples of stationary or microcarrier cultures of hybridomas, CHO or Vero cells were consistently and significantly higher than cell concentrations determined by the trypan blue or Coulter counter methods. This difference was attributed to the presence of a significant proportion of binucleated cells, which are assumed to be 35% of the cell population in the stationary phase of Vero cultures. The proportion of such cells during exponential growth was variable. However, continuous sub-culture of these cells induced a degree of synchrony during growth which resulted in a cyclic variation of the difference between the cell and nuclei counting techniques. This data indicates that care should be taken in interpreting cell culture profiles based solely on crystal violet nuclei staining counts.  相似文献   
Micromonospora sp C39500, isolated in our laboratory from a soil sample, produced a complex of seven novel depsipeptide antitumor antibiotics, designated korkormicins. The major component of the complex, korkormicin A, has a MW of 1452 and a molecular formula of C66H84N16O22. Korkormicin A exhibits potentin vivo antitumor activity against P388 leukemia and M109 lung carcinoma implanted intraperitoneally (ip) in mice, with effective doses of 0.05–0.20 mg kg–1 injection–1, for five or three ip injections, respectively. It is also active against Gram-positive bacteria but inactive against Gram-negative bacteria. The production of korkormicin A was enhanced by 3-fold when 0.1%l-valine was added to the production culture at 48h. A titer of 401.0 g ml–1 was achieved in the fermenter culture supplemented with 0.1%l-valine.  相似文献   
Niobium is used as an alloy in the industrial and biomedical fields. The concentration of the toxic element in organs of a number of animal species has been defined by using radioactive niobium (95Nb). However, tissue lesions induced by niobium have only been studied at the light microscopy level. In this study, we used an electron probe X-ray analyzer equipped with a transmission electron microscope to define the localization of this element in kidney and bone marrow cells. Results demonstrated that niobium is located in the lysosome and that this element coprecipitates with phosphate. In kidney, lysosomes and precipitates are eliminated in the tubular lumen. In contrast, precipitates appear to be eliminated more slowly from the lysosomes of bone marrow macrophages. These processes therefore correspond to one of the mechanisms by which lysosomes eliminate certain toxic mineral elements and thus play a role in the more general process of the body's defenses.  相似文献   
Eight neurologically impaired patients underwent reconstruction of chronic perineal and ischial pressure sores utilizing an inferiorly based rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap. Other local and regional flap options had been previously used or were not feasible. In six patients, healing was uncomplicated. One patient required local debridement and flap readvancement. The second involved minor separation of a suture line and healed by secondary intention. All donor sites were closed directly and healed by primary intention. There was no evidence of hernia formation, and no functional deficit was detected from removal of the rectus muscle in any of the patients. In conclusion, it was felt that the inferiorly based rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap should be considered a reconstructive option in dealing with perineal and ischial pressure sores. Furthermore, for reasons discussed, we found distinct advantages to using this flap in spinal cord injury patients.  相似文献   
The survival of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) calves to two years of age was examined in relation to electrophoretic variation in a population on the Scottish island of Rhum. Survival was analyzed using logistic analysis in which the “phenotypic” factors birth weight, birth date, subdivision of the study area, cohort, and sex, which affect the probability of a calf's survival, were taken into account. All three polymorphic loci examined, Mpi, Idh-2, and Trf (each with two detected alleles) are significantly associated with juvenile survival. At Mpi, there is selection against one allele, f (or an allele at a linked locus), and there are indications that this effect is stronger in females than males. For Idh-2, overall, the heterozygote class survives better than the two homozygotes, which survive equally well. However, again there is a difference between the sexes; female heterozygotes survive much better than homozygotes, whereas male homozygotes survive better than heterozygotes, and the difference in survival is smaller. Furthermore, there is an interaction involving Mpi, Idh-2, and survival in which Mpif carriers that are also Idh-2 homozygotes survive very badly compared with other Mpi-Idh-2 combinations, which all survive equally well. For Trf, the heterozygote class survives best, and there is also a difference in survival between the two homozygote classes. Genotype frequencies in the adult population are consistent with the results for calf survival, in that the Mpif frequency is lower in succeeding cohorts of surviving adults, whereas no significant gene frequency change is apparent for Idh-2 or Trf.  相似文献   
The vast majority of surface molecules in such kinetoplastid protozoa as members of the genus Leishmania contain inositol and are either glycosyl inositol phospholipids or glycoproteins that are tethered to the external surface of the plasma membrane by glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors. We have shown that the biosynthetic precursor for these abundant glycolipids, myo-inositol, is translocated across the parasite plasma membrane by a specific transporter that is structurally related to mammalian facilitative glucose transporters. This myo-inositol transporter has been expressed and characterized in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Two-electrode voltage clamp experiments demonstrate that this protein is a sodium-independent electrogenic symporter that appears to utilize a proton gradient to concentrate myo-inositol within the cell. Immunolocalization experiments with a transporter-specific polyclonal antibody reveal the presence of this protein in the parasite plasma membrane.  相似文献   
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