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Drying of seeds, when imposed prematurely, elicits a switch in metabolism; events unique to development, such as synthesis of storage protein, are terminated, whereas syntheses associated with germination and growth are initiated. To determine the role of desiccation in down-regulating the expression of genes for storage proteins, the desiccation responsiveness of the 5[prime] and 3[prime] regulatory regions of the genes encoding the pea storage protein vicilin and the Brassica napus storage protein napin was tested in transgenic tobacco seed. Chimeric genes were introduced into tobacco; these genes consisted of the coding region of the reporter gene for [beta]-glucuronidase (GUS) and 5[prime] and/or 3[prime] regions from the vicilin or napin genes or, as controls, the same regions derived from constitutively expressed genes, presumed to be desiccation insensitive. In transgenic seed expressing the gene constructs containing the vicilin or napin promoters, GUS activities declined during late seed development, and more dramatically, after imbibition of mature dry seed or prematurely dried seed. In contrast, GUS activities increased after seed rehydration when the constitutive viral promoter replaced the storage-protein gene 5[prime] region. Transient expression assays support the hypothesis that premature drying down-regulates the expression of the storage-protein gene promoter. Following desiccation, this region may become insensitive to positive controlling factors; alternatively, changes to trans-acting factors may occur.  相似文献   
During February 1979 to December 1983, 831 infertile couples were treated by in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer. The problems they faced included deciding on the number of oocytes to be collected at laparoscopy, the numbers to be donated or fertilised, the numbers of embryos to be transferred and frozen, and whether abnormal embryos should be used for research or discarded. The 831 patients received a total of 1530 treatment cycles. Of the 763 patients for whom complete data were available, 136 (17.8%) became pregnant. The rate of pregnancy, however, increased dramatically from 7.4% when only one embryo was transferred to 21.1% and 28.1% when two and three embryos were transferred, respectively. The chance of multiple pregnancy also increased with the number of embryos transferred, but the risk (2% for twins) was far outweighed by the relatively poor result after transferring a single embryo. Out of 40 embryos freeze-thawed, 23 survived thawing and were transferred; of these, 4 (17%) resulted in pregnancy. Thirty four transfers of donor oocyte embryos also resulted in four pregnancies (12%), but two of these ended in abortion. Neither microscopy nor any other available test can determine the potential of an oocyte to result in pregnancy, so that discarding oocytes that may look abnormal simply reduces the chances of conception--both for the patient and for any prospective recipient of donor oocyte embryos. In any case, abnormal embryos tend to die when growth is allowed to continue in vitro. Probably all oocytes harvested from a patient should be inseminated and the utilisation of the embryos decided once the number developed is known.  相似文献   
Deuterium NMR investigation of polymorphism in stratum corneum lipids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intercellular lipid lamellae of stratum corneum constitute the major barrier to percutaneous penetration. Deuterium magnetic resonance and freeze-fracture electron microscopic investigation of hydrated lipid mixtures consisting of ceramides, cholesterol, palmitic acid and cholesteryl sulfate and approximating the stratum corneum intercellular lipid composition, revealed thermally induced polymorphism. The transition temperature of bilayer to hexagonal transition decreased as the ratio of cholesterol to ceramides in these mixtures was lowered. Lipid mixtures in which the stratum corneum ceramides were replaced by synthetic dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine did not show any polymorphism throughout the temperature range used in the present study. The ability of the ceramide-containing samples to form hexagonal structures establishes a plausible mechanism for the assembly of the stratum corneum intercellular lamellae during the final stages of epidermal differentiation. Also, the bilayer to hexagonal phase transition of these nonpolar lipid mixtures could be used to enhance the penetration of drugs through skin.  相似文献   
