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LSD was found to induce chromosomal aberrations in root tip cells of Allium cepa, Hordeum vulgare and Secale cereale. Aberrations occurred in the form of chromatid and isochromatid breaks with most of these breaks failing to rejoin. The distribution of chromosome breaks was not uniform over the length of chromosomes, and a majority of the breaks were localized at the centromeric regions. For a given dose of LSD (30 g/ml), onion appeared to be more susceptible than barley or rye. The diploid and tetraploid rye used in the study showed no appreciable difference in sensitivity to LSD treatment. — A preliminary study on meiotic chromosomes in LSD-treated diploid rye revealed the presence of univalents, chromosome breaks and fragments, suggesting that LSD can induce meiotic abnormalities in plant material.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy, University of Kentucky. The investigation reported in this paper (73-3-75) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director.  相似文献   
The pattern of breakage and exchange induced by X-irradiation of human lymphocytes at G1 has been analysed in PHA transformed cultures at X1 metaphase in cells treated with trypsin. All the events observed occurred in interband segments. Moreover, as far as the autosomes were concerned, these events appear to be at random in relation to trypsin interband length but give some indication of non-randomness when total chromosome length is considered. The X and Y chromosomes, on the other hand, show far fewer breaks than would be expected whichever criterion is adopted, and in particular appear to be isolated from the autosomes with respect to the occurrence of exchange events. — The analysis of specific break points in relation to trypsin banding sequences, makes it clear that conclusions regarding chromosome rearrangements based solely on conventional preparations may be misleading.  相似文献   
Dr  J. T. R. Sharrock 《Ibis》1973,115(3):479-482
Zusammenfassung Die Radikalausbeute in röntgenbestrahltem L-Leucin -HCl beträgt bei ZimmertemperaturG R=2,2. Kinetische Messungen ergaben Hinweise, daß bei Zimmertemperatur mehr als ein Radikaltyp vorliegt. Aus der Dosiseffektkurve sowie der Kinetik und thermischen Stabilität der Radikale nach höheren Bestrahlungsdosen wird geschlossen, daß ihre Stabilisierung in der Festkörpermatrix durch eine mit steigender Dosis zunehmende Anhäufung von Rekombinationsprodukten verringert wird.
ESR-studies on X-irradiated salts of leucineII. Radical yield and radical kinetics in irradiated L-Leucine · HCl
Summary The free radical yield in L-Leucine · HCl following X-irradiation at room temperature isG R=2,2. The kinetic study shows more than one radical type. From the shape of the dose-yield-curve as well as the kinetics and the annealing behaviour of the radicals after higher irradation doses we assume, that the stabilisation of the radicals by the surrounding lattice is reduced with increasing accumulation of recombination products.

