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Summary Zonulae occludentes, gap junctions and desmosomes have been demonstrated in replicas of freeze-fractured follicular cells of normal human and rabbit thyroid glands. The zonulae occludentes between the human follicular cells are composed of two to eight strands, which completely separate the intercellular space from the follicular lumen. Four to twelve or more strands are visible between the follicular cells of the rabbit thyroid gland.In the meshes of the zonulae occludentes as well as below them, gap junctions are present. They are numerous on the fracture faces of the human follicular cell membranes, but infrequent in those of the rabbit.Aggregates of particles related to desmosomes are found in the deeper meshes of the zonulae occludentes or close to them.  相似文献   
Summary A system of parabolic and ordinary differential equations u t = a 2 u xx + F(u, v, w), v t = a 2 v xx + G(u, v, w),w x = – k(u)w is studied which has been proposed by Radach and Maier-Reimer for the dynamics of phytoplankton and nutrient in dependence of light intensity. It is shown that there is a unique solution to this system satisfying given initial and boundary conditions. The solution depends continuously on the data. For specific nonlinearities F, G, and k bounds for the solutions are given.  相似文献   
We have obtained a set ofEscherichia coli K-12 derivatives with transposon-generated Tn10 insertion mutations at thearo genes of their aromatic biosynthetic pathway. Bacteriophage NK561 (Tn10) has been used for transposon mutagenesis ofE. coli, strain BW545. Tetracycline (Tc)-resistant derivatives were screened by their Aro phenotype by growth on a minimal medium with adequate requirements. Sixaro mutant types were mapped; two strains werearoA, twoaroD, onearoB oraroE, and onearoC. A selective medium and ad-cycloserine enrichment in the presence of tetracycline were used to select for Aro, Tc-sensitive derivatives. The reversion index to aromatic-independent colonies of some derivatives was less than 2 × 10–11 per bacterium per generation. P1 transduction experiments transferred an aroA::Tn10 insertion fromE. coli BW545 to an enterotoxigenicE. coli strain from porcine origin. Derivatives of this strain beingaro, Tc-sensitive and not reverting toaro + at a detectable frequency, and many others transduced at will, may prove their usefulness as live vaccines.  相似文献   
Summary We recently described a nonradioactive method for in situ hybridization with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelled oligonucleotide probes. An antibody to BrdU and immunocytochemistry were used in order to detect the hybridization signal. We have now applied this method to semithin Epon sections, in order to hybridize consecutive sections through single cells with different probes and to stain them with antibodies to neuropeptides. It could be shown that Epon embedding preserves mRNA well. In the present study we used a BrdU labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probe complementary to a fragment of the vasopressin precursor and an antibody to Arg-vasopressin. Vasopressin mRNA was demonstrable in a fraction of the vasopressin immunoreactive neurons in the magnocellular nuclei. In addition some of the magnocellular neurons showed either hybridization or vasopressin immunostaining only, perhaps indicating different stages of synthetic and secretory activity. The method described seems to be a valuable tool for studying synthetic activity in peptidergic neurons on a single cell level. The method might also have potential for in situ hybridization on the electronmicroscopical level.  相似文献   
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthetase of yeast and hyphal-phase cells of the dimorphic fungusCandida albicans was characterized by kinetic analysis and response to inhibitors. The enzyme from yeast-phase cells has a Km of 0.17 mM for methionine, 0.14 mM for ATP, and is inhibited (in vitro) by dimethyl-sulfoxide, methionine sulfone, and methionine sulfoxide. The hyphal-phase SAM synthetase has a Km of 0.06 mM for methionine, 0.02 mM for ATP, and its activity (in vitro) is enhanced by the substances that inhibit the yeast-phase enzyme. These data strongly suggest that isozymes of SAM synthetase are present inC. albicans and that they are possibly morphology specific. In vivo studies revealed that synthesis of the enzyme is repressed by the addition of methionine to the growth medium and that specific activity of the enzyme increases when intracellular SAM levels are lowered. In addition, it was shown that the increase in specific activity seen during yeast hypha morphogenesis and in yeast cells grown in a methionine-free medium involves de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   
