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Summary The distribution of oxytocin and vasopressin in the adrenals of rat, cow, hamster and guinea pig has been studied by use of immunohistochemical techniques. In all the species studied the adrenal cortex contained both peptides; the staining in the zona glomerulosa being more intense than that in zona fasciculata or zona reticularis. The medulla, however, showed considerable species variation. In the cow, both peptides appear to be present in the adrenergic and noradrenergic cells, though staining was particularly prominent in cortical islands interspersed within the medullary tissue. In the rat, groups of medullary cells positive for both peptides were found, though it was not possible to associate these groups with particular chromaffin cell types. In the hamster oxytocin was present only in adrenaline-containing cells, whereas vasopressin was present in all medullary cells. The guinea pig medulla, which contains only adrenaline-secreting cells, was positive for both peptides. The possibilities that vasopressin and oxytocin have an autocrine or paracrine role in functioning of the adrenal gland is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary By combined enzymatic and mechanical treatment, it was possible to dissociate the sensory epithelium of developing antennae of male Antheraea polyphemus and A. pernyi silkmoths from the stage of separation of the antennal branches up to the early stages of cuticle deposition. Large numbers of entire developing trichoid sensilla were isolated. These are characterized by a large trichogen cell with a long apical, hair-forming process and a large nucleus. A cluster of 2–3 sensory neurons, enclosed by the thecogen cell, is situated in the basal region. The dendrites run past the nucleus of the trichogen cell into the apical process from which they protrude laterally. The nuclei of the tormogen and a 4th enveloping cell can be distinguished near the base of the prospective hair. After further dissociation, only the neuron clusters remain, still enclosed by their thecogen cell and often attached to the antennal branch nerve via their axons. It is finally possible to disrupt the thecogen cells and the axons, leaving the sensory neurons with inner dendritic segments and axon stumps. The majority of these neurons can be expected to be olfactory.  相似文献   
Summary The angioarchitecture of the superficial vascular hyaloid system (membrana vasculosa retinae) of the frog eye was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. The terminal vessels form a single-layered sheath intimately adjacent to the vitreal side of the avascular retina. The hyaloid system is subdivided by the ventral venous trunk into three central areas: the dorsal, the temporo-ventral, and the naso-ventral area. Toward the ora serrata, the hyaloid system is bordered by an arterial ring, and by nasal and temporal venous branches forming more or less complete hemicircles. A vascular zone composed of several tongue-like sectors establishes an inter-connection between the peripheral vascular rings and the central areas of the fundus. The arterial blood is supplied from the arterial ring. The drainage of the hyaloid system is provided via two routes: (1) the Y-shaped ventral trunk collects blood from the central areas, (2) the two peripheral venous branches drain the tongue-like sectors. The vessels within the dorsal area follow preferentially a dorso-ventral meridional direction. This densely capillarized territory corresponds in localization to the area centralis retinae. The ultrastructure of microvessels of the hyaloid system is characterized by features typical for capillaries of the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of angiotensin infusion on the glomerular ultrastructure of freshwater- and seawater-adapted rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, has been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Adaptation of trout to seawater resulted in epithelial podocyte flattening, primary process broadening and apparent loss of foot processes in almost all glomeruli, features which were uncommon in freshwater-adapted trout. Similar changes were induced by infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin, suggesting that the renin-angiotensin system plays a role in the modification of glomerular epithelial ultrastructure. Adaptation of trout to seawater also reduced glomerular diameter, but infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin did not mirror this effect. Infusion of angiotensin into seawater-adapted animals increased the overall thickness of glomerular basement membrane by increasing the lamina rara interna and lamina densa. This did not occur when freshwater-adapted fish were either infused with angiotensin or adapted to seawater. These findings suggest that other humoral systems are involved in the control of glomerular diameter and basement membrane thickness as part of an integrated response to increased environmental salinity.  相似文献   
Summary To elucidate the participation of fetal rat liver cells in the receptor-mediated internalization of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), rat fetuses were injected with either LDL-gold or albumin-gold conjugates. The degree of binding and uptake of LDL-gold and albumin-gold by parenchymal and sinusoidal cells of the fetal rat liver differs markedly. Endothelial cells exhibit low LDL-gold uptake. In contrast, parenchymal cells internalize LDL-gold more actively (45 ± 8 LDL conjugates/100 m2 cytoplasm within 60 min). Kupffer cells exceed this value by a factor of 20. The uptake of albumin-gold by endothelial and Kupffer cells is high, whereas it is extremely low in parenchymal cells. Estradiol pretreatment causes a significant doubling (p<0.05) of the LDL-gold particle density/100 m2 cytoplasm both in parenchymal and Kupffer cells, whereas estradiol has no effect on the albumin uptake. The results strongly indicate that LDL uptake by parenchymal and Kupffer cells in the fetal rat liver is mediated by estrogen-inducible receptors, which may correspond to B, E receptors in the adult liver.  相似文献   
Summary Rats were given a lithium-containing diet (40 mmol/kg) to Study the effect of lithium on the structure of collecting ducts from the inner stripe of the outer medulla. The results show that there is a significant increase in the volume density of collecting ducts already after one week on this diet. The volume density of both intercalated and principal cells increases, whereas the volume density of mitochondria in the cytoplasm increases in the intercalated cells only. The increased volume of both principal and intercalated cells seems to be part of a general hyperplasia and hyperactivity of the collecting duct, which may in some way be related to the effects of lithium on vasopressinmediated water transport. The specific changes in the intercalated cells may be a consequence of the effects of lithium on distal nephron potassium and hydrogen ion transport in the distal nephron.  相似文献   
