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In addition to activated T cells, the immune checkpoint inhibitor “V domain-containing Ig suppressor of T-cell activation” (VISTA) is expressed by myeloid cell types, including macrophages and neutrophils. The importance of VISTA expression by myeloid cells to antibody-induced arthritis and its potential for relevance in human disease was evaluated.


VISTA was immunolocalized in normal and arthritic human synovial tissue sections and synovial tissue lysates were subjected to western blot analysis. The collagen antibody-induced arthritis model (CAIA) was performed with DBA/1 J mice treated with antibodies against VISTA and with VISTA-deficient mice (V-KO). Total mRNA from arthritic joints, spleens, and cultured macrophages was analyzed with NanoString arrays. Cytokines secreted by splenic inflammatory macrophages were determined. In-vitro chemotaxis and signal transduction assays were performed with cultured macrophages.


VISTA protein was localized to synovial membrane cells, neutrophils, and scattered cells in lymphocyte-rich foci and was detected by western blot analysis in normal synovium and synovium from rheumatoid arthritis patients. Deficiency of VISTA or treatment of mice with anti-VISTA monoclonal antibodies attenuated CAIA. Joint damage and MMP-3 expression were significantly reduced in V-KO mice. Surface expression of C5a receptor was reduced on monocytes, neutrophils, and cultured macrophages from V-KO. Upon Fc receptor engagement in vitro, gene expression by V-KO macrophages was altered profoundly compared to WT, including a significant induction of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL1rn).


VISTA expression supports immune-complex inflammation in CAIA and VISTA is expressed in human synovium. VISTA supports optimal responses to C5a and modulates macrophage responses to immune complexes.
Familial colorectal cancer (CRC) is noted in about 15% of incident CRC cases, and at times is hallmarked by an age at diagnosis less than 50 years. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) account for about 40% of familial cases. Thus, the majority of familial and early-onset CRC remain genetically elusive. Similarly, the majority of familial and early onset endometrial cancer (EC), the most prevalent extracolonic tumor in HNPCC, are genetically undefined. An attractive candidate is the hMSH6 gene. Israeli patients with early onset (age under 50 years) (n = 44) and familial nonsyndromic (n = 23) CRC, and women with familial clustering of EC or CRC (n = 12), and those diagnosed with EC at, or under, the age of 50 years (n = 5) were genotyped for germ-line mutations within the hMSH6 gene. Exon-specific PCR was followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, complemented by DNA sequencing of abnormally migrating fragments. No patients displayed a truncating mutation, and 1 CRC patient harbored a novel missense mutation (V878A). In addition, 6 previously described polymorphisms were detected. In conclusion, mutations in the hMSH6 gene occur uncommonly in Israeli patients with familial and early-onset CRC and EC.  相似文献   
The puhrinule of the terminal leaflet in the trifoliate leafof bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) responds to its continuous exposureto directional overhead light by increasing the elevation ofits attached lamina. Blue light drives this response, but theeffectiveness of unfiltered white light equalled, or exceededthe effectiveness of blue light at equivalent irradiances (200–800µmol m–2 s–1). Adding red light to blue lightenhanced the initial rate of response, and increased its steady-state.These effects of red light increased with irradiance. Adding200–800 µmol m–2 s–1 red light to 50µmol m–2 s–1 blue light was more effectivein enhancing the initial rate of response than adding blue lightat equivalent irradiances, whereas added blue light was moreeffective in increasing the steady-state. In continuous bluelight the initial (maximal) angular velocity of laminar reorientation,as well as the eventual steady-state of the response increasedlinearly with log PFD (up to 800 µmol m–2s–2).Laminar reorientation also took place in continuous red lightby itself, and the angular velocity of the response was initiallyhigh, then became considerably slower. The initial phase wasapparently independent of irradiance up to PFD 100 µmolm–2 s–1 but increased progressively with log PFDat higher irradiances. During the second phase, the rate increasedlinearly with irradiance, becoming saturated at PFD 200 µmolm–2 s–1. Key words: Phaseolus, phototropism, pulvinule, spectral dependence, trifoliate leaf movements  相似文献   
