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The main polymorphic system of esterase isoenzymes in adults of the G3 laboratory strain ofAnopheles gambiae consists of two to five major bands of activity per individual. The bands are designated 5S, 5F, 13, 14, and 15. In genetic crosses, the genes which coded for the bands assorted as three codominant alleles, Est A, Est B, and Est C, at a single autosomal locus. Homozygotes for the Est C allele were significantly underrepresented among backcross progeny. The developmental pattern of esterase expression was examined. Esterase gene expression in embryos was first detectable between 2 and 12 hr after oviposition. The initiation or termination of expression of some of the bands corresponded to boundaries between developmental stages. Most of the esterase fractions were not specifically localized within the tissues tested, with the exception of a series of bands which were restricted largely to adult male testes.  相似文献   
Radioactive- and stable isotope-containing substrates were used to identify the biosynthetic precursors of the beta-lactam antibiotic, thienamycin, in Streptomyces cattleya. Acetate is utilized by the organism to form C(6) and C(7) of the beta-lactam ring. The two carbons of the hydroxyethyl group attached to C(6) are both derived from the methyl of methionine. The cysteaminyl side chain attached to C(2) is derived from cysteine. Selective inhibition of thienamycin and cephamycin C biosynthesis has been achieved either through the addition of metabolic inhibitors or through manipulation of the growth medium. These results suggest that the two beta-lactam antibiotics, thienamycin and cephamycin C, are formed by different biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   
A family of long, highly-repetitive sequences, referred to previously as `HpaII-repeats', dominates the genome of the eukaryotic slime mould Physarum polycephalum. These sequences are found exclusively in scrambled clusters. They account for about one-half of the total complement of repetitive DNA in Physarum, and represent the major sequence component found in hypermethylated, 20-50 kb segments of Physarum genomic DNA that fail to be cleaved using the restriction endonuclease HpaII. The structure of this abundant repetitive element was investigated by analysing cloned segments derived from the hypermethylated genomic DNA compartment. We show that the `HpaII-repeat' forms part of a larger repetitive DNA structure, ~8.6 kb in length, with several structural features in common with recognised eukaryotic transposable genetic elements. Scrambled clusters of the sequence probably arise as a result of transposition-like events, during which the element preferentially recombines in either orientation with target sites located in other copies of the same repeated sequence. The target sites for transposition/recombination are not related in sequence but in all cases studied they are potentially capable of promoting the formation of small `cruciforms' or `Z-DNA' structures which might be recognised during the recombination process.  相似文献   
We have developed an inexpensive yet versatile microcomputer-basedsystem for quantitating light intensity levels in autoradiographs.This system employs a standard video camera interfaced to ananalog-to-digital convertor. A program has been written forthis system which can measure intensities within a defined regionof an autoradiograph, permitting an easy and accurate quantitationof spots or bands of irregular shape. Received on June 18, 1985; accepted on September 3, 1985  相似文献   
In five patients with hypoxic chronic bronchitis and emphysema we measured ear O2 saturation (SaO2), chest movement, oronasal airflow, arterial and mixed venous gas tensions, and cardiac output during nine hypoxemic episodes (HE; SaO2 falls greater than 10%) in rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and during preceding periods of stable oxygenation in non-REM sleep. All nine HE occurred with recurrent short episodes of reduced chest movement, none with sleep apnea. The arterial PO2 (PaO2) fell by 6.0 +/- 1.9 (SD) Torr during the HE (P less than 0.01), but mean arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) rose by only 1.4 +/- 2.4 Torr (P greater than 0.4). The arteriovenous O2 content difference fell by 0.64 +/- 0.43 ml/100 ml of blood during the HE (P less than 0.05), but there was no significant change in cardiac output. Changes observed in PaO2 and PaCO2 during HE were similar to those in four normal subjects during 90 s of voluntary hypoventilation, when PaO2 fell by 12.3 +/- 5.6 Torr (P less than 0.05), but mean PaCO2 rose by only 2.8 +/- 2.1 Torr (P greater than 0.4). We suggest that the transient hypoxemia which occurs during REM sleep in patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema could be explained by hypoventilation during REM sleep but that the importance of changes in distribution of ventilation-perfusion ratios cannot be assessed by presently available techniques.  相似文献   
