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The phylogeny and taxonomy of the drosophilids have been the subject of extensive investigations. Recently, Grimaldi (1990) has challenged some common conceptions, and several sets of molecular data have provided information not always compatible with other taxonomic knowledge or consistent with each other. We present the coding nucleotide sequence of the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (Sod) for 15 species, which include the medfly Ceratitis capitata (family Tephritidae), the genera Chymomyza and Zaprionus, and representatives of the subgenera Dorsilopha, Drosophila, Hirtodrosophila, Scaptodrosophila, and Sophophora. Phylogenetic analysis of the Sod sequences indicates that Scaptodrosophila and Chymomyza branched off the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. The presence of a second intron in Chymomyza and Scaptodrosophila (as well as in the medfly) confirms the early divergence of these two taxa. This second intron became deleted from the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. According to the Sod sequences, Sophophora (including the melanogaster, obscura, saltans, and willistoni species groups) is older than the subgenus Drosophila; a deep branch splits the willistoni and saltans groups from the melanogaster and obscura groups. The genus Zaprionus and the subgenera Dorsilopha and Hirtodrosophila appear as branches of a prolific “bush” that also embraces the numerous species of the subgenus Drosophila. The Sod results corroborate in many, but not all, respects Throckmorton's (King, R.C. (ed) Handbook of Genetics. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 421–469, 1975) phylogeny; are inconsistent in some important ways with Grimaldi's (Bull. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. 197:1–139, 1990) cladistic analysis; and also are inconsistent with some inferences based on mitochondrial DNA data. The Sod results manifest how, in addition to the information derived from nucleotide sequences, structural features (i.e., the deletion of an intron) can help resolve phylogenetic issues. Correspondence requests to: F. J. Ayala  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers U03104 and L22338.  相似文献   
Nutrient dynamics of large grassland ecosystems possessing abundant migratory grazers are poorly understood. We examined N cycling on the northern winter range of Yellowstone National Park, home for large herds of free-roaming elk (Cervus elaphus) and bison (Bison bison). Plant and soil N, net N mineralization, and the deposition of ungulate fecal-N were measured at five sites, a ridgetop, mid-slope bench, steep slope, valley-bottom bench, and riparian area, within a watershed from May, 1991 to April, 1992.Results indicated similarities between biogeochemical properties of Yellowstone grassland and other grassland ecosystems: (1) landscape position and soil water affected nutrient dynamics, (2) annual mineralization was positively related to soil N content, and (3) the proportion of soil N mineralized during the year was negatively related to soil C/N.Grazers were a particularly important component of the N budget of this grassland. Estimated rates of N flow from ungulates to the soil ranged from 8.1 to 45.6 kg/ha/yr at the sites (average = 27.0 kg/ha/yr), approximately 4.5 times the amount of N in senescent plants. Rates of nitrogen mineralization for Yellowstone northern range grassland were higher than those measured in other temperate grassland ecosystems, possibly due to grazers promoting N cycling in Yellowstone.  相似文献   
Abstract: In a number of different cell types, phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein has been shown to increase rapidly in response to stimuli that lead to an increase in intracellular calcium. Here, a stimulus-sensitive protein at this molecular weight is identified in PC12 cells and rat cortical synaptosomes as phosphoglucomutase. In addition, the added phosphate is shown to be in an oligosaccharide terminating in phosphodiester-linked glucose. In synaptosomes, incorporated radioactivity, following incubation with [14C]glucose or the [β-35S]phosphorothioate analogue of UDP-glucose, was found to increase within 5 s of stimulation and return to baseline within 25 s. Despite the many pathways utilizing glucose, this was the only detectable protein glycosylation observed in synaptosomes. These results indicate that cytoplasmic glycosylation is reversible and rapidly regulated, and suggest that phosphoglucomutase undergoes an alteration in function and/or topography in response to increases in intracellular calcium.  相似文献   