1. Mitteilung: ESR-Untersuchungen zur Radikalstruktur in bestrahltem L-Leucin-HCl. Biophysik5, 14 (1968).

Herrn Prof. Dr. habil.Kh. Lohs möchten wir für die Unterstützung und Diskussion dieser Arbeit danken. Frl. G.Klein danken wit für die umsichtige und sorgfältige technische Mitarbeit.  相似文献   
Summary Mice were sampled from a line selected for increased postweaning weight gain from three to six weeks and from a randombred control line originating from the same base population. Body weights were recorded at each of 14 ages from day 5 to day 98. The Richards and logistic growth functions were fitted to the growth trajectories of each individual mouse by a generalized non-linear least squares procedure. Estimated growth parameters (asymptotic weight, rate, shape of curve, age and weight at inflection, mean absolute growth rate and mean relative growth rate) were computed for each individual. The effects of line, litter within line, sex and line × sex interactions on these estimated parameters were then studied.Both the Richards and logistic functions fitted the data equally well and the plotted trajectories coincided over most of the growth curve. There was excellent agreement between the estimates of asymptotic weight and both age and weight at inflection based on the different functions. However, both functions apparently underestimated the asymptotic weight.Analyses of the line differences showed that selection for postweaning gain increased the mean absolute growth rate over the entire curve but had no effect on the relative growth rate or the shape of the growth curve. Full-sib analyses suggested the presence of considerable genetic variation and some high genetic correlations among the estimated growth parameters.Paper number 2942 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina. This research was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant GM 11546. Computing services were supported by NIH Grant FR-00011.  相似文献   
Lateral appendages on the mesothorax of flea pupae, regarded to be wing buds by Sharif, have been found in species of the Ceratophylloidea investigated by other authors and me, but not in the Pulicidae. The appendages become basal parts of the mesepimeron which speaks against their wing character. Ecological data are given.
Über die postlarvale Entwicklung von Flöhen (Insecta, Siphonaptera), unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der sogenannten Flügelanlagen
Die Abkürzungen in der Beserchriftung der Abbildungen Anh Anhang - Bo Borste - Cut Kutikula - D Darm - F Falte - And E blindgeschlossenes Endedes Anhanges - Ga Ganglion - H kutikulare Hülle der Ausstülpung - Hy Hypodermis - Im Imago, imaginal - L Larvae, larval - Lob Lobus - M Muskel - Mes Mesepimeron - N Bauchmark - OGa Oberschundganglion - P Puppe, pupal - p Beinanlage - Per Peripodialhöhle, hier immer ihr oberer Rand - Sti Stigma - Tr Tracheen  相似文献   
The social behaviour of T. m. includes ritualized fights. Sperm transfer is achieved by means of a spermatophore deposited on the ground and by the male pulling the female over it. The behaviour and the spermatophore are described and compared to those of other arachnids and the phylogenetical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
A specimen of Ethmorhynchus anophthalmus Meixner 1938 contains a complex of supernumerary genital organs in front of the pharynx. The phenomenon elucidates some traits in the morphogenesis of the atrial organs.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen At Atrium genitale - Bu Bursa - Ci Cirrus des Kopulationsorganes - Dc Ductus communis - Ho Hoden - Ke Keimstock - Kop Kopulationsorgan - Ph Pharynx - R Rüssel - Sa Samenblase  相似文献   
Structure and growth of a keeled tooth are discussed with Paracentrotus lividus as the main example. The microscopic structure of the tooth skeletons of other sea urchins was compared, considering at least one member of each family with the exception of Saleniidae. Attention is called to the necessary revision of the system of sea urchins.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Summary Most of the literature concerned with the effects of silt and sand on the invertebrate fauna of streams and rivers has described changes taking place when biotopes are completely smothered by silt and sand. In few of these studies were the kinds of animals found recorded. There have been few studies of the effect of silt and sand on individual species. The invertebrate fauna of two biotopes in the streams and rivers of the Vaal River system, South Africa, changed with the amount of silt and sand in the watercourses. Where there were large amounts of silt and sand the variety of animals recorded from the stones in current biotopes was reduced, but the density of the fauna as a who did not change (Tables I and II, Unstable Depositing Zones, summer). However the density of many groups of animals was affected (Table III). Some of the animals adversely affected by silt and sand appeared in larger numbers below impoundments in which silt and sand would settle. In the sediment biotopes the summer density of the fauna was lowest where there was a lot of silt and sand (Table IV, the two Unstable Depositing Zones). Large amounts of silt and sand were associated with large summer declines in the surface dwelling animals as a proportion of the whole sediment fauna (Table IV). Differences between the summer proportions of surface dwelling forms in fine and coarse sediments were due to faunal differences. Sediments were not studied below impoundments.It is concluded that there may be considerable changes in the composition of the stones in current fauna due to silt and sand without the biotope being smothered, and that increases in the amount of silt and sand in river beds lead to increased instability of the sediments, which adversely affects their fauna.
Zusammenfassung Die Abhandlungen, die sich mit dem Einflu von Schlamm und Sand auf die Invertebratenfauna von Bächen und Flüssen befassen, haben meistens die Veränderungen beschrieben, die sich ergeben, wenn Biotope ganz von Schlamm und Sand erstickt werden. In wenigen dieser Forschungen werden die Arten der gefundenen Tiere eingetragen. Es gibt wenige Arbeiten über den Einflu von Schlamm und Sand auf einzelne Arten.Die Invertebraten-Fauna zweier Biotope in Bächen und Flüssen des Vaalsystems, Süd-Afrika, hat sich mit der Menge von Schlamm und Sand in den Flüssen geändert. Wo es groe Mengen von Sand und Schlamm gab, ist die Verschiedenartigkeit der Tiere von Steinen in flüssigem Biotop vermindert worden, aber die Dichte der ganzen Fauna ist dieselbe (Tabellen I und II, Unstable Depositing Zones, Summer). Jedoch die Dichte vieler Tiergruppen ist beeinträchtigt worden (Tabelle III). Einige von Schlamm und Sand ungünstig beeinflute Tiere erscheinen in gröerer Anzahl unter Einsperrungen, wo Schlamm und Sand sich niederschlagen können. In Niederschlagbiotopen ist die Sommerdichte der Fauna am niedrigsten, wo es viel Schlamm und Sand gibt (Tabelle IV, Die zwei Unstable Depositing Zones). Groe Mengen von Schlamm und Sand gehen mit groen Sommerabnahmen der oberflächlich lebenden Tiere im Verhältnis zu der ganzen Niederschlagfauna zusammen (Tabelle IV). Unterschiede zwischen den Verhältnissen oberflächlich lebender Formen in feinen und groben Niederschlägen im Sommer sind die Folge faunaler Unterschiede. Niederschläge unterhalb von Einsperrungen sind nicht untersucht worden.Es wird geschlossen, da es beträchtliche Änderungen in der Zusammenstellung der Fauna der Steine in Flüssen wegen Schlammes und Sandes geben kann, ohne da der Biotop erstickt wird, und da Steigerungen der Menge von Schlamm und Sand in Flubetten zu vermehrter Instabilität der Sedimente führt, welche ungünstig auf die Fauna einwirkt.

This work forms part of a dissertation submitted to Rhodes University Grahamstown, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.  相似文献   
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