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Several of the Scottish Agricultural and Biological Research Institutes carry out research on domestic animal health and welfare. Statistical services are provided by Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland, a sister research organisation. At one of these institutes, a statistician has been an integral member of the animal experiments and ethics committee for over 10 years, and each animal experiment is examined by the committee statistician as part of the review process. This paper will describe this review process, and then discuss those areas in which statistical advice has had most impact in the reduction of animal numbers. It is suggested that most benefit does not come from simple sample-size calculations, but rather from the application of the principles of good experimental design and close collaboration between the scientist and the statistician in the design and analysis of experiments. The final conclusion is that scientists welcome constructive, long-term statistical input, although budgetary issues can prove to be a barrier.  相似文献   
Importin alpha is well known as an adaptor that functions with Importin beta in the nuclear import of proteins containing specific nuclear localization signals (NLSs). We show here that either an excess or a lack of Importin alpha blocks nuclear envelope (NE) assembly in vitro, and our data suggest that soluble Importin alpha functions in NE assembly in conjunction with NLS-containing partner proteins. Surprisingly, a significant proportion of Importin alpha is found to fractionate with Xenopus egg membranes. We demonstrate that membrane association of Importin alpha is regulated by phosphorylation. Using mutant forms of Importin alpha that either do not bind membranes or are not released from them by phosphorylation, we provide evidence that membrane-associated Importin alpha is required for NE formation. Unlike other functions of Importin alpha, this membrane-associated activity does not require interaction with NLS proteins.  相似文献   
A selection of 1-amino-substituted beta-carbolines have been prepared by amination of 1-chloro-beta-carboline as simple mimics of manzamine A and chloroquine and their intercalating ability, anticancer and antimalarial activity were studied.  相似文献   
The high lipophilicity of a series of cytosolic phospholipase A(2) inhibitors has been reduced by the modification of a decyloxyphenyl chain designed to mimic the arachidonyl group of the natural substrate. These changes have resulted in an improvement in the whole cell potency of the inhibitors.  相似文献   
CRM1/Exportin1 mediates the nuclear export of proteins bearing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) by forming a cooperative ternary complex with the NES-bearing substrate and the small GTPase Ran. We present a structural model of human CRM1 based on a combination of X-ray crystallography, homology modeling, and electron microscopy. The architecture of CRM1 resembles that of the import receptor transportin1, with 19 HEAT repeats and a large loop implicated in Ran binding. Residues critical for NES recognition are identified adjacent to the cysteine residue targeted by leptomycin B (LMB), a specific CRM1 inhibitor. We present evidence that a conformational change of the Ran binding loop accounts for the cooperativity of Ran- and substrate binding and for the selective enhancement of CRM1-mediated export by the cofactor RanBP3. Our findings indicate that a single architectural and mechanistic framework can explain the divergent effects of RanGTP on substrate binding by many import and export receptors.  相似文献   
Mitotic chromosomes must be organised into a highly ordered and compacted form to allow proper segregation of DNA during each round of cell division. Two new studies report observations of DNA compaction by eukaryotic and bacterial condensin molecules in real time using magnetic and optical trapping micromanipulation techniques.  相似文献   
Integrins are essential receptors for the development and functioning of multicellular animals because they mediate cell migration and cell adhesion, and regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis. Cellular regulation of the affinity of integrins for ligands - so-called 'integrin activation' - is a central property of these receptors. Integrin activation controls cell adhesion, migration and extracellular matrix assembly, thereby contributing to processes such as angiogenesis, tumor cell metastasis, inflammation, the immune response and hemostasis. Recent studies indicate that a crucial, final step in integrin activation is the binding of talin, a cytoskeletal protein, to the cytoplasmic domain of the integrin beta subunit. These results provide a focus for unraveling the many biochemical pathways implicated in integrin activation and suggest a general structural model for the connections between integrins and diverse cellular signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   
An ABC-type transporter in Escherichia coli that transports both l- and d-methionine, but not other natural amino acids, was identified. This system is the first functionally characterized member of a novel family of bacterial permeases within the ABC superfamily. This family was designated the methionine uptake transporter (MUT) family (TC #3.A.1.23). The proteins that comprise the transporters of this family were analyzed phylogenetically, revealing the probable existence of several sequence-divergent primordial paralogues, no more than two of which have been transmitted to any currently sequenced organism. In addition, MetJ, the pleiotropic methionine repressor protein, was shown to negatively control expression of the operon encoding the ABC-type methionine uptake system. The identification of MetJ binding sites (in gram-negative bacteria) or S-boxes (in gram-positive bacteria) in the promoter regions of several MUT transporter-encoding operons suggests that many MUT family members transport organic sulfur compounds. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.  相似文献   
Malaria and related parasites retain a vestigial, but biosynthetically active, plastid organelle acquired far back in evolution from a red algal cell. The organelle appears to be essential for parasite transmission from cell to cell and carries the smallest known plastid genome. Why has this genome been retained? The genes it carries seem to be dedicated to the expression of just two "housekeeping" genes. We speculate that one of these, called ycf24 in plants and sufB in bacteria, is tied to an essential "dark" reaction of the organelle--fatty acid biosynthesis. "Ball-park" clues to the function of bacterial suf genes have emerged only recently and point to the areas of iron homeostasis, [Fe-S] cluster formation and oxidative stress. We present experimental evidence for a physical interaction between SufB and its putative partner SufC (ycf16). In both malaria and plants, SufC is encoded in the nucleus and specifies an ATPase that is imported into the plastid.  相似文献   
CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes infiltrate the parenchyma of mouse brains several weeks after intracerebral, intraperitoneal, or oral inoculation with the Chandler strain of mouse scrapie, a pattern not seen with inoculation of prion protein knockout (PrP(-/-)) mice. Associated with this cellular infiltration are expression of MHC class I and II molecules and elevation in levels of the T-cell chemokines, especially macrophage inflammatory protein 1beta, IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10, and RANTES. T cells were also found in the central nervous system (CNS) in five of six patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. T cells harvested from brains and spleens of scrapie-infected mice were analyzed using a newly identified mouse PrP (mPrP) peptide bearing the canonical binding motifs to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I H-2(b) or H-2(d) molecules, appropriate MHC class I tetramers made to include these peptides, and CD4 and CD8 T cells stimulated with 15-mer overlapping peptides covering the whole mPrP. Minimal to modest K(b) tetramer binding of mPrP amino acids (aa) 2 to 9, aa 152 to 160, and aa 232 to 241 was observed, but such tetramer-binding lymphocytes as well as CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes incubated with the full repertoire of mPrP peptides failed to synthesize intracellular gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) or tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) cytokines and were unable to lyse PrP(-/-) embryo fibroblasts or macrophages coated with (51)Cr-labeled mPrP peptide. These results suggest that the expression of PrP(sc) in the CNS is associated with release of chemokines and, as shown previously, cytokines that attract and retain PrP-activated T cells and, quite likely, bystander activated T cells that have migrated from the periphery into the CNS. However, these CD4 and CD8 T cells are defective in such an effector function(s) as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha expression or release or lytic activity.  相似文献   
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