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Summary Numerous mitoses were noted in testicular tissue from adult men with early germ cell tumors. More than 15 Leydig cells undergoing mitosis were found in the interstitial compartment. The presence of specific crystalline intracytoplasmatic inclusions demonstrated for the first time that differentiated Leydig cells are capable of proliferation. Occasionally cells are difficult to discriminate during mitosis. To establish reference criteria, the light- and electron-microscopic features of the following mitotic cells were examined: Leydig cells, fibroblasts, perivascular cells, peritubular cells, and lymphocytes. Supplementary mitoses in germ cell tumors and in a case of Leydig cell tumor were investigated. In the literature, only single reports of mitoses in Leydig cells are available. The frequent incidence of Leydig cell mitosis in early germ cell tumors may be due to the presence of growth-promoting factors in the testicular tissue.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution, frequency and size of neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) were studied in lungs of rabbits during different stages of development (27-day fetus, newborn, 6, 11, 21, 28 and 56 days postnatally). NEB were visualized by immunostaining with monoclonal antibody against serotonin. Detailed quantitiation of NEB was performed by use of camera lucida drawings of immunostained serial sections from the same anatomical region, i.e. the lower lobe of the left lung. The total number of NEB was counted and expressed per epithelial length of airway, surface area and volume. The size of NEB defined as surface area as well as the position of NEB in relation to the airway bifurcations was assessed in airways of different sizes. The overall number and size of NEB were found to increase during the immediate perinatal period followed by a sharp decline at 56 days of age. The number of NEB peaked at 6 days postnatally (mean 175.5 NEB/mm3 of airway epithelium) and declined significantly (3.0 NEB/mm3) at 56 days of postnatal age. The size of NEB reached its maximum at 11 days (mean surface area 659.54 m2, with the largest NEB measuring 1839.98 m2). By 56 days of age, NEB became significantly smaller (mean surface area 177.29 m2) consisting of small clusters of cells situated deep within the airway epithelium. At all ages, about half of all NEB (mean 47.6%) were localized within the small peripheral airways with up to 63.9% located at airway bifurcations. These findings indicate that the functional activity of NEB may be confined predominantly to the perinatal period. The postulated functions of NEB include those of intrapulmonary hypoxia-sensitive chemoreceptors and/or endocrine-paracrine activity in the lung. Such function(s) may be important during adaptation to extrauterine life as well as for growth and development of the lung.  相似文献   
Summary The adrenergic innervation of the pulmonary vasculature of the file snake Acrochordus granulatus was examined by use of glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence. Perivascular plexuses of blue-green fluorescent nerves are observed around the common pulmonary artery, the anterior and posterior pulmonary arteries, the arterioles leading to the gas exchange capillaries of the lung, the venules draining the lung, and the anterior and posterior pulmonary veins. Adrenergic nerves are also associated with the visceral smooth muscle of the lung septa and other tissues. Thus, adrenergic control of pulmonary blood flow may occur either at the common pulmonary artery or more regionally within the lung. Regional control of blood flow in the elongate lung of this snake may be important in matching pulmonary perfusion with the distribution of respiratory gas. Glyoxylic acid-histochemistry and immunohistochemistry revealed that populations of cells located in the common pulmonary artery contain the indoleamine 5-hydroxy-tryptamine. Many of the cells are intimately associated with varicose blue-green fluorescent nerves. It is proposed that the 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing cells may be involved in intravascular chemoreception.  相似文献   
Summary The Catecholaminergic innervation of neurons containing growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) was examined by use of a method which combined either 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OHDA) uptake or autoradiography after intraventricular injection of 3H-noradrenaline with immunocytochemistry for GRF in the same tissue sections at the electron-microscopic level. In the ventrolateral part of the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus a large number of immunonegative axon terminals were found to make synaptic contact with GRF-like immunoreactive (GRF-LI) cell bodies and processes. 3H-noradrenaline autoradiography or 5-OHDA-labeling combined with GRF immunocytochemistry revealed that axon terminals labeled with 3H-noradrenaline or 5-OHDA make synaptic contact with the GRF-LI nerve cell bodies and processes. These findings indicate that catecholamine-containing neurons innervate GRF neurons to regulate GRF secretion via synapses in the rat arcuate nucleus.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural examination of bovine mammary tissues revealed the presence of 9+0 or primary cilia protruding from surfaces of alveolar epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Cilia of epithelial cells protruded approximately 1200 nm into lumina of alveoli and arose from a basal body centriole, the associated centriole of the diplosome, and an accessory rootlet system. Cilia on epithelial cells were more frequently observed than cilia on myoepithelial cells. Occasional cilia made contact with macrophages in the alveolar lumen. The structures were more commonly found in tissues from nonlactating cows, and most were observed in the ventral portion of the mammary gland.  相似文献   