Summary Nestlings of the communally breeding Greycrowned Babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis) were studied to discover if supplemental feeding by auxiliary birds at nests enhanced their growth. Growth of wing, bill, tarsus and weight was measured. Growth curves were fitted by computer using a commercial program (MLAB). Our data provided little support for possible sibling competition. A significant component of the variance in asymptote and growth constant for some variables could be attributed to differences among nests. Environmental variables such as temperature and rainfall were much more strongly associated with nestling growth than were the numbers of auxiliary birds feeding broods.  相似文献   
Biotransformations of 3-fluorophthalic acid have been investigated using blocked mutants of Pseudomonas testosteroni that are defective in the metabolism of phthalic acid (benzene-1,2-dicar-boxyfic acid). Mutant strains were grown with L-glutamic acid in the presence of 3-fluorophthalic acid as inducer of phthalic acid catabolic enzymes. Products that accumulated in the medium were isolated, purified and identified as the fluoroanalogues of those produced from phthalic acid by the same strains. The previously undescribed fluorochemicals cis-3-fluoro-4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxyphthalic acid (VI) and 3-fluoro-4,5-dihydroxyphthalic acid (VII) have been obtained by biotransformation of 3-fluorophthalic acid, and 3-fluoro-5-hydroxyphthalic acid (X) from (VI) by freeze drying. In addition, samples of 2-fluoro-3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2-fluoroprotocatechuic acid, VIII) and 3-fluoro-4,Sdi-hydroxybenzoic acid (5-fluoroprotocatechuic acid, IX) were obtained with a mutant deficient in the ring-fission enzyme, showing that the fluorine substituent in their precursor substrate (VII) is not recognized by the decarboxylase of the pathway, which shows no preference for which carboxyl group is removed. These studies of 3-fluorophthalic acid catabolism demonstrate the opportunities available for the production of novel fluorochemicals in reasonable yields by microbial transformations.  相似文献   
Summary The problem of obtaining a rapid estimate of the microbial content of an immobilised cell suspension is addressed. The low-frequency conductivity of free-living cell suspensions of Clostridium pasteurianum is lower than that of the medium in which they are suspended, by an amount conforming to the Bruggeman relation. The conductivity of the cell wall makes a negligible contribution to the measured conductivity under the conditions used. Calcium alginate beads (lacking microbial cells) lower the conductivity of a solution with which they have been equilibrated by an extent which is a function of the concentration of alginate gel used in forming the beads. When this is taken into account, the ratio of the conductivity of a suspension of gel-immobilised cells to that of the suspending medium can be used to give a rapid and convenient assessment of the amount of microbial biomass present.  相似文献   
The porphobilinogen deaminase (PBG-D) gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been isolated by genetic complementation of a mutant GL7 (alpha hem 3) strain, previously shown to be defective in this haembiosynthetic enzyme [Gollub, Liu, Dayan, Adlersberg & Sprinson (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 2846-2854]. The gene was selected from a yeast wild-type genomic DNA library ligated into the shuttle vector YEp13. The complementing gene restored growth of the hem 3 (PBG-D) mutant strain on media in the absence of exogeneous haem or fatty acid and sterol supplements. The recombinant plasmid was retained in the Hem+ transformant provided that selective pressure for plasmid-dependent growth was maintained. Transformation of the mutant strain (hem 3) restored the PBG-D activity to levels up to 10-fold those of the parental strain. The mutant strain GL7 does not show any measurable enzymic activity. Analysis of the plasmid designated YEpPBG-D (containing the PBG-D gene) by hybrid-selected translation revealed that it contained the coding information for a single protein of apparent Mr 43,000. The coding region was localized on an 1.5 kb endonuclease-EcoRI fragment (E4), within the 5.5 kb genomic insert in YEpPBG-D.  相似文献   
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