Antagonistic interactions are likely important driving forces of the evolutionary process underlying bacterial genome complexity and diversity. We hypothesized that the ability of evolved bacteria to escape specific components of host innate immunity, such as phagocytosis and killing by macrophages (MΦ), is a critical trait relevant in the acquisition of bacterial virulence. Here, we used a combination of experimental evolution, phenotypic characterization, genome sequencing and mathematical modeling to address how fast, and through how many adaptive steps, a commensal Escherichia coli (E. coli) acquire this virulence trait. We show that when maintained in vitro under the selective pressure of host MΦ commensal E. coli can evolve, in less than 500 generations, virulent clones that escape phagocytosis and MΦ killing in vitro, while increasing their pathogenicity in vivo, as assessed in mice. This pathoadaptive process is driven by a mechanism involving the insertion of a single transposable element into the promoter region of the E. coli yrfF gene. Moreover, transposition of the IS186 element into the promoter of Lon gene, encoding an ATP-dependent serine protease, is likely to accelerate this pathoadaptive process. Competition between clones carrying distinct beneficial mutations dominates the dynamics of the pathoadaptive process, as suggested from a mathematical model, which reproduces the observed experimental dynamics of E. coli evolution towards virulence. In conclusion, we reveal a molecular mechanism explaining how a specific component of host innate immunity can modulate microbial evolution towards pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are important therapeutic proteins. One of the challenges facing large-scale production of monoclonal antibodies is the capacity bottleneck in downstream processing, which can be circumvented by using magnetic stimuli-responsive polymer nanoparticles. In this work, stimuli-responsive magnetic particles composed of a magnetic poly(methyl methacrylate) core with a poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (P(NIPAM-co-AA)) shell cross-linked with N, N'-methylenebisacrylamide were prepared by miniemulsion polymerization. The particles were shown to have an average hydrodynamic diameter of 317 nm at 18°C, which decreased to 277 nm at 41°C due to the collapse of the thermo-responsive shell. The particles were superparamagnetic in behavior and exhibited a saturation magnetization of 12.6 emu/g. Subsequently, we evaluated the potential of these negatively charged stimuli-responsive magnetic particles in the purification of a monoclonal antibody from a diafiltered CHO cell culture supernatant by cation exchange. The adsorption of antibodies onto P(NIPAM-co-AA)-coated nanoparticles was highly selective and allowed for the recovery of approximately 94% of the mAb. Different elution strategies were employed providing highly pure mAb fractions with host cell protein (HCP) removal greater than 98%. By exploring the stimuli-responsive properties of the particles, shorter magnetic separation times were possible without significant differences in product yield and purity.  相似文献   
In unseren Untersuchungen prüften wir den Einfluß einer Saatgutbehandlung des Maises mit Imidacloprid (Gaucho) sowohl auf die Übertragung des persistenten barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) als auch auf die nichtpersistenten Potyviren maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) und sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV). Dazu wurden Freiland‐ und Gewächshausversuche sowie Experimente in einer Klimakammer angestellt. Für die Virusübertragungen nutzten wir die Blattlausarten Rhopalosiphum padi L. und weniger häufig Sitobion avenae F. Im Vergleich zu S. avenae wanderte R. padi schneller von den behandelten Pflanzen ab. In Gewächshausversuchen zeigte sich, daß das SCMV nach einer Saatgutbehandlung in deutlich geringerem Umfang übertragen wurde, wenn die Inokulation bis 3 Wochen nach dem Auslegen erfolgte. Inokulationen von älteren Pflanzen ließen keine insektizide Wirkung erkennen. Ebenso ergaben Freilandversuche keinen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen Saatgutbehandlung und Virusbefall. Im Falle des BYDV konnte bei einer Inokulation bis 9 Tage nach dem Auslegen durch einen Imidacloprid‐Einsatz eine signifikante Reduzierung der Übertragung erreicht werden. Spätere Inokulationen verliefen in der Regel negativ. Die Ergebnisse des Feldversuches 1992 bestätigten die im Gewächshaus gewonnenen Resultate. Im Freiland war die natürliche Besiedlung des Maises durch Blattläuse in den Parzellen mit behandeltem Saatgut deutlich vermindert. Hinzu kam eine zeitliche Verzögerung des Massenwechselgeschehens um ca. 2 Wochen.

Für eine abschließende Beurteilung von Imidacloprid sind weiterführende Untersuchungen sowohl zum Saugverhalten der Blattläuse als auch zu seiner Wirkung auf die Virusübertragung unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Sorten erforderlich.  相似文献   
Es wurde die Intra‐ und Interpopulationsvariation untersucht, die durch Adaptationsreaktionen der Individuen (Klone) der Gemeinen Quecke (Elytrigia repens (L.) DESV.) am Versuchsort zum Ausdruck kommt. Die Klone stammten aus Populationen verschiedener Höhenlagen vom Territorium der östlichen Bundesländer Deutschlands. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich die Populationen in der Variabilität der Enzymaktivität (saure Phosphatase, Peroxidase, Polyphenoloxidase) sowie in der Variabilität der Isoenzymmuster (Peroxidase, Esterase) unterscheiden. Die höchste Variabilität der genannten Parameter wurde für Populationen nachgewiesen, die aus einer Höhenlage von ca. 400 m ü. NN stammten. Ausgehend von 400 m ü. NN nimmt die Variabilität in Richtung größerer und niedrigerer Höhenlagen von 400 m hin ab. Die Variabilitätsunterschiede, die unter gleichen Bedingungen nachgewiesen wurden, weisen auf die Existenz eines Zusammenhanges zwischen den typischen Adaptationsreaktionen von Populationen und der Gesamtheit der Selektionsfaktoren des natürlichen Milieus hin, von dem sie stammten. Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der nachgewiesenen Variabilität und der Überlebensrate nach einer Adaptationsdauer von fünf Jahren.  相似文献   
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