Some benthic invertebrates in streams make frequent, short journeys downstream in the water column (=drifting). In most streams there are larger numbers of invertebrates in the drift at night than during the day. We tested the hypothesis that nocturnal drifting is a response to avoid predation from fish that feed in the water column during the day. We surveyed diel patterns of drifting by nymphs of the mayfly Baetis coelestis in several streams containing (n=5) and lacking (n=7) populations of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Drifting was more nocturnal in the presence of trout (85% of daily drift occurred at night) than in their absence (50% of daily drift occurred at night). This shift in periodicity is due to reduced daytime drifting in streams with trout, because at a given nighttime drift density, the daytime drift density of B. coelestis was lower in streams occupied by trout than in troutless streams. Large size classes of B. coelestis were underrepresented in the daytime drift in trout streams compared to nighttime drift in trout streams, and to both day and night drift in troutless streams. Differences in daytime drift density between streams with and without trout were the result of differences in mayfly drift behaviour among streams because predation rates by trout were too low to significantly reduce densities of drifting B. coelestis. We tested for rapid (over 3 days) phenotypic responses to trout presence by adding trout in cages to three of the troutless streams. Nighttime drifting was unaffected by the addition of trout, but daytime drift densities were reduced by 28% below cages containing trout relative to control cages (lacking trout) placed upstream. Drift responses were measured 15 m downstream of the cages suggesting that mayflies detected trout using chemical cues. Overall, these data support the hypothesis that infrequent daytime drifting is an avoidance response to fish that feed in the water column during the day. Avoidance is more pronounced in large individuals and is, at least partially, a phenotypic response mediated by chemical cues.  相似文献   
We report differences in the thermal biology, elevational, temporal and geographic distributions of sympatric clones of the widespread asexual house gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris. The two most common L. lugubris clones in Fiji, clones 2NA and 2NB, differ significantly in preferred temperature as measured in a laboratory heat gradient, but were similar in critical thermal maximum and minimum. Significant differences were found in the relative frequency of clones 2NA, 2NB, and a third Fijian clone, clone 3NB, at seven sites along an elevational gradient in Fiji. Clone 2NB was not collected at sites above 235 m, consistent with its higher preferred temperature, whereas clone 2NA was captured as high as 835 m. Clone 3NB was extremely rare at sealevel (1% of all individuals at three sites below 100 m), but predominated at the two highest-elevation sites (42% and 100%). Clones 2NA and 2NB did not differ significantly in their activity time or ambient activity temperature at low-elevation sites. Clone 3NB however, was active on significantly cooler nights at two of those sites. These significant inter-clonal differences in spatial and temporal distribution should allow a more complete utilization of resources by the assemblage of clones than by any single clonal genotype, and may promote coexistence of clones at a within-island and within-site scale. Clone 2NA, which is the most common clone in Fiji and has the broadest elevational distribution, also has the widest geographic distribution. It was the predominant clone at 27 of 34 sites surveyed in nine Pacific archipelagoes. This suggests that the ecological attributes that favor this clone in Fiji also favor it elsewhere in the Pacific despite differing environmental conditions and clonal composition in those areas.  相似文献   
Summary The rational design of ligands for the substrate-binding site of a homology-modelled trypanothione reductase (TR) was performed. Peptides were designed to be selective for TR over human glutathione reductase (GR). The design process capitalized on the proposed differences between the activesites of TR and human GR, subsequently confirmed by the TR crystal structure. Enzyme kinetics confirmed that forT. cruzi TR benzoyl-Leu-Arg-Arg-ß-naphthylamide was an inhibitor (Ki 13.8µM) linearly competitive with the native substrate, trypanothione disulphide, and did not inhibit glutathione reductase.  相似文献   
The X-ray crystal structure of a 19 kDa active fragment of human fibroblast collagenase has been determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 1.56 Å resolution to an R-factor of 17.4%. The current structure includes a bound hydroxamate inhibitor, 88 waters and three metal atoms (two zincs and a calcium). The overall topology of the enzyme, comprised of a five stranded β-sheet and three α-helices, is similar to the thermolysin-like metalloproteinases. There are some important differences between the collagenase and thermolysin families of enzymes. The active site zinc ligands are all histidines (His-218, His-222, and His-228). The presence of a second zinc ion in a structural role is a unique feature of the matrix metalloproteinases. The binding properties of the active site cleft are more dependent on the main chain conformation of the enzyme (and substrate) compared with thermolysin. A mechanism of action for peptide cleavage similar to that of thermolysin is proposed for fibroblast collagenase. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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