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Three cases of xylene poisoning occurred after prolonged inhalation of paint fumes. Analysis showed that xylene comprised more than 90% of the solvent in the paint, the total solvent comprising 34% of the paint by weight. One patient was dead on admission, while the other two recovered after at least 15 hours'' loss of consciousness. Both patients had transient liver cell damage, and one temporary impairment of renal function.  相似文献   
The amount of sodium ion in water used for ingestion may be critical in effective use of a low sodium dietary regimen. Waters containing not over 20 mg of sodium per liter are provided for in the sodium restricted diets set forth by the American Heart Association. For diets containing more than 500 mg of sodium a day, waters of greater sodium content may be used if proper dietary adjustments are made.While assessment of the long-term average sodium content of a community water supply is difficult, the determined values for sodium lend to classification within range categories. The larger community water supplies in California are presented within several range categories of sodium content.The more commonly used water softeners add sodium to water. The sodium-restricted patient should be cautioned against their use. Similar consideration should probably be given to water supplies of retirement communities where the potential for disorders requiring sodium restriction is greater than in the general population.  相似文献   
Space biomagnetics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Astronauts who venture from their spacecraft onto the lunar surface and the surfaces of our neighboring planets will be exposed for a few hours in duration to magnetic-field intensities which are markedly less than that of the earth's field. The intensities of magnetic fields to which they will be exposed while inside their spacecraft can be stated only after completing a detailed survey of the contribution made to these fields by the functioning electronic components of spacecraft. Assessment of individuals regularly working in and exposed continuously for 10 days to magnetic fields less than 100 gammas in intensity indicate that extremely low-intensity magnetic fields encountered during a nominal Apollo moon mission should not affect astronaut health or performance. Careful physiological and psychological observations first on higher primates, then on man exposed to such fields for more prolonged periods of time must be carried out before this conclusion can be drawn for longer exposures.Recent technological advances in propulsion and radiation protection have made it possible that astronauts might also be exposed intermittently to high-intensity, relatively low-gradient magnetic fields during space missions. The duration of such exposures could range from less than an hour if an activated magnetohydrodynamic engine must be serviced, to several days if pure magnetic or plasma-radiation shielding is used for astronaut protection from solar flare radiation. From past experience with personnel who enter high-intensity magnetic fields for brief periods of time in their work, magnetic-field exposures while servicing magnetohydrodynamic engines should not be hazardous to astronauts. On the other hand, past exposures of man and sub-human systems to high-intensity magnetic fields do not indicate whether or not astronauts who are exposed for up to several days to currently estimated magnetic-field intensities associated with pure magnetic or plasma-radiation shielding could suffer impairment of their health or performance. This answer can be obtained only by carefully conducted experiments which closely simulate such exposures, and look closely for physiological, psychological and pathological changes, especially in exposed higher primates, before assessing the response of man to such exposures.Magnetic force is animate or imitates life; and in many things surpasses human life, while this is bound up in the organick body.Prepared under Contract NASr-115 at The Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Albuquerque, N.M., U.S.A.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between serum osmotic changes, water intake and water balance in four, fit young men during and after exercise in the heat, before and after artificial heat acclimatization. During exercise, before steady-state conditions were reached, voluntary water intakes generally paralleled but were not proportional to the serum osmotic pressure. In steady-state conditions, drinking was approximately proportional to the effective osmotic pressure of the serum. During the post-exercise recovery period, when serum osmolarity returned to normal levels, water intake also subsided even though there was a total body water (wt) deficit of about 3%. Body weight did not return to control levels until 62 to 86 hr following the exercise. This slow recovery could not be accounted for by a loss of water associated with glycogen utilization during exercise or by sweat electrolyte depletion. In general, the results supported Dill's hypothesis but plasma volume changes, in addition to osmotic factors,are very likely operative in the initiation and satiation of drinking under these conditions. Perhaps slower acting volume control mechanisms mediate the slow recovery of total body water.
Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde die Beziehung zwischen osmotischen Veränderungen im Serum, Wasseraufnahme und Wassergleichgewicht bei 4 gesunden,jungen Männern während und nach körperlicher Arbeit in der Hitze vor und nach künstlicher Hitzeakklimatisation. Die freiwillige Wasseraufnahme während der Arbeit, ehe ein steady state erreicht wurde, war im allgemeinen gleichlaufend, aber nicht proportional dem osmotischen Serumdruck. Im steady state war die Trinkmenge ungefähr proportional dem effektiven osmotischen Serumdruck. Wenn die Serumosmolarität während der Erholungsphase zur normalen Werten zurückkehrte, liess die Wasseraufnahme ebenfalls nach,obwohl das Gesamtkörperwasserdefizit ungefähr 3% betrug.Die Körpergewichte erreichten die Ausgangswerte 62–86 Std nach der Arbeit. Diese langsame Erholung war nicht bedingt durch einen Wasserverlust dur Glykogenverwertung während der Arbeit oder durch Elektrolytverluste beim Schwitzen. Die Ergebnisse stützen Dill's Hypothese, doch unter diesen Bedingungen wirken Plasmavolumen-Veränderungen zusätzlich zu osmotischen Faktoren sehr wahrscheinlich mit bei der Auslösung des Trinkens und der Sättiging mit Wasser. Vielleicht vermitteln langsamer wirkende Volumenkontrollmechanismen die langsame Wiederherstellung der Gesamtkörper-Wasservorräte.

Resume On a examiné les relations existant chez 4 jeunes hommes sains entre les variations de la pression osmotiques du sérum d'une part,l'ingestion d'eau et l'équilibre acqueux du corps d'autre part et cela pendant et après un travail corporel à la chaleur tant avant qu'après une acclimatisation artificielle au chaud.L'ingestion volontaire d'eau évolue similairement à la pression osmotique du sérum, mais ne lui est pas proportionnel. Ce phénomène s'observe jusqu'à ce qu'un état dit stationnaire soit atteint. Dès ce moment, les quantités bues sont à peu près proportionnelles à la pression osmotique effective. Pendant la phase de récupération, la pression osmotique redevient normale et l'eau ingérée diminue bien que le déficit en eau pour le corps entier soit encore de 3% environ.Le poids du corps ne retrouve sa valeur initiale que 62 à 86 heures après la période de travail. Ce lent rétablissement n'est pas dû à des pertes d'eau par suite de l'utilisation de glycogènes pendant l'exercice ou par suite de la perte d'électrolytes par la sueur. Ces résultats viennent confirmer les hypothèses de Dill. Pourtant, dans ces conditions, les variations de volume du plasma agissent très vraisemblablement en plus des facteurs osmotiques dans le besoin de boire ou l'état de satiété. Il est possible que des mécanismes de contrôle du volume agissant plus lentement président aux phénomènes de rétablissement des réserves en eau dans son ensemble.

Results were presented in part at the "Symposium on Nutrition and Physical Activity", The Swedish Nutrition Foundation, Tylösand, Sweden, 15–17 August,1966.  相似文献   
Mitochondria isolated from preclimacteric avocado fruit oxidize pyruvate at a much lower rate than those separated from climacteric fruit. The external addition of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) increased the rate of pyruvate oxidation in both cases.The study of the influence of TPP on the rate of oxidation of malate by mitochondria obtained from both preclimacteric and climacteric fruit indicated that the effect of this cofactor could be understood by assuming that malate was converted to pyruvate. TPP stimulation of malate oxidation was prevented by arsenite, an inhibitor of keto acid oxidation. The addition of glutamate increased the rate of malate oxidation through the transamination of oxaloacetate. This suggests that the rate of oxidation of malate is highly dependent upon mechanisms which remove oxaloacetate efficiently.Incubation of mitochondria from preclimacteric fruit with malate-U-(14)C resulted in the labeling of oxaloacetate and the accumulation of labeled pyruvate. Addition of TPP to this system induced the rapid formation of citrate. This conversion was completely inhibited by arsenite.The results indicate that the ability to carry out the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-ketoacids improves as the ripening process progresses. The idea was advanced that TPP available to the mitochondria plays an important controlling role.  相似文献   
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