The recently published model of the structure of bacteriorhodopsin (bR), developed by fitting the peptide chain to a high-resolution, three-dimensional density map, rules out the existence of transmembrane beta-sheet and provides an accurate estimate of the helix content. The precise geometry of the dihedral angles in the helical regions of the polypeptide cannot yet be specified from the diffraction data, however. Published data on the circular dichroism (CD) spectrum between 190 and 240 nm, and the infrared (IR) spectrum in the amide I band suggest that the helical conformation in bR may be, for the most part, a rather unusual one. The precise structural model, which specifies the number of residues in transmembrane helices, can now be used as an additional constraint in seeking models of the helical conformation that are in quantitative agreement with the CD and IR spectroscopic data. Further spectroscopic measurements can also be used to determine whether there are changes in the unusual dihedral-angle conformation within the helices during the photocycle.  相似文献   
The Dufour's gland of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,is a source of the cues used by dominant females to recognize the eggs laid by subordinates or nonnestmates on pre (worker)-emergence nests. When dominant wasps were presented with an egg covered with either (1) the Dufour's gland extract of a subordinate cofoundress, (2) the extract of an egg from the same subordinate, or (3) the solvent alone, the dominant female destroyed and replaced the eggs covered with the Dufour's extract significantly more frequently than the other eggs. Eggs with the extract of a nonnestmate's Dufour's gland were also eaten significantly more frequently than those with the solvent. Given similar choices, subordinates did not destroy any eggs. The Dufour's gland appears to have little or no role in communicating dominance directly among aggressively interacting cofoundresses.  相似文献   
Summary A new method is described for the histochemical localization of acid phosphatase. Naphthol AS BI, enzymatically released from naphthyl AS BI phosphoric acid, is coupled with diazotized 2,5-dibromoaniline to produce a fine insoluble red azo dye. The histochemical and cytochemical localization of this final reaction product in rat liver is described. In the electron microscope, sites of the azo dye can be detected by X-ray microanalysis of ultrathin cryosections of reactive tissue.This research was supported by Scientific Research Council Grant No. B/RG/67527  相似文献   
The results of four experiments are presented in summary form. The data are considered in relationship to the improvement of the fecundity and fertility of the Australian ewe breeding flock. In the first, three commonly used methods of oestrous synchronization were examined and showed differences that are attributed to the different patterns of hormonal changes associated with the methods demonstrated. The second experiment looked at the use of active immunization against testosterone and concluded that this method can improve fecundity but not fertility. The third experiment, a group of five trials, studied the use of progestagen sponges and PMSG in anoestrous ewes as a means of inducing normal fertility. The extensive data produced in this experiment allowed the relationships between ovulation rate and fertility and between fertility and prolificacy (fecundity) to be examined. Fertility appeared greatest when the mean flock ovulation rate was about 2.5. At this ovulation rate prolificacy was also improved and a high proportion of twins were produced. We concluded that high fertility and low prolificacy (i.e. of 1.00) are an unlikely combination. In the final experiment the effect of post-mating hormonal supplementation on fertility was examined and a number of earlier reports were confirmed by showing that fertility can be improved with supplementary progesterone between days 10 and 25 post-mating. The effect appears to be modified by hormonal and nutritional factors.  相似文献   
Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) use magnetosomes, membrane-bound crystals of magnetite or greigite, for navigation along geomagnetic fields. In Magnetospirillum magneticum sp. AMB-1, and other MTB, a magnetosome gene island (MAI) is essential for every step of magnetosome formation. An 8-gene region of the MAI encodes several factors implicated in control of crystal size and morphology in previous genetic and proteomic studies. We show that these factors play a minor role in magnetite biomineralization in vivo. In contrast, MmsF, a previously uncharacterized magnetosome membrane protein encoded within the same region plays a dominant role in defining crystal size and morphology and is sufficient for restoring magnetite synthesis in the absence of the other major biomineralization candidates. In addition, we show that the 18 genes of the mamAB gene cluster of the MAI are sufficient for the formation of an immature magnetosome organelle. Addition of MmsF to these 18 genes leads to a significant enhancement of magnetite biomineralization and an increase in the cellular magnetic response. These results define a new biomineralization protein and lay down the foundation for the design of autonomous gene cassettes for the transfer of the magnetic phenotype in other bacteria.  相似文献   
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