Studies of biotic homogenization have focused primarily on characterizing changes that have occurred between some past baseline and the present day. In order to understand how homogenization may change in the future, it is important to contextualize the processes driving these changes. Here, we examine empirical patterns of change in taxonomic similarity among oceanic island plant and bird assemblages. We use these empirical cases to unpack dynamic properties of biotic homogenization, thereby elucidating two important factors that have received little attention: 1) initial similarity and 2) the influence of six classes of introduction and extinction events. We use Jaccard's Index to explore the interplay among these factors in determining the changes in similarity that have occurred between human settlement and the present. Specifically, we develop general formulas for changes in similarity resulting from each of the six types of introductions and extinctions, so that the effect of each event type is formulated in terms of initial similarity and species richness. We then apply these insights to project how similarity levels would change in the future if the present patterns of introductions and extinctions continue. We show that the six event types, along with initial similarity, can show dramatically different behavior in different systems, leading to widely variable influences on similarity. Plant and bird biotas have homogenized only slightly to date, but their trajectories of change are highly divergent. Although existing patterns of colonization and extinction might not continue unchanged, if they were to do so then plant assemblages would show little additional change, whereas bird assemblages would become much more strongly homogenized. Our results suggest that moderate changes in similarity observed to date mask the potential for more dramatic changes in the future, and that the interaction among initial similarity and differential introduction and extinction regimes drives these dynamics.  相似文献   
Aim Climate and land‐use change will have a dramatic impact on future ecosystems through alterations to species ranges and community composition. When forming conservation strategies, correlative species distribution models are often created to assess risks for individual species. These models are based on the assumption of climatic equilibrium, such that the modern range is representative of the full range of conditions under which species could thrive. However, the palaeo‐ecological record illustrates examples of disequilibrium in species today, and recent studies suggest that many species could occur in much broader climatic settings than previously thought. Montane ecosystems are thought to be at disproportionate risk due to temperature sensitivity and restricted geographical ranges. However, in the Afrotropics the palaeo‐ecological record shows that montane forest taxa expanded into the lowlands numerous times, suggesting a possible tolerance to warm temperatures. Location Africa. Methods We integrate palaeo‐ecological and palaeo‐climatic data in order to compare climate conditions in which species are currently found with those in the past. We use species distribution models to construct potential modern ranges for Afromontane species based on modern distributions and distributions in the palaeo‐ecological record in order to evaluate the equilibrium of species ranges. Results We show that many Afromontane trees have occupied warmer climates in the past, which suggests that the current low‐elevation boundaries are not set by climate. Interestingly, the species with the largest disequilibrium between palaeo‐ and modern distributions are those whose modern distributions show the least temperature sensitivity. Mapping of species potential ranges based on modern and palaeo‐ distributions clearly shows that suitable climate conditions exist today in the lowlands for less temperature‐sensitive species. Main conclusions These results imply that the current range of these forest trees does not necessarily inform risk from climatic change, and that human land use may be the major pressure for many species in the future.  相似文献   
以含有P19和cyt1A基因的以色列亚种72MD质粒的9 7kb HindⅢ片段为模板进行PCR扩增,分别获得P19基因和cyt1A基因片段。与表达 载体pUHE24连接转化大肠杆菌XL1,获得3个克隆株。LZ19含有P19基因;pLZcyt1A含 有cyt1A基因;LZ19A含有P19和cyt1A两个基因。利用cyt1A蛋白质可使大肠杆菌细胞致 死的特性,在IPTG诱导下,测定了各克隆基因表达对大肠杆菌有致死作用;pLZ19A对大肠杆菌的起始致死作用明显快于pLZcyt1A,这种现象可能是P19基因促进cyt1A基因高表达的结果。  相似文献   
Innate immunity plays a pivotal role in obesity-induced low-grade inflammation originating from adipose tissue. Key receptors of the innate immune system including Toll-like receptors-2 and -4 (TLRs) are triggered by nutrient excess to promote inflammation. The role of other TLRs in this process is largely unknown. In addition to double-stranded viral mRNA, TLR-3 can also recognize mRNA from dying endogenous cells, a process that is frequently observed within obese adipose tissue. Here, we identified profound expression of TLR-3 in adipocytes and investigated its role during diet-induced obesity. Human adipose tissue biopsies (n=80) and an adipocyte cell-line were used to study TLR-3 expression and function. TLR-3-/- and WT animals were exposed to a high-fat diet (HFD) for 16 weeks to induce obesity. Expression of TLR-3 was significantly higher in human adipocytes compared to the non-adipocyte cells part of the adipose tissue. In vitro, TLR-3 expression was induced during differentiation of adipocytes and stimulation of the receptor led to elevated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In vivo, TLR-3 deficiency did not significantly influence HFD-induced obesity, insulin sensitivity or inflammation. In humans, TLR-3 expression in adipose tissue did not correlate with BMI or insulin sensitivity (HOMA-IR). Together, our results demonstrate that TLR-3 is highly expressed in adipocytes and functionally active. However, TLR-3 appears to play a redundant role in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance.  相似文献   