Summary Single photoreceptor cells in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica were selectively illuminated and subsequently compared electron-microscopically with the unilluminated photoreceptors in the immediate surroundings. The rhabdomeres of the illuminated cells remain largely unaffected, but the cells show an increase in the number of coated pits, various types of vesicles, and degradative organelles; some of the latter organelles are described for the first time in fly photoreceptors. Coated pits are found not only at the bases of the microvilli, but also in other parts of the plasma membrane. Degradative organelles, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria aggregate in the perinuclear region. The rough ER and smooth ER are more elaborate, the number of Golgi stacks, free ribosomes and polysomes is increased, and the shape and distribution of heterochromatin within the nuclei are altered. Illuminated photoreceptors also interdigitate extensively with their neighbouring secondary pigment cells. These structural changes in illuminated fly photoreceptor cells indicate an increase in membrane turnover and cellular metabolism. When applied to the eye, Lucifer Yellow spreads into the extracellular space and is taken up only by the illuminated photoreceptor cells. These cells show the same structural modifications as above. Horseradish peroxidase applied in the same way is observed in pinocytotic vesicles and degradative organelles of the illuminated cells. Hence, the light-induced uptake of extracellular compounds takes place in vivo at least partially as a result of an increase in pinocytosis.  相似文献   
Summary Recent studies have accomplished the establishment of a collagenous fiber-fringe matrix upon dental root surfaces in vitro. The present study was undertaken to follow the development of such a matrix in vitro and to test the possible effects of root surface treatments upon this matrix. Periodontal ligament cells, 0.1 to 0.2-mm thick dental root discs, and alveolar bone cells were derived after extraction from four partially erupted third molars and the accompanying interradicular bony septa of 1 male patient. Autologous serum was obtained by venipuncture. Cultures were initiated by delivering a 1-ml suspension of 50000 tritiated thymidine-labeled periodontal ligament cells and 50000 alveolar bone cells onto each of 42 culture sets. The following day, demineralized or non-demineralized root discs treated with autologous serum, fibronectin or complete medium were placed in pairs, separated by a 0.1–1.0 mm gap, upon the initial cell layer. Representative cultures were terminated after 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks, and processed for light- and electron microscopy, morphometric analysis and autoradiography. An outstanding feature of the early cultures (2, 3 and 4 weeks) was a patchwise, random distribution of matrix making a precise developmental study impossible, although collagen fibrils were produced within the first 2 weeks. Some 3-week cultures already demonstrated a mature fiber-fringe characterized electron-microscopically as oriented, densely packed collagen fibrils closely abutting the cementum-lined root discs. The treatments (including autologous serum) used in this study had no appreciable morphologic or morphometric effect upon the fiber-fringe formed. Because none of the cultures in the present or past studies have demonstrated a true cementoid matrix, this model may not be suitable for the in-vitro study of cementum formation.  相似文献   
Summary An immunohistochemical study was performed to determine the capacity of early fetal pituitaries to differentiate into specific hormone-synthesizing tissue in the absence of any influence from the central nervous system. Rathke's pouches from rats were removed from their juxtadiencephalic position on day 11 and 12 of gestation and maintained for 2–7 days in a chemically defined culture medium (M 199) without antibiotics and serum supplementation. The immunocytochemical observations provided evidence for the differentiation of ACTH-, TSH-gb-, LH-gb-, FSH-gb-, GH- and PRL-synthesizing cells in the isolated organ cultured from 11 to 12-day-old pituitary primordia. The appearance of specific hormone-synthesizing cells in vitro displayed a delay of 1.5–2 days compared to the day of appearance in vivo, however, the sequential order of developmental events occurred as observed in vivo. The present results suggest that endocrine or neuroendocrine signals are not required for the expression of specific secretory functions of fetal pituitaries, at least at an age of 11–12 days.  相似文献   
Summary [3H] thymidine incorporation into DNA of the parotid (PA) gland of adult and 20-day-old rats and into DNA of the pancreas (PANC) of 20-day-old rats was increased markedly following a 2-day regimen of isoproterenol (ISO) administration. However, when the submandibular-sublingual (SM-SL) glands had been removed just prior to initiation of the ISO injections, the [3H] thymidine incorporation into PA and PANC was inhibited, and cpm/mg protein of these organs was even lower than that of organs of untreated rats with SM-SL glands present. Removal of the PA glands just prior to initiation of the ISO regimen had no effect on the ISO-induced [3H] thymidine incorporation into DNA of PANC but partially inhibited that of the submandibular (SM) gland. It is suggested that the inhibitory effects on DNA and RNA synthesis that follow removal of SM-SL glands are attributable to the growth factors (epidermal growth factor and nerve growth factor) found in the rat SM gland. These factors appear to regulate normal DNA synthetic activity of exocrine glands as well as 1-adrenoceptor mediated DNA synthesis. Cellular hypertrophy induced by the ISO was less markedly affected by absence of the SM glands, but a partial inhibition of [3H] uridine incorporation into RNA of PA of adult rats also occurred when SM-SL glands were removed prior to initiation of the ISO-regimen.  相似文献   
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