Summary Two different aspects of tritiated thymidine (3H-Tdr) reutilisation in skeletal muscle were examined. Injection of a high dose (7 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr into mice prior to crush injury of skeletal muscle resulted in heavy labelling (grain counts) of myotube nuclei 9 d later. In contrast, myotube nuclei were essentially unlabelled when a low dose (1 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr was injected at similar times with respect to injury. It was concluded that labelling seen after the high dose was due to reutilisation of 3H-Tdr. (Such 3H-Tdr reutilisation can account for the results of Sloper et al. (1970) which previously supported the concept of a circulating muscle precursor cell.) When replicating muscle precursors were labelled directly with 3H-Tdr 48 h after injury, the percentages of labelled myotube nuclei and the distribution of nuclear grain counts were similar with either high or low dose.We also investigated whether the light labelling seen in regenerated myotube nuclei after 9 d, when 3H-Tdr had been injected before the onset of myogenesis (as found by McGeachie and Grounds 1987), was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation or, alternatively, to proliferation of local cells in the wound which subsequently gave rise to muscle precursors. Labelling of myotube nuclei was compared in mice injected with 3H-Tdr either 2 h before, or 2 h after injury. In another experiment, mice were injected 12 h after injury and lesions sampled 1, 12 or 36 h later, to see whether local cells were replicating 12 h after injury, and what labelled cells subsequently entered to wound. No difference was found in myotube labelling between mice injected before or after injury, and no cells replicating locally in the wound at 12 h after injury were observed. The results clearly show that the light labelling was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation.  相似文献   
Summary The morphological substrate of putative serotonin (5-HT)/neuropeptide Y (NPY) interactions in thé suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) was investigated by combined radioautography and immunocytochemistry after intraventricular administration of (3H)5-HT in the rat. In the ventral portion of the SCN, the distribution of (3H)5-HT uptake sites overlapped closely the NPY-immunoreactive terminals. Previous investigations have shown that the dense 5-HT and NPY innervations of the SCN originate in different structures, i.e., the midbrain raphe nuclei and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, respectively. Accordingly, in the present study, destruction of 5-HT afferents by 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine was not found to induce any modification in NPY staining and, in ultrastructural immuno-radioautographic preparations, two distinct pools of axonal varicosities could be identified. Both 5-HT and NPY terminals established morphologically defined synaptic junctions, sometimes on the same neuronal target. Some cases of direct axo-axonic appositions between the two types of terminals were also encountered. These data constitute additional criteria for characterizing the cytological basis of the multiple transmitter interactions presumably involved in the function of the SCN as a central regulator of circadian biological rhythms.  相似文献   
Summary The innervation of the arteriovenous anastomoses in the dog tongue has been investigated. At the lightmicroscopic level, the vessels were found to be densely supplied with adrenergic and AChE-positive nerve plexuses and less densely with the quinacrine-binding nerve plexus. At the electron-microscopic level, at least two apparently different types of axon profiles were identified: 1) Small vesicle-containing axons, characterized by many small granular vesicles, variable numbers of small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles. Storage of endogenous amines and uptake of exogenous amines into most small granular vesicles and many large granular vesicles was demonstrated. These axons stained only lightly with reaction products for AChE activity and thus seemed to be adrenergic in nature. Some axons contained numerous large granular vesicles, whose cores occasionally stained with uranyl ions; this suggests a co-localization of ATP or peptides as neurotransmitters. 2) Small granular vesicle-free axons, containing small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles in variable ratio. Most cores of these large granular vesicles were heavily stained with uranyl ions. No storage or uptake of amine into the synaptic vesicles was detected. Some axons appeared to be typically cholinergic, some, typically non-adrenergic, noncholinergic, and the rest, intermediate between the two. All axons stained heavily with reaction products for AChE activity, suggesting their cholinergic nature.  相似文献   
A total of 34 isolates ofListeria monocytogenes were tested against ampicillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, and penicillin-G using the Autobac 3-h AIS and the Autobac 5-h MIC procedures. The results were compared to susceptibility category interpretations and MICs determined using the Sceptor system. With the Sceptor System, all isolates were interpreted to be moderately susceptible to ampicillin and penicillin-G, and susceptible to the four other antibiotics. With the Autobac AIS, all isolates were interpreted to be susceptible to all the antibiotics except penicillin-G. All but one of the 34 isolates were interpreted to be resistant to penicillin-G with the Autobac AIS test. The remaining isolate was interpreted to be indeterminant. The Autobac AIS test was unsatisfactory for determining the susceptibility ofL. monocytogenes isolates to penicillin-G. The Autobac MIC results correlated well with the MIC results of the Sceptor system provided that the Autobac was programmed as though it were testing enterococci. The Autobac MIC reported penicillin-G MICs in units per milliliter and required the use of a conversion factor to obtain micrograms per milliliter, and did not allow for the testing of erythromycin. The Autobac MIC susceptibility category interpretations must not be used, as they were derived from an outdated susceptibility standard. The Autobac MIC test may be used if the limitations given above are observed.  相似文献   
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