Oxidative modifications of LDL are involved in atherogenesis. Previously we have developed a simple assay to evaluate the susceptibility of lipids to copper-induced peroxidation in the relatively natural milieu of unfractionated serum in the presence of excess citrate. Based on our previous results we have proposed that the inducer of peroxidation in our optimized assay is a copper-citrate complex. Recent investigations indicate that under certain conditions a copper-albumin complex may induce peroxidation of ascorbate. Two different complexes may be formed in albumin-containing systems (e.g. serum) namely 1:1 and 2:1 copper-albumin complexes. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the possibility that at least one of these complexes may be responsible for the induction of peroxidation of lipids in lipidic systems containing copper and albumin, including our optimized assay. Towards this end, we have investigated the dependence of copper-induced peroxidation on the concentration of added albumin in lipidic systems in the absence and presence of citrate. In all the systems investigated in this study (PLPC liposomes, LDL, HDL and mixtures of HDL and LDL) we found that at low concentrations of free copper (e.g. in the presence of excess citrate) the 2:1 copper-albumin complex is redox-active and that this complex is the major contributor to the initiation of lipid peroxidation in these systems and in our optimized assay. The possible relevance of the induction of peroxidation in vivo by the latter complex has yet to be studied. *This work was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree of Dorit Samocha-Bonet, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.  相似文献   
Kinetic studies of copper-induced LDL peroxidation commonly assume that the availability of molecular oxygen in the reaction media is not a limiting factor. The present study reveals that this assumption is valid only at low LDL concentrations. At high LDL concentrations, accumulation of oxidation products, as monitored spectroscopically under conditions of various oxygen concentrations in the medium, comes to a halt when the oxygen concentration in the solution, as measured by an oxygen electrode, decreases to near zero levels. Bubbling of the oxygen into the solution results in resumption of peroxidation. These results are important with respect to the ex vivo assaying of lipoprotein peroxidation because many previous studies have been conducted with LDL concentrations that corresponded to polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in access of the concentration of molecular oxygen. The possible pathophysiological significance of the results of this study has yet to be evaluated.  相似文献   
Human internal mammary arteries (IMA) are relatively protected from atherosclerosis. Estrogen plays a protective role in cardiovascular disease. It causes in vitro and in vivo vasodilatation, but the mechanisms are contradictory. To investigate the in vitro vasomotor effect of estrogen on IMA and the role of endothelium, we studied 30 IMA segments harvested from 10 men during coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Patients with diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and smoking were excluded. Twenty IMA rings had intact endothelium ((+)Endo) and 10 rings were denuded of endothelium ((-)Endo). Vasomotor response of each ring was expressed as the percentage of maximal response to norepinephrine (NE). Acetylcholine (10(-8)-10(-5) M) given to (+)Endo and (-)Endo rings induced vasorelaxation of 72 +/- 30.4% and vasoconstriction of 48.5 +/- 20.1%, respectively. 17-Beta-estradiol (10(-8)-10(-5) M) given after maximal precontraction with NE induced marked relaxation in (+)Endo (80.9 +/- 39.2%), but no significant vasomotor effect in (-)Endo rings (P < 0.0001). Vasorelaxation to 17-beta-estradiol (10(-6) M) in (+)Endo rings was 64.5 +/- 18.4 and 8.6 +/- 8.4%, before and after 15-min treatment with nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-nitroarginine methyl ester, respectively (n = 14, P < 0.0001). Tamoxifen (10(-6) M) decreased 17-beta-estradiol (10(-7) M)-induced relaxation by 71%. In conclusion, 17-beta-estradiol induces endothelium-dependent NO-mediated vasodilation of human mammary arteries in vitro. This response is mediated through estrogen receptors.  相似文献   
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